Renn Skye
Two Thousand Club
Anja Sigo
Name: Anja Sigo
Age: 27
Ethnicity/Nationality: Dual Citizenship American and India
Gender: Cisgendered Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Veterinarian
Name: Anja Sigo
Age: 27
Ethnicity/Nationality: Dual Citizenship American and India
Gender: Cisgendered Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Occupation: Veterinarian
- Appearance
Hair: Brown-black, about mid-back length, almost always worn tied back
Eyes: Golden Brown
Body: Fit but not overtly so
Attire: Honestly if you catch her out of her scrubs good on you, man, she's rarely in casual clothing though.
Anja is excessively hard working, to the point of being a workaholic. Working as a veterinarian she doesn't get paid by the hour, but instead by the number of cases she sees, and as such she manages to get away with pulling work weeks significantly longer than forty hours long. This leaves very little time for socialization, and Anja doesn't have many friends. As such, she's kind of seen as the work-entrenched and antisocial.
In reality she's just a new veterinarian with a lot of student loans to pay off. Anja cares deeply about her patients, which is a large part of the reason she spends so much time at work. She's a very thorough sort of person and will spend hours going over a case to make sure she's looked at every possibility. While she does try to be friendly with people at work, she often gets too caught up in her job and can be a bit short with them... she can also be a bit absent-minded when it comes to non-work related items (she's actually managed to go more than a month without noticing that a co-worker was packing her lunches when he noticed she didn't bring them or make time to eat).
She's very strict with herself both at work and at home - she has a very full schedule that she makes sure she keeps to as tightly as possible. She doesn't like to allow for her own mistakes and is very unforgiving of herself when she makes them, and has been known to beat herself up for weeks over a mistake made at work, even one that ended well and in no way could have caused any danger to her patients. Because she has such a high-stress job she has an emphasis on perfection when at work, and so she can come off as quite anal when in fact she's just stressed about doing everything perfectly. At home, however, she can be a bit of a mess - there's just not time to clean up everything when she's at work more often then she's in her flat - and so her apartment (and therefore she) can come off as a bit organised. When not working she laughs easily, and does genuinely appreciate the presence of other people. She likes having friends, she just rarely has the time for them, no matter how much she would like to. She can also be a bit dense in regards to affections others hold for her, and generally sees people who are trying to come on to her as people who are simply being friendly.
- History
Anja had an upbringing typical to most Indian American children - an upbringing, in fact, that has become stereotypical to most children traces back to anywhere in Asia. That is to say, it was all about the grades. Her parents pushed her in maths and science for years, their insistence and her hard work to please them eating up her childhood years until she found herself on a one-way track to medical school. There was only one problem with this, and that was her stubborn insistence that she didn't want to be a doctor. Unfortunately, her need to please her parents and make her mother proud balanced almost perfectly with her determination not to work as a physician on people. The idea of holding another humans life in her hands scared her half to death. In the end, she chose another, similar, road - veterinary medicine. Going through classes in her graduate school, Anja quickly found that she was going to be just as stressed out about making sure she never lost a patient as a Vet as she was likely to have as a Physician but she had set her course and was determined not to fail. She worked her hardest all through her under graduate and graduate years and came out a fully licensed veterinarian, but unfortunately with very little real field experience as is generally the case with new graduates. Through family connections and a good resume, she got hired at a local vet hospital, where she was mentored briefly by one of the other veterinarians on staff. Just over a full year in, Anja has developed the work experience to be qualified not only as a licensed vet, but a practising one with some degree of talent. Still paying off her student loans, she works as many cases as she can, often taking the undesirable ones off her co-workers hands. This has the double benefit of helping her to rapidly gain hands on experience. While she's not yet learned to let it go when you cannot save a patient who comes in on emergency (because it happens, and more often then not there's nothing you can do to stop them going, even if you fight your hardest), she has gotten better at dealing with the stress of fighting for a life other than her own.