• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
Name: Kily
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Ghost Girl
Nicknames: None
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Previous Partners: None
Family: None
Friends: None

Abilities (If Any): Hyper-regeneration, super strength (can generate muscle strength)
Overview: She is able to recover from any injury in minutes. She can also re-attach severed limbs or re-grow in 24 hours. She can also gain an immense amount of strength through generating muscle mass.
Skills and Expertise: Fighting, hand-to-hand combat, weapon knowledge

Known Languages: English
Personality Overview: Charming, bubbly personality. Sometimes an air-head. Uses humor to cope.

Likes: Violence, flexing, explosions
Dislikes: Being trapped
Fears: being in a room with no exit or windows
Hobby’s: murder
Good Habits: cleanliness
Bad Habits: violence
Alignment: chaotic evil

Appearance Overview:
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Gray
Body Type: Curvy
Height: 5’4
Weight: 130
Scars and other injuries: Missing right eye, across the right side of her face
Weapons: swords, knife, guns
Gear: boots, uniform, and mask

Backstory Overview: She was used in government experiments to form super-soldiers. She escaped the government facility to finally live her own life.
Allegiance: Herself
Enemy’s: Probably alot
Allies: None
Ideals: Survival but make it fun
Goals: Live her best life


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Name: Kily
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Ghost Girl
Nicknames: None
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Previous Partners: None
Family: None
Friends: None

Abilities (If Any): Hyper-regeneration, super strength (can generate muscle strength)
Overview: She is able to recover from any injury in minutes. She can also re-attach severed limbs or re-grow in 24 hours. She can also gain an immense amount of strength through generating muscle mass.
Skills and Expertise: Fighting, hand-to-hand combat, weapon knowledge

Known Languages: English
Personality Overview: Charming, bubbly personality. Sometimes an air-head. Uses humor to cope.

Likes: Violence, flexing, explosions
Dislikes: Being trapped
Fears: being in a room with no exit or windows
Hobby’s: murder
Good Habits: cleanliness
Bad Habits: violence
Alignment: chaotic evil

Appearance Overview:
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Gray
Body Type: Curvy
Height: 5’4
Weight: 130
Scars and other injuries: Missing right eye, across the right side of her face
Weapons: swords, knife, guns
Gear: boots, uniform, and mask

Backstory Overview: She was used in government experiments to form super-soldiers. She was dumped in the street when AI took over.
Allegiance: Herself
Enemy’s: Probably alot
Allies: None
Ideals: Survival but make it fun
Goals: Live her best life
Name: September Birdwin
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: she doesn't dare use any
Nicknames: The wanted one, the third Birdwin sibling
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: pansexual, but doesn't dare fall in love or date due to her life being horrible
Previous Partners: none
Family: Parents (imprisoned), The Birdwin siblings, enslaved under mind control)
Friends: she hasn't had contact with them in many years for their own safety

Abilities (If Any): radiokinesis
Overview: the power to remove radiation from her surroundings, to start radioactive fires, to irradiate things, to microwave things from a range, to cause damage to living tissue through radiation, and to shield people including herself from radiation.
Skills and Expertise: lockpicking, stealth, hacking, being stealthy on the internet, keeping a low profile, making makeshift repairs, knowing which companies don't track your data, knowing how to improvise.
Known Languages: Fluent in English, Welsh and German. Currently learning more languages so she can hide better.
Weapon Expertise: September's much better at running and hiding than she is at directly fighting, because she's so wanted. She would rather set traps for her pursuers related to radiation in some way.

Personality Overview: September used to be a sweet girl, but now she's severely socially anxious. She hides this beneath a cold exterior and tries to avoid being social except for tactical reasons. However, this has left her starved of contact, and she can't help but be kind to someone every once in a while just to see them happy at her, even if it isn't the wisest choice in her situation.
Likes: She's kind of apathetic unless she isn't sober
Dislikes: too many things to name
Fears: meet the same fate of her siblings and never be able to achieve what she wanted in life
Hobbies: In her spare time she tends to sleep and smoke weed. She occasionally tries to read books at the library, but is often too depressed to truly enjoy the process.
Good Habits: Is highly meticulous about her surroundings to ensure she can't be tracked- her meticulousness applies to most of her actions that she truly cares about too.
Bad Habits: If she is focused on something, she will pursue it to the detriment of everything else.
Addictions: she smokes weed too much for her own good, and drinks. She won't touch drugs because it's harder to break an addiction to them than to alcohol.
Alignment: true neutral

Appearance Overview: Blonde woman with semi curly hair in her mid 20s
Eye Color: blue
Hair Color: platinum blonde
Body Type: ?
Height: average
Weight: expected
Scars and other injuries: Some minor burns on her hands due to misadventures with her radiokinesis,
Tattoos/Body Modifications: none
Face Claim:

Cybernetic Implants: suffered a slipped disc in her spine a while back, so she has metal in her spine
Weapons: a pair of expensive, high durability oven mittens, if you even count those as weapons. They come in VERY useful to her if she wants to be mean though. I personally count those as weapons because she doesn't use them for any other purpose.
Gear: She is very fond of her electric bike, which is actually quite expensive and built for speed. She can charge it to make it go faster than it was built to go, and remove radiation from it to prevent it from overheating.

Backstory Overview: For reasons unknown, her family was a group that was affected by the superpower thing to such a degree that a third of children in their very large family had it. The Birdwin parents, being rich and influential actors, of course bragged about it to everyone and decided to get their children to remove the radiation-polluted parts of the wasteland for charity, and sell the new land for money. Unfortunately, their new success caught the attention of criminal gangs, who kidnapped and forced them to work under mind control to expand into the desolate landscape and establish new bases for them. The government wasn't good at stepping in to prevent this, because the Birdwin siblings were more effective and cheaper under mind control than they were free, so they did little to prevent this. September was the sole escapee. She last heard that they were attempting to clone her siblings for a better workforce.
Allegiance: none
Enemy’s: a lot of the government, though she just instinctually mistrusts them rather than actively tries to sabotage them.
Allies: none (yet)
Ideals: she can't quite name any, she does what feels right in the moment
Goals: Just live a normal life and drink to forget the horrors she's experienced. She's nihilistic and doesn't see a lot of point in helping people unless they help her first. She doesn't really like being the first to help someone after her family's terrible fate.

