~Angelus Lapsus~ (Accepting)


One Thousand Club
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Angelus Lapsus

It's a world of high ledges, mountains that lead all the way above the clouds. No human has ever dared to journey so far up. High above the world, an entire new universe exists. One of winged beasts, majestic creatures split apart from a history of war. It is said these beings were initially from a clan of undesirable angels, hellish fools who left heaven as followers of Lucifer. They didn't travel to the underworld, but instead remained banished and apart of the mortal world. The humans below know of the angels, and view them as ungodly demons who will only cause hurt and suffering. There are separate clans, all which have a separate appearance and way of life. They rarely clash nowadays, but with humans growing more curious of the creatures in the clouds and in the shadows; Tensions are rising between clans and races. A massive war is oncoming, and it is sure to change the Earth forever.


Clan of Nihil-

(A slightly mysterious, closely-constructed, gatherer clan. The people in this clan are not so much fighters, but more reserved and laid back. They are gentle kindred spirits that don't generally mean to cause harm. United with L? and very in touch with nature and their souls. Meditation is an almost daily thing. Their harp songs can be heard from about a mile away. Their appearance is quite beautiful; Very pale beings who have slender tall fit bodies. Their faces are well-sculpted and angular. They aren't carnivorous, primarily vegan in fact, so there isn't a single Nihilian angel who is large. There is rarely a Nihilian Angel under 5'4. The females are usually from 5'5 to 5'10 and the males from 5'9 to 6'6. These Nihilians are wonderful at building and creating, making things thrive. They have created the finest sky temples on sides of mountains, developing their weaponry and security greatly (even though they don't really need it.) These people have very strong defenses, no creatures dare come into their territories with bad intentions unless it's war or suicide. Live long lifespans, up to 120 years.)

-Aurora Nihil (Queen)

- Raphael L? (technically a L?s and a Nihilian; a Prince)

Athos Ero



Clan of ?????? ?????

(Violent predators that usually hunt in the woods at night, they are generally consumers of meat but tend to stay wary of humans. These creatures are generally very big and beefy, with short stumpy wings. They are pure power, not taking the time to balance reason against desire. These Angels are the most common to be found in mishaps with other clans or humans, interfering with peace a lot. They yearn war, only because they yearn for power and land. This clan was actually founded off of exiled angels who'd had their wings torn off. They grew and grew with a hatred and mistrust of other clans. These Angels are usually of darker colors, opposite from Nihilian Angels. The females are on average from 5'0 to 5'6 and males from 5'5 to 5'8. They are never generally tall, and none of them reach past 6 ft. However, they are never particularly short either. Most of the children had a failure to thrive due to hunting conditions that are very reliant on how much humans consume, so they look like little bobblehead skeletons. The adults, who consume the most and can hunt for themselves, are usually stocky and big. They are big-boned people, but not too tall. None are "fat", but have massive muscles from having to work. Best known for their willpower, sheer brute strength, accomplishments in mining (due to living on the ground and in the air), and stubborness. Food and land are their biggest priorities, power is a constant desire. They are greedy and irritable, but loyal to what they believe in. Can live up to 120 years, but they usually only live to be 80)

- Markus Devior Xekil- The Silver Devil

-Valencia Xion (Nuxtan Royalty)

Clan of L?-

The most common clan, a variety of winged-creatures. They have a balance of both hunting and gathering. A large group. United with Nihil. They are known for their power in flight, as their wingspan is longer than their height (which is the average) in fact; it is about two times as large. They are the most complex, not seeming to have one task in mind. These Angels are quite sociable creatures, and the hardest to define by appearance. They have incorporated with all the clans in the past, and allowed their kin to venture and meet other clans. This is why they don't all seem to be to one particular group. However, the downside to these well-balanced people, is that they are very broken. Because of the ruling family's broken past, and the forced unitement with Nihil, they are a very cautious group. Outsiders aren't tolerated under any circumstances. They are creatures of war, who have battled many times. The height of these creatures is very diverse, same with body types. Females are from 5'0 to 5'10 generally, and males from 5'5 to 6'4. Can live to be 120, but usually only to 100.)

