Anime Mania High School! (All Animes) ~Hosted by Hatsune Miku


Name: Vegeta

Nickname: The Prince of All Saiyans

Gender: male



Race: Saiyan

Anime: Dragon Ball Z

Appearance notes: N/A

Height: 5'5

Weight: N/A

Item: N/A

Main school program: N/A

Year: Freshman



Super Saiyan 1


This is Vegeta's Super Saiyan form. Though it was only a Saiyan Legend, Vegeta was fascinated with this transformation and obsessed over obtaining it so that he could avenge his race by having the power to defeat Frieza. Goku achieved the state prior to Vegeta however as did Future Trunks, which only fueled his desire to unlock the potential hidden within him (though chronologically, Future Vegeta actually achieved it before Future Trunks). Vegeta first showed off the Super Saiyan state while he was fighting Android 19, ripping off the Android's arms and thereby rendering it unable to keep absorbing his energy, after which he reduced it to a lifeless head with the Big Bang Attack.

In this form, his power greatly increases from his regular level. His hair turns blond, the irises of his eyes become green, and he acquires a golden aura just as Goku had done before him. He gains a slight muscle increase as well.

Super Saiyan 2


This is Vegeta's strongest form in Dragon Ball Z. This form turns as strong as Majin Vegeta when he returns to Earth by King Yemma. It is sometimes debated when he first achieved this form; there are quite a few hints he achieved it before he became Majin Vegeta, with practically none to the contrary, as Vegeta only states Goku to be stronger than Gohan once he, too transforms into Super Saiyan 2, holding complete confidence in his superiority over Gohan prior to becoming Majin Vegeta. He transforms into this state on his own free will from the normal Super Saiyan long after he became Majin Vegeta.

Vegeta first uses this form when he fights against Goku while as Majin Vegeta. He also uses this form when fighting Super Buu before the Vegito fusion, albeit only in the anime. He also fights Kid Buu so Goku can gather enough energy in his Super Saiyan 3 form to defeat Kid Buu, during which he is easily beaten and reverted back to base as Goku fails to charge up his full power due to energy depletion. It was also used in the movies Fusion Reborn and Wrath of the Dragon, reverted back to base form in both instances he is again, in particular against Hirudegarn, knocked down after defending a group of people inside a building that he was thrown into. Strangely enough, in all three of those instances, including when fighting Kid Buu, lightning is removed from his transformation despite the bolts constantly surrounding his body in the original manga, causing some confusion over whether he actually used this form in the anime or not, as the bolts only appear for about a few seconds when he fires a barrage of ki blasts to stall for time, possibly due to budget issues (even Super Saiyan 3 Goku has no lightning for this particular scene). He used this form to battle Baby Gohan and Baby Goten. He also used this form to battle Super 17 and Omega Shenron, but is badly beaten both times and seriously injured by Omega Shenron's Dragon Thunder technique.

Super Saiyan 3


Vegeta is shown to have finally attained Super Saiyan 3. While in his Super Saiyan 3 transformation, Vegeta reveals a more powerful version of the Galick Gun technique, which, instead of being purple like the original, is somewhat reddish in color.

Super Saiyan 4


Bulma used the Blutz Wave amplifier as a substitute for the moon and used it on Vegeta. These waves ran through Vegeta's veins, forcing his tail to grow back, which is necessary for a Saiyan to transform into a Great Ape. With his tail back, like Goku, he was able to transform into a Great Ape. His enormous power allowed him to then transform into a Golden Great Ape, and then, upon gaining control of himself, he transformed into a Super Saiyan 4.

ki attacks:

Galick Gun

Final Flash

Big Bang Attack

Final Shine

Supwr Galick Gun


Vegeta is arrogant throughout the series, and becomes bitter due to the abuse his race suffered at the hands of Frieza. Following the destruction of his home world Planet Vegeta, his hatred toward Frieza grows. His royalty seems to have bestowed upon him an inflated sense of superiority, holding himself above nearly everyone he encounters. He is immensely proud of his Saiyan heritage and believes his race to be the most powerful in theuniverse.

From the beginning of the series to near the end, Vegeta is shown to be exceptionally vain and egotistical. A tragic example of this is in his fight withSemi-Perfect Cell. Though he could have easily destroyed this weaker form of Cell, his arrogance bested him, and he purposely let Cell absorb Android 18 just to have a challenge in Cell through which to test his power. While fighting Super Buu, as well as while fighting Janemba on a different occasion,[6] Vegeta vehemently opposed fusion with Goku due to his pride, but Goku managed to persuade him. Later, Vegeta becomes more willing to fuse, going so far as to propose it himself in the battle against Omega Shenron in Dragon Ball GT. On several occasions, Vegeta conceitedly underestimates his opponents; in the cases of Perfect Cell and Kid Buu, Vegeta was fooled by their diminutive appearances, believing that they had only "shrunk", which is somewhat ironic, given his own short stature, yet large power. In some instances, Vegeta has been seen afraid of opponents such as Frieza or Broly[7]; in particular, whenBills arrives at Bulma's birthday party, Vegeta, knowing of him and what he can do, is actually terrified of him and does everything he possibly can to ensure that the God of Destruction is not angered[8]. However, he often visibly has a change of heart, displays his pride,

His opinion of Goku always being one step ahead of him, even though Goku is a lower class Saiyan, runs the gamut from contempt to rivalry, and later to respect and friendship. Because of his arrogance, attitude and past wrong doing, Vegeta gains a lot of disdain from those around him. Naturally, Goku always takes an optimistic opinion about Vegeta. Vegeta almost always addresses Goku by his Saiyan birth name, Kakarot, but has on rare occasion addressed him as Goku. After the defeat of Kid Buu, he has a change of heart and his angry grudge against Goku becomes a friendly rivalry.

At the end of the Buu Saga and in Dragon Ball GT, Vegeta is much more relaxed. He is often seen smiling and cracking jokes, such as when he forced Trunks to enter the 28th World Martial Arts Tournament, threatening to "cut his allowance" if he did not enter the competition. Often being more caring and kind to his family, especially his daughter, Bulla, Vegeta admittedly has a kinder side, per his adjustment to Earthly life. The best example of caring for his family is the aforementioned example of hugging Trunks before he fights Majin Buu as Majin Vegeta.

Despite their rocky start, Bulma was more than willing to put up with Vegeta, even if he scared her. Upon his resurrection after being killed by Frieza, and then being teleported to Earth, Bulma invites Vegeta to live at Capsule Corporation as he has nowhere to go, on the condition that he does not touch her. Vegeta reluctantly accepts her offer, but quickly leaves Earth in search of Goku after he discovers his unwillingness to return back to Earth from the Namek Dragon. During his absence on Earth, Bulma begins to slowly but surely show signs of affection towards the Saiyan Prince, after having a dream about him; she also shows a deep concern for him after being informed that his ship is about to run out of fuel soon. Her then boyfriend Yamcha not only begins to get jealous, but also shows resentment towards Vegeta, who has no idea about Bulma's feelings towards him.

History: Vegeta was once a young member of the Saiyan Army under thePlanet Trade Organization, but after his race's demise, he worked alongside Nappa and Raditz, directly under Frieza. He later joins the Z Fighters while battling alongside them on Namek, and returns to Earth with them as well, where he remains for the rest of his life.

Likes/Dislikes: N/A

Theme song: [media]

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Name: Zabuza Momochi

Nickname: "The Demon Hidden Mist"

Gender: Male

Age: 26 (Should I change for school reasons?)

Birthday: August 15

Race: Human

Anime: Naruto

Appearance notes: (Three outifts he changes between)




Height: 6'0

Weight: 158 lb

Item: Kubikiribocho (His giant sword)

Main school program: Sword fighting, Acrobactics, Hand-to-hand combat, and Spiritual energy control (Chakra control)

Year: 1sh





Hidden Mist Jutsu

Water style: Water Clone jutsu

Water style: Water Prison Jutsu

Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu

Water style: Water Vortex Jutsu


Zabuza was initially portrayed as aggressive, arrogant, cruel, cold and ambitious, willing to become
Gatos thug to gain enough funds to start a second coup d'etat on the Mizukage, and kill anyone who stood in his path, including plotting to kill Gatō once he had received enough funds from him. His reputation for cruelty and ruthlessness began as a child where he killed every single candidate in Kirigakure's Academy, earning him the moniker of "Demon of the Hidden Mist" (霧隠れの鬼人, Kirigakure no Kijin). He willingly uses his own men and others as pawns to fulfil his ambitions, as he raised Haku to be an efficient tool to be discarded when he had no use to exploit; although unlike future antagonists, he was blunt about the purpose that his recruits were needed for, lacking the manipulation of pretending to be benevolent to inspire loyalty.