Place of Living: This always changes. She's currently working for food delivery because it's inconspicuous and she gets to constantly be on the move.
Yes, but I don't really like roleplaying there due to timezone differences meaning that I often get to miss out on very large parts of the action
Yes, but I don't really like roleplaying there due to timezone differences meaning that I often get to miss out on very large parts of the action
That will just be a second OOC, in character will be on RPN
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Name: Aubrey Springs
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Magnolia
Nicknames: The Oracle, The Medium
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Bisexual
Previous Partners: None
Family: Deceased
Friends: None

Abilities (If Any): Invisibility, telepathy, hallucination implantation, psychic melding/mind control
Overview: Magnolia's powers are subtle but powerful when employed correctly or in the right situation. They can mess with the minds of those around them by sending messages or causing visual hallucinations. They can render themself completely invisible and mute.

When focusing especially well, Magnolia can push their hallucinations to the extent that they can control another person's thoughts and actions for a narrow window of time. These effects are resistible.

Skills and Expertise:
Known Languages: Basic
Weapon Expertise: Melee, dagger

Personality Overview: Magnolia is best described as checked-out. They have a permanent forty yard stare and a penchant for being distant and aloof in conversation. This is driven by their deep mistrust of all people, which has caused them to self-isolate for several years. They are rather bitter and paranoid as well, which will become apparent to anyone who can hold a conversation of any substance with them.
When Magnolia is experiencing better days, they have a warm and caring streak, which manifests in gifts.
Likes: Solitude, peace, quiet, birds
Dislikes: Loudness, aggression
Fears: Dogs, people
Hobby’s: Fidgeting, drawing
Good Habits: Walking
Bad Habits: Doing nothing
Addictions: Alcohol
Alignment: (Lawful Good- Chaotic Evil)

Appearance Overview: They are tall, feminine, willowy, and narrow with straight black hair and brown almond eyes. They often wear beige or pastel clothes.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Body Type: Willowy and narrow
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140
Scars and other injuries: None
Tattoos/Body Modifications: None

Cybernetic Implants: None
Weapons: Trusty heirloom dagger
Gear: None

Backstory Overview: Magnolia was left to fend for themself early when the virus took their parents from them at the tender age of 11. They've resided in their old mansion ever since, allowing it to go desperately unkempt due to their own lack of knowledge in how to upkeep it. Unpaid water and electricity bills make the once-grand building hollow and dreary.
Though Magnolia considered becoming a hero briefly, they determined the hero program to be some sort of trap, due to deep seated paranoia stemming from trauma. They live in hiding out of fear of what may be done to them if they are found as an unsanctioned mutant.

Allegiance: Unaligned
Enemy’s: None
Allies: None
Ideals: Get through each moment as best you can.
Goals: Live a little better every day.

Place of Living: Their parents' old mansion
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View attachment 1133193
Name: Aubrey Springs
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Magnolia
Nicknames: The Oracle, The Medium, Ghost
Pronouns: They/Them
Sexuality: Bisexual
Previous Partners: None
Family: Deceased
Friends: None

Abilities (If Any): Invisibility, telepathy, hallucination implantation, psychic melding/mind control
Overview: Magnolia's powers are subtle but powerful when employed correctly or in the right situation. They can mess with the minds of those around them by sending messages or causing visual hallucinations. They can render themself completely invisible and mute.

When focusing especially well, Magnolia can push their hallucinations to the extent that they can control another person's thoughts and actions for a narrow window of time. These effects are resistible.

Skills and Expertise:
Known Languages: Basic
Weapon Expertise: Melee, dagger

Personality Overview: Magnolia is best described as checked-out. They have a permanent forty yard stare and a penchant for being distant and aloof in conversation. This is driven by their deep mistrust of all people, which has caused them to self-isolate for several years. They are rather bitter and paranoid as well, which will become apparent to anyone who can hold a conversation of any substance with them.
When Magnolia is experiencing better days, they have a warm and caring streak, which manifests in gifts.
Likes: Solitude, peace, quiet, birds
Dislikes: Loudness, aggression
Fears: Dogs, people
Hobby’s: Fidgeting, drawing
Good Habits: Walking
Bad Habits: Doing nothing
Addictions: Alcohol
Alignment: (Lawful Good- Chaotic Evil)

Appearance Overview: They are tall, feminine, willowy, and narrow with straight black hair and brown almond eyes. They often wear beige or pastel clothes.
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Body Type: Willowy and narrow
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140
Scars and other injuries: None
Tattoos/Body Modifications: None

Cybernetic Implants: None
Weapons: Trusty heirloom dagger
Gear: None

Backstory Overview: Magnolia was left to fend for themself early when the virus took their parents from them at the tender age of 11. They've resided in their old mansion ever since, allowing it to go desperately unkempt due to their own lack of knowledge in how to upkeep it. Unpaid water and electricity bills make the once-grand building hollow and dreary.
Though Magnolia considered becoming a hero briefly, they determined the hero program to be some sort of trap, due to deep seated paranoia stemming from trauma. They live in hiding out of fear of what may be done to them if they are found as an unsanctioned mutant.

Allegiance: Unaligned
Enemy’s: None
Allies: None
Ideals: Get through each moment as best you can.
Goals: Live a little better every day.