Angiolo L? (King)

- Felix L? (Prince)

- Raphael
L?- Ra (Both a Nihilian and L?s)

- Nichole Lashay Lowe- Coco




Clan of Berrirose-

(An uncommon race of angels, very removed from all others. In fact, they are so secretive and well-kept from the outside world that a large quantity of angels will never meet a Berrirosian in their lifetime. They have a homely feel to them, unnatural odd little creatures. They are well-known for their immense stealth and cowardice. These Angels are only read about in books, almost like a mythical creature to some. They are the most unusual looking as well. The females stand from 4'0 to 4'5, and the males from 4'0 to 5'0. Their ears are massive, pointed, and elfish and their faces cherubic, with small childlike bodies. They are much like little fairies. Their wings are very large in proportion to their bodies.They usually have pale skin and dark hair, but it varies greatly. They have small homes in the sides of mountains, hidden wonderfully to keep out predators of any sort. These are not violent fighting creatures, in fact they are rarely in wars at all. They are mischeveaous little twits, making silly trouble. Stereotypically seen as burglars and cowards, usually to blame for missing crop and valuables. They actually don't take things, keeping out of trouble for the most part. They are simplistic and rarely spotted, very quiet and very homely. They naturally live up to 100 years, but have lived to as much as 130 at record.)

- Bambi Rini

- Miki Whitfield

- Pipsqueak Merriweather- Pip





(Any exiled angel banished to never return to their clan. These angels usually have their wings snapped before being dropped down to the world below, they almost always die from being killed by villagers, or the forces of nature. They are not welcome to any other clans, only rarely to ?????? ?????. Villagers who spot lone angels will attack them in mobs, finding them to be hellish demons, and certainly burn them at the stake. It is almost impossible to get away from these villagers sometimes, because they never stop searching for you. If an angel still has its wings they are cut off, stuffed, and hung on a wall. This is a very painful process, as the wings are one of the most sensitive things (especially at their base) so BEWARE! xD )

- Lisette Syri- Lyr

- Harris Moren



(You just have to fix your form up... :P A lot xDDD Haha, look at mine for examples! I always read all the forms on an RP so I know the characters and have an idea of how things are)
Felix- *Bursts of light, everything seemed unnatural and blurred; his vision fuzzy. A distant scream is in the back of his head, one of a woman; a familiar sounding woman. "Mum..." His conscience murmurs through the foggy haze of what was his nightmare. It was a frequent one, he was falling and there was no one there to catch him. He is powerless once more, unable to save anyone or even comprehend what's happened. Flashes of red, then hot white, then he finds himself awakening in a cold sweat. His heart was racing and his clammy hands clutched his heart, afraid it'd beat right out of his chest. It was early in the morning, as he was just rising from bed in the gray stone castle of Lu. The dream had shaken him, but by now he was used to these terrors. He welcomed them with a grateful smile, happy that he felt something. Sometimes he was so removed from emotion that it made him feel inhuman. Felix had always differed from his peers, and from every royal heir to the throne he'd heard of. He was not inviting, he was not accepting, he was overly arrogant; but with no backup to these reasons, as he had accomplished nothing. His manner was cold and calculated, everything playing into his schemes. These assets were dangerous for a future king, or the possible future king. Felix steps outward onto the balcony of his room, wearing a long flannel button down and dark cotton pants that were rolled into shorts. He stretched his massive black wings, they were useless to him. He could not fly, he had never been able to. Trauma overfilled his every muscle and he'd stiffly watch the height before him. He'd tremble and he'd turn. It'd be better if he had been born some other creature, like a human prince. Then he wouldn't have to be a disgrace for his inability. However, he was smarter than everyone else, above the rest. Because in the end your physical strength doesn't matter, it doesn't endure the wretched aging that your body encounters. You'd wither away with nothing to turn to, logic was a gift. You could manipulate, plan, and play everything like a game of chess. He closed his dark ebony eyes, then opened them slowly. His leisure and deep thought was positively ruined by his younger brother, Ra, coming out of nowhere and greeting him with a cheerful "Goodmornin'!" Felix jumped back, having his athletic sibling fly right into his face.* Have you no respect? What makes you think you have the RIGHT to barge in on- *His brother gave him a concerned expression "What were you thinking about?"* None of your concerns, Ra, be gone with you.. I need time to be alone. *Raphael gave him a solemn expression, muttering something along the lines of Felix being antisocial before diving off the balcony. Felix sighed heavily, he felt a hatred for his kin. His brother was sure to surpass him, he was already better; and there was sure to be some way to make the second born son king instead of he. Felix pondered aloud* I wonder... Will death await me? A death committed by my own kin? Some family they are, I hate them all... Pitiful, weak-minded... Idiots.