He is an observant adversary who is able to analyse his opponent's techniques after seeing it once, but becomes overconfident if he sees the technique as useless. In his last moments, it is revealed that he cared deeply for Haku, and after being convinced by Naruto Uzumaki, he sacrifices his life to kill Gatō, and dies wishing he could join Haku in the afterlife. However, he seems reluctant to speak or hear about it, telling whoever does so to shut up. Kakashi has also noted that Zabuza had hesitated for a moment before the thought of slashing through Haku to get to Kakashi during their battle on the bridge; the lack of hesitation during the Fourth Shinobi War made Kakashi know that the controlled Zabuza was completely different.

He has also shown a sense of honour, as seen after his reincarnation when he expressed disgust about the idea of working for anyone who would stoop down so low as to use the dead as their tools, in the meantime making the revived immortal. His sense of honour is extended even further when he pleads with Kakashi to stop him and Haku from causing damage.


In order to gain funds for a second coup d’état, Zabuza became a mercenary assassin for hire. As one of his jobs, he was hired by Gato to kill a bridge builder named Tazuna who is a threat to his employer's business. When the Demon Brothers failed to eliminate Tazuna — intimidating a furious Gatō with his sword — Zabuza decided to take care of the bridge-builder personally. Upon tracking down his target, Zabuza found that Tazuna was being protected by Kakashi Hatake and his students. Wanting to test his ability, Zabuza challenged Kakashi to a battle, and Kakashi complied by revealing his

Soon after the battle began, Zabuza managed to catch Kakashi off guard, and trapped him with his Water prison jutsu. Needing to stay with Kakashi to keep him imprisoned, Zabuza sent a water clone to kill Tazuna and the rest of Kakashi's team, believing it to be a simple matter. However,Naruto Uzumaki created a plan and with the help of Sasuke Uchiha, managed to sneak up on Zabuza, forcing him to release Kakashi. Kakashi and Zabuza resumed their battle, though Kakashi's Sharingan quickly gave him the upper hand. Copying Zabuza's Water style: Water Vortex jutsu before he could use it, Kakashi managed to defeat Zabuza.

Before Zabuza could be killed by Kakashi, however, Haku appeared, disguised as a hunter-nin, and threw two needles into Zabuza's neck, apparently killing him. Taking Zabuza's body away, under the guise of needing to destroy it, Haku revived Zabuza, the needles having been used to paralyse him. Although Zabuza's life had been saved, he needed a week to recover, and he planned to kill Tazuna and Kakashi then.

A week later, Zabuza and Haku appeared before Team 7 for a rematch. As Haku dealt with Kakashi's students, Zabuza dealt with Kakashi. Having been told how the Sharingan worked by Haku, Zabuza blanketed the area in a thick mist, to avoid falling prey to the Sharingan's influence. In doing so, Zabuza was able to slash Kakashi with his sword, greatly damaging his opponent. Kakashi, however, allowed himself to be attacked, and summoned his ninken to sniff out the blood, now on Zabuza's sword, to track and pin him down.

With Zabuza unable to fight back, Kakashi prepared to kill Zabuza with his Lighting Blade, and charged at Zabuza. Before the Lightning Cutter could meet its mark, however, Haku appeared as a human shield, and took the full force of the attack, fulfilling his promise of being a tool for his master. Freed as a result of Haku's intervention, and not willing to allow the opening Haku had created to go to waste, Zabuza tried to slash through Haku's body to kill Kakashi but Kakashi was able to avoid it and disable Zabuza.

With Zabuza no longer able to battle, Gatō arrived, and revoked their agreement so that he could have his own henchmen kill Tazuna instead. No longer having a reason to kill Tazuna, Zabuza ended his battle with Kakashi, although Naruto was not satisfied by this. Angered that Haku died for Zabuza, while Zabuza had shown no signs of remorse, Naruto lectured him on the feelings Haku had for him, and the loyalty he felt towards Zabuza.

Brought to tears by Naruto's words, Zabuza revealed that he really did care about Haku, and valued him higher than a simple tool. Wanting to repent for what he had done, Zabuza took one of Naruto's kunai, and charged through Gatō's men to get to Gatō, being stabbed multiple times along the way. Upon reaching Gatō, Zabuza killed him, and collapsed due to his injuries. As Gatō's men fled, Zabuza asked Kakashi if he could be brought to Haku, to which Kakashi complied. Being by Haku's side in death, as Haku was by his in life, Zabuza, as he passed out, wished that he could go to the same place as Haku. Kakashi believed that they would be able to go to that place together. After mourning his and Haku's deaths, Team 7 buried them next to each other, with the Kubikiribōchō stabbed into the ground.

Kakashi later stated that he hesitated before cutting Haku and that (though he didn't admit it) Haku's death had shaken him.

Part II

Shinobi World War Arc

In preparation for the Fourth Shinobi World War, Zabuza was reincarnated by Kabuto Yakushi to fight against the Allied Shinobi Forces, before being mobilised alongside Haku, Gari, Pakura and Toroi. Overhearing Zabuza as he told Haku that they were no longer in the afterlife, Gari informed them of their current situation, infuriating Zabuza who did not want to obey someone who would stoop so low as to use the dead.

When later ambushed by the Surprise Attack Division, Haku protected them both from the explosive tags carried by Sai's ink birds, though Zabuza indicated that it was unnecessary after he observed the others regenerating. This irritated him further, since not only were they brought back, but they were also made impossible to kill. Remarking that he was the only one amongst his group to not possess a kekkei genkai, Zabuza stormed the recently grounded opposition but was intercepted by Kakashi, whom he never expected to confront again. Greeting Sakura and noting her growth since they last met, Zabuza inquired about Naruto, learning from Kakashi how famous he had become since his death.

As Kabuto erased their consciousness, Zabuza pleaded with Kakashi to stop him no matter what it took, as his humanity was already dead. Enveloping the battlefield in a thick mist, Zabuza then assaulted the Third Division, until he was confronted by Kakashi. Amidst the battle, the previous generation of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist were summoned to the field in order for Akatsuki to retain the upper hand, with Zabuza soon joining them whilst wielding his broken Kubikiribōchō. During the ensuing battle, after surviving a futile bombardment of various techniques, Zabuza's blade began to reform using the iron collected from the blood of his victims.

Kakashi eventually moved in from behind to incapacitate him, but once again, Haku intercepted the blow. Slicing clean through Haku to attack, Zabuza bisected the former while only slightly injuring Kakashi. With his blade fully reformed, Zabuza charged towards him but as they clashed, Kakashi severed Zabuza's sword-holding arm and impaled him through his chest. This provided Ensui Nara with an opportunity to immobilise Zabuza, where he was then captured and sealed by Maki, causing the mist to clear.

Later, with the release of the Impure World Reincarnation technique, a light of sorts encased Zabuza's sealed body as the technique was dispelled and his soul was returned to the afterlife.


Following Zabuza's death, Kirigakure ninja began associating him with members of Team 7; Kisame Hoshigaki referenced Zabuza when he first met Kakashi,[5] while the Fifth Mizukage and Chōjūrō believe Sasuke was the one who defeated him and Haku.[6][7] However, Zabuza himself gave Naruto the credit for his defeat.[8] Zabuza's sword is taken from his grave site in Part II by Suigetsu Hōzuki (in the anime it was Tenzen Daikoku from whom Suigetsu retrieved the sword).[9][10] During his and Kakashi's exchange following Zabuza's reincarnation, Kakashi admits that it was because of him and Haku that Naruto strove to become the ninja and hero that he is.[8]

Likes/Dislikes: Zabuza hates being controled and can't stand working with people who don't listen.

Theme song:

Other: (Anything else you want to note.)
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Zabuza said:

Name: Zabuza Momochi

Nickname: "The Demon Hidden Mist"

Gender: Male

Age: 26 (Should I change for school reasons?)