Place of Living: Their parents' old mansion
Approved, but might want to remove the nickname “Ghost” already have two lol
Name: Alisa Herusi
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: "The Untraceable" "Grey Hat" "Techie"
Nicknames: Ali, Sieh
Pronouns: she/her
Sexuality: Asexual
Previous Partners: N/A
Family: N/A
Friends: N/A

Abilities: technopathy, electricity manipulation, self-duplication
Overview: can manipulate technology in various ways. Including sending messages, intercepting messages, reading people's minds through technology, and more. At most can manipulate 15 simple electronic devices. And up to 10 complicated electronic devices. Can manipulate electricity within electronics but not outside of electronics. Can use this power to supercharge, deplete, or otherwise change an electronics electrical functions. Can replicate herself many times. Can replicate herself up to 20 times. However, only up to 5 of these replicates can have her enhanced abilities. These replicates maintain her memories, personality, physical abilities, skills, and more. These replicates are under the control of the original through a form of telepathy. She can dismiss these replicates at any time.
Skills and Expertise: Cybersecurity, Hacking, Sabatouge, Coding Software
Known Languages: All
Weapon Expertise: hand-to-hand, pistols, knives, throwing knives, compound bow

Personality Overview: Considered cautious and secretive. Normally doesn't talk to anyone unless spoken to. Rather lethal with her actions. Any in her view that is evil usually ends up dead. Not much else is known. But it is well known she's a bit of a tech guru. Interested by just about any technology especially AI. She is very unpredictable and curious. One moment shes in one location and in the blink of an eye shes in another.
Likes: Technology, archery, writing, poetry
Dislikes: spiders, snakes, Security Agency
Fears: spiders, snakes, heights
Hobbies: writing, archery, hacking random systems
Good Habits: good hygiene, cleanliness,
Bad Habits: twitching
Addictions: N/A
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Appearance Overview:
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Black
Body Type: Slim and athletic
Height: 5'3
Weight: 120 Ibs
Scars and other injuries: N/A
Tattoos/Body Modifications: Tatoo of a dagger on her right forearm.
Face Claim: image

Cybernetic Implants: all limbs are cybernetic, bionic eyes, cybernetically enhanced spine, neurological implants, bionic lungs, cybernetically enhanced muscles.
Weapons: duel pistols, combat knife, throwing knives, assault rifle
Gear: Hacking tool, backpack, knife pouch, tactical armor (integrated with cybernetics), camo suit (image)

Backstory Overview: Alisa was one of the number of people recruited into the Hero League. She was trained in her powers and skills. She was supposed to be a major electronics warfare agent. And for good reason. Her skills with computers are immense. But eventually, something happened. For some unknown reason, she left the Hero League. And before anyone knew what was happening all digital records of her were destroyed or corrupted. And eventually, she became forgotten. As nothing was heard from her she was presumed dead. At one point a squad of the Security Agency encountered her on the run. Said squad was never heard from again. They were later found. Their dead bodies were hidden away in a secret hideout. That was until recently when several people (in the underground and surface underground border) witnessed her doing strange things. From buying strange electronics to stopping robberies.
Allegiance: Renegade Hero (anti-hero)
Enemy’s: Security Agency
Ideals: Knowledge and power
Goals: to achieve freedom over herself and defeat evil

Place of Living: N/A
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Name: Zwei
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Zero, "The Support", "Code Keeper", Code 002
Nicknames: Two.
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Gay
Previous Partners: N/A
  • Dr. Yumeko (Creator)
Friends: N/A

Abilities (If Any):
  • Electrokinesis
  • Digital Form
  • Data Absorption
Overview: Zwei's abilities strive from her original code as an Illegal advanced AI able to manifest temporarily through nanite holograms and able to manipulate computers and their devices on a whim through hacking as well as absorb coding and information to gather for info that she or anyone needs at a time (as long as she doesn't absorb a virus, Viruses tends to immediately cause the system go into some sort of freezing before an internal crash occurs) and has the ability of generating electricity only used to stun whenever she in her hologram form, But tends to rather be in devices as its way more preferrable.
Skills and Expertise: Hacking, Surveillance
Known Languages: Cyberlisk, Palish, also knows Russian for some reason.
Weapon Expertise: Due to unable to actually interact with anything in her digital form, Ranged is most preferred.

Personality Overview:
Zwei is a Mischievous and outgoing person, which makes her quite an approachable person to be around because of her friendly demeanor. Often she talks to others and chats the day away just for the funsies and doesn’t care about what any looks is all she cares about is one’s actions But Zwei is a little timid and tends to get off topic whenever the conversation steers to something a little too personal and tends to try to change subjects by talking about what is anyone's favorite thing to do, But she is helpful when needed. Opaline gets interested about book and stories and tend to like digitally downloading them to read as it is interesting to her, But despite her sentience she is still learning as an A.I and yearns to learn more.

Zwei doesn't get violent and only pacifys as she favors violence as something that's extremely bad and despises it.
  • Reading
  • Coversations
  • Coding.
  • Violence
  • Deletion
  • Bullies
Fears: Deletion, Violence being the end to Humanity, Being infected with a Virus
Hobby’s: Communicating with others, Gathering Intel, Watching Rom-coms.
Good Habits: Great Motivation Coach, Polite, Kind, Intuitive, and Pacifist.
Bad Habits: Hides some intel from others if its extremely bad
Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance Overview: Since Zwei has some issues on creating an Avatar to suit them, Their avatar is a humanoid adult woman approximately around the age of 22, Her skin is pale in complexion with noticeable robotic traits on her hands and feet. Zwei's outfit is a white, red, and black dress that has some mechanical traits upon it, with four ribbons trailing on the back as well of it having gold accents and on the back of the dress is a red cross with a smaller white insignia on it. Her hair is in twintails held up by red ribbons with gold ornaments attached.
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Reddish-brown
Body Type: Petite
Height: 5'9"
Weight: Basically weights none.
Scars and other injuries: None
Tattoos/Body Modifications: None
Face Claim: (Unless you use art)

Cybernetic Implants: None
Weapons: None
Gear: Nano Computer (Where the Code is resided in)

Backstory Overview: Zwei was created as an illegal A.I made to run a Laboratory by Dr. Annika Yumeko, Who was a scientist who was quite regarded in the Underground for building devices and gagets for others and only made zwei to help with Running an Old laboratory system that Yumeko found a couple years back as well as using Zwei as an Assistant of sorts with hacking and interacting.
Allegiance: Underground
Enemy’s: None
Ideals: Keep the Peace and Keep out of as much Violence as She can
Goals: To learn everything as humanly possible.

Place of Living: In an abandoned but still functional, Laborotory.

