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Fantasy Angels and Demons at High School? (Closed)

She blinked when he asked her out to lunch, slightly taken aback. She had just net him and now he was asking her on a date. It was like one of those movies the humans seemed to love so much, not like she was complaining because he wasn't the most unattractive guy but at the same time, she had a job to do... A job to live a normal human life. So maybe this was for the better, she could enjoy herself before her father or the princes father sent people to come find her. "I would like that very much." She said brightly, sitting up and making her curls bounce with movement. "Where would you like to go?"

Dominic wasn't expecting her to say yes. "I don't know. I am new here so I don't know this area well." He said not a full lie. He just smiled as he looked back to Clair. She seemed to be having a fun time, but he wondered if she would try to tag along. 'Maybe I could just ditch her once and apologize later.' He thought as he looked back to Raven. He smiled softly as the teacher coughed. @TheRebelAngel @Mr Swiftshots
Elch slowly got up and walked over to the man with his cat. He was about halfway there when he stumbled and fell at the boys feet. "O-Ow..." He slowly picked himself up and wiped away the blood and tears. "C-Can I have my cat back p-please?" He asked nervous. His eyes were the same as his cat one was purple and the other was gold.

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NekoChanBo said:
Silver simply stared down at the cat who had once again began making his lap as its seat, he didn't really care now that he knew what it was it wouldn't bother him. He put one hand on it and started to stroke it. Upon closer inspection it was strange it had gold and one purple eye was it injured did something happen to it a cat with a purple eye is unnatural oh well it's not like it the strangest thing he has ever seen. Silver shrugged as he heard a voice wondering why a cat was here he wanted to know the same thing.
He stopped playing with the cat as he saw the girl Clair come and sit next to him, she was long good looking blond hair, blue eyes not that he cared anyhow but if he wanted to act like a human getting in the mind set would help. It didn't take long before Clair began calling him out on his little moment of shock and he just let out a little laugh. "Hey, this cats stronger than you think." Silver joked before placing a hand to the side in Clair's direction. "Most call me Silver."

@Mr Swiftshots
Clair took silvers hand in hers and shock it briefly before addressing what he had said "That's a nice name , silver huh. To be honest I prefer diamonds but hey silver is in some cases better". With a small giggle Clair turned back to view the board as another student seemed to be taking hold of Silver's attention.

Her focus on the board was however torn to shreds rather quickly when she overheard 'Dom' and Raven's conversation which was so abruptly pointed out by the teachers coughing. What the hell was that idiot doing ! They had just arrived and here he was off flirting with the first girl he met ! Clair had just managed to doge a bullet with the princess and now..... NOW THIS ! With a loud 'hmph' Clair's eyes dissipated behind her fringe and her nails were then dug firmly into the table where she sat , not an unreasonable amount but what most humans would consider normal. "stupid idiot running off with any woman he so happens to find... I might just end up killing him myself" she muttered.

@NekoChanBo @Dkingow
Wynter looked over and saw two people flirting along with a girl digging her nails into the desk. His thoughts were abruptly ended as the teacher called on him to answer the question on the board. He quickly scanned the classroom looking for anything that may help him before answering quickly yet carefully. He got his answer right and sat back down with a sign actually taking notes this time, he had the feeling that today was going to be a long day.

