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Fantasy Angels and Demons at High School? (Closed)


Four Thousand Club
(I do not remember the name of the person who came up with this idea back on OtakuZone. If they happen to find this please do not hesitate to tell me so I can give credit. It was a good story that I wanted to be in so much.)

There are three worlds that have living inhabitants. The world of the Demons, the world of the Angels, and the world In Between. There has always been a war between the Angels and Demons, and the world In Between was always the goal. "Control the humans and you will rule over all."

After millennia of fighting the King of the Demons and King of the Angels finally decided to let the humans have peace. They decided on a truth, to wed their kin and let them live wherever they chose.

The Prince of Demons and the Princess of Angels were to be wed at once. But the Princess did not what that. She wanted to find her own love. On the day of her wedding she fled. With the help of her guard she escaped to the human world and disguised herself and her companion as one. She enrolled into school to live her life as a human, and maybe she could find someone worth loving.

The Kings we outraged. Each declaring that the other was at fault. The Prince of the Demons decided to settle this himself. "I will go to the human world and bring her back." He said as he left at once with his guard. They made their way to the human world and disguised themselves as best as they could. They figured the best place to start, was to enroll in a school.

The school they enrolled in is Dominic High. In the middle of a large city, all students end up there for their High School lives. Most of the classes are taught with all grades, expect for a few classes. (Math, English, Social Studies) The Princess has been on the run for a few days now and has already grown accustomed to the school. The Prince will be coming on his first official day new to it all.
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As an angel she had responsibilities, as a Princess she had even more, as a high school student she couldn't bear to even look at her workload without wanting to scream. She had always envied humans, thinking that they had simple easygoing lives, when in reality she would give an arm to go back to heaven and deal with whiny citizens. Speaking of workload... "Crap!" She said, swinging open her locker and nearly taking it off the hinges. That was another thing she had to get used to, hiding her strength from humans was terribly difficult, as they were more nosy than she expected. She heard the bell ring and grabbed her textbooks, running off to homeroom. There was so much you could learn from these fascinating creatures. As she walked in to class, barely a minute late, she saw her teacher shoot a glare her way for interrupting. Punctuality, was one.
Silver let out a quiet sigh as he ran a hand through his hair, he was fairly tall, fairly muscular and blond while in his human form his angel form he was tall, to say the least standing a head above the average person but he was more lean than muscular, now as an angel he never really attracted females since he never tried but as a human for whatever even while not trying females seem to flock to him and to be honest it annoyed him, whether it was because he was new-ish and it would go he didn't know. Silver slowly walked to his locker and opened it he pulled out a few books and other things, he was overall lucky he could control his strength well, after all he could easily rip this door off if he messed up.