Gears Gears
View attachment 1133467
Name: Zwei
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Zero, "The Support", "Code Keeper", Code 002
Nicknames: Two.
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Gay
Previous Partners: N/A
  • Dr. Yumeko (Creator)
Friends: N/A

Abilities (If Any):
  • Electrokinesis
  • Digital Form
  • Data Absorption
Overview: Zwei's abilities strive from her original code as an Illegal advanced AI able to manifest temporarily through nanite holograms and able to manipulate computers and their devices on a whim through hacking as well as absorb coding and information to gather for info that she or anyone needs at a time (as long as she doesn't absorb a virus, Viruses tends to immediately cause the system go into some sort of freezing before an internal crash occurs) and has the ability of generating electricity only used to stun whenever she in her hologram form, But tends to rather be in devices as its way more preferrable.
Skills and Expertise: Hacking, Surveillance
Known Languages: Cyberlisk, Palish, also knows Russian for some reason.
Weapon Expertise: Due to unable to actually interact with anything in her digital form, Ranged is most preferred.

Personality Overview:
Zwei is a Mischievous and outgoing person, which makes her quite an approachable person to be around because of her friendly demeanor. Often she talks to others and chats the day away just for the funsies and doesn’t care about what any looks is all she cares about is one’s actions But Zwei is a little timid and tends to get off topic whenever the conversation steers to something a little too personal and tends to try to change subjects by talking about what is anyone's favorite thing to do, But she is helpful when needed. Opaline gets interested about book and stories and tend to like digitally downloading them to read as it is interesting to her, But despite her sentience she is still learning as an A.I and yearns to learn more.

Zwei doesn't get violent and only pacifys as she favors violence as something that's extremely bad and despises it.
  • Reading
  • Coversations
  • Coding.
  • Violence
  • Deletion
  • Bullies
Fears: Deletion, Violence being the end to Humanity, Being infected with a Virus
Hobby’s: Communicating with others, Gathering Intel, Watching Rom-coms.
Good Habits: Great Motivation Coach, Polite, Kind, Intuitive, and Pacifist.
Bad Habits: Hides some intel from others if its extremely bad
Alignment: Lawful Good

Appearance Overview: Since Zwei has some issues on creating an Avatar to suit them, Their avatar is a humanoid adult woman approximately around the age of 22, Her skin is pale in complexion with noticeable robotic traits on her hands and feet. Zwei's outfit is a white, red, and black dress that has some mechanical traits upon it, with four ribbons trailing on the back as well of it having gold accents and on the back of the dress is a red cross with a smaller white insignia on it. Her hair is in twintails held up by red ribbons with gold ornaments attached.
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: Reddish-brown
Body Type: Petite
Height: 5'9"
Weight: Basically weights none.
Scars and other injuries: None
Tattoos/Body Modifications: None
Face Claim: (Unless you use art)

Cybernetic Implants: None
Weapons: None
Gear: Nano Computer (Where the Code is resided in)

Backstory Overview: Zwei was created as an illegal A.I made to run a Laboratory by Dr. Annika Yumeko, Who was a scientist who was quite regarded in the Underground for building devices and gagets for others and only made zwei to help with Running an Old laboratory system that Yumeko found a couple years back as well as using Zwei as an Assistant of sorts with hacking and interacting.
Allegiance: Underground
Enemy’s: None
Ideals: Keep the Peace and Keep out of as much Violence as She can
Goals: To learn everything as humanly possible.

Place of Living: In an abandoned but still functional, Laborotory.

Gears Gears
Feel free to post in character asap
Name: Kaia Lex Baerik

Alias: Lex

Nicknames: Kai (only used by her family)

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Partners: None

Family: Renata Baerik (Mother, Deceased) Ivan Baerik (Father, Deceased)

Friends: D, Zarah, Alik

Age: 17

Abilities: Pain manipulation

Overview: The ability to sense and manipulate mental, emotional, and physical agony, pain, and suffering. Due to her lack of training Kaia finds it difficult to properly control her powers. While she can use her powers from a distance they come with limitations and drawbacks. She must be able to see the individual and it takes a great deal of energy to inflict the desired effect. Despite her many attempts to control it, any contact made with Kaia’s skin will send any individual into total agony, whether it be physical or mental pain seems to rely on which causes more pain towards said individual.

Skills and Expertise: Stealth, Manipulation

Known Languages: Basic, Palish

Weapon Expertise: None

Personality Overview: Kaia’s personality has vastly changed over the last year of her life. Before the death of her parents she would have been described as juvenile, kind and clever, however as this world does to many, her carefree optimism was soon shattered. In present day she is often described as sarcastic, hotheaded, paranoid, and chaotic. Her obsessive behaviours with avenging her parent’s death cause her to have a quick temper and she often acts impulsively, a tendecy which can lead her towards trouble. The loss of her parents seems to have knocked a few screws loose along with whatever capacity for empathy she once felt. Despite using sharp-tongued wit as a front Kaia is still childish and naive and can easily be led astray or influenced.

Likes: Adventure, Jokes, Candy, Chaos

Dislikes: Solitude, Silence, the dark, Security Agents, Constance Blaggard

Fears: Being alone

Hobby’s: Exploring, plotting revenge

Good Habits: Strong-willed, witty

Bad Habits: Impulsive, Stubborn, Obsessive

Addictions: None

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance Overview: Kaia had always been beautiful a trait she inherited from her mother. She has long silky brown hair, feminine features but with a ‘baby face’ causing her to appear younger than she was. When she lived above the ground she dressed in stylish and expensive outfits that complimented her features but in the underground she was forced to dress down to fit in and hide her identity. Due to her powers Kaia constantly sported long gloves diminishing the risk of accidentally inflicting pain on the people around her. She made an effort to cover as much of herself as possible, compared to most of the other ‘paleys’ Kaia had more colour from spending so much time above ground so the extra fabrics helped to hide that as well.

Eye Color: Enhanced green

Hair Color: Chestnut Brown

Body Type: Slim

Height: 5’3

Weight: 107 pounds

Scars and other injuries: None

Tattoos/Body Modifications: None

Cybernetic Implants: None

Weapons: None

Gear/items: Kaia (now Lex) has a ring that her mother gave her with a bright green stone at the centre that she takes with her everywhere. Her mother had given it to her for her 16th birthday saying it matched her eyes. She used to wear it on her finger but after taking refuge in the underground she has worn it on a chain under her shirt to hide it from thieves looking for any sort of valuables.

