• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Another Day in Paradise || Main



The Chef








Parker, Jerry


It had been a busy night.

Not only had Alexei left her to run the pub but he had forgotten to tell her that there was an event going on. The kitchen had been swamped for most of the day, leaving her running around like a chicken with her head cut off. She knew when Cal had finally come to drop off Parker when she heard the squealing of the little four year old running through the kitchen and into the office to grab her colouring book and leave her backpack.

On a typical night Persi would have wandered out of the kitchen and made her way to wherever Cal was to check up. Typically she would beg him to stay for a little while longer to make sure Parker was all set to go home but this time she was just too busy to be able to do anything of the sorts. She hoped that Cal would understand and stick around anyway to make sure that Parker was taken care of. On a typical night she would make sure that they both got fed before Cal left as well but she just didn't have the chance to do anything of the sort.

Persi made sure that Parker was okay none the less and sent her out to hang out at the booths. She worked on making sure that the kitchen was clean and set up for the next day as they started winding down for the night.

The kitchen was closing regardless if the bar was open and as the head chef, Persi didn't have to do too much other than oversee the closing tasks. She went to the office and did her closing tasks, cashing out the servers that were ending up their shifts and passing over the last of the nights closing responsibilities to the head bartender. She would still have to stick around until the pub closed but at least she didn't have to stick around the kitchen for the rest of the night.

Then there was the matter of Jerry. A kind man that she had found herself growing quite fond of over the past little while. He was good with Parker, fueling her interests and entertaining her when she was at a loss. Parkers growing love of animals was far out of Persi's comfort and knowledge zone so there was little that Persi could do aside from taking her to visit the zoos and Jerry's office space. She was grateful that he was so willing to talk to the young girl, so willing to educate her, and Persi was glad that it was an educational interest at the very least.

The only reason Persephone even knew that the man was there was because of the squealing laughter she heard as Parker went ripping through the kitchen once again, excitedly going on ad on about some sort of animal that Jerry had spoken to her about, not that Persi could understand a wink of what Parker was saying. Persi just nodded along, smiling warmly as she went through her closing checklist.

Her attention turned upwards when she heard a voice, foreign to the walls of her kitchen but familiar in her ears. Jerry. Persephone pressed her clipboard to her chest and offered Jerry a kind smile, listening as he spoke.

"Oh. No. It's alright. We are closed for the night I was just making sure I didn't miss anything..." Persephone set her clipboard down in its spot, waving off what she was saying. "Doesn't matter. Thank you for sitting with her. I wasn't sure if Cal had stuck around to watch her or not. Are you hungry? I have some stuff here that I could whip up quickly if you're hungry."

♡coded by uxie♡

cooper attenborough

  • .

Nope, this had bad timing written all over. She ripped his arm away, hissing at him and taking a few steps back.
Even though she cussed him out for about a minute, she didn't walk off, instead she stood there, looking at him with those bambi eyes.

Cooper had done a lot of damage this morning but wasn't feeling anything at this point, numb would be an understatement.
He was fueled by rage, sleepless nights and despair. Cooper fucked it up with Stella and might lose his job, his life was in shambles and he was just being honest about it. There was never a reason for El to be upset, if anything she should be happy he showed up at all. Cooper was a catch.

'Okay, what the fuck,' Cooper brought out, a bit overwhelmed by the sudden rush of energy rushing hrough his body at the speed of light. That ritalin must have been kicking in and god damn, was it doing its job.
'You beg me to take you out, I am having a shit ton of stress and now all of the sudden, I'm the bad guy?'
Cooper raised his voice, feeling his anger boiling somewhere down there.

'I swear to god, sometimes you're exactly like Jo,' Cooper added, referring to his best friend, well, since this morning. Jo hated his guts, she would always find a reason to hate his guts and now Ellie too.
Cooper was glad he still had Nick, even though they barely talked these days. He wasn´t afraid of losing Nick but still he couldn´t shake the thought of even his closest friends talking behind his back.

´Be honest Ellie,' Cooper now said, slightly lowering his voice to be discreet. 'Have you talked to Julian about me?' He asked, looking more insecure than he had probably ever looked. Acting was his whole personality and losing this show that would mean he wouldn't have any.
'You don't have to fucking lie, I'm a man. I can take it,' he said, looking her straight in her eyes. It was almost like he was begging for help but he could never ask her that. Only Stella was allowed to know the real him and no one else. Not even Ellie.

/* ------ credit -- do not remove ------ */

© weldherwings.







Simple black dress


Lee's home


Clementine Finch


Her sister had been needed somewhere else. It didn't matter where, she didn't care in the slightest if she was being honest, as long as it was away from where she was. Her sister was probably the biggest thorn in her side in the world. She thought she knew everything. She thought just because she was the eldest of the three siblings, that she could just tell them what to do. Well there was definitely some truth to her being able to tell them what to do when it came to the business, despite her high ranking station and power over their California region, Lisette was ranked even higher. She was her boss.

Still, she felt like that she could tell them what to do even outside of business, so her being gone was a bit of a blessing. She had popped open a bottle of wine to celebrate this occasion of her sister being gone when her phone vibrated. She didn't immediately look at it, instead swirling the freshly opened vintage wine around the glass, looking for its legs. She smiled when the legs signaled that it would be a higher alcohol content and a whiff of the fine gave her a fresh scent of the flavors.

She took a deep breath before she took a sip of the wine and a surge of pleasure went through her body. Her hands sat the glass down in front of her and she finally looked at her phone. It was Clem telling her that she was coming over because of course her fiance did not make their plans on time, she could have seen that coming from a mile away. She only chuckled to herself taking another sip of the wine as she responded to her back that Mikhail, her valet, would receive her in the foyer.

"Mikhail, prepare the cellar to receive Ms. Clementine Finch. Select the gift bottle that Mrs. Clarkston sent. That should do for Ms. Finch."

Right away.

She sighed taking another sip to savor the taste, before downing the rest of the glass. She'd put this bottle up for later for when inevitably he would come get her and take her home even though she'd offer one of her guest rooms and that it's probably good for them to take some space, but what did she know. She was single. She took a deep breath before she headed towards the wine cellar to take a seat and wait on her friend.