Raphael- *He flew atop the mountainside, being a very strong flier. His heavily feathered white wings appeared beautiful n the morning breeze, he loved to feel it brush through his hair and against his face. The sensation of being completely free, able to fly away. It was something he would die for. Ra knew it was early, and that it was ridiculous to be up right at the crack of dawn. His recent encounter with his brother confused him. Why, oh why, was Felix so removed from everyone? What went on in that dark oversized mind of his? Raphael shook all bad thoughts from his head, as they'd only burden him. He had never had to directly deal with anything too horrible, unlike his brother; who witnessed his mother's death. He then rounded his way to the Nihilian castles, stunning white marble buildings with light stone roads and crystal gates. He landed on the lush green grass, bare feet twitching as they touched the cold dew of the ground. He entered his second home, finding it more inviting than the castle of Lu. His mother was kindhearted, but stern in her own way. Very regal and calm, she kept everything under control; always staying poised and prepared even in the most dire situations. He resembled both his parents closely, with a face like his father, and features like his mother. He walked down the long hallway, not exactly sure where he was going or what he was doing. The cool marble was pressed against his toes, he felt awakened, refreshed from his flight. Soothed by these small reminders of life and of home.*

Pipsqueak- *He was fast asleep in a homely hollow tree, curled up in a goose-feathered bed with thick cotton blankets weaving around his delicate frame. Built much more femininely than the other males of his clan, although they were all quite childish and girlish, he had smaller structure and a gentler feel to his features. His long elflike ears pointed downward, as if drooped in submission. The untamed sandy blonde curls were plastered to both his cherubic face and the bed. Everything of the little tree reeked of welcoming homely attributes. It was centered near the slope of the mountain, which trailed into forestry and meadows and plains. A creek ran smoothly through, and there was established a little Berrirosian village. Pip slept in late most of the time, not bothering in getting up early. He had no reason to be up anyways, each day was taken at a slow pace. He mainly hummed melodic lullabies while he picked berries and whiled the hours away with his companion, Miki. Miki was an avid storyteller, often getting carried away with his imagination. Pip remained second-best through some eyes, but he didn't want to be the best. His naturally submissive nature gave him the feel that he need not fight, need not upset others or himself. Things were as they should be in the world, and he was to accept his place and learn to be happy with it. Pipsqueak was a well-humored and sweet angel, but often very shy and cowardly. While he was one of the fastest runners, he was also very clumsy and easily outsmarted. If things were to go his way, he'd be able to disappear whenever he needed to. At all costs, Pip intended to avoid conflict. Little did he know, a massive conflict was oncoming and he may not ever see his humble abode again... (I have ideas man :P )*

Miki- *He was never up in the hushed morning hours, sleeping in late; But not as late as angels like Pipsqueak. When he awoke, which was still earlier than some of his peers, he went on a brisk morning walk to enjoy the scenery around him. He wasn't too cautious about these walks either, not bringing any sort of weaponry (he didn't feel the need for it.) Miki was incredibly stealthy though, you could barely hear his small feet crunching the leaves. If he wanted, he could pass by completely untraced. Mik was a good-humored Berrirosian, often getting into trouble because of his pranks and jokes. He tried to influence others around him. But, truth to be told, he wasn't satisfied with this simpleton life he lived. He yearned for adventure, for something exciting to happen each day, for a purpose other than lounging and playing in the forest. Miki awoke from a good dream, he smiled and reached for the skies. His dark wavy hair was stuck up in tuffs, and to fix it he just had to run his hands through it. Miki smiled and lay in bed for a couple minutes before traveling outside, bringing an apple with him for breakfast. He went on a calming stroll through the town, they were actually on ground; which was odd for angels. They hid in the trees when necessary. He felt at ease, at rest, this was the only time of the day where it was just him. His time to himself, where he could relax for once. Let himself go.*

