~Angelus Lapsus~ (Accepting)

Nichole looked out of her cottage after reading her books. she sighed looking up at the clouds. she took off flying holding oreo close. she hummed as she flew it was very peaceful. oreo barked at the birds and nichole laughed at him.
Bambi stepped away nervously from the Silver Devil. "I-..." She started, but never finished.

Pip was up in time, he went out to tend to his garden before seeing Evagline looking oh so beautiful in the sunlight. He really liked her, really, truly did. However, he was too nervous to ever approach her and speak with her, their families knew each other well; but he never knew what to say around her.
Nichole glided and landed on a cloud. she sat down and petted her puppy. she smiled but felt a little sadness. she loved her puppy but she was too shy to be around other angels. so she relies on her animals friends for companionship.
A road, appearing from a small forested area, upon a plain of rolling hills, onto a small river crossing at the end of the road, onto the next road which connected to others. Grassy, green, and calm, trees climbing to reachable but accessible height, a small dirt road stretching across the land, small road signs and path stones here and there to guide the traveling bystanders, cattle and wild life stirring about, grazing on the grass. A truly beautiful and peaceful road for any who seek a tad bit of comfort from their harsh travels. Making this place a very traveled road, until the main high way was built elsewhere. Sadly, ever since then, this road rarely gets visitors, mainly used by lost walkers, and those who already know about it. To add to it, highwaymen have marked this as a perfect place to set up, being as it was rare for people to pass in large numbers, and small rolls in the hills where bandits could hide. It would become a horrible place to travel now, only those who knew how to travel about it could, and there were few.

Being as that was, it created a perfect place for someone who wished to keep from others, for an exile, for Lite to stay. But before he could domesticate the land and make it his own, he would have to rid it of bandits and rogues. It would be a small battle over this land, being as Lite was alone and the bandits were many, but Lite held very much superiority over them. He would make quick work of them, before coming here, he spent whatever coin he had on supplies to begin life on his own. So, only with a large bag on his back, carrying what supplies he needed, and his items since before he fell from the sky, being his golden armor, his longsword, and his two pistols, he travels out onto the road.

It took little to no time for him to find himself on the river which ended the territory and cut it from the other lands. With one look around, it would feel as if one could see the entire plain, but with the rolling ups and downs that the hills created, there was much more than one man could see. For now, Lite could see no one, some animals scurried about here and there, but very few. It looked as if the coast was clear; thus Lite moved forward, crossing the bridge onto this land. But before he could get halfway across, three bandits rushed out from under the bridge, two getting behind Lite, where the bridge starts, and the other standing where the bridge ends. They were soaked, it seemed they had been awaiting in the water for someone to pass by, how ambitious. They weren't so tenacious as to strike immediately, they seemed cautious from the sight of Lite's weaponry and armor, since they themselves only wore hard leather and scrapped equipment they could steal from travelers.

They spoke the usual words that a highwaymen would, "Stand and deliver!" But it held no real affect against Lite.

"I give you a choice, leave with your lives, or never let a breath leave your lungs again, for once I draw arms, you shall fall, and no mercy will be shown," Lite spoke to them, his voice strong and mature, gravelly and adventurous, "Act quickly, for I speak this warning once, and I act with your first movement." With barely any motion, Lite glared at the bandit standing at the end of the bridge. Lite's eyes seemed to relaxed, almost half closed with what would look like drowsiness. It intimidated the highwaymen, giving the feeling that Lite was possessed, or not human.
Nichole played with some animals in her meadow. she giggled and raced the birds. Oreo chased the squirrels and Nichole smiled. she twirled in the air and tucked in her wings and dove down. as she neared the ground she made a turn and landed.
Markus looked at the tiny Berrosian and into its tiny eyes. It was scared, intimidated by him. This small faerie, was obviously, not the one that he was after. As he stared deeper into the angels eyes, he looked as if he was struck by something for a second. He was enduring heavy flashbacks. "..Ugh.." He could only muster out very softly. He then, very suddenly, flew in a manner than he usually did when he was going to attack someone, and then flew into her, holding her close to him in an awkward embrace. He only hoped no one saw him. No one could see the Devil into a sudden depression. He was that evil, sworn killer that everyone envisioned that lived in the mountains, who didn't care for people. But he had people. He did, at one time...