♡coded by uxie♡


Know It All






Korean Spot




He couldn't shake the sleepiness from his eyes - he couldn't shake the feeling of exhaustion and if he was being honest he'd prefer nothing than to go back to sleep. Yet he knew, if he wanted somewhere to sleep then he'd need to appease both his sister and Celia. Then he could return to his life as a NEET or whatever he was calling himself these days.

When Celia broke into his field of view he perked his head up, a raised brow in curiosity. He couldn't deny that she looked good, but he knew what today was. He knew that anything and everything could be misinterpreted as something more. So as much as he wanted to get his hands on her, he would relent and be calm. When she got into the car he gave her a little head nod and a 'yo' before he put his seatbelt back on and resettled in his seat.

His sister's car was nice. The feel of the wheel of the jaguar suv in hands felt nice and it was a big step up from his beater of a car. He slowly pulled away from the dorm and started to drive where the built in gps system started to direct him
"It's some korean restaurant? I'm not sure, my sister picked it out."
His tone was empty, almost as if he was on auto pilot and in some fashion he was. He was hoping that tonight would go easy and there would be no issues. He could fill up on food and then head back to sleep.

It wouldn't be long before they would arrive at the restaurant and he would pull up slowly to the spot, putting the car in park and looking over to her,
"Let me get your door for you?"
He slid out of the front seat to the ground, closing the door behind him and walking around to her side and opening it up.

♡coded by uxie♡
mood :
happy, but a lil nervous

location :
elementary school
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
kalila .Curious.Nat. .Curious.Nat.
;; Elias
Elias smiled upon the confirmation that it was Kalila that sent the note. He was relieved, happy even, that it was her and not someone else. He knew that if it wasn't her that sent it, he wouldn't feel how he was feeling now. He'd be disappointed, because no one made him feel the way Kalila did. She was kind, smart, driven, all things he admired. When around her he found himself feeling warm, always drawn in by her kindness. He had feelings for her, that much he knew.

"Well, I'm glad you did," he said, meeting her smile with his own. He felt the butterflies in his stomach stir when she said she meant what she wrote. Elias was never great about being straightforward, so he wasn't sure how to respond. He just didn't want to screw anything up, worried he'd say the wrong thing and make her regret sending the note.

"Oh," Elias muttered, a faint blush crossing his cheeks. He nervously brought his eyes away from Kalila, avoiding her stunning gaze. "That's really nice to hear because I, uh- I think you're really great. Whenever we hang out I really enjoy our time together and I- I think we should do it more often."

He looked back up to her, meeting her pretty eyes with a hopeful look on his face. "If you wanted to, maybe we could get drinks after work today. Or we don't have to, we can do something another day, or not at all if you don't want to. I just really like you and I think it would be cool to hang out more today." His stomach felt like it was tied in knots, even after her confession he was nervous she'd somehow change her mind. He knew his fears were irrational, but they still existed. He just hoped they didn't scare her off.
coded by reveriee.
MOOD: Stressed


LOCATION: Bijou Restaurant

Leif travelbypages travelbypages


Sabrina Wolfiee Wolfiee

Leland Massey
If dysfunction is a function
then I must be some kind of genius
Leland cradled his pounding head in his hands, rubbing both temples to soothe the dull ache. These stress headaches were becoming a daily occurrence for him. Getting into the kitchen to lose himself in his work always did Leland a world of good, but today, he felt like holing up in the cramped back office for the entire night and not coming out.

Since Bijou's recent grand opening, business was far from booming. Leland was starting to realize that being a great chef didn't necessarily guarantee one could run a successful business. Before, he was basically a gutter junkie, whose only real concern in life was keeping the hard drugs flowing through his system. More and more, he began to question what the fuck he was even thinking with all this.

What made him think he could open a restaurant, especially at such a precarious stage of his life? The early days of his recovery had a profound impact on him. They shaded his judgment in rose-colored optimism, filling his head with dumb ideas. Now months later, after the pink clouds had subsided, sobriety was proving to be just another endless grind as cold, hard reality set in.

And the reality was, there was a much bigger problem at hand. If the restaurant failed, it wasn't as if the young chef could simply cut his losses and walk away. For this little business venture, he’d gotten a loan from some pretty scary people, and every month was a struggle to keep up with the payments. If he continued to fall behind--well, he recently got a taste of the loan shark's intimidation tactics after a particularly slow week, when his tibia nearly met the business end of a crowbar. He wasn't completely sure how long of a grace period his backer would allow before making good on that threat, but Leland wasn't about to fuck around and find out.

It was almost enough to make him say screw it, and dive headfirst back into the junkie life; a blissful place where he didn't have a care in the world. He could call Leif right now, walk out the door, and have a bag of dope in his hands in 20 minutes–scarily enough, it was always that easy. And voila, all of the headaches he had now would magically dissappear.

A light knock startled Leland out of his thoughts, scrambling to his feet when he saw Sabrina peeking in through the slightly open door. Despite his bad mood, the pleasant surprise brought a smile to his face. If there was ever a face that could make him want to choose life over pissing it away as a drug addict, it was Brina's. “Hey, you! What are you doing here?" He asked, rushing over to meet her.

"For me?” Leland swung the door open as Brina held the bouquet of black roses out to him. “Oh, fuck,” He sighed, one hand taking the bouquet as the other rubbed his forehead in exasperation, suddenly remembering it was Valentine's Day, and here he was with without a gift for Brina.

“Thank you, baby, they're beautiful. ” Ushering her inside, he quickly shut the door so he could pull her into his arms and show his appreciation with a kiss. “I'm sorry. Promise I'll make it up to you later, hmm?” He declared, lips naturally finding their way back to hers.

Leland certainly wasn’t in any rush to get out there with his staff, especially now that Sabrina was here to fool around with. Without breaking their kiss, he scooped her up with his free arm and gently set her down to a seated position, perched at the edge of the desk. Letting the roses slip from his grasp to rest beside her.

“What is this?” He remarked with a grin, finally pulling back long enough to take a good look at her. “How do you expect me to get anything done with you here dressed like this, huh?” Staring at her leatherclad figure, he let his hands wander up her stockings and over the slippery fabric of her miniskirt. As much as he enjoyed how she looked in it, he was trying not to picture all of his employees ogling her as she pranced through the restaurant moments earlier. Those kind of thoughts did nothing to serve him, and he didn't want to ruin the moment with some snide comment because he couldn't control his mouth when jealousy struck.