@Nekochandesu @Dkingow @Mr Swiftshots
Raven smiled softly and looked down. "Yea, im in the same position, my family just moved here. But there is this really cool restaurant down the street, it looks like one of those diners from the 60's, the waiters even wear roller blades." She said with a smirk. The truth was that when she got here she was starving and that was the nearest place that she could get to. It was still nice though, really down to earth. She rolled her eyes at herself for the phrase she just made, earth was really rubbing off on her.
Dominic smiled. "I think that will work." He looked back to Clair as he smirked. "Shall we go now, or do you want to be a good little girl and stay for class." He whispered smiling. 'Come on break the rules. Let the demon take you for a ride.' He thought hoping she would. He tried to ignore what was going on with Clair, Silver, and the now random kid asking for the cat. @Nathan22
Raven hesitated, but nodded. She wasn't really the one to break rules (when unnecessary) but his presence was nearly intoxicating, it made her feel free to to whatever she wanted whenever she wanted. The mentality- She reminded herself - of a demon. "How are we to get out without the teacher knowing?" She asked nervously, looking around and subtly noticing what was going on over there. @Dkingow
Dominic smiled. He got up and walked to the teacher. "If anyone leaves you will not notice." He whispered as the teacher gave him the okay to leave. He smiled looking to Raven and motioned to the door. He walked out and waited outside for her to come. 'Will Clair follow? If she does will the other guy follow?' He thought as he looked down the hall. @TheRebelAngel @Mr Swiftshots @NekoChanBo
Raven got up and walked out, surprised that the teacher said nothing. If she had known that she could have done that earlier she would only be in each class for about ten minutes, except of course, drama, which she wanted more of. Raven looked at the front doors and back at Dom. "So we just walk out? I remember the directions to the restaurant so we don't need a driver or anything." @Dkingow
TheRebelAngel said:
Raven got up and walked out, surprised that the teacher said nothing. If she had known that she could have done that earlier she would only be in each class for about ten minutes, except of course, drama, which she wanted more of. Raven looked at the front doors and back at Dom. "So we just walk out? I remember the directions to the restaurant so we don't need a driver or anything." @Dkingow
Dominic smiled. "Lead the way." He said as he looked back at the class. 'I should be looking for the princess. But I did want to experiment and see what the humans were like.' He thought as he started to follow her out. "So where did you come from?" He asked thinking of questions that most humans talked about. He wondered how stupid he actually was asking such a question.
"Well, I was born in the outskirts of London, I lived there until my parents moved here a few weeks ago." She said faking sadness for her old home. She didn't know exactly what to do in this situation, she didn't know how humans operated personally, what if she said the wrong thing? "What about you, where are you from?"
TheRebelAngel said:
"Well, I was born in the outskirts of London, I lived there until my parents moved here a few weeks ago." She said faking sadness for her old home. She didn't know exactly what to do in this situation, she didn't know how humans operated personally, what if she said the wrong thing? "What about you, where are you from?"
Dominic chucked. "I was born down south and came up north yesterday. Me and my friend Clair decided we were going to get our own place. Our parents thought it would be better to let us have a place on our own." He said laughing. "Ahh we have had some fun times." He said softly as he looked back to Raven and blushed. "Not that we are together or anything. We are just friends." He said so that she didn't think he was taken already. @NekoChanBo @Mr Swiftshots
"Oh cool! I wish my parents trusted me like that. They just want me to do what they want, not what I want." She said with a sad smile, looking around the corner to see the little diner. "There it is." She said pointing to it. Raven felt a slight twinge of jealously when he mentioned Clair. Which surprised her because even though the whole relationship had been said to be a friendship, she still felt that bit of envy pool in her stomach. She shook her head, frowning, what the hell was earth doing to her? What the hell was he doing to her? "I think its important to have opposite gender friends, they teach you things that you might not have known otherwise. I have one myself, his name is Silver, you might have seen him in the classroom." @Dkingow
Wy watches students leaving the classroom and the teacher saying absolutely nothing.

"If I pulled a stunt like that, I'd never hear the end of it." He grumbles to himself.

All the years he put inton this school, scoring perfectly on all his exams, being a good and respectable role model, and for what? A couple of students mocking him with the behavior he wishes he could get away with. He eyes his novel in jealousy.

If I were a character in a story, I would have the power to control minds...no, I'd just want to be free.
Clair was left in disgust when the prince walked out of the class room with this new girl and if it weren't for the fact Clair was supposed to be concealing her identity , well she would have dragged the prince back to the room screaming and begging for his life. For now she'd just have to give him the silent treatment and fuck with his mind , really no matter what she decided on one thing was certain ; the prince better have his fun while he can.

With a sigh Clair eased her grip on the table and rested her hands upon the table , her left laying on her right. Clair needed something to distract her from the events that had just taken place and well the perfect one just happened to arise 'I would have the power to control minds...'. Clair's frown turned itself upside down rather quickly when she heard this thought pop into her mind , just what would this kid be willing to sacrifice for such a power ? Just the thought of the matter made Clair cheer up , all she needed to do now was wait for the bell.

@Dkingow @BrassMo
Nathan22 said:
Elch slowly got up and walked over to the man with his cat. He was about halfway there when he stumbled and fell at the boys feet. "O-Ow..." He slowly picked himself up and wiped away the blood and tears. "C-Can I have my cat back p-please?" He asked nervous. His eyes were the same as his cat one was purple and the other was gold.

(Sorry about the lack of posts i've been out all weekend and haven't had access to a computer.)
Elch overheard the conversation and said "I'm sorry for eavesdropping but silver is also known as the ore of God. That's where myth that silver swords could kill a demons spirit. Gold on the other hand was known as the Devils ore because it represents greed." He pick up his cat and started to pet her.

