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Realistic or Modern Anime High School Days


She's alone


High school, ah the place where you have the social ladder, relationships, friends, and homework. It's something that some dread, while others look forward to. Whether it's the promise of a class trip to hot springs for winning at Sport's Day, or the sale at the cafeteria. Whatever it is, it seems to always lure kids back to school grounds for another adventure. Every day they seem to find something enjoyable in it. So what's your desire? What's your adventure when you go back to school? Are there friends waiting for your, or are you just a loner who sits in the back of the class. Whoever you are in school, you hopefully don't hate it more than life. And if you do, what are you going to do about it? Will you just sit back and ride out high school like it's no problem. Or will you do something so crazy that it'll most likely get you into trouble. There are so many paths to choose from, but only you can decide which one to go down. You will doubt yourself from time to time, but that is what makes you human, or so I'm told. So let's share a toast to those who choose what they believe is the right path that will lead them to a bright future. Now let's have some fun with high school!

The sounds of sweet birds fill the air as the sun slowly pulls itself up from behind the mountains. The cool morning air causes the paper boy to zip up his jacket as he makes his rounds. The grey morning had finally claimed the sky and it was officially the first day of school. In the homes of hundreds, students hid away from the sun trying to shake them awake. Nobody wanted to get up early. I mean who would? High school students fought back the urge to groan once their alarm clocks blared in their bedrooms. First years were startled and sat up with messy hair and a confused expression. Third years dove back under their covers in irritation. Second years groaned and tried to get out of bed, but to no avail. Everyone was like a legit zombie. Only alive. That doesn't make them a zombie then does it. Maybe in appearance then. Or is behavior? These kids were about to go to school and start a new journey. One that will take them on a whole new adventure. Whether it's with their friends or by themselves. It is something everyone must experience. People have to push through the early mornings, the bad grades, the drama, and the fake friends. However, if someone can push through all of that, they will be able to find something rather beautiful. So why not peek in on the lives of certain students who have certainly peeked everyone's interest?

@Koffee @Kawaii @9forgotten @LadyOfSixVillages
The jarring sound of an alarm clock assaults Kiyoshi's ears as he begins to wake up, and he turns the thing off almost immediately after hearing it. "Ugh..." Kiyoshi groaned, "I swear, some day I'm going to end up breaking that thing." His attitude had changed from grumpy to somewhat calm and happy in a matter of seconds though, after he got dressed. Kiyoshi wasn't really sure what to feel about the first day of high school life. On one hand, he was anxious; on the other hand, he was sad that summer was over. That also meant no more all-nighters trying to beat a level of a video game. Kiyoshi ate his breakfast rather quickly, and then packed his bag for the first day of school this year. "Well, I guess I should make the most out of this year." Kiyoshi said to himself with a sigh. With that, he was of to high school, thankfully at a rather early time.

((Sorry in advance if this post is a bit long. Also, I gtg. I need my sleep.))
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Katashi stepped outside through his front door, with his usual frown plastered on his face. He was in no way looking forward to another year of school. The idea of spending an entire year interacting with people who would probably end up not wanting to be around him did not appeal to him in the slightest. While he had been getting bored with summer, he would still have taken more boredom over the impeding year. Sighing, he began his walk to school, his bag slung over his shoulder. For the purpose of taking as little time as possible, he walked at a slower pace than usual. As he walked, he plugged his headphones into his phone and started listening to his music on shuffle, thankful for the distraction they provided.
The loud cry of an alarm clock tore through the silent air of the Saitou house. It kept screeching for a few minutes longer before it was cut off. An arm stuck out from under a bundle of sleets as Akiria lay there still mostly asleep. She was by far, not excited to be waking up this early again for school. Dozing off again, she lay there for who knowns how much longer before jolting awake, tumbling onto the floor in the process. "Ouch...AH! I have the first day of school today!" she yelled in realization. Scrambling to her feet, Akiria became a flurry of movement as she ran around her home getting ready.