“Wait, were you really thinking about taking the job?” There was hope in his hazel green eyes as they flickered back up to meet her pale crystalline gaze. Yes, it seemed unlikely Brina would give up something so lucrative for a shitty gig as a hostess at a failing restaurant, but he would cling to the possibility anyway. To Leland, this Onlyfans thing was the one barrier keeping the couple from living happily ever after. Always conveniently forgetting the issues he himself brought to the table, and how they contributed to the rollercoaster of ups, downs, and incessant drama that was their relationship.
code by valen t.
MOOD: Needs more booze


LOCATION: The streets of Paradise


Ivy Chimney Swift Chimney Swift

Jimmy Morales
I am my own parasite
I don't need a host to live
Of all the made-up, consumerist holidays, Valentine's Day was the worst. Usually, it was easy enough for Jimmy to avoid it, but not this year. This year, he was forced to be in the syrupy sweet thick of it, with a speed dating event going on at his work. As if being a waiter didn't suck balls enough on any normal given day.

All these losers crammed into the pub just for a chance to land some awkward date that'll probably go nowhere. Jimmy had never seen such a pathetic display. But as much as he liked to think he was above such nonsense, secretly, he wasn't so different. He’d rather die than admit it, but he longed for a girlfriend as much as the next lonely bastard. He was just too much of a pussy to actually put himself out there and admit he had feelings for someone.

Jimmy was determined to take this secret to his grave–the alternative simply wasn't an option. What was he gonna do, pull some lame romcom move, running through town in the rain to profess his undying love to his best friend?? Ivy would likely think it a joke and verbally eviscerate his ego without even breaking a sweat. And that would be a best case scenario. Worst case, she'd be completely weirded out by the confession, and avoid him altogether until the awkward tension between them dissipated or one of them died--whichever came first.

Thankfully, with all the hubbub going on at Russki’s, his workday went by quickly, if not smoothly. Of course Ashley bullied him into staying past his shift, so by the time Jimmy escaped, he was running late for his plans with Ivy. Rushing home, he just barely had time to change out of his sweaty work uniform before heading back out. His friend was impulsive, after all. It was always a nagging fear for Jimmy, that if he kept her waiting too long, she might get bored and ditch for something better to do.

However, he was relieved to find her right where she said she’d be, at the fountain in the middle of town. “There's the corporate shill,” He yelled upon approaching, flashing a nonchalant smirk as he pulled a flask from his leather jacket.

“Ah, fuck,” The young man groaned, shaking the near empty flask. Tipping it back to chug the last remnants of precious alcohol he had on him after covertly sipping on it all day just to get through his shift.

“Wanna kill this?” He offered the last sip of disgustingly cheap liquor to Ivy, holding the small container out to her. “Come on, I need a drink. I need to get wrecked after the shit I had to deal with today,” He nodded toward the shops down the street. “We can't go to Russki’s though, or Ashley’s gonna make you go on a speed date with some douche named Jeffrey. The investment banker. They all say they’re investment bankers. Bull-fuckin-shit, no way there's that many.”

Chatting away, Jimmy halted on the sidewalk, waiting for the brunette to join him before leading their trek down the block. “Honestly, I think people from out of town showed up to this thing. Probably hoping the actors were gonna be there. As if they’re all just dying to date some plebs from Solvang.”

“Oh, speaking of. You know George?” The punk suddenly veered off into a completely new subject, as if their chat had sparked a memory, and he was about to share a jaunty anecdote about some mysterious mutual named George. He kept a straight face, even though Ivy's look of slight confusion was exactly the reaction he was aiming for.

“George Bush,” He gave her a playful shove toward the bushes that lined the sidewalk, just enough to make Ivy lose her footing and topple slightly into the shrubs. Snickering, Jimmy pretended to stride ahead, while moving slowly enough that he wouldn't actually leave her behind.

code by valen t.
mood :

location :
russki's pub
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
Lulu travelbypages travelbypages
;; Landon
Throughout his conversation with this girl, Landon found himself leaning in, intrigued by what she'd say next. He nodded at her response to him asking what she was doing here. What she'd described was exactly how he'd felt going into tonight, and that only pulled him in further. "I'm glad I did too. I was jealous of what others could be up to tonight, but now I think everyone should be jealous of me with the company I'm keeping," he winked at Lulu.

When asked about where he'd travel to if given the opportunity he sat back for a second to think. The first thing that popped into his head was saying that he'd want to go to her place, but he immediately decided that response was too tactless, he didn't want to come across as a fuckboy with this woman. So, he was careful and genuine with his answer. "Hm, I'd have to say France. But not Paris, somewhere on the countryside, it's much more peaceful there. And as I'm sure you know, they have the best wine."

He paused when he felt her foot graze his leg and took a second to gaze into her eyes. Landon sensed her wanting to get out of here just as much as he did. He quickly made eye contact with a nearby waitress and waived her over. "I think it's time I closed my tab, put whatever she's had on my card as well."

He looked back at Lulu with a smile dancing across his lips. "Well, I've had a lovely time tonight, so I have just one more question for you. Your place or mine?" His eyes glimmered with an excited playfulness. Sure, the question was presumptuous, but he was certain that Lulu was attracted enough to him to want to spend the night with him, all he had to do was await a response.
coded by reveriee.
mood :

location :
russki's pub
outfit :
mentions :

interactions :
persi Not Meat Not Meat
;; Jerry
Jerry looked around at the kitchen, impressed with how organized it was. Of course it would be, it was a professional kitchen, but the sight only made him admire and respect Persephone more. She was smart, and she worked hard, did a great job at raising her kid. Organization was never among Jerry's many skills, and her meticulously organized kitchen was something that really wowed him. "The kitchen looks great, cleaner than my office ever is," he chuckled.