Silver heard the bell of the school ring and he just let out a sigh he ensured he would be in most the same classes as the princess by forging the fact that they got near the same grades and that they were related that he was her adopted brother and that they were the same age he didn't get every class but he got most of them. Silver walked at a brisk pace towards his homeroom class he was around 5 minutes late as he walked in. He opened the door and slowly rubbed the back of his head. Silver simply walked over to his. "Sorry I'm late." he said before he took a seat.
Dominic had landed just outside of a large city. He looked over to see if Clair had made it down already. "Do you think she would have gone their or find somewhere else?" He asked looking about. It seemed to be filled with people, people of all ages doing all sorts of things. "To think that we could wipe them all out just to find her if we wanted to." He said smirking as he transformed into his human form. He stretched a bit irritated. "I know father said not to kill everyone and just to find her, but who knows how long this will take. We should get a place to stay." He said looking to Clair as he started to walk down the road. A police officer just happened to be nearby and heard the crash and came to investigate. He say the teen and looked at him. "Shouldn't you be in school and not blowing stuff up." He said sternly. Dominic just sighed. "Well Clair, I guess we got caught." He said but on the inside he was smirking. This would take him to where the Princess should be. @Mr Swiftshots
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Raven put in one earbud, hiding it behind her hair and turning it down enough so she could hear the teacher, even if she didn't want to, he was terribly boring. As soon as she started wondering where her friend was, he walked through the door, late and giving a sheepish smile. Technically he was her guard, but she saw him more as a friend, someone she could trust. She exhaled slowly, zoning out a bit. She missed home, sure earth was cool, but it was nothing compared to her birthplace. The buildings were grand and the people fair (for the most part), she was homesick. But, this was her choice, and it was the right one, she would rather disappoint her family and find her own way in life, than be a mindless drone who followed her fathers every demand like she was expected to. The teacher, seemingly noticing that she zoned out, called on her to answer the question. "Miss Morningstar, care to explain the experiment done to the baby in detail? Smart, not using any specifics so he won't give away the answer, but lucky for me.. She shuffled through the thoughts he had for the past five minutes and had the answer nearly immediately. "Little Albert, who loved white mice, was trained to fear them using a method of classic conditioning. Watson would give him the rat, and then strike two pieces of metal together to create a loud noise, scaring the baby. After seven tries, Little Albert would cry at the sight of the rat." She said smoothly, glancing up to look the teacher in the eye. He nodded, defeated, and kept teaching.
Dkingow said:
Dominic had landed just outside of a large city. He looked over to see if Clair had made it down already. "Do you think she would have gone their or find somewhere else?" He asked looking about. It seemed to be filled with people, people of all ages doing all sorts of things. "To think that we could wipe them all out just to find her if we wanted to." He said smirking as he transformed into his human form. He stretched a bit irritated. "I know father said not to kill everyone and just to find her, but who knows how long this will take. We should get a place to stay." He said looking to Clair as he started to walk down the road. A police officer just happened to be nearby and heard the crash and came to investigate. He say the teen and looked at him. "Shouldn't you be in school and not blowing stuff up." He said sternly. Dominic just sighed. "Well Clair, I guess we got caught." He said but on the inside he was smirking. This would take him to where the Princess should be. @Mr Swiftshots
When Clair landed she took it upon herself to scout the immediate area and well that she did. The area they dropped in upon seemed to bustling with people despite its distance to the city center , the noise , smell and taste in the air was putrid compared to that of hell. Just what were these humans doing to cause this amalgamation ?

Clair turned to the prince when she heard him call out about destroying the area , this caused her to smirk and give an almost immediate reply "there's no need to wipe out such a simple race , heck leave them at it long enough and they'll do it for us". With that said Clair vanished and reappeared beside the prince this time bolstering a smile due to the fact she was now reminded they would be staying in a home together "There's plenty of rental homes near the campus grounds , I'm sure with a little persuasion I could commandeer one for us , only problem is most are made with couples in mind so we may have to share a bed".

With a devilish smile Clair turned her back to him and giggled quietly to herself "Just kidding , I'm sure there are plenty with multiple bedroo...". Before Clair could finish her sentence a police officer seemed to have rounded the corner and well he didn't seem to pleased , with a sigh Clair raised her hands in the air and spoke carelessly "you caught us officer , you've done your country proud." When Clair spoke the following words both her eyes and the officers eyes turned blood red "Now just drop us off at the school gate and let us off with a warning". After speaking her eyes reverted however the officers did not instead he did just as he was told.
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]When Clair landed she took it upon herself to scout the immediate area and well that she did. The area they dropped in upon seemed to bustling with people despite its distance to the city center , the noise , smell and taste in the air was putrid compared to that of hell. Just what were these humans doing to cause this amalgamation ?
Clair turned to the prince when she heard him call out about destroying the area , this caused her to smirk and give an almost immediate reply "there's no need to wipe out such a simple race , heck leave them at it long enough and they'll do it for us". With that said Clair vanished and reappeared beside the prince this time bolstering a smile due to the fact she was now reminded they would be staying in a home together "There's plenty of rental homes near the campus grounds , I'm sure with a little persuasion I could commandeer one for us , only problem is most are made with couples in mind so we may have to share a bed".

