Anime Mania High School! (All Animes) ~Hosted by Hatsune Miku



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/animeproduct019_top_10_schools_in_anime_you_wish_to_go.jpg.835278483a284305c6483639de86b85a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8686" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/animeproduct019_top_10_schools_in_anime_you_wish_to_go.jpg.835278483a284305c6483639de86b85a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Hey! You! Yeah, you, there's no one else out here. Come inside. Quiet though, class is in session.

You must be the new student. I heard a lot about you. Much is expected of our new classmate! *...Doom…~* Don't look so pressured. I'm sure you'll fit in fine! I hear you're a very talented individual. Oh yes—Where are my manners? My name is Hatsune Miku. You can call me Miku-chan. Or "Your Majesty." *You nod uncertainly, a bit flustered.* Anyway. I guess I should tell you about Animania High School. (Get it?'s a pun. *You give a forced pity laugh.*) Come on, I'll give you the grand tour.

Anime characters of all ages from everywhere come to this school to build their natural talents. Or if you don't have any, you can just hope you don't fail whatever courses are thrown at you! *Nervous chuckle.* We hold lots of competitions between ourselves and even other schools.

If you come this way, you'll see the cooking class. Stay clear of there... I think Bardroy is about to try something. And over here, we have magic training for people with special abilit—Oi—Gray! Where are your pants?!

Sorry for that. I think I should be honest with you. You see, you may have come at a bad time... in this school, students participate in whatever class they want to whenever they want to. There aren't really any rules, either, except that you attend from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Some people stay later, though. The point is, it can get pretty chaotic. Recently, the pupils haven't been listening to teachers. If you can call them that... someone who's a student in one class might be the teacher in another class. It can hardly be referred to as a school at all! Well... it was your idea to come here, wasn't it?

I guess I should finish the tour before you get too many doubts. Here's the cafeteria. Usually people split up into different groups of interests. Oh, that group? Their's is a strange group... sort of dark and mysterious. It's mostly made up of demons and people that have to do with ghosts or something... I think the one that acts as leader has a funny name. Something like Itchy-go. Fencing is to the left of here. Don't take a class with Kirigaya... he's good. Oh! And of course, the music room! It's my favourite. Be quiet though... I think Austria is practicing.

So, what class will you head to? There's a lot to choose from. Even more than I've already showed you. Maybe you'll be in the music program with me! *Hint hint.* Well, I'm off to class! Have fun!


Welcome, fellows otakus. You are now entering the anime zone. So, basically, if you weren't paying attention before, in this role-play you'll take any exsisting character from any anime and role-play them. The more particular or humorous the character, the better! There will be different events, like competitions and field trips. I hope this strikes your interests!


Roles: Please, role-play your character as acurately as you can. Don't be a disgrace the anime! Remember, no one knows each other except for characters that come from the same anime. If there are two from the same anime, they would already know each other, and treat each other the same way they would in the show.

Literacy: I know, I know, I'm a big damper on the fun. But please, try to use correct capitalization, punctuation, and spelling the best you can. Then I will love you.

PG-13: This might be ironic, since it is an anime role-play, but please, keep it PG-13. Especially romance, don't go beyond kissing.

No one-liners: This is a role-play created for your enjoyment, but you can do better than one sentence. Try to make it at least four lines, if possible.

Respect! Your characters might not like each other, and that's okay, but you're gonna have to put up with the other players. Don't be rude.

Have fun! You are now free to make characters and start your adventure!

Character Form

Image: (Use an image of your chosen character.)

Name: (Insert characters full name. If you don't know, or they don't have a last name, that's okay.)

Nickname: (If the character has one.)

Gender: (Male or female.)

Age: (If you don't know, just estimate.)

Birthday: (If you know.)

Race: (Self-explanitory.)

Anime: (Which anime is your character from?)

Appearance notes: (Optional, since the picture will probably already have everything.)

Height: (If you know.)

Weight: (If you know.)

Item: (Optional. Character's signature item, if they have one. E.g., China would have a frying pan.)

Main school program: (Use the character's best talents to decide.)

Year: (How long have you been enrolled?)

Powers/Weapons: (If they have any.)