@Mr Swiftshots
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TheRebelAngel said:
"Oh cool! I wish my parents trusted me like that. They just want me to do what they want, not what I want." She said with a sad smile, looking around the corner to see the little diner. "There it is." She said pointing to it. Raven felt a slight twinge of jealously when he mentioned Clair. Which surprised her because even though the whole relationship had been said to be a friendship, she still felt that bit of envy pool in her stomach. She shook her head, frowning, what the hell was earth doing to her? What the hell was he doing to her? "I think its important to have opposite gender friends, they teach you things that you might not have known otherwise. I have one myself, his name is Silver, you might have seen him in the classroom." @Dkingow
(Okay I think I let everyone catch up to where they want to be XP)

Dominic smiled softly at the mention of this Silver person. He had seen him yes, and he was hoping that he wasn't a friend. 'Just one more person to cause drama while I am here.' He thought keeping a smile on his face. "I understand that all too well. We did get lucky that our parents were kind enough to let us do this. It will teach us responsibilities about keeping up a house on our own." He said smirking. He was glad that he came up with a good lie, and wanted to see what this "human" would do in response. After all he was here on officially unofficial duty. 'I think a few more days of hanging out and getting to know this area will do. Then we can look for the princess.' He thought as he held the door open for Raven. "After you M'lday." He said in a somewhat teasing manner. @TheRebelAngel
NekoChanBo said:
Silver's eyes locked onto the conversation taking place in front of him just what was the princess doing was she really so naive that she would just trust this boy right off the bat, Silver shook his head disapproving. As he was about to respond to Clair another boy got up and walked over to his seat before reaching it however the boy fell over instantly Silver looked down and was about to get out of his seat and help the boy but before he had a chance the boy stood back up. Looking at the boy he shared the same eye color as the cat which give him the idea that the cat might be his, soon after the boy asked for his cat back which caused Silver just to nod. He picked up the cat and placed it on the table in front of him.
Silver looked past the boy to the two seats in front of him one where the princess was the other where the new boy was that's when he noticed...both seats were empty his eyes widened as he looked around no sign...this wasn't good...not good at all in those few seconds she had lost the princess but its not like he could jut leave class without breaking his cover nor if his instinct were right it would give it away to this Clair next to him that himself and the princess were indeed well angels. Silver's eyes turned to the girl next to her as a slight smirk covered it, if the princess felt like it was safe to flirt then why couldn't he. "I agree diamonds are better but silver well...silver you can make more things out of so I guess I must have my uses." Silver said still keeping a smirk on his face.


(Sorry about the lack of posts i've been out all weekend and haven't had access to a computer.)
Nathan22 said:
Elch overheard the conversation and said "I'm sorry for eavesdropping but silver is also known as the ore of God. That's where myth that silver swords could kill a demons spirit. Gold on the other hand was known as the Devils ore because it represents greed." He pick up his cat and started to pet her.
@Nathan22 @NekoChanBo
Wy can't help but feel overwhelmed with all the sounds, so he looks for a way out.

"Sir, can I be excused?" When he doesn't get a answer he excuses himself.

He grabs his bag and thermos and rushes out. As he walks down the hall he realizes he's only has a few minutes to find a good hiding place to read. So he takes a couple of snacks from the machine and his sweater from his gym locker and heads to the top floor.

"What were they even talking about? Church and Gold? It doesn't matter, I still have a headache." He leans against a wall and drifts asleep.
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"Your parents have the right idea, if you don't get this practice now, you won't have the slightest on what to do in college." She remarked, smiling as he opened the door for her. Her mind was buzzing, mainly with excitement and fondness for this new human. She was taken to him, it was like he was giving off this aura that made her act other than what she usually did. Instead of quiet and timid she felt fierce and brave, like the warriors back home. "Why thank you sir, and they say chivalry is dead." She joked, walking in. She heard someone use that at school in a situation similar to this, she had no idea what it meant of course, but it seemed appropriate. @Dkingow
TheRebelAngel said:
"Your parents have the right idea, if you don't get this practice now, you won't have the slightest on what to do in college." She remarked, smiling as he opened the door for her. Her mind was buzzing, mainly with excitement and fondness for this new human. She was taken to him, it was like he was giving off this aura that made her act other than what she usually did. Instead of quiet and timid she felt fierce and brave, like the warriors back home. "Why thank you sir, and they say chivalry is dead." She joked, walking in. She heard someone use that at school in a situation similar to this, she had no idea what it meant of course, but it seemed appropriate. @Dkingow
"Well they say that a lot of things are dead. But maybe it's just that people keep falling for their inner sins." He said with a smirk. He knew exactly why people acted the way they did. There was nothing better then the idea that power could control the world. He looked at the menu as they sat down and looked amongst all the food. He had never really heard of most of this, and wondered how they came up with these names. He looked to something he could easily have. Soup. He always liked the taste of his mothers soup. He looked out the window smiling softly. "But then again, sin is are not to let control you." He stated wondering how she would feel about that. @TheRebelAngel
Back at home she didn't exactly eat per say, so she couldn't make sense of most of the menu, luckily she was here before so she could rely on something.

"Well who really decides what is a sin and what is disagreeable." She responds thoughtfully. "I have come to know that everyone has a different idea of sin. Some see failed abstinence as a sin, some do not. So if you do not believe in abstinence, are you sinning or just doing something that people don't agree with?" She said, drifting into thought. She always thought about things like that, mainly because it was kinda her job, as an angel she means.


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