He smiled and scratched his head as the woman thanked him for sitting with Parker. "Oh, no big deal, it was fun really." Jerry really did like watching Parker from time to time. She reminded him of himself at a young age, full of excitement and wonder. He only hoped Persi wasn't annoyed by the enthusiasm he'd seemed to inspire within the child. Sure, she never seemed to mind, but he knew snakes and other reptiles weren't up everyone's alley, and the last thing he'd want was to be an inconvenience to his friend. But, whenever he raised the concern she always met it with a dismissal, so he was pretty sure she was fine with it.

"A little bit. And I am curious to see some of your skills in action, I've never watched a real cook cook before," he spoke excitedly when she asked if he wanted any food. He'd had a small appetizer earlier, but knew he could do with an actual meal. "Only if you don't mind though, you've probably been cooking all night. I can always microwave something for myself later tonight."
coded by reveriee.
elementary school
Kalila Emerson

I just really like you

I just really like you

I just really like you..

He likes me and..I don't think he's joking about it. I don't think he's just telling me because today is Valentines day and he just wants someone to share that with. I don't think he would push me to the side after, but there is always a possibility. However, there is also a possibility that he's just a really great guy and we both.. like each other..I think I like that idea more.

She thought as he suggested for them to get drinks after work. His eyes were soft and glazed over from the sun peeking through the window. They were filled with hope and something else she couldn't put her finger on. It made her just want to take a picture and keep it where she could see,but that got her thinking.. did she even need to do that if she was right there in front of her?

Kalila gave him a gentle smile and nodded. "I really..I like you too. I-Actually, I would love that" she told him with no hesitation,but a few stuttered words. No matter if she felt like she could barely hear him speaking because of how nervous she was about the words that came out of his mouth.

"I know it's Valentines Day and there will be enough people going to the bars and things so if you wanted to go early to have a chance at seats I don't mind because...I'd still be spending time with you. That's all I really want." she said with a slight chuckle at the end.

Then before she knew it time started again and they were two teachers in her classroom who were confessing to each other. She wanted more time with him, but she knew that there would be time later.. with just him. Just even thinking about it alone makes her suffer with excitement. For now, they would eat some of the lunches they packed and share some quiet laughs between the each other. Even before he was about to head out the door she opened her mouth. "I'll see you tonight, Elias" After saying that she chuckled. After watching him turn the corner she moved her attention to propping her door open.. and not at the fact that his name rolls off her tongue nicely.

I really like you too..

coded by natasha.
MOOD: mock rage (she's really enjoying tf outta this)


LOCATION: out on the streetz


Jimmy Qwertycakes Qwertycakes [/USER]

TL;DR ...
Ivy Cassidy
I know I've got a big ego. I really don't know why it's such a big deal, though


Ivy let out a blood-curdling screech as she pitched into the bush, landing sprawled on her back with her legs up in the air like a tipped giraffe, held up from the ground by the branches of the shrub-- narrowly avoiding getting dirt on her obnoxiously loud patterned t-shirt.

"So it's true!! George bush did 9/11! You fucker, you un-American rat skank..." Through her bombastic outrage, she was laughing. Quietly at first, quickly giving way to raucous gales of cackling. "GOD-DAMN, I can't believe you'd tumble me like that. It's almost like someone doesn't want head, my lord. Jesus Cocksucking Christ, my guy." She scooted forwards, grabbing handfuls of leafy branches to help pull herself out of the bush, before rolling her eyes and outstretching her hand to the gentleman. "C'mon, be a lady and help a bitch up, will ya?"

She was still waiting for that gulp of acrid bottom-shelf paint thinner liquor to kick in, but she almost didn't even need it right now. Was hanging out with Jimmy fun? She shuddered at the thought of genuinely enjoying the company of such a desperate little twink. What next, were they going to go skipping through the meadows, hand-in-hand, him braiding flowers into her hair while she giggled and squealed? Was the plague spirit of Saint Valentine leeching into her very soul?
No, she told herself, giving Jimmy a smile that was half smirk and half Cheshire Cat grin. The ball was in her court. His balls, her court, free to yank and twist as she pleased.

"My god, to think we're going to have to hang out with these washed-up dried-out theatre kids." She drawled, sidling up beside her company and playfully jostling his elbow with her own. "Who's even gonna watch this thing when it comes out, anyway? Not me. I'd rather go in for a voluntary double nephrectomy and donate both my kidneys to feed to Ashley's two crotchgoblins." Her eyes disappeared behind their heavily purple-painted lids as she breathed out a sigh that almost masked her giddy glee. "But hey, can't be worse than a Valentine's day without me, eh? What'd you even do to score my company? You got an altar with my hair and chewed-up gum wads somewhere?"

code by valen t.
Lulu was no stranger to one night stands. But there was something about this Landon guy that had her hoping he would be more than that... Eventually at least. Her attraction to him was next level. Like she could picture herself with him, as a couple one day. But as her mind wandered to that, she quickly reverted back to the conversation. If there was one thing she learned about men, it was that she couldn't get her hopes up for a future. Especially with what happened with Lucio - the one person she thought she was going to marry someday.

At his suggestion of who's place to go to, a small smirk played on her lips and she stood, holding out her hand to him, "I think mine, it's pretty close to her." Her tone was lowered, more flirty than it had been earlier. With his hand in hers, she led him outside and called for her driver to pick them up. It took the man less than five minutes to arrive and once inside, she put up the shader between them and the driver and boldly enough climbed into his lap. He didn't make himself shy about what was to come next before they had left the bar, so there was no reason for her to play shy now that they were in this car.

Slowly, she slipped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. She kept the kiss soft and slow at first, letting them get used to each other rhythms and sweeps of their tongues. But soon enough she was deepening the kiss as her hands explored more of his body. And they were only just getting to the good part when the car came to a stop outside her apartment. Begrudgingly, she pried her lips away from his and slipped out of his lap to exit the car, "come on." She said breathlessly and led him into the rustic but beautiful building. Almost as soon as the door was closed, the girl was back to clinging to him with hurried kisses against his neck.