Personality: (Use their personality the best you can.)

History: (If you know their background information.)

Likes/Dislikes: (Optional.)

Theme song: (Optional.)

Other: (Anything else you want to note.)


Hatsune Miku

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/38752-chibi-eretto-hatsune-miku-leek-vocaloid.jpg.b9dd4528138d8397314933372e5763d7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8684" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/38752-chibi-eretto-hatsune-miku-leek-vocaloid.jpg.b9dd4528138d8397314933372e5763d7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Image: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/nightcore-never-gonna-happen-colette-carr.jpg.dc25d3c74da631e5ff6cf0f39f7860aa.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8685" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/nightcore-never-gonna-happen-colette-carr.jpg.dc25d3c74da631e5ff6cf0f39f7860aa.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Hatsune Miku

Nickname: Miku-chan

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Birthday: August 31st

Race: Vocaloid (I guess. xP )

Anime: Does vocaloid count?

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 93 lbs.

Item: Spring onion

Main school program: Music/dance

Year: Fourth year (Four years is how long the school has been open.)

Powers/Weapons: Onion!

Personality: Miku is very outgoing and loves to be the center of attention. She's good friends of all the other vocaloids and acts responsible towards them. She loves being the center of attention, and sometimes acts like the world revovles around her. However, she can be very kind and takes the role of a (somewhat) responsible leader. Sometimes she can be sort of bi-polar and act melancholy or bitter. Her favourite classes are music, dance, and drama.

History: Unknown



  • Onion!

  • Food

  • Anime

  • Music

  • Attention

  • Kaito


  • People who take her onion

  • Being ignored

  • Creative slumps

Theme song:




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-dies- I'm so joining this. Um save me Kouji and Kouchi from Digimon Kay?
Go ahead.

(Bad news: I'm grounded. Probably for a while. For now, anyone is accepted, and you can RP on this thread. I'll try to get another thread up later.)
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Goku.jpg.cf211c04b758b639891f603d5d87a9bf.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8699" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Goku.jpg.cf211c04b758b639891f603d5d87a9bf.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Son Goku ((Kakerot))

Nickname: Goku

Gender: Male

Age: 737


Race: Sayian

Height: 5.9

Weight: 137 pounds

Main school program:



* Super Sayian

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Gokuu.png.34750b1d8e4fac946b6b968e1bbb1b0b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8701" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Gokuu.png.34750b1d8e4fac946b6b968e1bbb1b0b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

* Super Sayian 2

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be56c32c2_Goku3.png.619f2a25738f819d0981b7621c1c7cf7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8700" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be56c32c2_Goku3.png.619f2a25738f819d0981b7621c1c7cf7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

* Super Sayian 3

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be56e73fc_Goku4.jpg.e07edc35aaaf90489c00e438354abe2c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8704" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be56e73fc_Goku4.jpg.e07edc35aaaf90489c00e438354abe2c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Goku was able to easily overpower Majin Buu in his first form and stood up to Kid Buu for a fair amount of time. However, the transformation is extremely draining in terms of energy, as it cut Goku's time left on Earth from hours to a stated thirty minutes after performing the transformation for a short time. When attempting to gather enough energy to defeat Kid Buu during their final battle, he was unable to sustain it as he had not taken into account the strain overcoming his living body, and soon reverted back to his base state. Altogether, these heavy disadvantages make it impractical to use the transformation out of the afterlife.

* Super Sayian 4

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be56ecb71_Goku5.png.37098f990dd2828331a08b101877f587.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8705" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be56ecb71_Goku5.png.37098f990dd2828331a08b101877f587.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

In this form he is beyond all his other forms but at most can only stay in this form for 30 minutes at most. But the reason Goku often does not use this form he becomes a bit ruthless, Not himself the kind fighter he is is gone at this form.


