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Fantasy Another Chance

AnarchyReins said:
Marcus came up behind Nicole after she got off work. He hugged her from behind, and kissed her neck. "Hey beautiful ready for dinner at my house." Marcus said as he bit her ear, and pulled her close. "You know you look hot in that uniform."
Wrong tab much??? :P


To everybody,

Nobody's character gets to find the secret ancient book, okay? I'm gonna add a majoy plot twist...huehuehue, and I'll keep it a secret, just so there are no spoilers...

enjoy RPing!!!

((Jeez, some of you RPers made this RP weird and anticlimactic already...No offense.))
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Holy f**k I was wondering why this seemed dead, I haven't been getting any notifications wth

Can someone summarize what's going on for me so I can pop back in

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