Mentions: Landon - Lizy Lizy
coded by kaninchen
Sabrina Verlac
Actress and OF creator
Lelands office
outfit here

Leland Qwertycakes Qwertycakes

Sabrina had been watching for a moment seeing Leland’s face how stressed he looked as he ran a hand over his face. She knew things were rough right now with the restaurant, their relationship, and Leland recovering from his addiction. Her gaze watched him silently for a few minutes just taking in how he looked and she wished she could relieve his stress but he would never accept money from her. His face lighting up seeing her though brought such a warmth in her as he hurriedly scrambled to open the door fully and pull her in. His gaze moved to the flowers looking happy about the gift before he gave a defeated sigh having forgotten about Valentine’s Day.”You know I don’t care about that. I just wanted to surprise you today with something,”she said. “I’m just glad you liked them.”she murmured as he pulled her fully in closing the door behind them so they were finally in private. When their lips met it was lovely like always making her forget about any problems they might have.”Mm will you.”she said about him making it up to her before his lips met hers once more.

A shiver of pleasure ran down her spine as Leland easily lifted her up, setting her onto his desk, their lips still fully connected. The roses momentarily left behind as they were set off to the side their kiss continued until they finally needed air. Which resulted in Leland finally seeing her entire outfit for what it was worth and it was definitely worth seeing the look in his eyes even if the faint tinge of jealousy flashed across his face for a brief moment. She knew he really did not enjoy her being ogled by others but that’s what happened when you were attractive. She knew plenty of women checked Leland out he was gorgeous but it never bothered her only because Leland was hers no matter how rocky their relationship was they belonged to one another.

“I wanted to be a bit of a distraction.~ I haven’t gotten to see you all week after all .”Sabrina said, enjoying the feeling of his hands running up her stocking covered legs to the skirt. She leaned forward giving his neck a quick kiss then a couple more slowly trailing up to his jaw and across it. Her fingers gripped his shirt pulling him even closer as her kisses trailed to his lips once more capturing them. There was always one way to try and appease jealousy that was showing how much she wanted him out of all the people. Her fingers might have unbuttoned his shirt a bit before pulling back just wanting to have a look while they talked. A low hum left her as she listened to his excitement. “Well yes. It would let us have more time together and you know I’d be reliable so you wouldn’t have to worry about being understaffed.”she said knowing the business was starting up so things were a mess still.

Now time for the trouble to happen she already knew it was gonna start a fight which was unfortunate but she wasn’t gonna lie to Leland. She got that enough from him so used to the lies that slid past his lips easily of course back then it had because of drugs and now because he didn’t want her to worry about him. Sabrina scooted back a little letting her hand run through her hair before sighing.”This doesn’t mean I’ll stop my onlyfans. I’ll still need a decent income to afford my rent and everything else I have. Also don’t start, you already know the only person I want is you.”she said, already feeling the tension radiating off of him.”Besides until this place is up and running fully I don’t want you to worry about paying me. I just want to help out.”she said, looking at his face.
coded by natasha.
MOOD: Excited

OUTFIT: Under the seeeaaa

LOCATION: Kennedy Residence


Wynn travelbypages travelbypages

Jenelle Kennedy
Let us be young, let us be wild
until the summer's over
Jenelle was buzzing with excitement. It was her very first Valentine's Day that she had someone to call a Valentine of her own–not to mention her first real date, and it just so happened to be on the most romantic day of the year.

Jenny could hardly stop thinking about Wynn since bumping into her former schoolmate at the New Year's party. And when he actually asked her out, she was ecstatic. In the leadup to Valentine's day, she was floating through life on a fluffy pink cloud of daydreams, musing on their upcoming date. Her best friend Alyssa was no doubt sick of hearing all about Wynn and his dreamy eyes, his perfectly tousled dark locks. Jenelle didn't stop there, she couldn't stop; all of her coworkers at Sundae Funday were subjected to Jenny's nonstop chatter about her new crush, along with anyone on the Harbor set who would listen.

After class, Jenelle rushed back to her parents’ sprawling home in the elite part of town. The girl had some serious primping and preening to do before her date, and her dorm simply wasn't big enough to hold all of her clothes, accessories, makeup, hair tools–she was gonna need options as she readied herself before her prince arrived.

Before Wynn could even ring the bell, Jenny was already rushing out the door, grabbing the boy by the hand and tugging him along as they escaped the front porch. “Sorry! My parents are dying to meet you,” She explained in a hushed tone. The boy didn't need to be subjected to such fawning and scrutiny at the same time, at least not this early in the game.

“Wynn!!” She squealed, her excitement boiling over, now that she was finally in his presence. She paused to throw her arms around him, greeting the boy with a dainty kiss on the cheek. “You look so handsome!! ” Blushing, she pulled back to look at him, taking a moment to adjust the collar of his t-shirt.

“Soo…what’d you wanna do?” Jenny fished her phone out of her small purse, shifting into planning mode. “Go on a picnic? Minigolf? Get a drink? I know of some places that are pretty lax about checking IDs…or so I've heard,” She mumbled under her breath; her knowledge of such establishments was purely secondhand, passed on from some of the cooler people she knew.

“Or we could go to the movies? I wasn't sure of your favorite genre so I made a list of everything playing, from best-reviewed to least favorable reviewed,” Jenny was speaking a mile a minute as she scrolled her phone, the cadence of her usual fast-paced speech quickening even more while listing off her carefully crafted suggestions. “Or get something to eat? Again, I made a list of every restaurant in town, in order of best reviewed..”

“Oh…I mean, unless you had something planned?” Her cheeks reddened as Jenny glanced up from her phone to regard him sheepishly, slightly embarrassed for not asking him first.

code by valen t.
MOOD: Chill





Calla travelbypages travelbypages

Nico Tiwari
Killing someone's vibe should be a fucking crime
“CALLAAA LILLYYY,” Nico sang loudly, holding his arms out as he jogged ahead. The pixie blonde skipped across the pavement towards him, pouncing into his open arms as soon as the two met. As they collided, he swung the girl around enthusiastically, as if the two hadn't seen each other in ages. In truth, barely eight hours had passed since he'd dropped her off at the old industrial park on the edge of town--now transformed into a makeshift studio lot for the filming of Harbor.

Nico had never been in love. In fact, he'd never even been in a “relationship” that lasted longer than a few days. But despite his lack of experience with such things, despite the fact that wasn't even two months since they'd met, Nico was positive his feelings for Calla were the real deal, even if he was mostly keeping that to himself. He'd never felt this way about anyone before. It was more intoxicating than any drug, and that was an area he certainly had experience with.