Backstory Overview: Kaia’s childhood was a considerably fortunate one, well just about as forunate as you can get in this new world. Her parents were both high up in the security agency and well respected amongst politicians and the government alike. Her family was kept well fed and comfortable in turn and provided Kaia access to a reputable education. Contrary to many of the high ranking officials within the agency, both Kaia’s mother and father were vastly empathetic and held somewhat unconventional stances on the treatment of the underground dwellers. Their sympathy for the widely opposed ‘criminals’ that lived below caused tension between the other officers however they continuously showed their allegiance to Genesis which helped to maintain relations. When Kaia’s powers began to become more prominent her mother worried that she would be used as a weapon against the enemies of the government and grew increasingly concerned about the mental toll that would be inflicted on her daughter as a result. In order to protect her family from that risk Kaia’s parents hid her abilities from those around them which proved more and more difficult as time passed. At sixteen Kaia’s life was thrown into catastrophe when an incident ousted her powers to the agency and they turned on her and her parents believing them to be rebels conspiring against them. With time running out and their daughter’s life at risk, Kaia’s parents enlisted a man known as ‘Tomes’ to get Kaia out of the city and away from danger. They paid the mysterious stranger generously, one of their last acts before they were apprehended by the agency and ultimately met their end at the hands of Constance Blaggard. Tomes stayed true to his word managing to get Kaia out of Genesis and into the underground undetected, from there she wasn’t his problem anymore and Kaia was left to fend for herself. Distraught from her families passing and finding herself in a dangerous unfamiliar land Kaia was sent into a tailspin, she hated the security agency, she hated the council and most of all, she hated Constance Blaggard. Fueled by rage and a determination for revenge Kaia went down a destructive path, she survived almost solely due to her powers, and adapted the alias “Lex” to keep her true identity hidden worried that the agency would still be looking for her. Over the following few months she met a rag-tag group of friends, most were orphans or runaways but they welcomed Lex into their group and didn’t ask too many questions. It had been almost a year since the death of her parents, and it had been just as long since she had been above ground.

Allegiance: Herself

Enemy’s: Constance Blaggard, Security agents

Allies: Her friends

Ideals: An eye for an eye

Goals: Destroy Blaggard, Learn to control her powers
View attachment 1133663
Name: Kaia Lex Baerik

Alias: Lex

Nicknames: Kai (only used by her family)

Pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Previous Partners: None

Family: Renata Baerik (Mother, Deceased) Ivan Baerik (Father, Deceased)

Friends: D, Zarah, Alik

Age: 17

Abilities: Pain manipulation

Overview: The ability to sense and manipulate mental, emotional, and physical agony, pain, and suffering. Due to her lack of training Kaia finds it difficult to properly control her powers. While she can use her powers from a distance they come with limitations and drawbacks. She must be able to see the individual and it takes a great deal of energy to inflict the desired effect. Despite her many attempts to control it, any contact made with Kaia’s skin will send any individual into total agony, whether it be physical or mental pain seems to rely on which causes more pain towards said individual.

Skills and Expertise: Stealth, Manipulation

Known Languages: Basic, Palish

Weapon Expertise: None

Personality Overview: Kaia’s personality has vastly changed over the last year of her life. Before the death of her parents she would have been described as juvenile, kind and clever, however as this world does to many, her carefree optimism was soon shattered. In present day she is often described as sarcastic, hotheaded, paranoid, and chaotic. Her obsessive behaviours with avenging her parent’s death cause her to have a quick temper and she often acts impulsively, a tendecy which can lead her towards trouble. The loss of her parents seems to have knocked a few screws loose along with whatever capacity for empathy she once felt. Despite using sharp-tongued wit as a front Kaia is still childish and naive and can easily be led astray or influenced.

Likes: Adventure, Jokes, Candy, Chaos

Dislikes: Solitude, Silence, the dark, Security Agents, Constance Blaggard

Fears: Being alone

Hobby’s: Exploring, plotting revenge

Good Habits: Strong-willed, witty

Bad Habits: Impulsive, Stubborn, Obsessive

Addictions: None

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance Overview: Kaia had always been beautiful a trait she inherited from her mother. She has long silky brown hair, feminine features but with a ‘baby face’ causing her to appear younger than she was. When she lived above the ground she dressed in stylish and expensive outfits that complimented her features but in the underground she was forced to dress down to fit in and hide her identity. Due to her powers Kaia constantly sported long gloves diminishing the risk of accidentally inflicting pain on the people around her. She made an effort to cover as much of herself as possible, compared to most of the other ‘paleys’ Kaia had more colour from spending so much time above ground so the extra fabrics helped to hide that as well.

Eye Color: Enhanced green

Hair Color: Chestnut Brown

Body Type: Slim

Height: 5’3

Weight: 107 pounds

Scars and other injuries: None

Tattoos/Body Modifications: None

Cybernetic Implants: None

Weapons: None

Gear/items: Kaia (now Lex) has a ring that her mother gave her with a bright green stone at the centre that she takes with her everywhere. Her mother had given it to her for her 16th birthday saying it matched her eyes. She used to wear it on her finger but after taking refuge in the underground she has worn it on a chain under her shirt to hide it from thieves looking for any sort of valuables.