Bambi- *She was already up, having made soup for breakfast and already put some water to boil for her herbal tea. This was a routine, as she was very set in her ways. Like Pip, she was high-strung and easily stressed and sent into what could be considered panic attacks. Both reacted horribly to bad things. One time she witnessed Pipsqueak fainting after a young angel came home with a snagged bleeding wing. It was when he was younger, so she figured she would've improved. Both were very quiet folk, only standing at 4 ft. He was very small for a male, and for someone in general. They were both petite and delicate, at about the same size. Gentle, timid, and frail. This opposed Miki's hyperactivity, fearlessness, and curiosity that could never be satisfied. He was an explorer who wanted to experience things for his stories that he wrote and told to entertain his clan. They were small, closely-knit; Everyone knew everyone and everyone knew everyone's business and what went on in everyone else's lives. But they were oblivious to the outside world, keeping under the radar and slipping by as a possibly extinct species. They were rare, uncommon, and a lot of them were wiped out in war years and years before. Bambi brought soup to her aging grandmother, a soft old lady who wanted nothing more than to have eternal leisure and happy lives for those around her. She was giving, and forgiving. Harmless. Defenseless. She'd witnessed bad things, and good things, her father had been a survivor of war. She was a survivor of her family. The others had died off, and only she seemed to remain.*
:\ yullen-chan, could you try to write a little more? xD I wanted this RP to be semi-literate... ALSO GET THOSE OTHERS TO POST ON HERE!!! DX And check out the recent post I made on the sign-ups, as important things are happening :P
ok i will. nichole walked outside stretching her wings. she flew up and her angel dog oreo followed. nichole sang alittle tune and birds surrounded her. she laughed when oreo tried to chase them. silly puppy. she petted him and went to go pick some berries. she hummed as she got fresh berries. she sat in her favorite part of the meadow and ate. she finished her breakfast and flew off to her veterinary clinic. (hows that?)
I don't think there's any veterinary clinics or "angel-dogs" :P I'm just saying xD It could be a normal dog xDD And just y'know.. We're discussing importance with the RP. It was brought up that things may be smoother if I handed out OCs that are in my original storyline (which I will gladly post if anyone is interested, the idea is in its roughest stages right now.) So I posted the ones that I will not RP, even though some of them are really important xDDD Hahaa yea :P I am just the ones I want to expand on because they are focal point characters or because they need to be more defined.
no problem. We also need everyone else to start posting, idk where they are... :( Can you go message them? I need to get some sleep T-T
( Ohayou yullen-chan , harlequincat-chan , i see i'm kind of late? >_< Gomen ne...)

A girl who had pale skin with a small body and light pink hair just walked passed by a cafe, her mouth was filled with bread while looking up. Standing their she would listen to other people conversation without them knowing. "Pretty...." softly she said while staring at the black sky and a small white dot, that must be the moon she thought; she held out both her hands and raised it at the sky blocking the view, then softly sang a small hymn. There was one person who bumped into her on purposed and smirked, "This isn't a stage child,"
Nichole held oreo and flew to a book store. she hid him in her bag going inside. she bought some books she needed and some she wanted. she saw some beautiful birds and smiled. Nichole flew back to her meadow and sat down studying.
:P Remember, not modern-day MEDIEVAL kinda times xD I just wanna make sure we're clear on that : :) I mean, there are libraries in the castles and cafe like places (more like restaurants) at some inns in town (either human or angel)

Felix- *He boredly stares off into space, zoning completely out. Flying... He thinks of that. It seemed so easy, yet he couldn't get himself off the ground. He simply could not fly, it scared him, and he just couldn't seem to do it. His wings were just for show, useless in every way. They were exclusive to him, some of the most beautiful you may have ever seen. They were excessive in length, and so thickly feathered and well-maintained because they had not been exposed to any hardship or damage. He sauntered around the royal Lus castle, his home. He took it forgranted, always finding stuff wrong with his life even when impoverished angels died of starvation each and every day.*

Ra- *He flew into the forestry, a bit close to human civilization; but none of them would be out this early so he was fine. Anyways, he was a very powerful angel and could take anyone or anything (or so he thinks.) He was egotistical, but maybe not as much as his older brother; Who really had nothing but his brains to brag about. Raphael shunned himself for thinking so lowly of his brother, who was just a bit... Odd. He strolls through a trail, breathing in the earth and the smells around him. It calmed him. These were the few peaceful moments he had, taking a rest from workouts in the morning, to just be calm before the hectic day that awaited him.*
He madly shook his head. There was no way that he would be bound the way he was. By this.. foolish rumor...

