Angels, Demons, And Humans: Races of the Universe


Guilty Deity
@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira, please edit this post to include the character/sign-up information. 
Name: Kiriel

Race: Demon

Age: 225


Personality: Cold to those he doesn’t know but very loyal and kind to those he does. He is very protective of his people and being a Lord he fights for them with his armies, he joins the other eight demon lords to fend off the angels. Kiriel is fair even towards enemies having a secret belief that second chances are vital to growth he has been known to let honorable angels live if they put up a good fight and prove they aren’t a hundred percent obsessed with annihilating demons. Unfortunately he has slain thousands of angels ruthlessly and adds to the body count everyday. Regretting each ended life.

Occpation: Ruler

Rank: Demon lord of the ninth ring

Skills: Uses multiple types of magic but normally intertwines them with elemental magic finding them very potent and giving him a huge edge against those who thinks he’s just using basic elemental magic. He has extensive knowledge of every skill given his age and is nearly unparalleled by any living angel. Though many test this claim. Due to his experience with magic he can conceal himself well changing his appearance even in demon form. His wings allow flight and his senses are incredibly sharp, as well as his reflexes. His fists are considered deadlier than his blade and are used more channeling his magic and expelling it in magic circle before discharge.

Weaponry: He uses a sword named Dark star, it is a heavily enchanted blade to be able to channel Kiriel’s energy precisely. (Dark Star: )

History: Kiriel’s history id forgotten by many besides himself he keeps it close and to disclose that information he must be very trusting of that person.

Other: Kiriel’s abilities allow him to have survived three weeks under the human radar. And he searches for his ship or survivors, picking up language and culture while he’s at it. 
Skeleton for the Character sheet











Name: Senira Laventine

Race: Angel

Age: Appears 14


Human Form:

Angel Form:

Personality: Senira is polite and respective, leading her to be seen in a good light in view of the older angels. She is efficient with her work and quick to react in almost any given situation. She is generally calm and happy, always having her emotions in check no matter what circumstance. She has a food fetish and is attracted to animals, as they get along with her well. She sings and plays music often, since it is one of her favorite things to do and writes her own melodies. Senira has risked her life more than once for her fellow angels, which earned her some respect. She dislikes violence and is actually fond of the demon race, which is why some people look down on her. She is keen on learning more about them and finding a way to settle the dispute between the two races.

Occupation: Warrior/Messenger

Rank: Highest Warrior (not commander, etc.)

Skills: Despite her fragile appearance, her body holds a lot of endurance, though not physical strength (she has enough to fight well in combat). She has accurate aim and powerful magic, which she uses to her advantage. She uses a couple elemental magic mainly, ice and water for the most part, followed by wind and electricity, then fire. She uses healing magic as well, though it takes time (it heals physical wounds and clears pain) and she cannot use this upon herself. She is quite good in combat, especially with blades (daggers, throwing stars, swords, etc.--anything sharp with blade-like properties) and uses a bow-and-arrow as a far-ranged weapon.

Weaponry: She uses arm-length blades (two of them) and the bow-and-arrow

History: No one knows of her history because she is affected by memory loss; she remembers some things, but doesn't like to mention it to anyone.

Other: She has a curiosity about behavior, so she tends to observe people often. She also has a habit of zoning out sometimes, and though it's easy to get her out of it, she can fall back just as quickly.


Name: Grel

Race: Angel

Age: 114 (She keeps her self at the physical angel age of in 60- This is 30 when compared to a human)

Personality: Grel is a solider, She follows orders like any other. She is a caring person but she will throw it out the window when she comes across a enemy. Grel is very stern and demands respect. She sees all demonic being as evil and abominations. Grel only see's black and white, Light and Dark, No shades of Gray.

Occpation: Angelic Military

Rank: Major


Enhanced Strength

Heighten senses

Enhanced Speed

Flight by Wings

Healing Factor

Solar Energy

(She can gather energy from the sun and save it for night time battles)

Weaponry: Irat

When use on normal humans it can erase memories.