The Kamehameha

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be56efcb0_TheKamehameha.jpg.250fa25e833d8176b0a3535b2b4b4cca.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8706" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be56efcb0_TheKamehameha.jpg.250fa25e833d8176b0a3535b2b4b4cca.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Kamehameha.jpg.d4f55ff3c4a94455c66afe8cbe92a50f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8707" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Kamehameha.jpg.d4f55ff3c4a94455c66afe8cbe92a50f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Kamehameha is formed when cupped hands are drawn to the user's side and the ki is concentrated into a single point between the cupped hands (the hands must be very close or touching). The hands are then thrust forward to shoot out a streaming, powerful beam of energy. The blast can also be used, generally under extenuating circumstances, with just one arm or even the feet. In most variants, the user utters the word "Ka-me-ha-me-HA!!!" as he charges and releases the attack.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/KaioKen.png.b77767fd35faa2a276087d564049fd61.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8708" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/KaioKen.png.b77767fd35faa2a276087d564049fd61.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Goku gets a red aura around him no matter what form As a result of the Kaio-ken, the user's base
power level, strength, speed, and senses greatly increase for an instant. The only change produced by the basic Kaio-ken to be quantified in the series is that it doubles the user's power level. As the series progresses, Goku demonstrates the ability to heighten the effect of the Kaio-ken to increasingly higher multiplications. There is an inconsistency in that Kaio-ken and Kaio-ken x2 appear to have the same effect, despite Goku considering the latter to be the more powerful buffer. Despite this, Kaio-ken x3 and above all consistently multiply the user's power level by the respective multipliers.

Super Dragon Fist

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be570466a_SuperDragonFist.jpg.014404f57c11bfa33e45731cbaa1852f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8709" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be570466a_SuperDragonFist.jpg.014404f57c11bfa33e45731cbaa1852f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Goku begins the attack by making a straight fist faced at his enemy, then once his fist, along with his own body, exits the stomach or chest of the target, the energy will explode out into the form of an enormous golden dragon which bears a great resemblance to Shenron and then finally collides into the target, possibly destroying the opponent in its path or leaving a gaping hole, hence the name "Dragon Fist".

Spirit Bomb

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be5706172_SpiritBomb.jpg.6080c8081b968178ad139ebb1e29f580.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8710" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be5706172_SpiritBomb.jpg.6080c8081b968178ad139ebb1e29f580.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Users of the Spirit Bomb gather huge amounts of energy from all chosen surrounding life forms and inanimate objects to conduct that energy into a massive sphere of astounding destructive power. Energy takes the visual form of sparkling, glittering wisps when adding to the mass that are usually blue and/or white in color. The creation of the attack promotes a calm breeze away from the bomb, which turns into a strong continuous gale and expels colorful bands or radiation of Northern Lights-esque aurora. When used it is quite swift, and if the user is not careful of it, the Spirit Bomb could absolutely obliterate a planet. But there is a few problems with this move it can take a long time to charge unless people willingly give there energy for the move even then it takes a while the quickest it took to charge was 15 minutes but that was all of planet earth giving energy to him it became the size of a planet but again he must focus on the move or it will disband. Two it only hurts those that are evil the most so if the person being struck is a evil mutha fudger then it may kill him depending on the size and amount of energy. And three if he is to stop focusing on it, it will dissepear but he cannot move nor do anything else if pushed thats different but it charges slowe so there for he is completely immobile and cant fight.

Personality: Goku is known for his cheerful, energetic personality and his love of competition (specifically sport fighting and eating). He has remarkable intuition at seeing the good in others in spite of their actions, though his capacity for forgiving his enemies has occasionally been criticized as excessive; Goku, for the most part, only fights to win, and spares his enemies after defeating them only for them to attack him when his back is turned. His staggering power is simultaneously reined in and enhanced by his fierce loyalty and morality. Goku can also be very blunt, and not afraid to express his opinion in a discussion. Goku can feel incredible anger in cases of extreme turmoil, such as the death of a close friend/relative, or when someone murders many innocents needlessly. He has a simple, practical view of the world and is somewhat naive to the world around him. Because of this, many characters incorrectly assume him to be somewhat stupid, although once he has a basic understanding of things, he learns very quickly. His most remarkable ability is his will to succeed, pushing himself beyond his limitations, and never giving up even when the odds are stacked against him.