“How was your day, bella?” He asked cheerfully, placing Calla gently back onto her own two feet. Pulling her into an eager kiss before she could answer him; he’d been waiting hours after all, practically counting the minutes until it was time to pick her up again.

“This is kinda trippy,” Nico grinned, leaning in to nuzzle his nose against hers. “I mean, like you and me. In a good way,” He fumbled, never one to be the most eloquent speaker. What he meant to say was, if you had asked him back on New Year's if he would have foreseen this when he parked on her street that day, the answer would no fucking way.

Nico slipped an arm around her shoulders as the pair ambled back to his van. “You ready for the best Valentine's Day ever??"

"Aight, I'm hypin it up too much." He laughed, pulling her closer to press a kiss upon her temple. “Hopefully it's not TOO shitty."

code by valen t.








  • home (filler tab)

Cigarettes After Sex

Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby

Francisco let out a little chuckle, somewhat relieved to see a familiar smile on his fiancée’s face. There was a sparkle in her eye that had been lost in recent weeks, and his chest felt lighter after just a glimpse of it. Each day she had been slowly returning to herself, and this morning felt like they had finally made it. What had happened no longer lingered.

Francisco placed the breakfast tray onto the bedside table, pressing a kiss to the top of Scarlett’s head. Her hair was soft and smelled of her apple shampoo, the newly shortened strands framing her face and resting just above her shoulders. She suited it. She could have shaved it all of and he wouldn’t have thought of her any different. It was almost symbolic – a fresh start. A rebirth.

“So, what’s wrong with being spoiled?” Francisco asked, perching himself on the edge of the bed next to her. “Especially today, no? Happy Valentine’s, cariño.”

Francisco leaned in, a small but content smile on his lips, his hand raising to caress her face as he kissed her. He lingered a moment, enveloped by the warmth radiating from her cheek and the sweetness of her breath. His eyes swept across her face before he settled his forehead against hers. “I love you, and I will make sure to give you everything you deserve.”

♡coded by uxie♡


The Actress






The studio



The nerve of this man.

Really, she couldn't believe the nerve he had to act as if he was the victim. Ellie felt her pain and anger twist in her stomach more and more with each word that spilled out of his mouth. She shook her head, eyes flicking away and blinking quickly to fend off the tears that threatened to spill.

"I cannot believe you right now." She spoke, her voice wavering from the lump forming in her throat, "I cannot believe that you actually think that you're the victim here. That.." She trailed off, shaking her head. Pain filled eyes flicked up to meet his, her brow furrowed. The nerve. The nerve of him to hurt her this way, to act as if he was innocent.

Ellie swallowed down that lump and took a deep breath, straightening her spine as she looked away, jaw clenching. She wanted to say something, to snap back at him, but every time she moved to open her mouth tears threatened to spill.

"I hate you. I hate you." She whispered, "Why? Why... Why would you do this to me, Cooper?" With each word her voice grew louder, tear filled eyes turning glassy as she fought the battle to keep them contained, "I thought you liked me! I can't even believe you right now! This isn't the fucking Cooper show! Other people have feelings too!"

She spun on her heel, whipping around and moving quickly down the hallway as tears rolled from her eyes. Mascara filled tears stained her cheeks and she wiped them away, grabbing her phone to see what salons were in the area. She needed a change. She needed a change now.

♡coded by uxie♡


The Chief





See the pic


Lee's place



The door opened.

A sad, heartbroken smile curved her lips when she saw Mikhail. Clem offered him a polite greeting, sniffling as she walked into the house. Lee's house had become a home away from home for Clem. A place where she could go and spill out her emotions without the fear of being judged too harshly or having her secrets spilled. She trusted Lee, knowing that her friend wouldn't hurt her. Some days she wondered if Lee loved her more than her own husband to be.

There weren't many words passed as Clementine was escorted down to where Lee waited for her. The cellar, of course, because Lee knew that she would need the wine in order to soothe her broken soul.

"Hey." Clementine spoke when she saw her friend, her voice a breathy whisper. "I..." She started to speak, her words being drowned by the lump forming in her throat, "Thank you. I... I don't know what to do anymore I... He promised."

Clementine has never felt so small, so broken. Sure, he had skipped out on her before. Sure, she had to practically fight him to show her that he loved her, to get him to spend the time with her that she needed. This was different. To Clementine, this felt different. This felt like the beginning of the end. A sense of dread rushed through her as she slowly sank down into her seat. Slow, heavy tears rolled down her cheeks.

"I can't keep doing this, Lee... I love him but I just... This isn't the life that I wanted." Tearful eyes met her friends as she painfully poured her heart out, "What did I do to make him want to hurt me so badly?"

♡coded by uxie♡


The Chef








Parker, Jerry


A genuine smile crossed her lips.

Of all of the things that Persephone appreciated about Jerry, his willingness to sit with her daughter and entertain her was the thing she appreciated the most. Perhaps even adored. Watching him socialize with Parker had become one of her favourite things to do and she honestly wished that she could do it more often than the infrequent visits she managed to make to his office.

At Jerry's comment on making something in the microwave, Persephone waved her hand and shook her head. "Pish. Absolutely not." She started, moving about the kitchen to gather the few things she would need. Macaroni and cheese. Nothing special but something she knew that he would like. "What kind of friend would I be if I let you eat a microwave meal when I have a perfectly good kitchen and two perfectly good working hands that are eager to do what they do best."

Persephone moved expertly about the kitchen, grabbing ingredients and dishes to make the meal and setting them out. She was efficient, able to look up at him as she worked and happy to keep up conversation. "How have things been? I feel like I haven't seen you in ages, it's been so busy."

There was always a smile or a hint of a smile on her lips when she spoke to Jerry, when she saw him. She always attributed it to how he treated Parker. How he took her under his wing and taught her things that Persi couldn't. Sometimes she wondered, though, in the dead of night when her thoughts trailed toward the events of the day, eventually leading her to the memory of Jerry sitting with Parker, teaching her while she gazed fondly up at him. The brilliant smile on her baby girls face as she looked back at Persephone with wonder in her eyes. Each time a flicker of a spark would run through her, catching her off guard just the way the heat of his hands did each time he touched her in any way.