Somewhere in the process, she'd managed to get a bite to eat and somewhat fix her hair. Stopping in front of a hall mirror, she stood there for a moment to smooth out her school uniform. It was like any other school, shirts and skirts for the females and shirts, pants and ties for the males. Jackets and sweater vests depend on the seasons. However, unlike ever other girl Akitia came across, she chose to wear the boys uniform. No way would she be caught dead in a skirt. Smirking slightly, she reached down and pulled her shoes on hastily. "Hm, this'll do. Headmaster never a does anything about it anyway, I'll be fine." she murmured to herself.

Grabbing her bag, Akiria turned and headed out the door, sliding her headphones over her ears. Letting out a long yawn, she stretched tiredly as she started her way down the sidewalk.
After a short period of time, Kiyoshi had finally reached what appeared to be his high school. "Well, it's now my first day of high school." Kiyoshi thought, "Let's see how things start off." Kiyoshi still didn't really know how to feel about the first day of high school, so he was pretty much going with the flow at this point. Thankfully, he showed up rather early to school, which would give him some time to wander around and get himself used to the place. After all, he had no interest in getting lost in the future, so this was for the best. When Kiyoshi got to the school doors, he walked in, and began to wander about the halls.
"99... and 100!" Lee exclaimed, finishing her morning exercise with sit ups. She stood up, stretching her muscles just as her phone's alarm sounded off. "A little too late, no?" she murmured, turning off the ringing before checking her phone for messages. She always woke up earlier than her alarm, as if her body had its own clock. She rarely missed her morning exercise. She needed to be at her prime everyday. She took her towel from the hook to start her morning routines before going to school.

"I'll be going now!" she yelled from the gate of their house, specifically directed towards her parents before she left on her bike. It was the first day of school, and she was in a good mood. She was always in a good mood during the start of classes, as long as she doesn't think about the school work that will be piling up along with her other responsibilities in the following months. Right now was one of the moments she enjoyed. She pedaled into the main road and waited by a pole. She should arrive any minute now... And there! In a quick motion, she set off, following behind a car. This was one of her daily routines, racing with her friend to school while she used a bike and the other used a car. Honestly speaking, she had rarely won the daily race, but she was never really that far behind.

"Whew!" she said, as they stopped at an intersection. "What a way to start the day."

"Are you still going to continue this, even though we're not in the same school anymore?" asked her friend as she got out of the car.

"Why not? It's exciting. Too bad we're separated now, but hey, distance doesn't matter right?" she replied, grinning her trademark grin as she outstretched a hand for a 'brofist'.

"Of course." the other replied, returning the gesture before going back into the car. It saddened Lee that she couldn't be with one of her closest friends, but it's not like they won't be in touch anymore. She left the scene as well to go to her own school. A fresh start for a fresh new year, what did this new school have in store for her?
"Oh... great," muttered Katashi as his school came into view. He had hoped to avoid being early, but apparently even his slow walking was too fast. Now he was starting to get annoyed. This wasn't a good sign, as the day was just getting started. Usually it took at least until class started for something to aggravate him.

As he arrived on the school grounds, he took a quick look at the building. Almost no differences were visible. Katashi felt slightly disheartened by that. Hopefully this wasn't an omen that his second school year would be no different from the first one. Thinking back on his previous year of studies wasn't something Katashi was fond of doing. It was filled with aggressive confrontations, hurtful insults, and isolation.

Shaking his head, Katashi walked towards the front entrance of the school. The idea of an omen was ridiculous anyways. He didn't believe in such things. There seemed to be other students arriving now, which at least meant he wasn't too early. The first years paid him no mind. This was something to be thankful for. The third years did much the same, as he never really had much interaction with them. From the second years he received several scowls and glares. Katashi did his best not to acknowledge these. He got to the doors, opened them, and stepped into the school, prepared for another year of much the same.
Kiyoshi began to wander the halls of the school, and scan the various hallways and classrooms around him. "Wow. This place is pretty big." Kiyoshi thought, "I think I should be able to get everything down though. Thankfully the school isn't designed like a labyrinth or anything." He saw many things, but eventually came across a vending machine with a wide assortment of candies in it. That candy was bought by Kiyoshi immediately. He has a big sweet tooth, so he couldn't turn down a candy bar. Some would say this is one of his weaknesses. Kiyoshi soon continued his expedition, now with a half-eaten candy bar in his hand.
Not at all really awake, Aki made her way down a few seemingly very long blocks toward her school. As far as her sleepy mind was concerned, it was just another day at school. Once she woke up a bit, Aki knew she'd be more excited for classes and seeing her peers again. About half way to her destination, she was starting to wish she'd grabbed her skateboard to make this trip a bit longer. Biking would probably be better since it could actually be locked up somewhere but either way, she was stuck walking for today.