Kakarot was born sometime in Age 737 on Planet Vegeta, during a time of great turmoil. Following a Saiyan custom, Kakarot was sent as a baby to planet Earth, in order to destroy its inhabitants and clear the planet for its future sale. As Earth's inhabitants were thought to be weak, a baby Saiyan was seen as enough for the task, especially after transforming into a Great Ape by Earth's full moon. Kakarot's father, a low-class Saiyan warrior named Bardock, disappeared in his home planet's destruction at the hands of Frieza shortly after Goku's departure to Earth, and his older brother Raditz was on another planet. It is unknown what happened to Goku's mother. After crash-landing on Earth, the baby was found in the woods by an old man named Gohan and became his adopted grandson. He was then given his Earthling name, Goku. At first, Goku was extremely violent and ill-tempered, not obeying Gohan at all, but one day he fell down a deep ravine and hit his head, suffering severe head trauma that sent him into a coma and very nearly killed him. After he woke up, he had lost all of his Saiyan aggression, becoming a kind and mild-mannered young boy. His Grandpa Gohan taught him martial arts and told him about such things as the city and people, as they lived in a very remote place in Mount Paozu, with no communication with other people.

((And for the Sake of the Series being long! Im gonna not add in all the history if anyone wishs to know more Ill add it but ask me first.))

Theme song: [media]




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Name: Yoruichi Shihouin

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Female

Age: 150 (looks 17)

Birthday: January 1

Race: Soul/Feline

Appearance notes: N/A

Height: (Guessing) 5'8"

Weight: 108

Item: N/A

Main school program: P.E./Martial Arts/Spy or Ninja introduction

Powers/Weapons: The ability to transform into a cat that has a very masculine voice and when she turns back she is completely naked. Shunpo or Flash step is another ability and she is the fastest person that is in the Soul Society earning her the nickname "Flash Goddesses or Goddess of Flash." One of her greatest abilities is Shunko, a technique that combines Kido and Hakuda, that she originally created.

Personality: Yoruichi is intelligent and witty, holding an intimate knowledge of Soul Society and its workings, as she was the former leader of the Onmitsukidō and the Second Division's captain. Although of noble birth, she acts differently from most other nobles, very much like Kaien Shiba. For instance, she instructed Suì-Fēng to refer to her without using honorific suffixes, but reluctantly settled for being called "Yoruichi-sama" ("Lady Yoruichi" in the dub). She enjoys transforming in front of others to see their reaction.


Yoruichi Shihōin was born the princess of the Tenshiheisōban (天賜兵装番, House of Godly Gears), the Shihōin Clan, one of the four noble families. Yoruichi grew up at the Shihōin Mansion in the Seireitei of Soul Society with her childhood friends Kisuke Urahara and Tessai Tsukabishi. During this time, they played together daily under the Sōkyoku hill training space, which Urahara built when they were children.

Later, Yoruichi became the Corps Commander of the Executive Militia of the Onmitsukidō while serving as the 22nd generational Head of the Shihōin Clan, becoming the first woman to ever hold the position.[18] Some time later, she would serve as Commander-in-Chief of the Onmitsukidō, as the position is traditionally held by the heads of the Shihōin Clan. She eventually rose to the position of captain of the 2nd Division of the Gotei 13, further uniting the formerly separate military arms together, as this was also traditionally done by her family. Some time later, she decided to change her role in the Onmitsukidō from being the Corps Commander of the Executive Militia, which is the position traditionally held by the Commander-in-Chief, to being the Corps Commander of the Corrections Corps.[20] While Yoruichi was Onmitsukidō Commander, she took in Suì-Fēng as a personal bodyguard. Recognizing her talent, she became a mentor and friend. She taught Suì-Fēng most of the techniques she knew. During her time in Soul Society, she created many techniques which involved Shunpo.

Likes/Dislikes: (Optional.) Food, sleeping, teasing, and being a cat.

Theme song: (May add later)

Other: Don't step on her tail.
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Name: Yami Marik Ishtar

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

Age: 20?

Birthday: N/A

Race: Human

Appearance notes: N/A

Height: N/A

Weight: N/A

Item: Millennium Rod

Main school program: Duel Monsters?