With a devilish smile Clair turned her back to him and giggled quietly to herself "Just kidding , I'm sure there are plenty with multiple bedroo...". Before Clair could finish her sentence a police officer seemed to have rounded the corner and well he didn't seem to pleased , with a sigh Clair raised her hands in the air and spoke carelessly "you caught us officer , you've done your country proud." When Clair spoke the following words both her eyes and the officers eyes turned blood red "Now just drop us off at the school gate and let us off with a warning". After speaking her eyes reverted however the officers did not instead he did just as he was told.

Dominic smiled as they were taken to the school. As they arrived they were greeted by the Principal. "Well we seem to have two more new students." He said holding his hand out. Dominic shook his hand smiling. "Why yes you do." He said smirking at the fact that he just proved the Princess was here. He knew it would be hard to find her thought since they all looked different from their demon forms. He looked to Clair and smiled. "Shall we go to our first class as new students and start learning?" He said wondering if she even cared or wanted to go looking somewhere else.
He can barely handle his classmates amd the noise they emit, and when he heard that there were new students, he quickly excuses himself as if going to the restrooms. He obviously is never going to return.

Wy settles in an empty hallway, far enough from any occupied classrooms or people. The natural light emerging from the window hits his old and tattered book, lighting up each word as he carefully turns the delicate pages. He leans over and reaches for his thermos and taking a sip of his tea before leaning back his head and breathing out a soft. "I'm sort of a bad boy. I'm skipping class...to read."

He closes his book and sticks it in his bag and grabs his tea and heads down the long halls, mindlessly. "I wish I had enough energy to make it to the roof. Can I even get to the roof?" Wy eventually stumbles across the school's infirmary. The door displays a sign on it reading, "Out for lunch. Back in ten."

"This early? Oh well, don't mind if I do." He searches around in his bag for a safety pin and comes up with two, unlocks the door, sneaks inside, and lays on one of the beds and sleeps.
Clair made her way out of the car and stretched widely , this new form would take some getting used to but for now she'd have to deal with the pain and discomfort of having her wings concealed. With a yawn Clair turned to the principal and the prince before addressing what both had said "Well if you insist Dominic however I highly doubt this school can teach me anything , there education system is nothing in comparison to that of the demon realm".

Of course the principal had something to say about what Clair had said but before he could he had forgotten why he was about to do so. In fact he reintroduced himself and practically repeated what he had previously said before guiding the two demons inside. "Well this certainly is a nice school , pointless but nice all the same".

Elch woke up with a start, he had been sleeping during his first bell, he had a very angry (and quite frankly very rude) teacher slam a ruler against his desk. He jumped up and exclaimed "NO NO I CLEAN I CLEAN????" He heard snickering and laughing all around the room as the teacher went back to his chalkboard. Elch felt wriggling in his jacket as a golden furred cat head popped out and licked his face. He smiled and pet the cat gently.
Dominic smacked Clair was they walked to their new class room. "I swear you have a big mouth." He said as they walked in with the teacher getting interrupted again. He almost cursed till he saw they were new students. He sighed. "Will you hurry up and introduce yourselves and find some seats." He said turning back around and writing on the board. Dominic stood in the front. "I am Dom. Nice to meet you all." He said not wanting to say anything to much. He looked around the room trying to see if he could find the princess. He could not tell who she was but he did notice a very beautiful young woman with black hair. He looked to Clair smiling. "I know where I'm sitting." He whispered as he walked off. @TheRebelAngel @Mr Swiftshots
A yawn escaped Silver's mouth the whole idea of school seemed pointless to him he most likely knew more than the teacher did after all the age gap between the two must be about 1470 years which to be honest means he had that many years worth of knowledge on this teach but yet there he is getting taught by a teacher who acts like he knows everything but knows nothing compared to this being. Silver's seat was directly behind the princess since it allowed for the most coverage it means she could see and hands going towards her and that no one could really attack her without him seeing first unless it came from the window but even then he was in a seat where he could see the outside from his place easily.