Aki yawned and ran a hand through her messy hair, wishing it wasn't so annoying. At least it looked decent enough to pull off. Closing her eyes briefly to get rid of the sleep still stuck in her eyes, she rounded a corner. A second later, she walked right into someone (Lee). Eyes flying open, her hands automatically shot out to steady the other person. Knocking her headphones down around her neck, she blinked anxiously. "I'm sorry! Are you okay? I wasn't looking where I was going... my apologies." she sputtered, bowing a bit hastily.

Giving a slightly awkward but apologetic smile, Aki stood up and rubbed the back of her neck, finally stopping to look who it was. She had no idea who this person was. The girl in front of her looked to be about the same age and vaguely familiar but not really at the same time. Blinking, she shook her head, dropping wandering thoughts and apologized once again.
Lee thought about her friend's words for a moment. She hadn't really thought about her answer earlier because she was a bit too enthusiastic about the new day, but then again, they studied in different schools now. They traveled opposite directions right after that intersection and the race to that place wasn't much of an exercise as it used to be. It was also just halfway to her new school. Maybe she did need someone new to race with... but that was something special she and her friend did... Ah screw it. This was her only direct connection with her and she wasn't going to break it.

She looked around the school as she walked through the gardens. It was big, almost as big as her previous school but the atmosphere was definitely different. It was.. peaceful, to say the least. She might just get a culture shock here sooner or later. She checked the time. It was still a little early. She had time to, well, look for her classroom. The brochure said it wasn't that hard to navigate through the school but she wondered if they had taken that from the perspective of someone unfamiliar to the place.

"Hm... If I got it right, I should be turning.. here!" she exclaimed as she walked around a corner. A flash of black came through her peripheral vision and she felt that very person bump into her. She stumbled backwards before the person tried to steady her and started apologizing. A girl.. or a boy? Definitely a girl and a little shorter than she was. "It's quite alright." she said, returning the smile. "Do you mind helping me, I'm kind of lost." she said, checking the map of the brochure again. She was going the right way, was she?

Waking up from the sound of her alarm clock, Chiharu reluctantly sat up in her bed. Squinting her eyes from the sunlight that lit up her entire room, she slowly got out of bed and yawned. Opening her bedroom door, she walked out and towards the bathroom so she could get ready for school. After her morning necessities were finished and she had gotten dressed, Chiharu grabbed her bag from her room and went downstairs so she could get some breakfast. Walking into the dining room that was also connected to both the living room and kitchen, Chiharu sat down at the dining table across from her brother-in-law while her older sister handed her a plate of toast and eggs. "Excited for your fist day?" Chiharu's older sister, Hanako, asked sitting down next to her husband. "Nee-chan, I'm a third year today. It's not like I never went to this school before" Chiharu says while rolling her eyes. Finishing her food, Chiharu got up and put her her bag on. Going to the front door, she put on her shoes and yelled a quick goodbye to Hanako and her husband before going out the door. Before going out the gate, Chiharu bent down to pet her dog Naru-chan. "Goodbye Naru-chan, I'll see you later" she says and goes out the gate.