Birthday: August 15

Race: Human

Anime: Naruto

Appearance notes: (Three outifts he changes between)




Height: 6'0

Weight: 158 lb

Item: Kubikiribocho (His giant sword)

Main school program: Sword fighting, Acrobactics, Hand-to-hand combat, and Spiritual energy control (Chakra control)

Year: 1sh





Hidden Mist Jutsu

Water style: Water Clone jutsu

Water style: Water Prison Jutsu

Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu

Water style: Water Vortex Jutsu


Zabuza was initially portrayed as aggressive, arrogant, cruel, cold and ambitious, willing to become
Gatos thug to gain enough funds to start a second coup d'etat on the Mizukage, and kill anyone who stood in his path, including plotting to kill Gatō once he had received enough funds from him. His reputation for cruelty and ruthlessness began as a child where he killed every single candidate in Kirigakure's Academy, earning him the moniker of "Demon of the Hidden Mist" (霧隠れの鬼人, Kirigakure no Kijin). He willingly uses his own men and others as pawns to fulfil his ambitions, as he raised Haku to be an efficient tool to be discarded when he had no use to exploit; although unlike future antagonists, he was blunt about the purpose that his recruits were needed for, lacking the manipulation of pretending to be benevolent to inspire loyalty.

He is an observant adversary who is able to analyse his opponent's techniques after seeing it once, but becomes overconfident if he sees the technique as useless. In his last moments, it is revealed that he cared deeply for Haku, and after being convinced by Naruto Uzumaki, he sacrifices his life to kill Gatō, and dies wishing he could join Haku in the afterlife. However, he seems reluctant to speak or hear about it, telling whoever does so to shut up. Kakashi has also noted that Zabuza had hesitated for a moment before the thought of slashing through Haku to get to Kakashi during their battle on the bridge; the lack of hesitation during the Fourth Shinobi War made Kakashi know that the controlled Zabuza was completely different.

He has also shown a sense of honour, as seen after his reincarnation when he expressed disgust about the idea of working for anyone who would stoop down so low as to use the dead as their tools, in the meantime making the revived immortal. His sense of honour is extended even further when he pleads with Kakashi to stop him and Haku from causing damage.


In order to gain funds for a second coup d’état, Zabuza became a mercenary assassin for hire. As one of his jobs, he was hired by Gato to kill a bridge builder named Tazuna who is a threat to his employer's business. When the Demon Brothers failed to eliminate Tazuna — intimidating a furious Gatō with his sword — Zabuza decided to take care of the bridge-builder personally. Upon tracking down his target, Zabuza found that Tazuna was being protected by Kakashi Hatake and his students. Wanting to test his ability, Zabuza challenged Kakashi to a battle, and Kakashi complied by revealing his

Soon after the battle began, Zabuza managed to catch Kakashi off guard, and trapped him with his Water prison jutsu. Needing to stay with Kakashi to keep him imprisoned, Zabuza sent a water clone to kill Tazuna and the rest of Kakashi's team, believing it to be a simple matter. However,Naruto Uzumaki created a plan and with the help of Sasuke Uchiha, managed to sneak up on Zabuza, forcing him to release Kakashi. Kakashi and Zabuza resumed their battle, though Kakashi's Sharingan quickly gave him the upper hand. Copying Zabuza's Water style: Water Vortex jutsu before he could use it, Kakashi managed to defeat Zabuza.

Before Zabuza could be killed by Kakashi, however, Haku appeared, disguised as a hunter-nin, and threw two needles into Zabuza's neck, apparently killing him. Taking Zabuza's body away, under the guise of needing to destroy it, Haku revived Zabuza, the needles having been used to paralyse him. Although Zabuza's life had been saved, he needed a week to recover, and he planned to kill Tazuna and Kakashi then.

A week later, Zabuza and Haku appeared before Team 7 for a rematch. As Haku dealt with Kakashi's students, Zabuza dealt with Kakashi. Having been told how the Sharingan worked by Haku, Zabuza blanketed the area in a thick mist, to avoid falling prey to the Sharingan's influence. In doing so, Zabuza was able to slash Kakashi with his sword, greatly damaging his opponent. Kakashi, however, allowed himself to be attacked, and summoned his ninken to sniff out the blood, now on Zabuza's sword, to track and pin him down.

With Zabuza unable to fight back, Kakashi prepared to kill Zabuza with his Lighting Blade, and charged at Zabuza. Before the Lightning Cutter could meet its mark, however, Haku appeared as a human shield, and took the full force of the attack, fulfilling his promise of being a tool for his master. Freed as a result of Haku's intervention, and not willing to allow the opening Haku had created to go to waste, Zabuza tried to slash through Haku's body to kill Kakashi but Kakashi was able to avoid it and disable Zabuza.

With Zabuza no longer able to battle, Gatō arrived, and revoked their agreement so that he could have his own henchmen kill Tazuna instead. No longer having a reason to kill Tazuna, Zabuza ended his battle with Kakashi, although Naruto was not satisfied by this. Angered that Haku died for Zabuza, while Zabuza had shown no signs of remorse, Naruto lectured him on the feelings Haku had for him, and the loyalty he felt towards Zabuza.

Brought to tears by Naruto's words, Zabuza revealed that he really did care about Haku, and valued him higher than a simple tool. Wanting to repent for what he had done, Zabuza took one of Naruto's kunai, and charged through Gatō's men to get to Gatō, being stabbed multiple times along the way. Upon reaching Gatō, Zabuza killed him, and collapsed due to his injuries. As Gatō's men fled, Zabuza asked Kakashi if he could be brought to Haku, to which Kakashi complied. Being by Haku's side in death, as Haku was by his in life, Zabuza, as he passed out, wished that he could go to the same place as Haku. Kakashi believed that they would be able to go to that place together. After mourning his and Haku's deaths, Team 7 buried them next to each other, with the Kubikiribōchō stabbed into the ground.

Kakashi later stated that he hesitated before cutting Haku and that (though he didn't admit it) Haku's death had shaken him.

Part II

Shinobi World War Arc

In preparation for the Fourth Shinobi World War, Zabuza was reincarnated by Kabuto Yakushi to fight against the Allied Shinobi Forces, before being mobilised alongside Haku, Gari, Pakura and Toroi. Overhearing Zabuza as he told Haku that they were no longer in the afterlife, Gari informed them of their current situation, infuriating Zabuza who did not want to obey someone who would stoop so low as to use the dead.

When later ambushed by the Surprise Attack Division, Haku protected them both from the explosive tags carried by Sai's ink birds, though Zabuza indicated that it was unnecessary after he observed the others regenerating. This irritated him further, since not only were they brought back, but they were also made impossible to kill. Remarking that he was the only one amongst his group to not possess a kekkei genkai, Zabuza stormed the recently grounded opposition but was intercepted by Kakashi, whom he never expected to confront again. Greeting Sakura and noting her growth since they last met, Zabuza inquired about Naruto, learning from Kakashi how famous he had become since his death.

As Kabuto erased their consciousness, Zabuza pleaded with Kakashi to stop him no matter what it took, as his humanity was already dead. Enveloping the battlefield in a thick mist, Zabuza then assaulted the Third Division, until he was confronted by Kakashi. Amidst the battle, the previous generation of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist were summoned to the field in order for Akatsuki to retain the upper hand, with Zabuza soon joining them whilst wielding his broken Kubikiribōchō. During the ensuing battle, after surviving a futile bombardment of various techniques, Zabuza's blade began to reform using the iron collected from the blood of his victims.

Kakashi eventually moved in from behind to incapacitate him, but once again, Haku intercepted the blow. Slicing clean through Haku to attack, Zabuza bisected the former while only slightly injuring Kakashi. With his blade fully reformed, Zabuza charged towards him but as they clashed, Kakashi severed Zabuza's sword-holding arm and impaled him through his chest. This provided Ensui Nara with an opportunity to immobilise Zabuza, where he was then captured and sealed by Maki, causing the mist to clear.

Later, with the release of the Impure World Reincarnation technique, a light of sorts encased Zabuza's sealed body as the technique was dispelled and his soul was returned to the afterlife.