To avoid the awkwardness, the Devil then skyrocketed into the sky with accuracy, and dove out of sight, flying over the trees of the Nihilian forest. He now aimed to fly into Nihilian lands, which, none was fond of him since his random raids and entries. With his right hand, his slowly wiped off his tears that now lined his eyes. No, he would not cry. He would stand strong and never let the memories get to him. Once he healed, he would be stronger. He understood that he would be the one who had all the power, and no one would stop him. Unless, they have discovered to find a way to penetrate his forces.

"No one will attain victory, without a fight."
Nichole smiled and started picking herbs and berries. she placed them in her baskets and flew out of her meadow. she gathered some fruits and vegetables and delivered them to a market. she traded with the angels there and flew back to her home.
Evangeline, being the tiny angel she was, played amongst the various colors of flowers with the happiest of smiles on her face. This was true serenity - out in the open clearing just at the baseof the mountain, directly below her small cave in which she lived in. Her white hair cascaded down to the middle of her back and whisped like a blanket of silk in the wind as she sprinted around, picking the most prettiest of flowers to set upon her table made from a small stump that had taken her, her mother and her father to bring into the cave. Thinking about her parents always made her a little upset but she knew they were in a better place, hopefully mixing herbs and playing the harp. The girl smiled, her intense optics flickering around the small meadow of flowers, which was devoid expect for her. There was a small little stream with the most beautifully small waterfall and pool of crystal clear water hidden near the mountain that was her personal place where she cleaned herself and collected te herbs to sell. Smiling, she picked more flowers and lifted them to her face, taking in the marvellous scent. Exploding with bliss, a soft song emitted from her throat until she broke out into song, her words in a different language as she song. Despite the non-English words, the song was magnificent and soothingly beautiful. Somewhere close to her, a blue butterfly swooped down and listened.
Pip watched the beautiful Berrirosian girl with such lovestruck admiration. His head lulled to the side, resting on his hand, and he just gazed at her; seeing her as so incredibly perfect and wonderful. Oh, how he wished he could just muster the courage to speak with her. In his head he had it mapped out, line by line, every word he wanted to say. But whenever he approached her all that came out was a choked up "Hi." Today! Today would be different! He'd finally speak to her. Pipsqueak approached the lovely lady, puffing his chest out and trying to seem bigger; all 4 feet of him. Pip thought out a conversation; 'Hello! Oh hi there! You look stunning today, absolutely breathtaking. Why thank you, I've always liked y-" His daydream was cut off, he was right in front of her. His heart leaped up and he felt his palms get clammy. "... H-Hi." He blushed slightly, glancing downwards.

Bambi was thoroughly terrified, but also intrigued by the Devil's show of sudden sadness and affection. She felt lightheaded, a bit woozy. How could that have been? She had seen her life flash before her eyes, turned to run, and then was caught; but not by a hateful clutch, but instead a warm embrace. She had darted from the area and hidden in the shrubbery, watching as he flew off into the distance. She could barely breathe, as what'd happened was amazing. She was interested, definitely interested. Bambi also sensed this wouldn't be the last time her and the Silver Devil met.
Nichole wrote in her journal. She sighed sadly closing it. She sat outside looking at the sky and a tear slid down her cheek. she sobbed and Oreo and the other animals surrounded her.
Evangeline turned towards Pip, a dust of pink sprawled across her cheeks. Had he heard her singing all this time? She lifted the flowers again and took a sniff of them, a stand of white hair falling over her deep blue eyes. "Hello," she replied passively with a soft smile. Ah, this was Pip. Their families had been entwined by friendship for as long as she could remember.

Rosalie sat at the table in the homely kitchen of her small cottage, sipping from a beautifully intricate teacup with a rim of gold. She was currently sipping a blueberry lemon tea; her newest invention. My, my. It was absolutely marvellous. The smell and taste were equally as strong and pleasing to swish around the mouth despite how scolding it was. Suddenly standing, the female tucked her wings gentle against her back in a neat manner and made her way idly to the living space that seemed to be a type of library. The blonde angel gazed out the window, attention caught on the beautiful flowers.
Nichole's wings wrapped around her. Her eyes dulled and she fell back. Oreo whined nudging her. the other animals made a lot of noise trying to get help. Nichole felt being weighed down in her sub-concious.
Pip felt himself begin to shy away, naturally looking down, shifting his weight, and fumbling with his hands. He really wasn't brave at all. "I-I... I liked your singing." He smiled sweetly, looking up at her from his long eyelashes. Pipsqueak was so darn sweet to her, he really liked her.

