Animal Pack { Closed }


Anxious child
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Winter walked on through the forest. She kept glancingback to make sure her pack was still okay. Truthfully they had been moving for three days straite and she even, had become a bit tired. Winter cocked her head. A slight howl in the distance provedthey couldn't stop. Not in another packs territory. "Keep on Moving Guys." She said allowed. Her white fur kept her warm as they strolled through the damp set of woods.
(its okay that all my character's are loners with no pack at the moment right?)

Ceaser walked through the woods, his heavy paws not falling to softly on the mossy ground of the forest, then he sniffed the air, he could smell a pack, he bared his teeth but made no noise, then began to run, he must tell Lupus, he hauled himself almost silently through the woods, and then came to where Lupus, and Shadow laid, the pack would be headed straight for them.

Lupus raised his head and stood up his ears erect "Yes?" he said calmly, Lupus's calmness could kill. He blinked at the sight of Ceaser, they hadn't spoken for a months now, he had been eating well, Almost better then Lupus and Shadow. Lupus sniffed the air and smelt the faint scent of pack as i blew towards him in gusts of wind. Ceaser panted softly "There is a pack, South." he said and looked up at Lupus, he merely nodded, "Alright." he said softly "Lets move." Shadow stood up and her silky black fur blew in the wind.

Shadow nodded then tipped her head back, Lupus & Ceaser did the same, and they let out a howl in unison, their song danced across the land beautifully, then they stopped and began to walk away from the pack, since they were walking straight the them.
Clove heard her leader's voice and looked up, her gaze unreadable as she walked. They had been going for three straight days and everyone was tiring, but everyone was way too proud to ask to stop. Everyone knew that what the commanded the pack followed, no exceptions. The strong helped the weak and hunted for them while stopping to eat then hurrying to catch up. It was hard but no one would argue, they knew she had a good reason for moving them. The white she-wolf kept padding along, her paws feeling like they were going to drop off any second. Though, she kept her head up, nose in the wind for any signs of animals following us.

Blaez followed in step with Clove watching to the side of him, ever since they had left their territory he had been on edge. It wasn't safe to travel through unknown forest especially when it was owned by other packs, that was just asking for trouble and that was the last thing they needed now. The pack was getting weaker and weaker from lack of rest, water and food. Soon enough they would just drop off from exhaustion.

Lupus Shadow & Ceaser quickly ran to the top of a hill, they looked down and saw the pack, a She-wolf was the leader, Lupus huffed and then kept watching them as they walked, He didnt know how long it would take them to see them, he kept watching them, they looked weak and tired, why were they in this territory? they dont live here. Lupus tipped his head back and howled, gaining the attention of the rival pack, he watched them,

Shadow stood beside her btoher, the wind blew at her fur making it look like black flames as it whipped at the crisp air, She watched some of the wolves look up at them, then she let her gaze meet Cloves and Blaez's. she stared at them, her icy blue eyes a rare color.

Ceaser watched the pack gain knologage of their presents, the wind whipped at his fur, the pack looked weak, why where they in this territory? they were not supposed to be here.
Winter glanced up at the smug sound of a howl. She lowly growled. "The other pack has attracted our scent." Although she too, was tierd they could not rest here. Not with Her other's. Everything was dangerous. Her pack was weak and starved. They needed food but couldn't hunt here, they needed rest, but was forebidden to slumber on this territory.

Winter Slowly Arched her back, Trying to give the symbol she was just passing through. Winter looked back at her small gathering. "We must continue. Once we end out of their territory we will rest." She urged, even though she was sleepy herself. She kept herself high.
Lupus stood on a rock and watched Winter, his eyes were piercing cold, he had his tail raised, fur bristling slightly, erect ears, and raised shackles. It was an aggressive posture, he growled softly, then continued to watch her.

Shadow stood beside Lupus, his tail as well raised, and ears erect, her eyes were a cold icy blue, she let a low growl rumble in her throat, then she took a step forward towards the edge of the rock.

Ceaser watched their every move, his posture just like Shadow's, he stood beside them.

Lupus then made a move, he lanched himself off of the rock and into the air, then landed on a rock below, and quickly leaped onto another and then onto the ground, his tail was raised high, and his ears erect, then stared right at

Shadow growled louder and then followed Lupus's step and then landed on the rock above him, her tail as well raised and her ears erect, her eyes were locked onto

Ceaser followed Shadow's step and landed on the rock beside her, his gaze as well locked on Winter, his ears erect and Tail raised high.
Midnight had been following the pack, Winter leading the way. His paws felt achy and he was tired and hungry but he assumed, so was the rest of the pack. He was gonna stay strong though and follow the pack and Winter. When he spotted Lupus, Ceaser, and Shadow he stiffened and growled, fur standing on end. He may be tired but he would fight if needed to.
Winter resisted the urdge to growl. Their territory after all. "We are just passing through. No harm done, no harm found." Sheannounced in a stiff, leaders voice. Winter slowly withdrew to be in front of her pack. She didn't want to start a fight, withthe packs conditions. She was curious about the pack and its leader. " I never to have known of another pack from this location. New Tribe?"
Lupus kept his gaze locked, His ears erect and tail raised in a dominate manner, He nodded briefly "Yes." he said then unlocked his gaze and examined her pack thoroughly, he let the fur on his back lay flay again seeing their condition, of course they had the advance in numbers, but Lupus. Shadow, and Ceaser had size. He blinked slowly then inhaled deeply, he then made sure the recognize their scent if he ever needed to again. "We can escort you out of the territory." he spoke confidently to Winter.