Following Zabuza's death, Kirigakure ninja began associating him with members of Team 7; Kisame Hoshigaki referenced Zabuza when he first met Kakashi,[5] while the Fifth Mizukage and Chōjūrō believe Sasuke was the one who defeated him and Haku.[6][7] However, Zabuza himself gave Naruto the credit for his defeat.[8] Zabuza's sword is taken from his grave site in Part II by Suigetsu Hōzuki (in the anime it was Tenzen Daikoku from whom Suigetsu retrieved the sword).[9][10] During his and Kakashi's exchange following Zabuza's reincarnation, Kakashi admits that it was because of him and Haku that Naruto strove to become the ninja and hero that he is.[8]


Theme song:

Other: (Anything else you want to note.)
...Accepted. :3 Also, you needn't change the age. This school is for all ages.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/upload_2013-10-30_20-45-13.jpeg.21592c86c92fd8d4d28cb1144901747e.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8878" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/upload_2013-10-30_20-45-13.jpeg.21592c86c92fd8d4d28cb1144901747e.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Private. Tamama

Nickname: Private

Gender: Male

Age:NA, acts like a seven year old

Race: Keron

Anime: Sgt. Frog

Heigth: Approximately two feet tall

Weight: Approximately 25 pounds

Main school program:Yearbook

Year: first year

Powers/Weapons:Rage blast- when filled with anger or jealousy, Tamama can form the emotion into a ball and shoot it out of his mouth


Tamama is possessed of a tendency to have mood swings that border on asplit personality, just like his partner Momoka Nishizawa! Also known as Bi-polar. While usually gentle and cheerful, Tamama can become a vengeful, raving maniac at the drop of a hat[1]. This change is usually accompanied by the sound of a balloon popping.


all is known that he was sent form Keron to invade Earth! But, he got easily distracted by all the hot men and junk food.

Likes/Dislikes: Tamama likes junk food and sweets (especially candy, cake, soft drinks, and potato chips) and physical training. Tamama's least favorite sound is nails on a chalkboard. Tamama's biggest fear (although he does not show much fear towards it) is seeing his lovely self.

Theme song:

-- I am wanting to add this character due to being able to bring a lot of comedy and kawaii-ness!~~~--



  • upload_2013-10-30_20-45-13.jpeg
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The first couple of episodes really ruin how people think about it, but it's like Ouron High School had a love child with Invader Zim.
I am one of those people who loves all those types of animes. The ones where you either love them, or hate em'.


Ivan Braginsky








December 30th




Hetalia: Axis Powers


182 cm. / 5"11'




Faucet Pipe

Main School Program:

History / Geography


First Year


Ivan isn't particularly fond of conflict though a crushing aura of dread he gives off unintentionally defuses most anyone from starting a fight to begin with. In some cases it's been said that his signature scarf can move as if it's an additional limb.


Ivan is a shy, quiet young man who always seems to be smiling at nothing in particular. A bit naive, everything seems to just brush right by him leaving him in an almost permanent state of mild pleasantness. He rarely chips into conversations and more often than not finds himself but this is more due to circumstance and his general habit of scaring people. Despite his good hearted nature he sometimes comes off as cruel and a bit insane, saying creepy or dark things without breaking his smile and then going on as if he never said it in the first place. Despite this he has a deep desire to make friends but simply lacks the social skills to do so most days.


As a young country, Ivan was bullied, taken over and pursued time and time again. As a child all he had was his sisters Natasha ( Belarus ) and Ukraine, the former who gifted him her favorite scarf which he still wears to this day and the latter who has stayed close to him if not too much so. During WW2 he found himself siding with the Allies and helped them win along with his rather one sided friend China. While he's a world power, he's taken some time as of recent to try balancing his duties as a country with going to school.


+ Warm Weather

+ Sun Flowers

+ Vodka

- Winter

Theme Song:



Name: Ookami Ryouko

NickName: Okami-san

Gender: F



Race: Human

Anime: Okami-San and her seven Companions

Item: Kitten Gloves

Main School Program: Gym

Year: 2nd

Personality: has a very fierce personality, just like a wolf, she's much more of a loner, but she still welcomes friends. It takes a while to see her sweet center, or if you sneak around behind her, you'll see her stop and pet some cute dogs. She acts very tough, but in reality, she's quite weak.

Likes: Cute Dogs

Dislikes: Unfairness, Jerks

Theme Song:

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Name: Sasuke Uchiha

Nickname: The Ninja of Hate

Gender: Male

Age: 16


Race: human

Anime: Naruto: Shippuden

Appearance notes: Sasuke is a fair-skinned ninja who has onyx eyes and black chin-length hair. His hair is spiky in the back with bangs that lengthen as the story progresses. As a young child, his bangs hung above his eyes. Later, they would hang on both sides of his face to roughly frame his cheeks and later again return to their original style. Sasuke is considered quite handsome as most girls near his age become very infatuated with him. At the beginning of Part I, Sasuke's clothing consisted of the traditional Uchiha clothing: a navy blue, short-sleeved shirt with a high collar and the Uchiha crest on the back and white arm warmers, which he stopped wearing after the Chūnin Exams, along with white shorts. In the last stage of the Chūnin Exams, he wore a black, one-pieced version of this outfit with many small arm-belts adorning his left arm and similar bands around both legs. As the story progressed, the Uchiha symbol became smaller and smaller until after he defeats his brother.

Initially, Sasuke wore a short blue-clothed forehead protector with the Konoha symbol on the metallic plate. After suffering a second defeat from Itachi, Sasuke stopped wearing it for some time. He put it back on during the latter half of his battle with Naruto at the Valley of the End, only to let it drop off at the end. Since then, Sasuke hasn't worn a forehead protector.

In Part II, Sasuke has grown noticeably taller over the two and a half years and more muscular. He was first shown wearing a white long-sleeved shirt, similar in appearance to the lavender long-sleeved shirt worn by Kimimaro and which was open at the torso, with a smaller version of the Uchiha crest on his collar. He wore dark blue pants with a blue cloth hanging from halfway up his stomach to his knees. He also wore black arm guards that covered his forearms and stretched up to reach his upper biceps. He also wore a purple rope belt around his waist, tied in a bow, in which he carries his sword.

After battling Deidara, he switched to a sleeveless dark grey shirt. His arm guards were also removed, and he started wearing bandages on his wrists, under which he wore special armbands with seals where he stores various shuriken. He also wore a black cloak with this.

After he encountered and battled Itachi, he reverted to a grey high-collared short-sleeved shirt similar in appearance to the blue shirt he commonly wore in Part I but with a zipper. He also wears blue wrist warmers with his shuriken armbands hidden underneath. He briefly wore an Akatsuki cloak along with this. Another noticeable trait is that along with this new outfit, Sasuke began letting his hair hang over his forehead. The Uchiha crest on the back of his outfit has returned to its original size since his battle with Itachi. While adjusting to Itachi's eyes at the Mountains' Graveyard, he is seen wearing black Uchiha robes similar to those worn by Madara in his youth with a belt sash around his waist, though he would revert back to his previous clothing.



Item: Sword of Kusanagi

Main school program: N/A

Year: 1st


While still officially being ranked as a genin, Sasuke is hailed as a brilliant ninja, even by the battle-adept Uchiha clan's standards, showing an undeniable prodigious talent and keen intellect to excel at all that he does from early childhood. From this, he finds little difficulty in more challenging tasks as seen during his time in the Academy.[34] Scoring the highest in the performance tests and one of the highest in written tests,[35] he easily graduated at the top of his Academy class. Sasuke has great knowledge if not proficiency in many of his clan's techniques, despite his lack of formal training by relying solely on his innate talent and determination. His abilities have been compared to various remarkable individuals like Kakashi Hatake, who was also hailed as a genius since childhood. Various powerful shinobi have commented on Sasuke's potential, stating that he can with time surpass the likes of Itachi Uchiha,[36] Nagato,[37] and even Madara Uchiha.[38]Orochimaru also noted that Sasuke is far stronger than he was at the same age when he was training Sasuke in Part II.[39]