Closing the front gate behind her, suddenly she heard a male voice yelling behind her. "Heads up!" Chiharu turned around to see a soccer ball coming straight for her. Re-positioning herself, Chiharu backed up and hit the ball with her chest before juggling it with her knee and then catching it. "Jeez, Sou-chan, you shouldn't be kicking soccer balls at people" she said while sighing. The one who kicked the soccer ball was Chiharu's childhood friend, Sousuke Takimura. "I gave you a warning and I knew you would be able to handle it like you did just then" he said while smiling. Chiharu glared at Sousuke and handed the ball to him. "You know you're not suppose to bring your own soccer ball to school." she says as they continue their walk to school. "Hey, I just wanted to play soccer with you during lunch. Besides, as long as I hide it, the teacher's not going to find out" he says confidently. The two continued to talk and argue about stuff such as the new school year and soccer.
Mentally grumbling about many things, Aki woke up quickly as the other girl spoke, taking a moment to register what she was saying. Flashing a grin, an eyebrow lifted up slightly as the other girl asked for help. "Looking for your class? Club room? Sports area? Main Office?" she asked curiously. She must be new to this school if she didn't know where things were. That or it was a classroom never heard of before or something but Aki doubted that a bit. Stretching some, Aki pulled her phone out briefly to stop her music as not to waste phone battery before slipping it back in her pants pocket. Smiling, Aki stepped to the side and pointed in the general direction she was heading. "I'm heading to my class myself, quite unwilling might I add." Aki mused slightly. "If you'd like, I can walk you down to where you need to be. Or at least walk you part way and point you in the right direction."

Checking the time, Aki made note of how much time was left. Already the school was crawling with students, both new and old. Taking a couple steps forward, the dark haired girl motioned for the other to follow her, "Let's hop to it before time wears thin and we have to run to our classes. Big schools are nice, just not when you have to run down them." she says with a weary look and faint smile.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_mkk9qkTVZs1rizambo3_500.gif.a9833acd0237685a2c0bb6cbd7243205.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73243" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_mkk9qkTVZs1rizambo3_500.gif.a9833acd0237685a2c0bb6cbd7243205.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Seo Koi

The sun had had just started to peak through Seo's blinds, the sun now shining in her eyes. The light caused her to gentle be lifted from her deep sleep, letting out the softest "nya" before pulling the covers over her head and turning away from the sign that school was starting up again. That's when the small girl heard the pitter patter of feet running up the stairs. The chorus of "shhh"s and "let's scare her"s made her smile just the smallest bit. That's when her door opened up, listening to small giggles. The aura came closer and closer. Seo grinned once more before pulling up the covers and screaming. "Booooo!" The two younger girls and one brother fell to the ground, screaming in response before breaking into a fit of giggles. "Koi koi koi! Kofuko said to wake upppppp." The triples said in unison. Koi laughed slightly and stood up, stretching. "Did mom go to work early? Is that why Kofuko is here?" She asked her brother and sisters who were 5 years old, exactly ten years younger than her. They just simply nodded before running out of her room.

Seo walked to the bathroom, uniform in her hands. She was about to open it when her older sister, Karai, walked out. Her name, meaning hate, fit her unbelievably well as she scoffed and rolled her eyes. She was 18 years old and a 3rd year in a special art school. Seo's eyes traveled up and down her body, admiring how she was dresses. Admiring the fact that she didn't have to wear a uniform. "You're going to be late if you don't stop gawking." She twisted her face up before walking away, tossing her hair. Koi nodded, agreeing before walking into the bathrrom, getting ready for the day.

Koi walked downstairs, seeing her oldest sister cooking the three youngest breakfast. She has a smiled on her face, matching her name of Kofuko which meant happiness. "Good morning Koi! Kanashimi is helping shinsetsu, senbo and kyofu with their breakfast. So it looks like you just have to eat before you head to school." Koi nodded. Her second oldest sister, Kanashimi, name meant sadness, but only joy filled who eyes as she helped cut up shinsetsu's and Senbo's food. Their names meant envy and kindness. Once again, their names matched their personalities. Kyofu, the only boy in a house full of girls, sat quietly, poking at his food. His name might have been fear, but he was the bravest of them all. Koi, her name meaning love, leaned over, giving each of them a kiss of the cheek before sitting down and cutting up her eggs. "Let's eat!"

Koi smiled as she hopped down the steps. "Bye Kofuko! Bye Shinsetsu! Bye Senbo! Bye Kyofu!" She called out to her remaining siblings before starting to walk down the street. She walked gingerly, reading to start the school year. She was certain her highschool career was going to be a great one. In fact she was already the basketball manager for the boys basketball team. Which mainly meant making sure people joined and stayed on task in practices. It was exciting in her mind. Koi finally stepped foot on campus, leaning her head back in awe as she checked out the school building. "Wow..." She whispered, staring.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/1422111.jpg.e2dd705eb922dfe1026b8d239fb98d28.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73244" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/1422111.jpg.e2dd705eb922dfe1026b8d239fb98d28.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Seo Kofuko; 24; Chef