Grel is a member of Angelic Military. She is a Major and controls about 500 men of her battalion. She was born over 114 years ago to a father and mother who served in the armed forces against the demons. Grel followed in there foot steps and did battle with 'Evil'. She worked her way up and became a Major.

Grel has always wanted to go to earth. It has been a place that had made her wonder since she was a child. She found them people strange, They constantly fought among each other over things such as land, Faith and Race. She was greatly fascinated and horrified by WW2 and the genocide they were committing. One day when she was just a average soldier she went down to earth to see first hand a Death Camp. She never went inside the camp but just watch from afar. Grel wanted to help but Angels are not allow to get involved in Mortal affairs unless demons are involved. She was confused, This race has a potential for infinite good but also for infinite evil.

Grel returned to Heaven in tears and vowed to never return to such a twisted world. She then went on to follow the path stated earlier and became a Military Major. At one point she join Gabriel's ship. During one counter in space they meet Demon Lord Kiriel. The two battled and in attempted to come out victor they destroyed each other with pure blast of magic. The two ships fell from space in shards and struck the earth.

(sorry for such a small history, Not Much to go off.)


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macaron said:
Name: Senira Laventine
Race: Angel

Age: Appears 14


Human Form:

Angel Form:

Personality: Senira is polite and respective, leading her to be seen in a good light in view of the older angels. She is efficient with her work and quick to react in almost any given situation. She is generally calm and happy, always having her emotions in check no matter what circumstance. She has a food fetish and is attracted to animals, as they get along with her well. She sings and plays music often, since it is one of her favorite things to do and writes her own melodies. Senira has risked her life more than once for her fellow angels, which earned her some respect. She dislikes violence and is actually fond of the demon race, which is why some people look down on her. She is keen on learning more about them and finding a way to settle the dispute between the two races.

Occupation: Warrior/Messenger

Rank: Highest Warrior (not commander, etc.)

Skills: Despite her fragile appearance, her body holds a lot of endurance, though not physical strength (she has enough to fight well in combat). She has accurate aim and powerful magic, which she uses to her advantage. She uses a couple elemental magic mainly, ice and water for the most part, followed by wind and electricity, then fire. She uses healing magic as well, though it takes time (it heals physical wounds and clears pain) and she cannot use this upon herself. She is quite good in combat, especially with blades (daggers, throwing stars, swords, etc.--anything sharp with blade-like properties) and uses a bow-and-arrow as a far-ranged weapon.

Weaponry: She uses arm-length blades (two of them) and the bow-and-arrow

History: No one knows of her history because she is affected by memory loss; she remembers some things, but doesn't like to mention it to anyone.

Other: She has a curiosity about behavior, so she tends to observe people often. She also has a habit of zoning out sometimes, and though it's easy to get her out of it, she can fall back just as quickly.
Accepted, welcome Senira
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Accepted, welcome Senira

Thank you so much~ :D
Name: Maitahl, a.k.a Death's Blade

Race: Demon

Age: ~200

Apparance: Attached.

Personality: Obediant only to Lord Kiriel, she has a strong will. She has a good understanding of strategy and battle tactics, and is an excellent fighter herself. She has a sense of honor similar to Lord Kiriel's, and tries to be fair in all her fights.

Occpation: Demonic Military Captain of the ninth ring

Rank: No order is higher then hers except for Lord Kiriel's.

Skills: Rare even in the demon realm, Maitahl has direct control over darkness and shadows. She can form it into shapes that almost seem alive, as well as create weapons out of it.

Weaponry: Aside from her powers, she has a simple set of throwing knives stowed around her person.