Throughout Part I, he steadily develops his abilities under Kakashi's tutelage, becoming capable of holding his own against skilled shinobi such as Haku, Gaara and even Orochimaru for a short time. After his acquisition and development of the Cursed Seal of Heaven, Sasuke's growth was heightened, allowing him to fight the entire Sound Four for a while and eventually defeat his Team 7 comrade Naruto, who had shown a similar development throughout Part I and was empowered by Kurama's chakra in a very difficult battle. By Part II, he develops much of his potential, becoming strong enough to fight on even terms with several highly skilled and extremely powerful shinobi. He was able to defeat Orochimaru, though he downplays his victory and attributes it to the Sannin's weakened state.[40] Sasuke was able to clash with Deidara — a powerful and dangerous S-rankAkatsuki member, decipher the mechanisms behind his abilities, and survive their battle without any handicaps. As Tobi noted, Itachi had already determined the outcome of their fight, as he was plagued with an unknown illness and was using medicine to prolong his life.[41] This didn't prevent Itachi from praising Sasuke during their battle, displaying surprise on a few occasions over Sasuke's improved skills and tactics and ultimately noting that if he didn't use Susanoo he would have been killed by Kirin.[42]

After awakening his Mangekyō Sharingan (despite not being fully healed from the battle against Itachi), Sasuke proved able to stand against Killer B, Gyūki's jinchūriki and an extremely powerful ninja, who praised Sasuke as one of the strongest ninja he has ever faced, despite Sasuke's inability to defeat him.[43] After fully healing and further adjusting to his Mangekyō Sharingan, Sasuke proved able to hold his own against at least two Kage, their respective bodyguards and various samurai warriors. He also fought on even grounds with Danzō, another Kage-level opponent, while generally controlling the pace of the fight, and ultimately defeated him, even surviving against the elder's repeated use of Izanagi — a feat that later earned him praise from Itachi.[44] After adapting to Itachi's eyes, Sasuke was able to match his older brother in various fields of combat when working together with him against the extremely dangerous Kabuto, who had greatly modified his body and gained numerous abilities.[45][46]


Although not his most used combat tactic, Sasuke's taijutsu was at a very high level since the start of the series. During Team 7's first bell test with Kakashi, the elite ninja was shocked that he couldn't read Icha-Icha while fighting him as he needed both hands.[47] He was also able to outmanoeuvre two chūnin-level Kirigakure missing-nin.[48] His skills improved drastically after his encounter with Rock Lee. With his Sharingan, he was able to copy some of Lee's moves and from it create the Lion Combo. Under Kakashi's tutelage, he improved his taijutsu further by copying more of Lee's Strong Fist-style, roughly matching Lee's basic combat skills and speed in one month.[49] With this, he overwhelmed Gaara during their initial fight. He was also able to hold his own against the entire Sound Four for a brief period of time. During his battle against Naruto, he managed to dominate his Team 7 comrade in hand-to-hand combat for most of the fight, even when Naruto started using Kurama's chakra. In Part II, Sasuke further improved his taijutsu under Orochimaru's guidance. During his battle with Itachi, Sasuke managed to hold his own in a taijustu fight against his older brother. In the anime, Sasuke managed to use taijutsu to fight off Deidara'sExplosive Clay Minions, who appeared to be surprisingly proficient in taijustu. Also in the anime, he was also able to hold his own against Kakashi in a taijutsu fight despite being in a physically debilitated state.[50]

Since the start of the series, Sasuke showed a high level of speed and reflexes as he was the first of his fellow genin to react to the Demon Brothers' ambush and effectively counter them. After training in chakra control, his speed was on a near-equal level to that of Haku. He later increased his speed further to outrun Gaara's sand and move faster than unaided eyes could follow in Part I.[51] After his Sharingan fully develops, he was also able to follow the speed of both Naruto's initial jinchūriki form and one-tailed form during their fight, though couldn't completely dodge the latter's demon shroud. In Part II, due to Orochimaru's training, Sasuke's already impressive speed saw a huge leap, able to evade both Deidara's clay explosions at point-blank range on multiple occasions, and attacks from the extremely fast Killer B and A, though he credited the last to his Sharingan's ability to read their linear moves. He also greatly increased his hand speed, able to do many hand seals in a blur and launch an enormous amount of weapons just as quickly, as seen during his fight with Itachi. His speed and proficiency with the Body Flicker Technique have also grown considerably, able to easily cut his opponents down without them noticing. When first facing Team Kakashi in Part II, he showed himself able to cover wide gaps in the blink of an eye, giving his former allies no time to react.

Sasuke has shown a high level of stamina and endurance; at the Five Kage Summit, he was able to endure a consistent string of battles against the samurai, two Kage and their bodyguards before finally collapsing from exhaustion. In a near-blind, battered, and visibly exhausted state from his latter fight with Danzō and overusing the Mangekyō Sharingan, he still had enough stamina to fight against Kakashi, restrain and disarm Sakura and later match Naruto's Rasengan with his Chidori. His raw strength has also become noticeably greater, being able to lift Sakura by her throat into the air with a single hand even while exhausted. His overall improvements were so great that Sakura even suspected that he had been given drugs to improve his physical capabilities.



Since early childhood, Sasuke has displayed great skill and use of various ninja tools which has grown and diversified over time. Sasuke was trained in archery during his childhood.[52] He is also skilled in the use of wire strings, using them for a variety of purposes ranging from rappelling, to manipulating the path of his shurikens, to ensnaring an opponent and setting them on fire. His level with both trap and weapon-based tactics even surprised Kakashi during their first bell test.[53] In the manga, during his first battle against Orochimaru, Sasuke displayed the ability to infuse one of his kunai with chakra.[54] In the anime, he also used a set of chains to ensnare foes.[55]


During his time with Orochimaru, Sasuke was trained in kenjutsu, and became a skilled swordsman. He also acquired a chokutō, and the use of kenjutsu has become a major part of his fighting style. With these skills in swordplay, he was able to incapacitate hundreds of Oto-nin during his training without killing them.[14] His skills with a sword were better shown during the Kage Summit, where he was able to effortlessly outfight and kill multiple samurai, and even deflect their barrage of chakra blasts.[56] He even skilfully blocked an attack from Mifune, a famous master swordsman, who acknowledged Sasuke's ability with this combat form.[57] During the Fourth Shinobi World War, Sasuke was able to fight off one of the Ten-Tails' mini clones with kenjutsu.[58]

Sasuke's lethal swordsmanship is shown to be very versatile, using impressive speed and precision behind his attacks, leaving little time for enemies to dodge or counter. He can effectively use it in either a normal or reverse grip, giving him various attack styles and the ability to attack or defend from various angles, allowing him to easily change his attack type to suit the situation. He can use his blade as a mid-range projectile with great precision as seen during the battle against Kabuto. Sasuke is also able to adapt his swordsmanship with equal proficiency to his makeshift Chidori blade. As part of his Kagutsuchi technique, Sasuke can also produce a flexible sword that can fire spikes of black flames in an arc.[59]


Sasuke is also well-versed in weapons use such as kunai and shuriken. At the start of the series, he could use techniques likeShadow Shuriken Technique in which he could hide one shuriken in the shadow of another and the Manipulated Shuriken Technique, which allows him to control the path of giant shuriken using wire strings. Due to his Sharingan, he can use an advanced version of the latter technique, the Manipulating Windmill Triple Blades which allows him to control a larger number of shuriken and even use them to ensnare an opponent with the strings.

Since his battle with Itachi, Sasuke started using a pair of bracelets with a special seal that allowed him to instantly summon shuriken, thus increasing the amount he carries at any one time and launch speed. He has also demonstrated the ability to increase the lethal properties of the Fūma Shuriken by rigging it to disconnect its four blades and launch them into separate directions. Sasuke has also shown the ability to match his shuriken and Fire Release skills for techniques like Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique or he can infuse a fūma shuriken with lightning chakra for increased cutting power.

Summoning Techniques

During his training under Orochimaru, Sasuke learned many of the Sannin's snake-oriented techniques. He became able to summon various-sized snakes to aid him in battle, even hidden from his sleeves to strike or bind his opponents with little time to react. He was also able to summon snakes from any part of his body. He was not seen using snakes again until the Fourth Shinobi World War, when he summons a giant snake to aid him in his fight against theTen-Tails.

Some time later, Sasuke also made an additional summoning contract which allows him to summonhawks. He summoned one during his battle against Danzō Shimura and used it to help him outmanoeuvre his opponent's attacks. In the anime, the hawk was also of capable of performing coordinated attacks with Sasuke.