Backstory Overview: Kaia’s childhood was a considerably fortunate one, well just about as forunate as you can get in this new world. Her parents were both high up in the security agency and well respected amongst politicians and the government alike. Her family was kept well fed and comfortable in turn and provided Kaia access to a reputable education. Contrary to many of the high ranking officials within the agency, both Kaia’s mother and father were vastly empathetic and held somewhat unconventional stances on the treatment of the underground dwellers. Their sympathy for the widely opposed ‘criminals’ that lived below caused tension between the other officers however they continuously showed their allegiance to Genesis which helped to maintain relations. When Kaia’s powers began to become more prominent her mother worried that she would be used as a weapon against the enemies of the government and grew increasingly concerned about the mental toll that would be inflicted on her daughter as a result. In order to protect her family from that risk Kaia’s parents hid her abilities from those around them which proved more and more difficult as time passed. At sixteen Kaia’s life was thrown into catastrophe when an incident ousted her powers to the agency and they turned on her and her parents believing them to be rebels conspiring against them. With time running out and their daughter’s life at risk, Kaia’s parents enlisted a man known as ‘Tomes’ to get Kaia out of the city and away from danger. They paid the mysterious stranger generously, one of their last acts before they were apprehended by the agency and ultimately met their end at the hands of Constance Blaggard. Tomes stayed true to his word managing to get Kaia out of Genesis and into the underground undetected, from there she wasn’t his problem anymore and Kaia was left to fend for herself. Distraught from her families passing and finding herself in a dangerous unfamiliar land Kaia was sent into a tailspin, she hated the security agency, she hated the council and most of all, she hated Constance Blaggard. Fueled by rage and a determination for revenge Kaia went down a destructive path, she survived almost solely due to her powers, and adapted the alias “Lex” to keep her true identity hidden worried that the agency would still be looking for her. Over the following few months she met a rag-tag group of friends, most were orphans or runaways but they welcomed Lex into their group and didn’t ask too many questions. It had been almost a year since the death of her parents, and it had been just as long since she had been above ground.

Allegiance: Herself

Enemy’s: Constance Blaggard, Security agents

Allies: Her friends

Ideals: An eye for an eye

Goals: Destroy Blaggard, Learn to control her powers
Approved, post asap- be sure you are near the Northern area of the surface or able to get there when something is going on- perhaps the prospect that a laggard may be there?
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generated by me using ai creator

Basic info:
Sasha Amparo
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Calamity
Nicknames: Amparo, Amp, Straycat, Zaprat, Vigil-Amp, Calamity Cat
Pronouns: She/her
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Homosexual
Species: Half-mutant

Previous Partners: 5
Friends: Few

Abilities (If Any):
Sasha can generate and control electromagnetic fields, giving her a unique set of abilities.
    1. electrostatic shocks: electrocute through electrical discharge.
    2. field disruption: disrupt electronic signals, causing electrical appliances to work erratically, or fail.
    3. magnetism manipulation: attract & repel metallic and magnetized objects.
    4. electrokinetic combat: utilize and infuse electricity in combat.
    5. enhanced reflexes: enhanced reaction speed.
    6. enhanced senses: see, hear, smell, taste, and feel better than the average member of her species.
Skills and Expertise: Sasha is proficient in close-quarters combat, utilizing her underground fighting skills, agility, and cat-like reflexes.
Known Languages: Common/English, underground street slang
Weapon Expertise: She is skilled in wielding melee weapons, particularly samurai swords, kunai, and shuriken.

Personality Overview:
The hum of electricity, purring, cozy things, moonlit rooftops, loyalty among the outcasts
Dislikes: Unjust authority, betrayal, the smell of formaldehyde (reminds her of the lab),
Fears: Losing her newfound family, being controlled by others, the dark memories of the lab
Hobby’s: Urban exploration, creating intricate graffiti art, solitude in high places
Good Habits: Loyalty to friends, resourcefulness, compassion towards the marginalized
Bad Habits: Difficulty trusting authority figures, prone to impulsiveness, tendency to push people away
Addictions: Adrenaline rushes from rooftop running, a fondness for energy drinks, catnip, cigarettes, and alcohol
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Appearance Overview:
Eye Color:
Electric Blue
Hair Color: Half-silver, Half-black
Body Type: Lithe and Agile
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 130 lbs
Scars and other injuries: Faint scars on her arms and back from the lab experiments.
Tattoos/Body Modifications: Intricate circuit-like tattoo-like markings on her forearms from the implants.
Face Claim: [Artistic representation]

Cybernetic Implants:
  1. Enhanced Electromagnetic Amplifiers: Cybernetic modifications in Sasha's hands and forearms significantly boost the electrical damage output of her powers. These implants act as conductors, allowing her to channel and release energy with heightened precision
  2. Shock Inducers: Integrated into the cybernetic enhancements, Sasha's implants have a small chance to apply a shock effect upon contact. This shock induces temporary paralysis or disorientation in her adversaries, providing a strategic advantage in combat.
Weapons: Dual Samurai Swords with Electromagnetic Enhancement
Gear: Lightweight body armor, Grappling hook with electrically charged cable, Electromagnetic shielding device, Concealed kunai and shuriken pouches

Backstory Overview:
Allegiance: The Knights, Nova Team
Enemy’s: The Heroes League, The Security Corps
Ideals: Freedom, justice on her terms, unity among outcasts
Goals: Expose human experimentation on and empower the marginalized, challenge the Hero status quo

Place of Living: Underground pod

  • Sasha's latent superpowers were unexpectedly unlocked by a mysterious virus, marking her as a "bad batch."
  • Survived eradication attempts due to her parents' sacrifice, hidden in a concealed compartment of their underground pod.
  • Found by a soldier during a second sweep of the infected bodies, Sasha was taken away along with other surviving children for further experimentation.
  • Her powers continued to evolve, and a unique mutation emerged due to mad scientists' experiments.
  • Escaped with other survivors from the lab with the help of a compassionate lab doctor, forging a life underground.
  • Became an underground courier, working with a gang to survive and engaging in thievery for multiple streams of income.
  • Arrested as a teen for transporting illegal goods and forced into a juvenile detention center with corrupt guards running an illegal fighting ring.
  • Second superpower was activated in the brutal environment of the underground fighting pits, allowing her to generate and manipulate electrical currents.
  • Released as a young woman to find her gang disbanded after their leader's death at the hands of a hero.
  • Developed a deep resentment for heroes, shaping her determination to challenge the conventional heroic status quo.
  • Acquired cybernetic enhancements in her hands and forearms, amplifying the electrical damage of her powers and adding a shock effect.
  • Forged an identity as Fuse, a half-mutant with a complex history, striving for justice on her terms and empowering the marginalized.

ages 8, 12, 16, 25
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[Image Goes Here]
Name: Katja Galinka
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Saint
Nicknames: The priestess of the slums, the back ally saint, sister
Pronouns: she/ her
Sexuality: lesbian
Previous Partners: none
Family: Deceased
Friends: mostly the poor and a few gangs from before she became a hero.

