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Fantasy Angels & Demons (Under Construction, Will Receive a Proper Title)


New Member
A Pact of Angels & Demons : The Low Down

OOC Rules (Terms of Play)

  • Detailed Tag.

    This means that I do ask the posts be lengthier & well...detailed! I'd like to try not to put a post length in the rules but if you need a guideline think along

    3-7 paragraphs (as an average post)

    . I will never be upset with a longer post! I do understand that sometimes, it must be a shorter post. Please try to limit that.
  • Moderate Participation.

    I understand we all have lives outside of here, but I do ask for a moderate level of participation. If you can be active a

    minimum of once every three days

    , that'd be great! I know life interferes sometimes, so please if you're going to be gone longer than three days then just let us (in the OOC thread) know or just send me a PM. If someone posts something involving you, that's waiting for a response, and you have NOT responded in 3 days time I will find a way to write around you for that person. If you know, ahead of time, that you're going to be absent just write yourself an excuse!
  • Adult, dark themes

    . I do


    (in accordance to the RpN rules) adult themes & dark themes. This is an RP world in which there are angels, demons, & a blood thirsty fight for the soul of humanity!

    I don't expect demons (or angels) to be PG-13

    . Granted, if it's too violent or sensual in nature then just

    Fade to Black

    once you hit the thresh hold before you break the rules (I don't want players banned!).
  • No Modding.

    Please don't ruin the fun by modding. We know what modding is. We know what metaing is. We know what god modding is.

    Please don't do it

    . If it appears that I have done it by mistake, PM me and inquire, I won't be upset. It's very possible I have a logical reason (i.e. someone being AFK for a week) or didn't notice (as you might not notice if you do it!). Just don't consciously do it! Thanks!
  • Talk to me!

    This is my first RP to host in such a nature, and I'm human. I'll make mistakes, or you might too! Just talk to me! Send me a PM or post a response/thread about whatever it is and I'm usually willing to work with it. Most of the information I'm providing is guidelines for the world I imagined, but there's always a bit of wiggle room usually allowed, so please...let the creativity flow!
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Factions : Backgrounds, Races, Abilities

Alright, so there are 3 primary factions in this RP.

the Light, the Darkness, the Agnasetii

The factions aren't a black and white set guide for where your character may fall, but more of a general guideline for the layout of the universe. There may be races of the Light that have a soul filled with Darkness and are actually agents of the Darkness (see? no hindrance of creative freedom!).

These may fluctuate as I learn more about the factions/races/abilities/etc and as the RP develops. I'll be sure to make it known which bits of information adjust as we go.

Thank you!

  • Background

    When the world was born and man took it's first steps, the first beats of his heart echoing in his ears, the Light dawned. As their mother, Gaia, crafted the hills, valleys, birds, & bees the Angels cried out in joyous harmony as they watched the first child of man learn to live, to love, and to embrace all that was wonderful in the world.

    Since then, man has grown haphazardly into the wonderfully idiotic species it has but one thing has always remained the same...the goodness of man's heart. Because the Light is the warmth, love, and good deeds man accomplishes during his brief time gracing the world.

    The Light believe in a pure, unadulterated way of being that is the word of Gaia upon man. The Edicts their mother cast down upon man from the beginning lay the foundation for the Light to spread with mankind.


    Archangels. The leaders of their kind, the Archangels report to Gaia directly or receive orders from her. They never leave Elysium, unless it's under the most dire of circumstances. If a message is to be conveyed to the world, then they will send an Angel or use their abilities to reach across the cosmos and convey. These are the commanders in the war of the world, those with the greatest power and with the greatest authority over the rest of the Light's creatures.

    Angels. The heavenly peoples that carry out the orders and requests of the Archangels. They are the deliverers of the word of Gaia, the courts of those that sinned, and the redeemers of those that have shown their pure love and Light from within. They are a supernatural being that, while preferring to stay in Elysium they often walk the world to guide mankind into the path of righteousness (sometimes forcefully).

    Angelic Humans. These are half breeds that are the mix of an angel and a human. There are only a few appropriate actions when an angelic human is born -- A) Kill it. The Angels would rather such an imbalance of the world and a reminder of one of their owns sinful ways be wiped from the cosmos before it can develop into a problem. B) Take it to Elysium and lock it away. At least it would be safe and the Angels could work to exploit it's abilities...for the greater good you see? C) Give it up immediately. Using manipulative ways to conceal the child and placing it within an Agnaestii family is often the most commonly used option for Angels that have an angelic human on their hands. This often leads to the poor child convincing themselves they are mad as, in such an Agnaestii world, their abilities often work against them.


    • Heal others, the strength of which is dependent upon the strength of the individual.
    • See auras around individual creatures and humans. Auras cannot be hidden from the supernatural unless complex (and I mean complex) magic is used.
    • Produce Light when it is darkest (they can glow/make a small light orb/I'm open to interpretations).
    • Send prophecies to individuals (This only works on a hierarchy Gaia>Archangels>Angels>Angelic Humans>Humans).
    • CANNOT GLAMOUR (This would be deceitful, which would be sinful).
    • Wings that mold/shape shift to their bodies (open to interpretation).
    • One (1) insanely fantastic creative ability (open to interpretation, but think along the lines of Angels being awesome at cello or painting or writing, etc).

    --I accept that, in theory, angels would come across as incredibly beautiful as they are the embodiment of pure love and ethereal and wonderful and such. I will not place restrictions of any kind on the physical appearance of your characters. If I happen to have some sort of question or issue I will let you know.--

Next up will be the Universe information containing descriptions & pictures of the Universe we'll be RPing in!

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