Nature Transformation

As a true genius ninja and member of the Uchiha, Sasuke has great proficiency in Fire Release nature manipulation. By age 7, he had already mastered his clan's rite of passage technique, the Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique. Even Kakashi was amazed at such a feat as, according to him, genin usually require much more experience and developed chakra to perform elemental techniques. He can also use his fire techniques in conjunction with his weapon skills. He can also produce a barrage giant dragon-shaped fireballsthat can quickly burn an enemy, even with minimal contact.

After learning that Sasuke can also manipulate Lightning Releasenature manipulation, and hoping to deter Sasuke from using the Cursed Seal, Kakashi taught him the Chidori, made more effective when combined with his Sharingan. With this combination, Sasuke can punch through most obstacles with relative ease, as well as severely damaging any opponent during most uses. In Part I, Sasuke was limited to using the attack only twice a day, with a third usage after the initial activation of his cursed seal. In Part II, Sasuke was shown to be able to use the Chidori several times in one day. During their battle, A commended Sasuke's Chidori for being able to break through his Lightning Release Armour despite inflicting only minor damage.[60]

Over the timeskip, Sasuke put a great deal of time developing his lightning-based chakra, having mastered it to create many new techniques of said type, most of these revolving around his Chidori, which he has refined. When first seen in Part II, he was able to channel his Chidori to emit electricity from all over his body as a shield that stuns those it comes into contact with. He can also channel the Chidori through his sword through "chakra flow", giving the blade extreme cutting power and allowing it to numb anyone it cuts. This is powerful enough to slice through a chakra wave created by a similar sword technique. He can also concentrate it into a extendable sword and solid senbon in order to make more precise attacks. He is also able to infuse shuriken with lightning chakra. Sasuke's most powerful elemental technique is Kirin, a lightning technique that uses natural lightning as opposed to chakra, allowing Sasuke to perform it even when visibly exhausted. If there are no thunder clouds available, Sasuke can use a powerful Fire Release technique to create thunder clouds. Sasuke then takes control of the lightning, shapes it into a kirin, and then brings the lightning down on his target. The technique is so powerful that it has the ability to destroy a small mountain, as well as break through the defences of Itachi Uchiha's Susanoo which include the legendary Yata Mirror.

When Sasuke gained the Mangekyō Sharingan, he manifestedAmaterasu during his battle with Killer B. During the Kage Summit, he developed an advanced Fire Release known as the Blaze Release; an element that draws its power from Amaterasu. Aside from unleashing a wave of unquenchable black flames that incinerates everything that reflects in his eyesight, Sasuke can control the movement of the flames into surrounding him and creating spikes to protect himself. As such, he was regarded as more skilled with it than Itachi was by C.[61] When he gained his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, his Blaze Release greatly improved. He could combine Blaze Release: Kagutsuchi with Susanoo to create Amaterasu swords and arrowsthat can pierce through heavy defences and ignite them,[28] and create a barrage of Amaterasu magatama to handle multiple enemies.[62] Sasuke could also use his Kagutsuchi without using Susanoo for more direct usage.[63][64]



Sasuke is one of select members of the Uchiha clan to possess its famous kekkei genkai, the Sharingan. This dōjutsu allows Sasuke to analyse and predict movements, observe the flow of chakra, copy the techniques of others, and cast powerful illusions through eye-contact. Sasuke first awakened his Sharingan at the age of 7, with one tomoe in each eye, after seeing Itachi murder their clan. However, due to the severity of the trauma induced from the incident, Sasuke was unable to recall this development and could not use it. It wasn't until years later, soon after refining his chakra control and during his battle with Haku, that he was able to reactivate the dōjutsu with an additional tomoe in his right eye. Shortly before the start of the Chūnin Exams, Sasuke demonstrated the ability to use his Sharingan of his own volition after further practice. It was at this point that both of his eyes came to possess two tomoe, until their eventual maturation with three tomoe during his battle against Naruto at the Valley of the End. Through his development as a shinobi and experience with the dōjutsu, Sasuke drastically increased his time periods to which he can maintain his Sharingan with little effect to his chakra levels, even in prolonged fights against several high-level opponents.

While only making liberal use of it during Part I, Orochimaru stated that power and clarity even greater than Itachi's could be sensed from Sasuke's Sharingan, despite its incomplete state.[65]Throughout Part II, Sasuke has demonstrated formidable use of the dōjutsu, most notably acquiring a strong grasp of its genjutsu casting capabilities. With this newfound power he has been able to easily hypnotise his adversaries — restricting movements,[66] relaying recorded memories,[67]applying deceptive imagery to create defensive and offensive opportunities, inducing hallucinations shocking enough to stir the emotions of even someone like Sai, and even easily quelling Jūgo's violent impulses. More prominent examples of his aptitude for Sharingan genjutsu, and a testament to his latent potential, include entering Naruto's subconscious to effectively suppress the Nine-Tails' leaking chakra,[68] along with his complete control over the actions of a summoned creature as mighty as Manda;[69] a glimpse of the dōjutsu's infamous potential to subjugate the tailed beasts.[70]

When Orochimaru finally made his attempt to possess Sasuke's body, the young Uchiha was able to utilise his Sharingan in conjunction with the strength of his overbearing will to erode the dimensional space used for the technique, and ultimately turn it against the Sannin. Despite wielding a lesser dōjutsu, Sasuke's substantial ocular prowess would prove strong enough to dispel a genjutsu as powerful as Itachi's Tsukuyomi, much to his brother's shock.[71]

Mangekyō Sharingan

Sasuke awakened his Mangekyō Sharingan after the death of his older brother, Itachi. The tomoe of Sasuke's Mangekyō spread and converge along the edge of its iris, taking on the appearance of three intersecting ellipses. After exchanging his eyes with Itachi's for the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, an inverted, more aligned rendition of Itachi's Mangekyō tomoe is centred within Sasuke's own.

Customary of the Mangekyō Sharingan, prolonged reliance upon its ocular powers places a great burden on his eyes and body, deteriorating his vision after each use. While resting after his fight with Killer B, Sasuke began to find his vision sporadically fading. It was during his confrontation with Kakashi, that was preceded by excessive usage of his Mangekyō Sharingan throughout a number of difficult battles, that the repercussions became more prominent. The final form of his Susanoo that he had just materialised was almost immediately dispersed upon Sasuke reeling from overexertion of his ocular powers, resulting in his eyesight being reduced to a heavy blur. Out of respect for his older brother's views, Sasuke initially refused to take Itachi's Mangekyō Sharingan as his own to avoid this outcome, but faced with his rapidly diminishing vision and Naruto's unyielding convictions, he finally requested that Tobi transplant them. This resulted in Sasuke's acquisition of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan; inheriting Itachi's ocular power. Following this, usage of his techniques through the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan do not appear to place any significant burden on his physical constitution; showing none of the earlier signs of strain or fatigue that plagued him from sustained use of this dōjutsu.

With his right Mangekyō, Sasuke has demonstrated the ability to cast what is presumed to be Tsukuyomi, allowing him to break a target's will and paralyse them.[72] While commending Sasuke for successfully ensnaring him with it, Danzō denounced Sasuke's might with the technique as he was incapable of using it to alter a victim's perception of time, like his older brother.[73] Despite this, Tobi noted that Sasuke's resourcefulness and precise timing in its use was able to somewhat compensate for the illusion's lack of power.[74] With his left Mangekyō, he is able to cast Amaterasu, which ignites unquenchable black flames at the focal point of his sight that continue to burn for an entire week, or until they have completely consumed whatever they come into contact with. Sasuke's use of these black flames are said to surpass Itachi's, as he's also able to cast Blaze Release: Kagutsuchi with his right Mangekyō to extinguish and manipulate them at will, a control that was further perfected after gaining Itachi's eyes.