History: Even Maitahl doesn't know much about her past. She knows her name's meaning and she also knows at an early age she was trained to be a killer. Not knowing if she has any family, Maitahl has a lifelong quest of finding out for certain.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/640x1123_12177_Demon_Girl_2d_fantasy_character_girl_woman_mask_demon_picture_image_digital_art.jpg.961d01da245b8b81bfc6e4cbca6cadc1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="28129" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_08/640x1123_12177_Demon_Girl_2d_fantasy_character_girl_woman_mask_demon_picture_image_digital_art.jpg.961d01da245b8b81bfc6e4cbca6cadc1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • 640x1123_12177_Demon_Girl_2d_fantasy_character_girl_woman_mask_demon_picture_image_digital_art.jpg
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Ananfal said:
Name: Maitahl, a.k.a Death's Blade
Race: Demon

Age: ~200

Apparance: Attached.

Personality: Obediant only to Lord Kiriel, she has a strong will. She has a good understanding of strategy and battle tactics, and is an excellent fighter herself. She has a sense of honor similar to Lord Kiriel's, and tries to be fair in all her fights.

Occpation: Demonic Military Captain of the ninth ring

Rank: No order is higher then hers except for Lord Kiriel's.

Skills: Rare even in the demon realm, Maitahl has direct control over darkness and shadows. She can form it into shapes that almost seem alive, as well as create weapons out of it.

Weaponry: Aside from her powers, she has a simple set of throwing knives stowed around her person.

History: Even Maitahl doesn't know much about her future. She knows her name's meaning and she also knows at an early age she was trained to be a killer. Not knowing if she has any family, Maitahl has a lifelong quest of finding out for certain.
Excellent, accepted Go ahead and post captain

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Name:Yuri Solotov




Angel Form


Colosus form



Personality:He is very serius and aswell buzzkill somtimes as he is not too playfull or joyfull but he somtimes but rarely he is happy and hase some fun,But wen in his Colosus form he canot talk at all and its very destructive and follows orders only from (Insert name here of leader of all algels)and ho he says too follow orders from

Occpation:Angel Colosus/Angel Guardien

Rank:High Guardien (Next too to the highest rank)

Skills:He is very destructive and fast as he is perfect for mass caos but as an angel he need too reasive orders too make destruction in a selected area,aswell he is very good at using Greatswords and using hevy armore and in his Colosus form this creture is 18 meters tall and 24 meters wide seems menacing but being big is not easy task and hard

Weaponry:He uses masive Longsword and Great swords,in his colosus form he uses his giant claws and jaw aswell he fires beams of light in that form

History:The only thing of him that he is known as the "Seal" as he protects (Again name here) at all cost and aswell he is a colosus and aswell high ranking leader as he takes care of messi or big task but he never uses his colosus form much as he has Limits,the rest of how he became a colosus or his history is a mysteri too be unfold (reveal in RP)

Other:He is (Insert name here of the leader of all angels) personal guard and aswell High ranking officer aswell he is second in command
Yonsisac said:
Name:Yuri Solotov



Angel Form


Colosus form



Personality:He is very serius and aswell buzzkill somtimes as he is not too playfull or joyfull but he somtimes but rarely he is happy and hase some fun,But wen in his Colosus form he canot talk at all and its very destructive and follows orders only from (Insert name here of leader of all algels)and ho he says too follow orders from

Occpation:Angel Colosus/Angel Guardien

Rank:High Guardien (Next too to the highest rank)

Skills:He is very destructive and fast as he is perfect for mass caos but as an angel he need too reasive orders too make destruction in a selected area,aswell he is very good at using Greatswords and using hevy armore and in his Colosus form this creture is 18 meters tall and 24 meters wide seems menacing but being big is not easy task and hard

Weaponry:He uses masive Longsword and Great swords,in his colosus form he uses his giant claws and jaw aswell he fires beams of light in that form

History:The only thing of him that he is known as the "Seal" as he protects (Again name here) at all cost and aswell he is a colosus and aswell high ranking leader as he takes care of messi or big task but he never uses his colosus form much as he has Limits,the rest of how he became a colosus or his history is a mysteri too be unfold (reveal in RP)

Other:He is (Insert name here of the leader of all angels) personal guard and aswell High ranking officer aswell he is second in command
Accepted, and Gabriel is the equivalent of Kiriel, both have only one person higher than them in rank. I will elaborate in story.

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