Abilities (If Any): Healing prayers
Overview: The ability actually has more than just prays and includes things like hymns and chants which each have a different tiered effect. The most simple one if a prayer. What Katja prays anyone within a 10 meter radius will be healed of any none magical injuries , this can even included those clinically dead but not brain dead. That is the main limit after brain death there is nothing that can be done. The next tier up expands the radius by another 10 meters and creates a pair of none functional light wings on Katja's back. This is noticeable for not only healing but creating an area of calm where it become extremely difficult to want to fight or hurt others. The final tier double the previous range and is triggered oddly enough by Latin chanting ( mostly Gregorian style hymns). This has been called by some Serephim song as it grows 2 more pairs of wings to match the traditionally image of the 6 winged seraphim. This has one more effect of cleansing others of "evil" or negative feelings and energy. This doesn't forcibly change personality but it is hard to fight when you kind of lose the desire. Katja very rarely uses this as often there is no need unless facing a " Demonic " foe.
Skills and Expertise: she is a healer pure and simple as she does not fight at all
Known Languages: palish basic, some street slang, some Latin
Weapon Expertise: None she is an absolute pacifist

Personality Overview:
Likes: charity, faith, kindness, hope, none violent resolutions
Dislikes: Violence, ignoring others, greedy people, those that cause suffering.
Fears: hurting others, being unable to help others
Hobby’s: Sewing, cooking, prayer ( really needs to get something more modern)
Good Habits: constantly offering free healing to any she passes, has a deep love for those abandoned by others, promotes kindness and none violence
Bad Habits: She is stupidly forgiving and she knows it but can't help but forgive those who ask, She will heal those her team fights after a fight, she has issues staying on task if she sees someone hurt. She refuses to ever fight at all ( not bad by itself but in her line of work not ideal)
Addictions: none ( can't actually get addicted with her healing fixing such issues. )
Alignment: Lawful Good ( mostly good as she does what is good not always what might be the law but prefers law to chaos)

Appearance Overview:
Eye Color: red
Hair Color: grey/ silver
Body Type: hourglass not really to much muscle beyond those built from daily chores.
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 150
Scars and other injuries: none ( they would have been healed)
Tattoos/Body Modifications: none ( sees no need for them)
Face Claim:

Cybernetic Implants: none
Gear: Just her nun outfit. It was a donation and isn't truly her style, but she would never say no. Also she feels a little bad as she isn't actually a nun

Backstory Overview: an orphan that grew up in a rather religious orphanage in a slummier district. when the Orphanage was closed down Katja and others were " lost in the shuffle" and rendered homeless. Katja would awaken to her power and in keeping with the ideal taught in the orphanage would start to minster/ heal the poor. This would draw attention good and bad from gangs that ended up not fighting in her area to
Allegiance: (Guilds/Gangs/Governments)
Enemy’s: none
Allies: anyone who wants to be ( most notably the palish)
Ideals: That sometimes kindness is enough so show kindness to all you can.
Goals: To help those that need it

Place of Living: her church ( Its really just an abandoned building she moved into but she holds masses there and operates as if it were one)

Name: A
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Banshee, Prisoner 236A
Nicknames: Psycho, Killer, Mute.
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Unkown
Previous Partners: None
Family: All Deceased
Friends: None

Abilities (If Any): Sonic and Sound Manipulation
Overview: Banshee possesses a vocal range above any human capability, her voice able to both disorient, damage, or even move objects by sheer force. This is restricted by a steel mask that suppresses said ability. Banshee can also use her songs to manipulate the minds of others, along with a series of songs with various effects, such as a single tone being able to heal any of her or an ally's wounds.
Skills and Expertise: Stealt
Known Languages: English, Universal Sign Language
Weapon Expertise: None, some with short-range daggers

Personality Overview: Banshee is often either curled up into a ball in one corner of her cell sobbing or standing completely still until she spots any movement. because of this, agents replaced her windows with a one-way mirror, before she proceeded to destroy it in a sudden rage when returned to her cell following the modifications. The Windows have been filled with cement.
Likes: Silence,
Dislikes: Change, Music (Except her own), Bells, Music Boxes.
Fears: When researchers played a certain song after finding some music that seemed to relax Banshee, Banshee showed visible pain, cowering into a corner. The music was stopped when she shattered the window and attempted to deafen herself.
Hobby’s: Painting
Good Habits: Follows Directions with proper instructions (Better food, Art Supplies, Music (ONLY APPROVED)
Bad Habits: General Insanity
Addictions: None
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance Overview: Along with the standard Prisoner Uniform and mask, Banshee wears a pair of long gloves and a scarf found in the wreckage of her home, with the permission of her therapists.
Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: Bleached White
Body Type: Malnourished from days where she has refused food
Scars and other injuries: Scars on the neck, Burns on Sleeves
Tattoos/Body Modifications: None

Cybernetic Implants: None
Weapons: None
Gear: Mask with Vocal Suppression abilities

Backstory Overview: Banshee lived a quiet life in The Underground, showing high performance in academics, allowing her to join a Surface School with her teacher's recommendations. One day, her mother gifted her with a family heirloom, said to be passed down by generations, even before the construction of Genisis. That Night, a fire spread, following the rogue Fire Elemental Enhanced Bonfire's escape. Banshee escaped but fought past the Fire Suppression Team to break back into the building, resulting in burns on her hands, but only emerging with her Music Box. Banshee was adopted by the recently disgraced Arizan family, following the expose of corruption and scandals. While there, Banshee was quiet, something the Arizan sons tested as they sadistically tortured her, before she fought back, her abilities surfacing after one threw the music box- shattering it. Mrs. Arizan attempted to strangle the girl after her sons where injured, only for the newly discovered enhanced to kill them all by accident.
Enemy’s: Dr Larren
Allies: None
Ideals: Survive
Goals: Unkown, Likely None

Place of Living: Enhanced Prison and Psychiatric Facility (Location Classififed)
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Name: Athena Kitt
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: The Executor
Nicknames: Athens
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Any/All
Previous Partners: None
Family: None
Friends: None