Powers/Weapons: Powers: the ability to enter and manipulate people's minds, to erase their memories, and even make them believe they are in serious pain, Yami Marik is able to manipulate all of the senses in the human brain, however normally doing it as a sport when he plays Duel Monsters, giving his victims a chance to survive it. His weapon is the Millennium Rod, there is a blade hidden inside.


Yami Marik is a person of pure cruelty and insanity who cares for no one but himself, as he was born of hate, anger, and envy. Yami Marik ruthlessly murdered his father, and was constantly trying to kill Odionfor being a hindrance to his existence in the outside, and threatened Ishizu with death for hiding their brother. Yami Marik showed no interest for Yami Yugi's past or Seto Kaiba's past, something which his alter ego wanted to know. Also, unlike the true Marik, who had an actual goal fueled by a personal affliction towards the Pharaoh particularly, Yami Marik didn't seem to have any goal except for spreading pain and suffering like the sadist he is. Before being sent to the Shadow Realm (in the English dub), he did tell Marik that they could rule the world together. But it's debatable as to whether or not that was an actual goal he had, or if he was just trying to persuade Marik to free him from his predicament.

Aside from his lack of empathy, he also seems to be a sadist, building his Deck around torture-themed cards, and using the shadow powers to manifest them into reality, painfully hurting his opponents for his own pleasures. He even became dependent on his dark powers to win his duels, since he wouldn't have won his duel against Mai Valentineright away if it wasn't for Ra's Sphere Form, and in his duel againstJoey Wheeler, he would have lost if Joey hadn't collapsed because of the torturing of Marik's "The Winged Dragon of Ra". During his last duel he even stated that he got the most pleasure torturing Yami Yugi.

In Noah Kaiba's Virtual World fortress, Yami Marik showed that he can be a reckless person, as he destroyed the fortress' computer, which was the only way of stopping the missile that was programmed to fire at the building. He also seems to enjoy thrill rides as he was seen smiling (with a bit of adrenaline rush) during the escape from the explosion.

Despite his cruelty and evil, he valued his own life dearly, and tried to murder Odion so he would not be sealed back in. He also tried to plead for Marik to help him win against Yugi after Marik was able to regain control of his body. Still, he shows traits of a masochist as well, especially in the Japanese version of his duel against Joey. For example, after his "Gil Garth's" pain was transferred to him, he laughed scabrously and stated that he was enjoying the feeling. He also appears to consider himself as the "true" Marik. In the 4kids version of his duel against Mai he even explained Marik's biography as if it was his own, mentioning the ancient scriptures, guarding the Pharaohs tomb, and the supposed pain he suffered as a result. He could have just been toying with their minds since none of that was ever implied in the future at all and that these were actually pieces of Marik's history and that Yami Marik birthed from the pain, but did not endure it himself.

Yami Marik was shown to be very clever in his duels such as using his Egyptian God Slime to complete his strategy of immortality and do a follow-up with Jam Defender to make it the only monster Yugi could attack (thanks to its ability to regenerate); he also knew more aboutRa's abilities than his good side, he also outwitted his good side and Yami Bakura by changing most of the cards in his deck.

Yami Marik is shown to be clueless about advanced technology during the Virtual World arc as he was having trouble with a security pass-code when he pressed it, only to be denied.

History: Yami Marik was "born" from the pain that Marik had endured when he was forced to take the initiation ritual to become a full Tomb Keeper at ten years old by his father. A year later, Yami Marik emerged for the first time (after Marik's forbidden trip to surface) to resist his father's punishment and claim the Millennium Rod for himself. Ignoring his father's orders to put the item down, Yami Marik used its powers to smash him against the wall. When his sisterIshizu protested, she suffered the same strike. Yami Marik then proceeded to murder his father. In the manga, Yami Marik specifically skinned his father with it and then threw his father's back onto his adopted brother, Odion. In the Japanese anime, he killed his father to stop him from killing Odion (in the English anime he sent his father to theShadow Realm). Yami Marik was then sealed away in Marik's body by Odion. Although it is likely that he continued to influence Marik for all of those years that Marik's been antagonizing the Pharaoh because even after the death of his father Marik was still a sad child and probably wouldn't have become so villainous if he didn't get some "help."