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/bc4f3895e32732d376e5421d14039ee9.jpg.5fdf45017d51243a2c0bd506086a6d9c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73250" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/bc4f3895e32732d376e5421d14039ee9.jpg.5fdf45017d51243a2c0bd506086a6d9c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Seo Kanashimi; 21; University Student

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Kirino-Kousaka-ore-no-imouto-ga-konna-ni-kawaii-wake-ga-nai-35170013-500-281.jpg.843b2ff8f5208ac6b874357b9e2a4ec0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73245" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Kirino-Kousaka-ore-no-imouto-ga-konna-ni-kawaii-wake-ga-nai-35170013-500-281.jpg.843b2ff8f5208ac6b874357b9e2a4ec0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Seo Karai; 18; 3rd year highschool student

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/b34ecf0bbe451822f97af5a6f9fe72b4.jpg.15b38e1a801bd117943bb2bc61d06a1d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73246" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/b34ecf0bbe451822f97af5a6f9fe72b4.jpg.15b38e1a801bd117943bb2bc61d06a1d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Seo Shinsetsu (left) and Senbo (right); 5; toddlers

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/3174422_1362943756107.08res_214_300.jpg.259b276dfc90a5374023c3e56bec654d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73247" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/3174422_1362943756107.08res_214_300.jpg.259b276dfc90a5374023c3e56bec654d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Seo Kyofu; 5; toddler



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Katashi had been wandering the halls for quite some time now without much occurring. He pulled out his phone and looked at the time. Figuring he should probably start heading towards his first class, he reversed direction and started towards it. Thankfully he had already picked up his schedule earlier that morning, so he sort of knew where he was going. The teacher's name was unfamiliar to him, but he was fairly certain that he would be able to locate the classroom in the time he had left.

After a little bit of walking, Katashi successfully located his first classroom. There was still some time before class started, but he figured he would just find a seat and wait there until the bell rang, seeing as he had nothing better to do with the time. He entered the classroom and took a seat in the far back left corner, to avoid drawing the teacher's attention to him as often. Second year was starting off better than first year so far, but Katashi had yet to actually speak with anyone. Once that happened, his chance at a good school year would most definitely go up in smoke. He shook his head a little and gave up on thinking about all that. Instead, he pulled out his phone and began flipping through songs, so as to pass the time.
After doing a little bit more exploring in the school, Kiyoshi decided to head to his first class. After all, it was getting somewhat close to the time class would start, and he most certainly did not want to be late. He checked the time on his phone, and then set off to his first class. He didn't really know the teacher's name, but the schedule he received had the room number by the class periods, so he found the classroom in no time flat.

When Kiyoshi arrived to his first class, he just took his seat near the window, around the left side of the classroom if you were looking at it from the front of the desks. As Kiyoshi sat down, he pulled out his handheld game system, and started playing video games. He didn't know why he brought it, but it was a great way to pass time before class.
"Uhm..." she murmured, realizing how many rooms she might actually have to look for today. She also needed to find her club later and see if there are actually even members. "I'm just looking for my class. Second Year." she said, specifying her grade after realizing that the class she was looking for could be any class for this person. She giggled a little, amused by this person. "That would be nice," she said, referring to the walking. "And I totally get the running. My previous school was big as well." She followed the girl, walking in the same pace, and it clicked to her that she hadn't introduced herself. As a new student, she felt she had the obligation to introduce herself first. "Oh, by the way, I'm Lee! Nice to meet you. If we're going to be in the same school, I'm sure we're bound to meet each other around." she said, outreaching a hand towards the black-haired woman. "And for the record, I'm actually looking forward for my class. It's my first class after all, as a student of this school." she chuckled a little. Of course, she knew that just a few more weeks would be enough to make her get tired of going to class everyday.