Ra was terribly close to human territory, he liked to explore these things. He was interested in humans. He spotted a beautiful girl tending to a garden, compelled to speak to her. But he had to stay hidden. Raphael sighed wearily and sadly, and he observed her from afar. He did this a lot.
The bandits attacked Lite, giving Lite no choice but to draw his arms. All three of them rushed him at once, with no care for what he might do to defend himself. Lite was in fact quick on the draw, taking the pistol at his waist, quickly pivoting around, and taking a shot at one of the men. He then holstered in pistol, and drew his longsword just as fast. Turning his attention to the lone incoming bandit, Lite slashed his blade down on the bandit's mace, which would defend easily, but Lite's inhuman strength crushed the bandit's guard, and allowed Lite's sword to reach far enough to smash into the man's face, severing it in two. Then onto the last bandit, Lite turned, his blade prepared to slash another vertical attack. The bandit hesitated, expecting the blade to come down and planning to dodge juke it then go for the opening, but Lite held his blade. Now the bandit was left standing there defenseless. Lite took an easy step forward, chopped his blade in a diagonal slash, and cutting a massive gash in the bandit's chest.

With all three bandits taken care off, either wounded too badly to get up, or dead outright, Lite could move across the bridge. He continued on, now in search for a nice spot to begin building a home.
Oreo howled loudly trying to attract attention to gt help for Nichole. Nichole wouldn't wake up. the animals were very worried. they picked her up as Oreo howled.
Evangline smiled softly at his compliment. "Oh, Pip. You're terribly sweet... thank you..." she replied in a chiming voice, her eyes sparkling with amusement. She picked up the prettiest flower and snipped off the stem, gently placing it in the pocket of Pip's shirt with a 'hm'. She then beamed up at him, "This brings out the color in your eyes."
The animals carried her inside. they laid her on the couch and looked at her worried expressions on their faces. Nichole's body started glowing then a white beam of light shot up. it was bright enough for others to see it from miles away.
Pipsqueak felt his heart race faster than before, if that was even possible. "Th-th-hanks Eve." He swallowed awkwardly. He really liked her full name, Evangline. It was a pretty name, an elegant name, and an opposite to his name; which was short and to the point. He was a rather short male Berrirosian named Pipsqueak. This was on account of him being the runt of the angels as a child.
He was a shadow among the trees, and a devil among the sky. With his wing span, from below, he looked like a dragon, a large, evil being. With consistency, his wings flapped on his back, keeping his body afloat the wind. He looked down at the ground, and tried not to think of the encounter just earlier. But he couldn't help it. That faerie.. Berrirosians.. They were real. He probably thought that the little timid faerie thought weird and awkwardly of him, but he didn't care all too much. He just wished he knew why he hugged her.

Markus began to think about the rumor that was spread across Nihilian lands, and back to him by another one of those, petty gossipers. He just shook his head as gaped at trees below. Who would be so foolish as to think they could defeat him by finding some kind of "weakness"? Whomever this was, they must've been very foolish.

He began to see majestic sightings of Nihil, coming close. He was sure, as he saw many angels look up at his arrival. Some even ran inside their homes, but most stayed outside. Quickly and steathily, he landed on the ground, looking around at the small mountain-village that had a running waterfall going down the side of it on a rock surface at the end of the street. Marble and stone pillars made shrines, and even libraries, which decorated the mountain plateaus. He stood, glancing around the street. Then, Markus walked up to a man, talking to his friends, one who looked to be a Nutxan, and the other a Nihilian as well. Without a single other movement, he grabbed the collar of his shirt, and looked into the man with heavily distorted, misty grey eyes.

"What is this rumor of someone who knows a little something about a weakness?" Markus growled, waiting for an answer. The man slowly looked up to the attacker, who now looked frightened of his optical illusions. "... Benjamin.. B-Benjamin Henks.. He thinks he knows your weakness, s-sir." The Devil then, losing the distortion in his eyes, dropped the man on the ground. "Thanks for the heads up." Markus smirked, and laughed back at him, before turning away to look at the bar, which was located to his right. Markus hated the taste of alcohol, although he did like wine occasionally. He stormed to the front of it, bellowing, "Where is this, Benjamin Henks? I want to grate his face into the wall and use his spine for a whip!"

"I may be, of some help." A cold, slick voice was heard behind him. The Silver Devil turned around.

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