Likes/Dislikes: N/A

Theme song: N/A

Other: Yami Marik posses the Egyptian God Card The Winged Dragon of Ra.
Am I teaching or studying? 

Sedrian said:

Name: Yami Marik Ishtar

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

Age: 20?

Birthday: N/A

Race: Human

Appearance notes: N/A

Height: N/A

Weight: N/A

Item: Millennium Rod

Main school program: Duel Monsters?

Powers/Weapons: Powers: the ability to enter and manipulate people's minds, to erase their memories, and even make them believe they are in serious pain, Yami Marik is able to manipulate all of the senses in the human brain, however normally doing it as a sport when he plays Duel Monsters, giving his victims a chance to survive it. His weapon is the Millennium Rod, there is a blade hidden inside.


Yami Marik is a person of pure cruelty and insanity who cares for no one but himself, as he was born of hate, anger, and envy. Yami Marik ruthlessly murdered his father, and was constantly trying to kill Odionfor being a hindrance to his existence in the outside, and threatened Ishizu with death for hiding their brother. Yami Marik showed no interest for Yami Yugi's past or Seto Kaiba's past, something which his alter ego wanted to know. Also, unlike the true Marik, who had an actual goal fueled by a personal affliction towards the Pharaoh particularly, Yami Marik didn't seem to have any goal except for spreading pain and suffering like the sadist he is. Before being sent to the Shadow Realm (in the English dub), he did tell Marik that they could rule the world together. But it's debatable as to whether or not that was an actual goal he had, or if he was just trying to persuade Marik to free him from his predicament.

Aside from his lack of empathy, he also seems to be a sadist, building his Deck around torture-themed cards, and using the shadow powers to manifest them into reality, painfully hurting his opponents for his own pleasures. He even became dependent on his dark powers to win his duels, since he wouldn't have won his duel against Mai Valentineright away if it wasn't for Ra's Sphere Form, and in his duel againstJoey Wheeler, he would have lost if Joey hadn't collapsed because of the torturing of Marik's "The Winged Dragon of Ra". During his last duel he even stated that he got the most pleasure torturing Yami Yugi.

In Noah Kaiba's Virtual World fortress, Yami Marik showed that he can be a reckless person, as he destroyed the fortress' computer, which was the only way of stopping the missile that was programmed to fire at the building. He also seems to enjoy thrill rides as he was seen smiling (with a bit of adrenaline rush) during the escape from the explosion.

Despite his cruelty and evil, he valued his own life dearly, and tried to murder Odion so he would not be sealed back in. He also tried to plead for Marik to help him win against Yugi after Marik was able to regain control of his body. Still, he shows traits of a masochist as well, especially in the Japanese version of his duel against Joey. For example, after his "Gil Garth's" pain was transferred to him, he laughed scabrously and stated that he was enjoying the feeling. He also appears to consider himself as the "true" Marik. In the 4kids version of his duel against Mai he even explained Marik's biography as if it was his own, mentioning the ancient scriptures, guarding the Pharaohs tomb, and the supposed pain he suffered as a result. He could have just been toying with their minds since none of that was ever implied in the future at all and that these were actually pieces of Marik's history and that Yami Marik birthed from the pain, but did not endure it himself.

Yami Marik was shown to be very clever in his duels such as using his Egyptian God Slime to complete his strategy of immortality and do a follow-up with Jam Defender to make it the only monster Yugi could attack (thanks to its ability to regenerate); he also knew more aboutRa's abilities than his good side, he also outwitted his good side and Yami Bakura by changing most of the cards in his deck.

Yami Marik is shown to be clueless about advanced technology during the Virtual World arc as he was having trouble with a security pass-code when he pressed it, only to be denied.