Markus stared down at his letter that was sent to him. Of course he was no man to send mail, but this was sent with no return address, saying that someone had found a way to defeat him. "I'll show the man who dares challenge by importance..." He quietly said, looking around his wooden cabin. "I'll split his body in every direction!" He bellowed, twisting his body, thrusting himself up from his chair. "I'll tear the man to pieces!" Markus screamed and brushed the letter off his desk angrily. He took a breath and calmed himself down. He wouldn't let someone else fuel his anger again. Not after what happened last time. He just couldn't do it now. Markus walked back and forth in his cabin to cool off. Then, he grabbed his forehead and rubbed it vigorously. "I'll be fine. I'll just ask someone in town..."

Markus began to head to the front door when he realized it was somewhat cold, and his usually shirtless gesture wouldn't help when the temperature didn't really suit. It was nighttime, and most helpful but unfortunate folks from Nihil wouldn't be awake. He would have to ask in the morning. He took his time to wash up in his makeshift, but beautiful shower, and dried himself off. Dressing himself in silver rayon and silk pajamas, he slipped into bed. When he found the man... Blood would rain, once again.
Pipsqueak- *He awoke in the late afternoon hours, lazily and leisurely. Surely enough he was completely at peace. Tragically, unlike Miki, he did not intend to adventure or stray from home. He enjoyed his homely village, hidden from the world, and believed to not even exist anymore. Pleasant, yes, no one bothered them. They were not hunted or wiped out, as they'd almost been during war. That's why everyone thought they were gone, their stealth helping them, their small size. Naturally, they were hard to catch; like little mice, they would always find a way to survive. He wasn't used to the outside world though, easily stressed and anxious outside of his comfort zones; the little Berrirosian was sure to have a panic attack and faint if he were to encounter anything dangerous like war or true pain. He was high-strung when he was in a stressful situation, easily uncomfortable and frightened. But behind that flimsy coward was there a true hero? Was there courage hidden in his fearful heart, a kernel of bravery? Why, who knows? We may never find out... :P *
Markus awoke early morning. Moving his hair from his forehead, he stood from his bed, and he began fixing it with a brush, looking at his pale face in the mirror on the far side of the room. To him, he always looked repulsive. The brush went through his thick, silver hair. He began changing into a pair of skinny dark blue denim, socks, and thick leather boots. He reached into his closet and strapped on a pair of mythril gauntlets on his wrists, and had a demon blade strapped to his waist with a black sash, threaded with silver silk. He began to prepare breakfast. Opening a chest in the kitchen, he found salted meat, and began to cook it over a stone coal stove. Smoke began to softly billow out from a pipe of the stove into the range of the mountains, interfering with the thin, beautiful nature of the mist and dew that coated the air. Hard buns were found in a barrel to the edge of the kitchen. He prepared a varnished ceramic plate full of the meat and buns. He began to fill his stomach worth of every bite on the plate. Heading to a large homemade cooler, he pulled out a bottle of coconut milk. He began to pour some of it in a glass from a cabinet and chugged it down. Putting the cooking materials and dishes away after washing them, The Silver Devil was ready to start his day. Luckily, not very many knew how sophisticated his mornings were. He was ready to train until around noon, until he was to question the town of Nihil about the man of challenge. He walked outside and stretched his arms, shutting the door behind him. It was quiet, warm, and smelled sweet of dew from the forest below his plateau (which his plateau was surrounded by mountains) and it was also a good place to practice. Before heading to the city of Nihil, he would also have to sneak off to check his coconut trees in the Nihil forests.
Bambi- *She'd gone very far in her morning stroll, her clan lived in between Nuxtan lands and Nihilian lands. She was in the general area of Nihil territory, and she stumbled across something very odd. Coconuts. Coconut trees. Bambi's eyes widened, she was filled with childlike wonder and delight. How splendid! Coconuts! How bizarre, they were so strange. She didn't personally know what the unusual fruit was up there, was it an animal of some sort? She had never seen anything like it. She glanced around, no one was there. The tiny Berrirosian then scurried up a tree with ease, being very nimble, and trying to pull one of the furry brown balls from its socket. She yanked and pushed back until she flew backwards with one in her hand. Before hitting the ground, the angel spread her delicate brown wings, it parachuted her and she landed without a single sound.*
Markus dove towards the forest, his wings flying him with amazing accuracy and speed down to the forest below his plateau, past the mountains, and into the forests. He smirked as the thought of violence came to him. Soon, his flying came to a stop at the forest. He stopped and the thick forest provided enough trees for him for a while. He moved over to a tall one, thick with brown bark. Then, he sent a right punch that thundered and echoed the tree, with shaking vibration. The gauntlets prevented the shock to hurt his knuckles. Then a left. Another right. Then a backflip to a wallkick to the tree, before flying back to another right punch. The tree would've split in half, cracking and splitting until it ripped from all sides. It fell to pieces, and Markus looked down to them, satisfied. With another tree, he practiced simple hand to hand combat, blocks and dodge-counters. That tree went down with a grapple move. Normally,Markus didn't want the trees to fall fast, so he could preserve it to train with.