It didn't take long before the teacher starting asking questions luckily after the first day he has always avoided Silver ah the first day when the teacher was annoyed by Silvers attitude so he kept asking more advanced question only to always get the right answer. A short while after the teacher stopped teaching and instead began saying that they was two more students joining the class...two more...this could be bad would the prince himself come searching from. Silver sat up for a second almost like he was going to leap out of his seat before he back relaxed he was most likely over reaction. Silver looked around the room and noticed a few things that the seat next to him was free but also the seat next to the princess was free one didn't bother him the other did. After introducing himself the man went right for a seat next to the princess, he looked at the seat next to him and the girl, interesting a male and a female both joining together it was almost like...this could be bad but right now the worst thing he could do was well overreact so instead he sat back and ran a hand through his hair.


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Elch noticed one of the students who was god damned gorgeous! He had bueatiful golden hair, unfortunately for Elch his cat noticed the new boy as well. The cat jumped out of his lap and jumped up into the boys lap. He mewed and pleaded for attention. Elch on the other hand was silently freaking out. He didn't know whether or not to go after the cat.

(No name for cat yet. Please don't kill it either....)

Hitomi said:


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Dominic looked at her and smiled. "Sure." He sad as he walked passed her and sat down next to the girl with the black hair. He looked over and smiled. "Hello. I am Dom. What is your name." He said as the teacher yelled at him. He gave him a dirty look and went back to talking. "Sorry about that short introduction. I will gladly tell you more if you want to know." He said winking. @TheRebelAngel
Wy's nap is interrupted by a harsh light, which is presumably the nurse. "Aren't you suppose to be in class young man? Are you alright?" He sighs and collects his belongings and slowly exits, ignoring the nurse's concerned words.

"I guess I should get to class...but..." he drags his feet as he a nears his classroom. Once he's there he peeks inside only to be disappointed. There are new students.

"Great, more noise providers. I guess my world will never be quiet."

He sheepishly knocks on the door, instantly regretting his decision to come back but his inner struggle is cut off once the teacher opens the door. He swears he'll never leave again if eye daggers are what he's greeted with on his arrival. Before he takes his seat at the front, Wy glances at the students.

"I wish they'd stop talking so much..." he mumbles under his breath. He then pulls out his book and continues to read.


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Silver eyes locked right onto the new boy as he sat down and began conversing with the princess he completely was focused on this duo if he did anything then Silver would be right on him in the middle of class or not. While distracted Silver suddenly felt something on his lap and he instantly moved his chair back scraping it loudly against the floor creating a loud screech. Instantly Silver looked down and saw a cat really startled like a cat time to recover this embarrassing situation. Silver picked up the cat and moved his back to its position placing the cat on the desk, he didn't say a word just placed the cat on the desk and stared at it.
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The cat stared back, you noticed that like it's owner it had one eye golden and the other was purple. After a minute the cat jumped back into your lap and started to make herself comfortable.

Wy tries his hardest to concentrate on his book, but the more he focused on the words, the more sound would get through his mental sound barrier. He frantically looks up from his book and looks at the class as a whole. But, just as he is about to find the source of his on coming head ache, his eyes land on a small cat. "What is that? Why is it here?" He then covers his mouth and quickly turns back to the front of class.

He looks at his journal that lays on top his desk and fumbles for his tea that is now luke warm, but he sips away, trying not to look as non conspicuous as possible.

'Why did I say that out loud? Why?! I should've stayed in the hall!! '

He peeks behind his shoulder, checking to see if Silver or Elch had seen. Not exactly caring about them, just more of not wanting any confrontation after class from either of them. The teacher gives him a stern look and a shake of the head. Great...if I keep this up I'll be sent to the Principal's office.

He begins to write, pretending to be taking notes, about his day. "I'm so out of character. What is wrong with me today? It must be all the new people in class today. I just wish time could go by quicker!"
Wynter ran through the halls trying to get to class. He had lost track of time watching as some baby birds were being hatched. 'I'm gonna be in so much trouble!' He thought as he was trying to quietly slip in class while the teachers back was turned writing something on the board. He quietly sat near the back of the class and put his stuff down silently getting out a notebook and a black pen. He glanced around and saw four new students 'Did they just get here, or have I just not noticed them until now?' He thought looking at them acting as if he were taking notes on the board.