History: Yami Marik was "born" from the pain that Marik had endured when he was forced to take the initiation ritual to become a full Tomb Keeper at ten years old by his father. A year later, Yami Marik emerged for the first time (after Marik's forbidden trip to surface) to resist his father's punishment and claim the Millennium Rod for himself. Ignoring his father's orders to put the item down, Yami Marik used its powers to smash him against the wall. When his sisterIshizu protested, she suffered the same strike. Yami Marik then proceeded to murder his father. In the manga, Yami Marik specifically skinned his father with it and then threw his father's back onto his adopted brother, Odion. In the Japanese anime, he killed his father to stop him from killing Odion (in the English anime he sent his father to theShadow Realm). Yami Marik was then sealed away in Marik's body by Odion. Although it is likely that he continued to influence Marik for all of those years that Marik's been antagonizing the Pharaoh because even after the death of his father Marik was still a sad child and probably wouldn't have become so villainous if he didn't get some "help."

Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Himself, torturing others Dislikes: pretty much anything else.

Theme song: [media]

Other: Yami Marik posses the Egyptian God Card The Winged Dragon of Ra.
"If you can call them that... someone who's a student in one class might be the teacher in another class."

I quoted that from the description so its your interpretation of it.
well well well, what have we here?

the roleplay that will take my life away haha

"how unpleasant!


Mirai Kuriyama

Nickname: n/a

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Birthday: March 31

Race: Caucasian/Japanese

Appearance notes: Mirai is a young girl with brown eyes and strawberry-blonde hair styled in a bobcut with thick fringes. At school, she often wears a loose pink sweater over the school uniform and often wears black tights or similar hosiery. Mirai wears the sweater to cover the bandaged wound (a round wound on the right palm) and she always prepares whenever she needs to use her ability. Her most distinguishable accessory is the pair of red thick-framed glasses that she wears all the time.

Height: 152 cm/ 4'11"

Weight: 110 lbs

Item: Her sword.

Main school program: Sword fighting.

Powers/Weapons: Mirai has a sword that is made of her blood. She can manipulate her blood to do this

Personality: Mirai is very shy and innocent, who actually mentions several times that she doesn't like to interact with others. She's an extreme ditz, who's often injuring herself and forgetting important things. Paranoia is constantly with her, she rarely leaves her apartment. She is often in a neutral mood, but it doesn't take too much to change that. Her mood swings are wild.

History: Due to her family being well hated because of their ability to shift blood, they were very poor and abandoned Mirai when she was young. The rest of her history is unknown.


LIKES: Being by herself, boys, her glasses

DISLIKES: Interacting with others, going outside, her ability to shift blood, killing

Theme song: [media][/media]

Other: Mirai wears a bandage on her hand, covering a wound the never heals. When she unwraps this, her wound drips blood that she hardens in to the form of a strong sword (it can slice through some metals).
Image:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Moka.jpg.3f4266bf03ff9d993f48f7c924c8938f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8830" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Moka.jpg.3f4266bf03ff9d993f48f7c924c8938f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Akashiya Moka

Nickname: none just Moka

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Birthday: May 11

Race: S class vampire, sealed

Appearance notes: Sealed form Moka has pink hair and Vampire form has Silver

Height: Average

Weight: Thin/Athletic build

Item: The rosary on her chest

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Rasory.jpg.d3851ac4f681a1e85199b2e0c0e13c7e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8831" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/Rasory.jpg.d3851ac4f681a1e85199b2e0c0e13c7e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>
Main school program: Sports / taekwondo

Powers/Weapons: Super strength, vampire abilities, fast

Personality: Outter Moka: kind, sweet, soft-spoken, polite, and friendly towards others. She is a very good girl and doesn't like to cause confrontation. The only student she really cares for is Tsukune Inner Moka: Closest to the real Moka when this personality comes out of the Rosary she's quite rude, outspoken, and doesn't really care what anyone thinks. She is also easily irritated.

History: It is said that Outter Moka is a fake personalty that was created upon the rosario ritual. Inner Moka is more close to how the real Moka was. The Rosary seals away her memories as well.

Likes/Dislikes: (Optional.) Just about everything. Inner Moka: Hard to impress

Theme song: (Optional.)[media][/media]

Other: (Anything else you want to note.) If Moka becomes highly emotional or too worried about someone/something she can break the Rosary just enough for it to fall off without Tsukune.

>> OH SO SOrry I have to go to work but I promise to finish tonight or in the morning.