It was strange to feel such a way. Something she pushed down as she forced herself to believe that it was nothing. That even though this man was an angel with her daughter, she didn't know anything consequential about him. Besides, there were other men in her life that loved Parker just the same, if not more... Like Alexei.

♡coded by uxie♡


The Musician



In love






Francisco was heaven.

The smile on his face only made hers widen as he moved toward her. Her eyes never left him, watching his every movement as if he were the most fascinating being on Earth. She would never grow tired of his voice, of the way his warm breath felt when he trailed kisses along her skin, of how tenderly he touched her, loved her. She instinctually melted into him the moment he was near, her shoulders relaxing while love filled eyes flicked up to meet his.

She loved him, there was no doubt in that, and when he kissed her so sweetly it sent waves of happiness throughout her. Her heart swelled when he spoke so softly, so lovingly. His lips pressed to hers and for a brief moment the throbbing pain of all that was lost simmered, replaced by the sweet sensation of his lips and the heat of his breath against her skin. It wrapped around her like a comforting blanket, reminding her that everything was going to be okay so long as she was beside him.

"Feliz día de San Valentín mi amor." She whispered to him, the smallest of grins curling at her lips. She had been practicing the phrase for days now, wanting to surprise him at some point during the day. Now seemed like the perfect time. A moment where he was loving on her, it only seemed fair that she would return the favor. "Te quiero mucho Francito."

Her eyes opened, flicking up to meet his, "I think I said that right, yes?" She hummed. "Te quiero mucho? Or is it Te amo mucho? Or do they mean the same?"

♡coded by uxie♡










Gael Wren

Tia nodded to him as he moved away, quickly grabbing her bathing suit and taking his advice about getting to the pool. Finding a secluded spot by the pool, Tia quickly kicked off her shoes and peeled off her clothes, eager to slip into her bathing suit. The fabric felt cool against her skin as she pulled it on, the anticipation of the water's embrace heightening her senses.

With a satisfied sigh, Tia made her way to the edge of the pool and dipped her toes in, relishing the sensation of the water enveloping her. With a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching, she took a running leap and plunged into the refreshing oasis.

As she surfaced, Tia couldn't help but let out a joyful laugh. The water was the perfect temperature, and the sun shimmered off its surface, casting dancing reflections across the pool. For a moment, all worries and stresses melted away, replaced by a profound sense of peace and contentment. She needed this if she was being honest, it was becoming a lot.

As she swam lazily from one end of the pool to the other, Tia couldn't help but feel grateful for this moment of bliss. In the midst of paradise, surrounded by the beauty of Hawaii, she knew that she could relax.

When Gael made his way back and into the pool she wrapped her arms around his neck
"Hey Mister."

♡coded by uxie♡
MOOD: Lovey dovey


LOCATION: Dani's apartment


Danielle Not Meat Not Meat

Alexei Milyukov
Why get used to something new?
Cuz no one breaks my heart like you
“Come on, ya little mutt,” Alexei scooped the puppy up gently, holding the little furball up to look her over before she got tucked away into her carrier. “Time to go meet your new mommy.” The floppy-eared pup gave his nose a small lick, making Alexei chuckle despite himself. She was quickly endearing herself to him, regardless of how determined he’d been not to like this dog.

Not that he had anything against dogs, per se. But he always bristled at Danielle's suggestions of raising a puppy together whenever she brought it up. It just annoyed him, the notion that a damn dog could be a proper substitute for an actual child of their own someday.

But desperate times, desperate measures, and all that. After getting blocked by Dani for weeks, he knew he was on thin ice, and certainly was desperate to do something extra special to make her happy. Alexei was well aware his own antics had earned him that block; he’d gone out of his way to be a prick. While it wasn't exactly new behavior for him, Dani never stayed angry for long. This time was different though, and it was worrisome; what if there actually came a time when their relationship failed to bounce back like always?

At Dani's apartment, Alexei let himself in with his own key. “Shh,” He hushed the puppy softly, who was now whimpering a bit from her crate. Reaching through the bars to comfort her with a couple quick pets, but he kept her contained for the moment. He then stashed the carrier by the door, so he could keep up the surprise while looking for Dani.

It didn't take long to find her sprawled out in her living room. “Hey, Poodle,” He grinned, peeking over the couch at her casually, as if he'd actually been invited over instead of just wandering in on his own accord.

Alexei plopped onto the sofa, stretching out beside her. Seizing a golden opportunity to tickle her armpit, as half her face was still smooshed into the crook of her elbow. “What're you all grumpy about today, hmm?” He asked playfully, wrapping an arm around her to give his love an affectionate squeeze and pull her closer.

“Well,” He pressed a kiss to her lips. “I’m gonna,” And another one, punctuating every few words with a series of quick kisses. “..turn that frown upside down. I got ya something,” He added, letting his lips linger against hers a little longer.

Her gift was quickly forgotten though, as Alexei was now busy sprinkling kisses down her jaw and neck, fingertips slipping under her croptop to roam over her soft skin. It felt like forever since they'd last been together, and he had way more important things on his mind. Mostly just Dani, sans all those pesky clothes.

Unfortunately for him, a tiny voice interrupted them, piercing through the quiet. The cutest little bark ringing out from a plastic prison, courtesy of a little lady who refused to be ignored.

code by valen t.

OUTFIT: here

LOCATION: Kiera's place


Kiera Lizy Lizy

TL;DR: Nostalgia, memory lane, etc.
Dex Gustafsson
I'm just a dead boy
I'll die for you, if you want me to
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuuuuuuck. Dex knew he was extremely late for his date with Kiera, but he was dreading taking a peek to see just how late. It was already bad enough he'd broken the initial plans to pick her up, as any proper Valentine's date should. She’d agreed to meet him at L'Assiette, but that was a good 30 minutes ago by his own rough estimation. More or less. He couldn't exactly excuse himself from a sobbing widow to check his cell.

Once the sobbing widow was all set up and gently nudged out the door, Dex could finally grab the phone from his pocket, only to find it completely dead. Fuck. Of all the days to forget to charge it overnight. This was Kiera's fault, really. Lusty thoughts of her occupied so much of his mind these days, it was a wonder he could remember his own name half the time.