Shadow and Ceaser stood behind them, They didn't look aggressive anymore, but instead elegant and beautiful, They leaped onto the ground beside him, and examined Winter's pack, they made memory of their scent and then began to relax, but kept alert and ready if a fight broke out.
Winter carefully watched the three.She decided whether or not to take them up on their offer. Winter glanced back at her pack and nodded. There condition was something unstable. "That would be nice, thank you." She said, head held up. Winter was a strong leader.
Lupus nodded quickly, then walked beside Winter, slightly ahead of her, Ceaser and Shadow walked on the side of her pack, Shadow on the right, Ceaser on the left, they walked in the middle of the pack, giving each other a few glances back and froth, their posture tall and slightly dominating.
Midnight followed their lead, staying in between the two wolves of the other pack. He wasn't sure if they should trust this pack but he did trust Winter and wasn't going to go against it.
the sound of millions of snickers, snarls and laughter filled the air. as a large foot steps out of the shadows and there was a hyena that slowly snarls
Winter's footstep's slowed as she saw the approaching preditor. Winter bared her fang's into a wide grin sneer. She wanst going yo allow her pack injured, already as weak asthey were, they were easy targets.
the sound of a whispery voice that snarled ''well well what do we have here a bunch of lost pups'' as one hyena goes close a loud noise stops them. ''SILENCE!...and stay away'' as another hyena climbs down his hair covered one of his eyes, with a white strip covering his eye. ''hm...a pack of my...what brings you to hyena territory!'' He glares the women down, for a hyena he seemed much larger then the others, at least twice the size

He growled loudly at the hyena "A pack of disgusting vultures don't deserve territory" He as well as the hyena where massive, His blood red eyes watched the large hyena, But Lupus was bigger then him, And had more will power, he ate well and trained regularly, He growled again and the fur on his spine began to bristle, His tail was raised and his ears were erect.


She leaped to Lupus's side, she was smaller then him, but still large for a female, She bared her fangs and growled loudly also "They were simply passing through." she snapped "No need to spill worthless blood." She growled and lowered her head, Her tail raised in an aggressive posture.


He stood on the other side of Lupus, He was in an aggressive posture, but showed no fear or aggressiveness towards the vultures "She is correct, They did not hunt, nor injure your pack, You will do nothing but harm yourself and your pack from wanting to spill their blood." He stared at them, He did not growl, nor bare his fangs, if he needed to he would most differently fight, But until then he remained remotely calm.
The leader hyena turned and thought about it then smiles. ''beg....'' the other hyenas started to laugh as there eyes revealed 20 - 30 of them, all laughing super loud. ''incase you didn't hear..i said...beg, I want you to go low and beg for us to let you go..unless you wanna join us for dinner'' they all started laughing
Winter growled loudly, stepping beside Lupus and his team. "We are bystanders, and apparently worthless!" She announced, giving a side look to Shadow, the one who had remade the reamrk. "We have not been a bother. We will not beg!" She hissed, holding her head tall. "Not to a pack of Clowns." She replied before glancing athe head with a snicker.
very" looks up at the sky seeing a heavy storm. "wait..very well you win this time...but next time you will die" they scurry off back into the darkness like cokaroaches heading back into the darkness and there eyes disappeared slowly as they left the pack 
the pack just stares at the wolves, allowing them all topass as general blade, one of my generals looks wanting to attack. ''LETS GET THE!'' I bite his tail pulling him back. ''no let them pass'' as general scar snarled in angar he backed down, but however keeps an eye on you
scar soon starts to follow the pack of wolves, with each step trying to be silent then the night. ''rr...ill show scar not to underestimate me...heheh'' He licks his lips ready to kill the leader of the pack.
Midnight growled as the Hyena pack scurried away. He had stepped closer to be with the rest of the group. He saw that they didn't have to fight and he looked at Winter, wondering where they would go next
Lupus snorts and walks slowly beside winter, He looks back at Shadow who remained silent "I think you miss heard my sister." he said calmly to Winter, he glances down at her then back on the path before them.

Shadow walked beside Midnight, some male who had joined in, beside his leader when the foolish Hyenas attempted to frighten them, and Ceaser stood on the other side of Winter as they walked, the clouds were dark and gloomy ahead of them, Shadow sniffed the air, "Rain is coming." she said to no one particular.

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