@9forgotten (Please tag me, if you don't mind xD )
Akiria chuckled and glanced over at the other girl as she spoke, nodding her head slightly in agreement. The classrooms weren't to far away, at least not the general area of the Second years. Leading the way over, Aki smiled. "Nice to meet you too. I'm Akiria, you can call me Aki. I'm also a second year so I guess we'll definitely bump into each other at some point." she said pointing to herself with a grin. Glancing forward briefly to make sure they were walking the right way, Aki hummed lightly for a moment. "Looking forward for classes huh? First person I've heard that from today, we'll see how long that lasts." she mused slightly in a king manner as she lead the way down the halls. Other students were hanging around chatting with each other before the bell rung, most already in their homerooms. "Which class are you?" she asked as they made it into the hallway.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_n6al4nwGPr1r7ou8vo1_500.gif.9d95e323785ee46b24e75a1943a2fa2c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73492" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/tumblr_n6al4nwGPr1r7ou8vo1_500.gif.9d95e323785ee46b24e75a1943a2fa2c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shrio finally stopped crying.

This was her first day of school, but that's not what she was worried about, she was worried about being around other people.

These thoughts made her uncomfortable and even the sun shining outside made her withdraw like salt on a snail.

Eventually her sister had gotten Shrio up and out the door, despite her struggles she had finally made it into the school.

Being as late as she was Shiro went to straight to her homeroom and to a dark corner in the back.

Waiting for...Something to happen at least. School was so boring. In fact she already finished her collage classes online, but her parents insisted she went to high school to get "Social experience." Even to Shiro's dismay.



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Stella smiled as she heard the chirp of birds in her window. She yawned, stretching her arms then getting into the shower, and soaping herself down and washing off. She hopped out and quickly got dressed in a black dress with a red bow and red stiletto heels. She left her room and went downstairs, making herself a cup of coffee. She sipped on the coffee looking out onto the dew on her lawn.

She finally started her little scooter and drove to school. She went inside, and sat at her desk, getting ready for her first day. Her job was very important. She was kind of like second in command... kind of. She turned on her computer and started clicking away reading everything for her first day.


"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT." Sakura screeched as her alarm clock rang. She pulled herself out of bed and into her bath tub where she turned on the water, taking a seat. She let the water run then took a calm bath. She toweled off and did her hair and make up. She then got into her school clothing, going downstairs to see Honey was also still sleeping. She made herself a cup of tea, then made some cereal for Honey when he woke up.

"HONEY WAKE UP!" she screamed up the stairs.


Honey sat up quickly, as he heard his name being screamed by Sakura. He looked at the clock, quickly rinsing his toned body in the shower, getting out, throwing on some clothes and running downstairs and eating his cereal.

"You ready?" he asked tossing the bowl in the sink and grabbing his and Sakura's back packs, throwing hers at her.

She grabbed her backpack nodding, and going out of the door, with Honey following. The two made it to school and hugged, going different ways.


"Ah!" she blurted, enthusiastic about meeting someone in the same year as her. She took a look at her schedule, looking for her section. How silly of her not to have looked at that earlier. "I'm in... Section A." she said, scrutinizing on the paper when the bell ringing took her attention from it. Hopefully she's not yet late for the homeroom. She needed to make a good impression for her new classmates. Well, she wouldn't care much anyway if they didn't like her. She popped her knuckles, a habit of hers. "Which section are you in?" she asked Aki.

Katashi was still waiting in his classroom. At this point he was beginning to become frustrated with the fact that class had yet to actually commence. It was his own fault for entering it so early, but he couldn't help being frustrated. He stood up and walked out of the classroom in an effort to go find something to do. It didn't really matter to him if he was a little late anyways. A grumpy expression made it's way across his face. He was now officially in a bad mood. Rounding the corner, he noticed that they had put a new vending machine in. " I think I deserve a drink at this point," he muttered to himself. He walked up to the vending machine and started looking at the different options, taking his time. Anyone behind him could wait their turn as far as he was concerned.
Aki grinned "Really? Same here! Lucky we're in that hall or we'd totally be screwed." she mused slightly. "I'm in..class A-3 which is...right down there I believe." she answered pointing down the hall a little ways. She watched for a moment, trying to see if she knew any of the students who were walking into at the moment. Looking back at Lee, she tipped her head slightly "How about you?" she injured. Shifting her bag slightly, Aki looked back at Lee with an equally excited expression. Twirling the chord to her headphones around, her eyes darted around in an anxious type manner while she stood there remaining pretty calm.

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