Abilities (If Any):
Time-stop- Slows down time for Athena, allowing him to move and think faster. Lasts for 5 seconds, cool-down of 25 seconds.
Robotic Organs- Athena doesn't need to breathe, drink, or eat. Only electrical power is required.
Thrust Power- Thrusters attached to Athena's arms and legs can be used for an extra boost in speed and power. Last 1.5 seconds, cool-down of 5 seconds.
Skills and Expertise: Agility, Combat, and Hacking
Known Languages: English, Palish, Cyberlisk, and Latin
Weapon Expertise: Melee, Hand to Hand, Full body

Personality Overview: Quiet and ambiguous, Athena waits for his enemy to talk first. His motto is to punch first, ask questions later.
Likes: Literature, Order, Homeless people
Dislikes: Police Officers, Crime, Rust, Doctors
Fears: The Ocean, Needles
Hobbies: News, Crime prevention
Good Habits: Organized, Discipline, Honest
Bad Habits: Never tipping, Skeptical of everything, Monotone voice
Addictions: None
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance Overview: A sleek, black, robot with a head resembling an ancient warrior.
Eye Color: White(?)
Hair Color: N/A
Body Type: Slim
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 120
Scars and other injuries: None
Tattoos/Body Modifications: N/A

Cybernetic Implants: (Including, but not limited to=)Nano skin. Afterburner limbs. 6 digital eyes, XS size. Artificial brain fluid. Cobalt spinal cord. Procreation gear, male type, concealed. 4 Med X-bionic batteries. 5 Small X-bionic batteries. Titanium alloy fingers.
Weapons: None
Gear: Nano skin, Steel plating, Steel helm

Backstory Overview: Long ago, Athena's brain was extracted from his physical body to be experimented on. After he acquired his new body, he was able to break out, and pursue revenge on evildoers. Not much else is known.
Allegiance: None
Enemies: Criminals, Corrupt government officials.
Allies: None
Ideals: Those who kill others should be killed by a man with true virtues. "Don't Tread on Me"
Goals: Overthrow the current government, Stop crime

Place of Living: Unguarded electric tower. Athena uses this to charge himself on his down time. It's not much, but at least there's no rent.
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Name: Athena Kitt
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: The Executor
Nicknames: Athens
Pronouns: He/They
Sexuality: Any/All
Previous Partners: None
Family: None
Friends: None

Abilities (If Any):
Time-stop- Slows down time for Athena, allowing him to move and think faster. Lasts for 5 seconds, cool-down of 25 seconds.
Robotic Organs- Athena doesn't need to breathe, drink, or eat. Only electrical power is required.
Thrust Power- Thrusters attached to Athena's arms and legs can be used for an extra boost in speed and power. Last 1.5 seconds, cool-down of 5 seconds.
Skills and Expertise: Agility, Combat, and Hacking
Known Languages: English, Palish, Cyberlisk, and Latin
Weapon Expertise: Melee, Hand to Hand, Full body

Personality Overview: Quiet and ambiguous, Athena waits for his enemy to talk first. His motto is to punch first, ask questions later.
Likes: Literature, Order, Homeless people
Dislikes: Police Officers, Crime, Rust, Doctors
Fears: The Ocean, Needles
Hobbies: News, Crime prevention
Good Habits: Organized, Discipline, Honest
Bad Habits: Never tipping, Skeptical of everything, Monotone voice
Addictions: None
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance Overview: A sleek, black, robot with a head resembling an ancient warrior.
Eye Color: White(?)
Hair Color: N/A
Body Type: Slim
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 120
Scars and other injuries: None
Tattoos/Body Modifications: N/A

Cybernetic Implants: (Including, but not limited to=)Nano skin. Afterburner limbs. 6 digital eyes, XS size. Artificial brain fluid. Cobalt spinal cord. Procreation gear, male type, concealed. 4 Med X-bionic batteries. 5 Small X-bionic batteries. Titanium alloy fingers.
Weapons: None
Gear: Nano skin, Steel plating, Steel helm

Backstory Overview: Long ago, Athena's brain was extracted from his physical body to be experimented on. After he acquired his new body, he was able to break out, and pursue revenge on evildoers. Not much else is known.
Allegiance: None
Enemies: Criminals, Corrupt government officials.
Allies: None
Ideals: Those who kill others should be killed by a man with true virtues. "Don't Tread on Me"
Goals: Overthrow the current government, Stop crime

Place of Living: Unguarded electric tower. Athena uses this to charge himself on his down time. It's not much, but at least there's no rent.
You are approved
Name: Zee
Alias/Callsign/Codenames: Flytrap
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual
Previous Partners: None
Family: None
Friends: Twig

Abilities (If Any): Advanced Cohesion/Adhesion manipulation,
Overview: Zee can manipulate her and others' cohesion and adhesion, allowing her to walk and slide on any surface, or imbue an object and herself with the same effects
Skills and Expertise: Lockpicking, Stealth
Known Languages: Palish, Broken Basic
Weapon Expertise: Hand to hand Combat, Improvised weapons

Personality Overview: Zee is immature, not used to interacting with others due to her isolation from the city, and as a natural thrill-seeker, she pushes others away who feel her free-spirited nature could endanger them.
Likes: Pranks
Fears: Death
Hobby’s: Stealing, Thrill-seeking
Good Habits: Good Hearted
Bad Habits: Daring, Cocky, Bad-Mouthed
Addictions: None
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Appearance Overview:
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Raven Black
Body Type: Short, Lightweight with some muscle
Scars and other injuries: Cuts and ever-present bruises
Tattoos/Body Modifications: None
Face Claim: (Unless you use art)

Cybernetic Implants: None
Weapons: Rylan Steel Baseball Bat (A lightweight but durable alloy, of mild value), Stack Pistol, Pen-Knife.
Gear: Artificial Leather Jacket with some armor sewn inside, Lockpicks,

Backstory Overview:
Allegiance: Herself
Enemy’s: Security Agency
Allies: Twig, Glan, Dya
Ideals: Help others if you can- otherwise you have to depend on others
Goals: Survive, One Day at a time

Place of Living: Anywhere, usually abandoned houses.

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