“Here, whatever happens, happens.” - Willa Cather
- One on One
- Group
A little rain never hurt anybody . . .
It’s a time of prosperity. With the cultural and magical mingling that the Lonean Empire brought before its fall, cities and travel have increased exponentially. Those who lived through the Empire’s reign wanted to forget the past, and many of the ancient places were forgotten. But little-known prophecies speak of an approaching danger—the Annihilus Storm. All know of when it came centuries ago, its power immense, and with its retreat the world was introduced to the Remnants, people with magical abilities. However, few know the rest of what the ancient scribes said— that the Storm will return, and when it does, will be death of magic, and, perhaps, of all living things. Some welcome the new world the Storm will bring, but others fear there won’t be enough left for humanity to survive. The scribes called for a company of great Remnants to arise, find the pieces of the core of the Antitempest machine, and keep the Storm from reclaiming its power, but the world’s heroes aren’t listening, so it is up to a group of misfits ready to go questing, and they don’t necessarily agree on what the end of their quest should be.
This is a revival of a role play I’ve done in the past and I’d figured I’d give it a shot here and see where it goes! To keep this brief I have two characters, Alana and Rain. Alana is a young scholar from a community of air elementals (not everyone with magic is an elemental, those who consider themselves one tend to live in separate communities), but she has become a nomad searching for the pieces of the Antitempest after being abandoned by her father. She’s trying to find people to help but isn’t very good at it lol.
Rain is a bit more of an experiment. We’ve all seen villains that get a second chance after getting corrupted by some magical object or entity. Sometimes the heroes’ solution is to sort of reset that person back to who they were before (often erasing their memory), but what if a villain did it to herself to give herself a second chance right before her defeat? That’s Rain in a nutshell, she’s currently a traveling worker that takes short-term guard positions and odd jobs and is trying to figure out who she is.
Anyway, I’d love to see who’s interested and any ideas on characters! If you have thoughts on someone who would make a good team leader in the future I’m also open to that! Alana knows a lot of the history, but she may not be the only one seeking out Antitempest pieces and someone else may be better to hold the group together once they form. I’m thinking that different characters meet and once everyone finds a rhythm we figure out how to bring the whole group together—still figuring that part out.
Some other thoughts on the world:
- In terms of appearance, I’m thinking a classic fantasy look for the most part but steampunk-level technology and a wide range of types of clothing. Feel free to be creative! Developing a character’s look is very satisfying for me and I want other people to feel free to explore that as well.
- There’s not really magical creatures (though perhaps they used to exist and a few beings used to be humans and have changed with exposure to parasitic relics) but a lot are Remnants. Most people’s powers are only helpful for day-to-day life, and, without relics, it is difficult to become more powerful or gain more abilities than those you got when you first realize your powers. These powers can come in a lot of forms so I invite you to be creative or explore common powers in a new way!
Rules & General Business:
- Keep it safe for work and respect the boundaries and comfort of your fellow writers.
- We’re busy, I only expect a few responses a week, but please communicate if things come up! You don’t need to give details but if you’re going to be gone for a while a heads-up is much appreciated
- Have a great backstory idea? Have a fantasy OC you love but aren’t sure fits? Let me know! Both Alana and Rain were roleplay jumpers till I thought of the rest of the world so I get wanting to write for a character but not necessarily wanting to make a whole world for them to live in.
- Don’t make characters OP please, they can be skilled and distinct, but this journey is going to take everyone relying on each other. I will be conscious about giving equal spotlight to your characters and hope you will with me and other players as well.
- I’m thinking 3-5 players?
It’s a time of prosperity. With the cultural and magical mingling that the Lonean Empire brought before its fall, cities and travel have increased exponentially. Those who lived through the Empire’s reign wanted to forget the past, and many of the ancient places were forgotten. But little-known prophecies speak of an approaching danger—the Annihilus Storm. All know of when it came centuries ago, its power immense, and with its retreat the world was introduced to the Remnants, people with magical abilities. However, few know the rest of what the ancient scribes said— that the Storm will return, and when it does, will be death of magic, and, perhaps, of all living things. Some welcome the new world the Storm will bring, but others fear there won’t be enough left for humanity to survive. The scribes called for a company of great Remnants to arise, find the pieces of the core of the Antitempest machine, and keep the Storm from reclaiming its power, but the world’s heroes aren’t listening, so it is up to a group of misfits ready to go questing, and they don’t necessarily agree on what the end of their quest should be.
This is a revival of a role play I’ve done in the past and I’d figured I’d give it a shot here and see where it goes! To keep this brief I have two characters, Alana and Rain. Alana is a young scholar from a community of air elementals (not everyone with magic is an elemental, those who consider themselves one tend to live in separate communities), but she has become a nomad searching for the pieces of the Antitempest after being abandoned by her father. She’s trying to find people to help but isn’t very good at it lol.
Rain is a bit more of an experiment. We’ve all seen villains that get a second chance after getting corrupted by some magical object or entity. Sometimes the heroes’ solution is to sort of reset that person back to who they were before (often erasing their memory), but what if a villain did it to herself to give herself a second chance right before her defeat? That’s Rain in a nutshell, she’s currently a traveling worker that takes short-term guard positions and odd jobs and is trying to figure out who she is.
Anyway, I’d love to see who’s interested and any ideas on characters! If you have thoughts on someone who would make a good team leader in the future I’m also open to that! Alana knows a lot of the history, but she may not be the only one seeking out Antitempest pieces and someone else may be better to hold the group together once they form. I’m thinking that different characters meet and once everyone finds a rhythm we figure out how to bring the whole group together—still figuring that part out.
Some other thoughts on the world:
- In terms of appearance, I’m thinking a classic fantasy look for the most part but steampunk-level technology and a wide range of types of clothing. Feel free to be creative! Developing a character’s look is very satisfying for me and I want other people to feel free to explore that as well.
- There’s not really magical creatures (though perhaps they used to exist and a few beings used to be humans and have changed with exposure to parasitic relics) but a lot are Remnants. Most people’s powers are only helpful for day-to-day life, and, without relics, it is difficult to become more powerful or gain more abilities than those you got when you first realize your powers. These powers can come in a lot of forms so I invite you to be creative or explore common powers in a new way!
Rules & General Business:
- Keep it safe for work and respect the boundaries and comfort of your fellow writers.
- We’re busy, I only expect a few responses a week, but please communicate if things come up! You don’t need to give details but if you’re going to be gone for a while a heads-up is much appreciated
- Have a great backstory idea? Have a fantasy OC you love but aren’t sure fits? Let me know! Both Alana and Rain were roleplay jumpers till I thought of the rest of the world so I get wanting to write for a character but not necessarily wanting to make a whole world for them to live in.
- Don’t make characters OP please, they can be skilled and distinct, but this journey is going to take everyone relying on each other. I will be conscious about giving equal spotlight to your characters and hope you will with me and other players as well.
- I’m thinking 3-5 players?