Angst Romance Roleplay


prickly pear
So, I really want to start roleplaying on this site, despite being a complete beginner. I do like fantasy genres, but feel like I have to work and improve to get more insightful roleplaying going on. That being said, I refer to angst as my niche, yet find myself lacking. oops. ; u ; I want to improve my romance angst while also working on MxM. Anyone on board?

Here are the ideas:

  • Male 1 and 2 were lovers in high school. Then Male 1 suddenly left the other and married. Male 2 was heartbroken, it was the ultimate betrayal after all. He knew Male 1 wanted children, yet had hoped their love would suffice. Years later, Male 2's wife has died and he's left with a toddler. Both are miserable. So, their respective friends hook them up on a blind date, unaware they'd get assigned with each other, they hesitantly agree. So, the meeting begins at a cafe. How will they react to seeing each other?
  • Male 1 and 2 are stuck in an abusive, obsessive relationship that started so suddenly and escalated too quickly. They cannot live with each, but they cannot live without each other. Stuck in a sick cycle of apologies, harsh words, cheating and violence. It's been a few months since the start. What's coming for them?

You can have a supernatural character, I don't really mind. :) I am looking for a partner who can keep angst without overdoing it, has acceptable grammar and vocabulary, offers quick replies and writes at least a paragraph. I just want someone to RP with. ;A;

The form is as follows (PM it to me please?):

name I age I sexuality I 3 key traits I Rp # I Character

[picture - anime is preferred, LOL]

bio (just a bit about their childhood, job, relationships, family, etc.)

I don't use personality cuz it's more fun to find out... To make it easier, I'll add in my character here. (:

Rin I Unknown I Bisexual I Promiscuous, emotionless, fickle I RP #1 & #2 I Male 2 both


?You don't love me? Big fucking* deal.?

Rin has a hectic family background. Mother, a twin sister and 2 older brothers. He tends not to speak of it. Currently, he works at an underground society as an assassin. About a year ago, his lover triggered an avalanche of emotions on Rin, leaving him heartbroken. He was driven to madness and sent to an asylum. Depressing situation, yes, but somehow he recovered. He frequents bars and brothels. Rin's lonesome, so he throws himself around a lot. He currently lives in an apartment with your character in RP 2, and alone in RP 1.

*if the swear bothers you or is against rules, just tell me. I'll edit it out.

Please someone RP with me? ;u; i'm flexible and not scary hehehehehehehhe.


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