As soon as he could lock up, Dex sped over to the fancy French restaurant. There was no time to stop home and shower or even change out of his work suit, but luckily, he didn't reek of formaldehyde on this particular occasion. Lăcră was handling the embalming duties for the day, and with each of the Jimenezes out on personal business, that left Dex busy covering the intakes–dealing with crying relatives of the deceased, helping them plan a whole funeral on what was probably the worst day of their lives. Such a fun job. Honestly, the noxious chemicals would have been preferable.

The undertaker made it there as fast as humanly possible, breaking a few traffic laws in the process. Panting, doubled over against the hostess’ little podium to catch his breath after sprinting through the parking lot of the restaurant. His heart sank though, when the hostess swiftly informed him his date had already come and gone. FUCK.

This was bad. He'd practically begged Kiera to go on this date with him, and now he'd basically just stood her up. Dex knew she probably only agreed just to shut him up, but if the night had gone well, he might have even convinced her to stay over the whole night. And now, Kiera was gonna kill him before he could figure out what he was even trying to accomplish here. Kiera had made it abundantly clear she had no interest in dating him, monogamy, all that stuff. But as much as he enjoyed being her fuckbuddy, it was getting more difficult to keep it casual when he couldn't stop thinking about her lately. He couldn't help but want more.

As he raced over to her place, Dex mentally practiced his apology. By the time he reached her doorstep though, his mind was a blank. Now face to face with Kiera, the blonde beauty glaring at him, he could only offer a rueful smile. “Tada! Here I am. This was actually the plan all along,” He joked, shaking his head with a nervous laugh and shrug.

“Kidding. I'm kidding, haha…can I come in?” He asked sheepishly, wiping the dumb grin off his face.
code by valen t.
MOOD: Smitten


LOCATION: Bijou Restaurant


Annie AkuTheWolfOkami AkuTheWolfOkami

Wolf Thackery
The world is a beautiful place
But we have to make it that way
Wolf was leaning idly against the building, quickly straightening his posture when Annie appeared at the door. “Wow, wow, wow, WOW, you look unbelievable,” He gushed, rushing over to meet her. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her closer, eager to give his girl a kiss hello.

He loved when she wore her untamed mane of dark curls free in their bouncy glory, and ran a hand gently through them as he kissed her, careful not to snag or muss them up. “I really like this dress,” Wolf nodded his approval with widened eyes as he drank in her curvy figure clad in tiger print. “Meow,” He growled playfully with a laugh at his own corny remark, pressing a kiss to her forehead before releasing her from his embrace.

Wolf was already gazing at her starry-eyed. After a very long, very lonely dry spell with no social life to speak of, this thing with Annie was such an unexpectedly sweet surprise. He couldn't have been more thrilled to have a girlfriend, especially someone as perfect as Annie. Not only was she brilliant and gto orgeous, she was feisty and passionate, and Wolf deeply admired that perpetual drive she seemed to have for helping others. While not even two months had passed since they started dating, Wolf had fallen hard for Anhia Santana.

The rest of the world had briefly fallen out of focus. Annie's presence just had that effect on him, making him forget everything around them for a moment, until he remembered the bouquet in his other hand. “Oh…for you, babe. Flowers for my flower.” As usual, he couldn't stop saying dorky things, but that was just Wolf. With a bashful smile, he handed them over, a vibrant arrangement of tiger lilies with a smattering of sunset-colored roses. Wolf was pretty clueless about flowers, and hadn't yet figured out the exact type his girlfriend preferred to receive, but there was something about their spicy tangerine hue that just screamed Annie to him.

Wolf kept a hand on the small of her back as they strolled to his car, making sure he reached the passenger side just before she did, to open the door for her. He figured they could check out one of the newer upscale restaurants in town. He wasn't about to take her to L’Assiette again, especially on a night as special as Valentine's. They’d already been to his mother’s restaurant a couple times already, mostly to show off his pretty girlfriend to some acquaintances who frequented the place, introduce her to his mom, all that stuff. He certainly didn't want Annie to think him some cheapskate, who was only willing to take her out somewhere he could score free food.

For Valentine's Day, it was surprisingly dead at the restaurant he’d chosen, with only a handful of other couples scattered around at other tables. Wolf didn't think much of it, as a more intimate backdrop for their date didn't seem like the worst thing. Really, he was far more concerned with Annie's opinion of it--it was their first Valentine's Day after all, and he wanted it to be a memorable night. “This place okay?” He leaned in to ask quietly, taking a seat across from her.

“Hey,” He spoke up gently, his face suddenly going serious as he took Annie's hand in his. “I just wanted to say, these last few weeks have been really great.” There was an earnest hope in his hazel blue-green eyes as he searched her features for any sign of reaction to his words. “I know it’s kinda early, but I really love being with you, and…”

Thanks to his nervous fidgeting though, the sentiment was cut short when he managed to knock over his glass, sending a small river of ice water flowing across the fine tablecloth. “Crap,” He muttered softly, quickly springing into action to mop the water up with his napkin.

“Sorry about that. I’m just…a little nervous, actually,” A nervous chuckle escaped him but no more words came out, though it was quite obvious he was struggling with something more on his mind.

code by valen t.

Paddy MacCormack

Relieved by her understanding, Padric ordered himself a strong cup of coffee and joined Isabella in light-at her seat. He was a little nervous if he was being honest, but in the long run it didn't matter.

As he sipped his coffee and lost track of time, Padric found himself captivated by Isabella's beauty and the sparkle in her eyes. Despite his late start to the evening, he felt a warmth spreading through him—a sense of belonging and happiness that he hadn't felt in a long time.

Isabella was everything he could dream of, and if he wasn't such a busy cop he'd probably dedicate more of his time to spending with her. Still, he was friends and on the same team with her sister, so he was sure he could find more excuses to spend time with her.

"You know jessie seems really invested into our relationship. Probably a little invested if we're being honest," he joked mainly because he knew how bad the group chat was going that their siblings thrust them into.

Now I want to sniff some glue

by The Ramones


Isabella ( Not Meat Not Meat )
mentions Mick [/font]

º º code by ditto º º

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