After awakening the powers of both Mangekyō Sharingan, Sasuke became one of the rare few Uchiha capable of invoking Susanoo; the materialisation of an immense humanoid construct of chakra. Sasuke has not been hesitant in testing his limits with the technique, with his extreme emotions lying at the root of the development of its higher stages. While initially relying upon partial manifestations of its ribcage for defence, and its larger skeletal stages for mighty displays of offensive power with its fists and sword, Sasuke was soon able to complete his Susanoo's body during his fight with Danzō — armed with a bow that doubles as a shield, and an orb of chakra that conjures the arrows for it. Defensively it, in its incomplete stage it was able to take a barrage from the Fifth Kazekage, Temari, Kankurō, and Darui without any damage, and in its complete stage it was able to take Danzō's powerful Wind Release attacks without damage. Offensively, his Susanoo is strong enough to destroy many large stone pillars with a single swipe of its sword and with its arrows it can even pierce Wood Release constructs at a speed only Sage Mode users such asKabuto Yakushi are able to avoid. Soon after, Sasuke perfected his Susanoo during his short skirmish with Kakashi, with its outer cloak assuming a similar, if more sinister version of Itachi's own final Susanoo and changing the composition of it's orb of chakra to that of Amaterasu's black flames from which he is able to fashion a number of weapons.

Immediately following the recovery of his transplant, the final stage of his Susanoo's final form underwent a drastic change, with scaled hands, a beak-like hood and a larger bow, with a more shield-like appearance, giving it an overall more intimidating appearance. By the time of the Fourth Shinobi World War, after Naruto had transferredhis chakra to him, Sasuke was able to conjure his Susanoo complete with a lower body and legs, similar to the Susanoo of Madara Uchiha. Using Jūgo's Sage Transformation, Sasuke is able to infuse his Susanoo with senjutsu chakra, which appears as the flame pattern of the Cursed Seal of Heaven covering it.[75] Upon further syncing with Naruto as well as more experience with his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, Sasuke is able to achieve Susanoo's Perfect form and equip it onto Naruto's Sage Tailed Beast Mode, enabling him to cut through Obito Uchiha'sSword of Nunoboko and Obito himself with the senjutsu enhancement.[76]

Chakra Prowess and Control

Even by Uchiha standards, Sasuke has exceptionally strong chakra. At age 7, he was already able to use his clan's signature fire release technique. This later surprised even Kakashi, as such techniques usually require more developed chakra. In Part II, his reserves grew considerably greater. Even in an extremely weakened state from his battle against Deidara, he could summonManda, a high level summon (though he may have used Orochimaru's chakra for this). After developing his Mangekyō Sharingan, Sasuke recklessly used it multiple times in a single day among other chakra-consuming techniques such as his Chidori. Inspite of this he was able to fight effectively in multiple consecutive battles against the Five Kage, Danzō and later Team 7 before finally succumbing to exhaustion. After gaining Itachi's eyes, Sasuke's reserves appear to have grown even further, as during the battles against Kabuto and later against the Ten-Tails, where he was visibly unaffected from using several of his Mangekyō Sharingan techniques as well as his Chidori multiple times.

Quality-wise, Sasuke's chakra is very powerful; its strength is compared to that of Madara Uchiha's, whose chakra was particularly strong even amongst the Uchiha. When Sasuke first arrived at theLand of Sound and gave Kabuto a frightening glare, both he and Orochimaru noted Sasuke's exceptional chakra. His chakra's strength was even great enough to break free from Danzō'srestraining seal by releasing it from his entire body. Likewise, his chakra control has also grown considerably. With many high-level techniques, usually lightning and fire-based, he can perform them with few to no hand seals, giving his opponents little time to react.

Due to the curse of his clan, Sasuke continued to sink deeper into darkness, which caused his chakra to become noticeably darker.[77] Even Kurama noted that Sasuke's chakra has become even darker than his own, and even similar to that of Madara.[68] Karin has also mentioned that Sasuke's chakra, as he approached the point of manifesting Susanoo, had become even darker, and colder than the corrupting influence of the second stage Cursed Seal of Heaven,[78] and has since continued to grow even more potent along with the development of Susanoo.[79][80]


From a young age, Sasuke has repeatedly shown keen instincts and quick decision-making, causing many to consider him a genius. Able to easily learn various advanced techniques or utilise basic ones for crafty manoeuvres, Sasuke already became a stand-out before graduating the Academy. He is a proficient strategist, observing his opponent's skills and deducing their workings with ease and accuracy while remaining calm and composed. He then chooses the most effective means and ninjutsu to counter them.[3] His resolution enables him to pick strategies in which he requires getting injured in order to defeat the enemy, showing tremendous endurance and willpower. EvenMinato noted Sasuke's ability to calmly assess and analyse the given situation.[81]

Sasuke is also a very capable leader, able to form a team from specific ninja after scouting them out and quickly command their respect and cooperation. Furthermore, he can effectively instruct his team to engage an enemy. He also showed the ability to perform a series of precise and coordinated attacks with his brother Itachi with minimal planning despite their previous volatile relationship.

His intelligence also allowed him to develop many powerful techniques on his own, all based on the one technique his teacher taught him. From the Chidori, Sasuke mastered the principles of Lightning Release, and created many innovative techniques that are derived from it. He was also able to combine techniques together to create the right atmosphere for the Kirin, utilising weather manipulation to create a powerful thunderstorm. In order to defeat his former mentor Orochimaru, Sasuke did extensive research of his various abilities, such as the nature of his snake summons and techniques as well as his unique cursed seals. With this knowledge, he was able to resurrect the Sannin using a combination of Anko's cursed seal, a piece of Kabuto's altered body and a special fūinjutsu. Sasuke was also able to use his Sharingan to perfectly sync his chakra with Naruto to perform the Scorch Release: Halo Gale Jet Black Arrow Style Zero, something Tobirama claimed even the most experience duo have difficulty with. Sasuke was also able to track Itachi even though the latter used a flock of crows to block his vision.

Other Skills

Under Orochimaru's training, Sasuke was subjected to the Sannin's experiments and as a result developed physical enhancements including an immunity towards most forms of poisons, to a level that the one Sakura learned from Shizune would not affect him.[82] However, he was not immune to the effects of Orochimaru's true form's poisonous blood.

After absorbing Orochimaru, Sasuke gained access to Sannin's regenerative powers that allowed him to heal at a much faster rate than usual,[83] and access Orochimaru's chakra as extra reserves, although he preferred not to.[84] He could also use the Orochimaru-Style Body Replacement Technique to shed his skin and produce a new body, thus repairing any damage he sustained, though it drained him of most of his chakra. He would lose these extra powers after Orochimaru was sealed by Itachi.

His training has also given him great skill in fūinjutsu and is also otherwise quite knowledgeable in other seals, such as Orochimaru's cursed seals. As an Uchiha, he is also one of the few who canaccess the Naka Shrine. During the Fourth Shinobi World War and the battle against the Ten-Tails, Sasuke displayed a high-level of skill in collaboration techniques, by using the Scorch Release: Halo Gale Jet Black Arrow Style Zero, a collaboration technique with Naruto, which according to Tobirama Senju, requires a perfect unison that is hard to achieve.[85]


After his battle with Itachi, which concluded in the latter's death, the revelation that he had actually been ordered by the Konoha Elders to eradicate the clan coupled with the new knowledge that Itachi had truly loved him, Sasuke vowed to kill the elders for using his brother and ordering him to massacre the Uchiha clan. After he confirmed the truth and became even more induced by his clan's hatred, Sasuke quickly grew to loathe the village that he once called home and vowed to destroy it, thus separating any connection it had to the Uchiha clan and purify the clan's name and pride in the process. He, however, when returning to discover the truth, still felt some connection to his birth place.[19]

As time passed on with this new path of revenge and with further corruption by Tobi and the Uchiha curse, Sasuke had grown much more cruel and ruthless, with the remaining morality he showed during his time with Orochimaru fading rapidly; by the time he launched an attack against the Kage Summit, he killed anyone who stood in his way, not caring about his team,[20] and after cornering Danzō, Sasuke turned to sacrificing Karin who got taken hostage to accomplish his goals of vengeance,[21] and attempted to kill Karin and his former team-mates and teacher whilst experiencing neither shame, guilt, nor remorse for any of his actions.