@TheRebelAngel @Mr Swiftshots @Dkingow @NekoChanBo
Clair introduced herself without giving her second name ,to avoid having her cover blown, and then proceeded to take the seat next to Silver. On the subject of Silver Clair was rather curious as to why he had somewhat jumped in his seat when she and the prince arrived. Of course it could of been nothing but it was still worth keeping an eye on him for now.

With a forced smile Clair looked over at the cat sat on silvers desk and playfully teased it with her pen before talking to silver in a playful hum "who would of thought a cat would send someone as big as you flying backwards..... I'm Clair and you are ?"

Silver simply stared down at the cat who had once again began making his lap as its seat, he didn't really care now that he knew what it was it wouldn't bother him. He put one hand on it and started to stroke it. Upon closer inspection it was strange it had gold and one purple eye was it injured did something happen to it a cat with a purple eye is unnatural oh well it's not like it the strangest thing he has ever seen. Silver shrugged as he heard a voice wondering why a cat was here he wanted to know the same thing.

He stopped playing with the cat as he saw the girl Clair come and sit next to him, she was long good looking blond hair, blue eyes not that he cared anyhow but if he wanted to act like a human getting in the mind set would help. It didn't take long before Clair began calling him out on his little moment of shock and he just let out a little laugh. "Hey, this cats stronger than you think." Silver joked before placing a hand to the side in Clair's direction. "Most call me Silver."

@Mr Swiftshots
Raven was too absorbed in what she was doing to notice the two new students arrive, but she did notice when someone sat besides her and began to make conversation. His name was Dom, probably short for Dominic she observed. After he introduced himself to her, he asked for her name, which, for some reason, made Raven blank./ She stared at him for a moment and shook her head. Her brain was everywhere nowadays, she blamed it on the busy environment. "Um.. Raven, my name is Raven." She said, looking around, for some reason avoiding eye contact. He made her feel uncomfortable, like he was staring into her soul. She subtly slid her drawing out of the way and looked back up at him, waiting for an answer. In the back of her mind she noticed a cat on Silvers desk, which peaked her interest, cats were the best. She also noticed a girl sitting next to Silver who also gave off the same badass, dangerous vibe that Dom did. Siblings? She wondered. @Dkingow
TheRebelAngel said:
Raven was too absorbed in what she was doing to notice the two new students arrive, but she did notice when someone sat besides her and began to make conversation. His name was Dom, probably short for Dominic she observed. After he introduced himself to her, he asked for her name, which, for some reason, made Raven blank./ She stared at him for a moment and shook her head. Her brain was everywhere nowadays, she blamed it on the busy environment. "Um.. Raven, my name is Raven." She said, looking around, for some reason avoiding eye contact. He made her feel uncomfortable, like he was staring into her soul. She subtly slid her drawing out of the way and looked back up at him, waiting for an answer. In the back of her mind she noticed a cat on Silvers desk, which peaked her interest, cats were the best. She also noticed a girl sitting next to Silver who also gave off the same badass, dangerous vibe that Dom did. Siblings? She wondered. @Dkingow
Dominic smiled. "That is a lovely name." He was captivated by her eyes. They were so beautiful. "Would you umm..." He sudden shook his head. 'I am the demon prince. How is a mortal making me nervous.' He thought thinking back to what his father said. 'I mean, if it takes me a while to find the princess, maybe I can explore what the humans do in life.' He thought as he looked back to Raven. "Would you like to get something to eat at lunch? With me?" He said blushing a bit. 'Wait, the demon prince, blushing.' He thought as he looked forward and shut his mouth. He tried to make himself disappear. Which would have been ease if he actually used his powers. He noticed the cat but said nothing as Clair seemed to be having some fun with the matter.

He looked forward to see the girl again who spoke to him. 'This is going to get interesting.' He thought as he inwardly smirked. 'I wonder what her deal is.' He couldn't help but give her a glare. She seemed to be a lot different the most humans.

@TheRebelAngel @NekoChanBo @Mr Swiftshots @Hitomi

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