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Just few more people and I think it will be good to start in my opinion what does everyone else think?
Well derpy derp da derp for me I didn't get a notification Sorreh didnt know we'll that is a bit dumb of me >....<;;
Well... lemme see. Maybe I should have asked for sample role-playing before I accept someone? Yeah, that sounds good. Why don't you do that, if you would? Just post something here.
OH alrighty... Here goes..... I get nervous with auditions ^_^


The sun rose and shown through the window and it's pink curtains causing a snoring blob of blankets to stir and grumble. As the room grew brighter the mountain of green and pink fabric would land on the floor leaving a simple teenage girl in her night wear. Her ghostly arms stretched upward as she let out a yawn and wiggled her fingers before wiping her eyes. Bright green eyes would widen as if suddenly coming to life and the pink haired girl would jump to her bare feet at incredible speed. "Oh yay it's finally here!" the girl would cheer and run to her closet grabbing the outfit she had planned two weeks ago and running to the bathroom. "I get to see Tsukune today, I wonder how his summer went" The pink haired girl would return to her room to find her younger, red haired, sister waiting for her. "you know Moka it is dangerous to talk to yourself like that....." As if not hearing a word the girl continued around her room humming to herself while she brushed and styled her hair amoungst other things girls tended to be over eccentric with when getting ready.

About two hours passed and the two girls emerged from their rooms dressed and ready for their first day at a new school. This one would be different than the all monster, well besides Tsukune all monsters, school that they had attended the year before. The girls would catch the bus and be on there way to arrive as just around the same time as most of their fellow classmates. *where is Tsukune* Moka would think impatiently as she tapped her foot. The red haired girl would run off waving to her sibling with a silent goodbye. *Tsukune....* Bright green eyes searched the crowd of different young adults but none had his eyes. Stopping near a classroom the pink haired girl would lean against the wall with a frown. What if his parents had not let him come. What if they had finally found out he had been with monsters. Would there no longer be a Moka and Tsu--. Her thoughts would be cut off as a familiar scent hit her nose and a hand touched her shoulder "Moka?" his voice had not changed. Turning around her bright eyes seemed to hold stars in them. "Tsukune" she'd say with a smile. The two would stare at each other for three minuets repeating each other's names. "Moka" "Tsukune" "Moka" "Tsukune" Then there'd be a little 'click' sound and Tsukune would cry out as Moka hugged him and bit into his neck. Yup off to a fantastic start of the new year.


Name: Kohaku

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Birthday: October 31

Race: Human

Anime: Grand Guignol Orchestra [Manga... actually. >_>;]

Appearance notes: He has one red eye and one gray eye. He has a long scar going across his face, and it burns from time to time. He is extremely pale.




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be5ad3070_ScreenShot2013-10-30at12.23.30PM.png.00871ab221603e00b726cb2b2c18193d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8862" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be5ad3070_ScreenShot2013-10-30at12.23.30PM.png.00871ab221603e00b726cb2b2c18193d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Height: About 5'6

Weight: 120lbs

Item: Guns/Knives [lots of them, hidden everywhere on his body]. His white violin is always near him.

Main school program: Martial Arts/PE and Music.

Powers/Weapons: The music from his violin can control/ward off people.

Personality: He is cruel and mean, though if you can get through his shell, he is a kind. He hates people, and isn't afraid to state it, admitting that he is an asshole on several occasions.

History: Kohaku has had a natural talent for the violin since he was a young boy. He doesn't remember who his real parents are, though he knows that he traveled around the country with his father. He remembers playing for people. When he had been playing for a young girl, she commented that if she had a white violin like him, she would be able to play as sweet as he did. Kohaku knew she was wrong, and called her out on it. She was enraged, and had his supposed father killed.

Years later, he returned to kill her. He succeeded, though in the process he has stabbed in the face by her, leaving a scar, and discoloring his eye. He was taken to prison, and as a punishment, his town was destroyed.

He escaped later and has now taken his violin back, and is still as violent as he used to be.

Likes: He likes cats and music. He likes black and white and dark colors. He likes people who have a violent, poor sense of humor.

Dislikes: Hates untalented people. He doesn't like people who act like children, or people who think they are a lot better than everyone else.

Theme song:



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