Initially, Sasuke still held onto the notion of sparing the innocent and cooperation, witnessed in his creation of a new group of shinobi.[22] Though, as he became more consumed by his thirst for vengeance, he showed that he cared for them as no more than tools to achieve his hatred-fueled goals, quickly discarding them when they were no longer necessary. This is seen at the Kage Summit where he leaves Jūgo and Suigetsu behind, taking only Karin with him who could lead him to where Danzō was, as well as killing many samurai who stood in his way. He would later discard Karin as well, unhesitatingly piercing her just to kill Danzō and then attempted to finish her off to prevent her from being a burden in the future.[23][24] Even when Sakura's childish crush turned into more serious affection, Sasuke still did not return the feelings, though before he left the village, he gave Sakura a genuine thank you.[25] But would later, after that same battle with Danzō, when he had to fight with Team Kakashi, where he attempted to kill Sakura twice despite her showing obvious hesitancy to do the same.[26][27] Despite his arrogance and brutality, Sasuke is not above giving praise (albeit in a grudging, if not sarcastic, way) to his enemies as he commended Gaara for the strength and speed of his absolute defence and admitted that Kakashi was very skilled at using theSharingan for someone who wasn't an Uchiha.

After expressing a feeling of exhilaration that he had never before felt upon killing Danzō and even declaring that he sees that killing the members of Konoha as a high priority and satisfaction, Karin, Kakashi, Sakura, and the rest of Konoha 11 completely lost all hope for him. Upon receiving his "Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan", Sasuke's cruelty seemingly reached a new level when he killed White Zetsu simply to test out his new powers.[28] He's also grown to be an impatient individual and reckless in battle. Despite Obito's influence being one of the main sources of Sasuke's corruption and their same path of hatred and revenge, as well as Obito being a fellow Uchiha survivor, Sasuke refused to acknowledge him as his ally, and even speaks rudely to him at times. Due to being further overwhelmed by his clan's curse, he has also grown to show great homicidal rage whenever someone mentions Itachi in a negative way, even if it's indirect and remote as shown when Kakashi tries to make him understand that there's more to his life than just his clan and his love for blood-soaked loathing only to angrily reply by saying that he wants to hear their screams and moans for laughing at Itachi's sacrifice, crushing Danzō with his Susanoo for speaking ill of his brother and ready to murder a team of ignorant Konoha shinobi for doing the same.[29] Sasuke's inherited Uchiha hatred has also twisted any of his potentially happy memories of Konoha into negative ones in order to fuel his vengeance.


Sasuke is the second and youngest son of the Konoha Military Police Force captain and Uchiha clan head:Fugaku Uchiha, and his wife Mikoto. Mikoto named him after the father of the Third Hokage in hopes that he would grow up to be a great ninja like his namesake.[4] As a child, Sasuke grew up in the shadow of his older brother, Itachi Uchiha, who was an acknowledged prodigy viewed by the Uchiha clan as a genius, and whose work would further strengthen the bonds between the village and the clan. Sasuke's father in particular took an active interest in Itachi, thereby neglecting Sasuke. Itachi, on the other hand, was rather ambivalent and full of oddly conflicting undercurrents, acknowledging Sasuke by taking interest in his progress as a ninja and spending time playing with him when even their father did not. Even after Sasuke enrolled in the Academy, he was still unable to escape Itachi's shadow.[5] Despite consistently scoring at the top of every class, Sasuke failed to receive any recognition from his father, who defined Sasuke's success only in terms of his older brother.[6] Itachi acknowledged the rivalry Sasuke felt telling him: "We are brothers. I am the wall you must climb over, so you and I will continue to exist together." Nevertheless, Itachi deeply cared for his younger brother and Sasuke looked up to Itachi, wanting to be more like him.

The relationship between Itachi and his father deteriorated further after Itachi was questioned by other members of the Uchiha clan regarding the apparent suicide of his best friend, Shisui. As Itachi's behaviour became increasingly bizarre, Sasuke's father began spending more time with Sasuke, and began teaching him the Great Fireball Technique, a common family technique seen as a sign of coming of age in the Uchiha clan.[7] When Sasuke first tried to perform the technique, he only produced a small flame and after that, some smoke. His father said that Itachi was able to do it on his first try at Sasuke's age, which disappointed him. Later, with one week of training, Sasuke (age 7 at the time) performed the technique in front of his father, proving himself a prodigy as well in his own right and finally receiving his father's recognition. Sasuke's father told him that he could now proudly wear the clan's emblem on his back. Following this, Sasuke also received a stern warning not to follow in Itachi's footsteps any further, surprising him as before, he was told to be like him; and his father showing he was proud of Sasuke for the first time the same way as he used to with Itachi.

At some point in the past, Sasuke joined Itachi on a mission to catch a wild boar. Sasuke was wielding a bow and was told by Itachi not to hit any vital points. However, Sasuke missed the boar completely. Eventually they defeated the boar and Sasuke apologised for being so off, Itachi responded by telling him that he needed to train more.[8]

On one fateful night, Itachi slew every member of the Uchiha clan, sparing only Sasuke, saying that he was not even worth killing. In addition, Itachi told him, "You've always wanted to surpass me. That's why I'm going to let you live… if you wish to kill me, then hate me, despise me… and by all means flee, cling to your wretched life." Itachi also revealed to Sasuke where the secret meeting place of the Uchiha was hidden, and suggested that Sasuke go there to learn what the true history and purpose of the Sharingan was. He told him that "to awaken the Mangekyō Sharingan," he "had to kill the person he was closest to", and that "when we battle, we should have the same eyes". Sasuke thought he had fainted after this, but later remembered that he had managed to stand back up, awaken his Sharingan, and pursued Itachi. Upon reaching Itachi, he used knives to knock off hisforehead protector. Itachi was seen shedding a tear as he was picking up the forehead protector. He then proceeded to incapacitate Sasuke, who awoke in the hospital remembering only that which Itachi wanted him to.

When Sasuke first met Naruto Uzumaki in the Academy, they were matched to spar against each other. Naruto was excited at the opportunity to defeat Sasuke and become popular like him, but he was easily beaten. By looking at Sasuke's eyes, Naruto realised that they were so filled with hatred that it seemed that he wasn't even looking at Naruto. When Iruka told them to make the reconciliation seal, they both refused.[9] Up until his graduation from the Academy, Sasuke remained a loner and never acknowledged Naruto's attempts to defeat him, considering him a hopeless dead-last and as such, someone not worth his time or energy.


Theme song: Main Theme: [media]

Combat Theme: [media]

I haven't had time, but now I do, trust me

Name: Gir

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

Age: N/A

Birthday: N/A


Anime: Invader Zim

Appearance notes:Dog suit, and no suit.

Main school program: Cooking class

Year: 2nd

Powers/Weapons: Laser beam eyes, can explode

Personality: The spazziest stupid robot you will ever see, his brain is made up from candy.


GIR (voiced by Rosearik Rikki Simons) is a malfunctioning and dimwitted Irken SIR (Standard-issue Information Retrieval) Unit who was assigned to Zim. He was built by The Almighty Tallest out of SIR unit remains and whatever they could find in the trash and their pockets. GIR was passed off to Zim as a "top-secret" and "advanced model". His name is an unexplained, self-applied moniker. He himself has no idea as to where the name came from. He disguises himself in public by wearing a green dog suit which fools most humans, despite looking and acting nothing like an Earth dog. GIR, in one episode, is seen at a dance club, and is dropped off by the girls who took him there; he also loves pigs and pizza.

GIR has no sense of who is a friend and who is an enemy. He also rarely understands the severity of the predicaments he finds himself in, unless it involves pain.

GIR's upbeat, clueless, thoughtful and friendly personality is a contrast to Zim's self-centered, imperious behavior. GIR enjoys taking part in Earth's culture, while Zim distances himself from it in order to complete his mission. GIR does not usually obey Zim, which leads to Zim furiously shouting at GIR. However, GIR and Zim occasionally seem to care for one another. Zim often calls GIR a "horrible little robot" and has referred to GIR as insane, though Zim will occasionally show some affection.

Likes/Dislikes: GIR likes pigs and waffles. GIR dislikes sitting down for more than a few seconds, he can not sit still. Also he hates being quiet.

Theme song: the doom song

I wanted to make a good companion for Tamama.
@White Wolf: Could you add a little more to the personality?

@Sedrian: Looks good to me! Just try to restrain yourself from making more characters, 'kay? I know it's hard...

@Verrici: xD I would absolutely love to accept this. But I hate to break it to you... Invader Zim isn't an anime... D:
well you said yourself I'm only allowed three 
no, I have Yami Marik, Vegeta, and now Sasuke

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