After getting bored and using a purple-electrical darkness to create a psy-beam, he cleared a hole in the forest, for miles until the beam vanished. He used this passage to advance to the forests of Nihil. The lumberjacks would be proud of me, Markus thought jokingly.

Soon, Markus arrived to the clearing, which he knew was where his coconut trees were planted. If anyone knew about this, he was sure people wouldn't be as scared of him. They would think inside he was some kind of "warm-hearted gardener". He looked at his surroundings. The trees soon grew to the height of the other forest trees around him. Then, he saw a little -- something. What was that? Oh, one of those, pathetic Berrirose faeries. Did those things even exist? He began to question the little fairy. He read about them once, but he never believed it. He saw it held something precious to him, a coconut. Eh, he didn't care too much. There was alot more coconut trees than he could count in this clearing. Though, he decided to question its presence. "Hey. What're you doing here?" Markus asked casually, standing sturdy on the ground beneath him. "You're.. You're a Berrirosian angel... " He said with curiosity and question.
Bambi shook her head awkwardly, preparing to flee; but something drew her closer. She knew he'd follow her to her home, even if Berrirosians were well known for their stealth and speed; she didn't want to risk being discovered as a clan. She held the coconut in her tiny childlike hands, clutching the ripe coconut to her chest. Bambi couldn't find the words to speak, she was all choked up and her rosy cheeks flushed. The puny 4 ft fairy looked up at the other before her, she observed his weaponry and stepped back; making not a single sound. "I may ask the same to you, you aren't of the Nihilian clan." Her voice was incredibly high in pitch and rung softly in the wind like bells.
The Devil looked at the fairy, sighing. "Yeah.. I'm Nuxtan. I grow these, trees. Just uhm. Don't tell anyone." He merely shook his head and facepalmed, before throwing his arm down to his side. He looked at the ground and felt shamed for only a second. But he liked what he did, and didn't care for that little bit of time afterward. He would do what he wanted without shame. But he would still try to keep it secret. The sun beamed deeper, and it was warmer outside. Slowly he turned to look at the fairy. "I can't believe you are.. real." He slowly thought this through. "Hey.. have you heard of a rumor? About someone trying to find a weakness? Because.." He stopped. "I need to find this person. And get to the bottom of this."
Bambi raised her eyebrows, still thoroughly terrified; she was about to bolt, in fact it was so bizarre that she hadn't yet. It must've been the fear, she looked like a deer caught in the headlights still. The sweet Berrirosian blinked a few times, her long dark eyelashes batting. "I don't think I'm the one you're looking for, I'm not too god of an action angel.." She was humble, but also just too kindhearted to be violent or deceiving.

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