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Fantasy Angelology/Demonology/Supernatural Idear


New Member
Alright, well hello there! I'm a little rusty on my RP, but I do have an idea I started once upon a time but my partner (for personal reasons) flaked out. Below I'll detail what I know, want, or my ideas but keep in mind -- I'm wanting someone open minded and creative. This means that this can be changed or edited or modified.

The time period can be easily fluctuated but we played in the modern era. It was a world that was human in nature -- supernatural existed but the humans were, for the most part, unaware (think our current world) or those that believed were thought to be insane or just weird.

My character is a female, and she's special (I hate being vague, but until I talk to you in depth I don't want to take a chance on ruining anything).

I'm looking for someone that would want to play a (preferably) male character who is probably whole or half demon.

Again, there are aspects of this story that can be tweaked, and I've got my character fairly well fleshed out. She's got a story and there's an entire plot line for the two of them.

If you're interested in more, please PM or respond to the thread and I'll happily comply.

I do ask for detail oriented roleplayers -- those willing to put together moderately lengthy posts (2-4 paragraphs). I know a play sometimes calls for shorter, but in general length and detail is appreciated. I also don't want to carry this alone, please be willing to help contribute.

((I posted this in the 1x1 thread for interest checks but am posting here because this could be open to a group as well. If I get a few people interested in playing then I'll do an official thread for it with more details.))
Great! I'm going to break up the information and hide it in case anyone wants to keep one part or another hidden from themselves. Anymore questions, ask away!

It's modern era, modern world. Pretty similar to what we live in now...with one exception. The Angels and Demons fight over humanity. Where the Light touches, the Darkness doesn't go...and where the Darkness is the Light doesn't venture.

Friendships or relationships between the angels and demons is strictly prohibited by the Archangels and the Fallen (the leading individuals for the angels & demons). The Angels are banned from fraternizing with the humans, only there to be their Light and their guidance, to keep humanity from the demon spawn that tries to corrupt it. The Demons don't care as much, in fact are encouraged to destroy humanity within by laying open their sinful ways and exploiting them.

The truth of the matter is, how good or evil one is is often a matter of perspective...is it not? Perhaps the carefree way of the demons is preferable to the strict, rigidity of the angels? Or the righteousness of the angels is simply perceived as such under the watchful eye of those sinning in the most horrendous of ways?....

Let me state this clearly -- DO NOT READ THIS PART IF YOU CANNOT SEPARATE OOC information from IC information. This is information about my character in particular and why the plot (sort of) revolves around her. It seems self centered, but there's room for other individuals to play a similar role to hers, if desired. This is just the basis of the idea as well as flexible.

((The following is copied and pasted from my RP website. I have images that embrace her appearance there))


AGE -- Depending on the time of her life we're playing: time with her aunt (8/9-12/14), time in the asylum (12/14-21), time with the fallen angel that healed her (21-23), her current time (23).

ERA -- She's designed in the 20th century, but the century can be flexible. When I created her she was made for a story that took place present day, but my inspiration for the asylum is from the 1960s ish. Anthing can work (with any level of minor tweaking) and I don't mind playing any era (minus futuristic, I just don't care much for it).

ABILITIES -- Her half angel side gives Nora capabilities due to the Light in her soul. The most obvious to her at all times is the ability to ready auras & to see supernatural beings for who they are. Also, when a supernatural's aura brushes against hers it feels...unnatural. It'll often make her shiver or her skin itch.

At current state, her powers are acknowledged by her, but rejected because she's not ready to face who she is, she's still healing from her time in the asylum. This can be modifired, mind you. With that in mind, her other abilities are to heal people (she cannot control Death or bring people back from the dead), & there's more but at this moment I'm tired & don't quite remember. I'll fix this later.

MARKINGS -- It's not really a marking, but the most significant thing about her appearance (as far as magic goes) is a silver bracelet she wears at all times. It was given to her mother, then her & it shields her Light from the angels so she can hide from them. It offers no protection from the demons or any other supernatural being.

Beyond the bracelet, the fallen angel that healed her healed her physical wounds when he got her, but her body is covered in a network of fine scars from her time in the asylum. The angel that found her did his best to hide them, but if all magic is stripped away they'd become visible or postentially in the wrong light someone might glance a shimmer.

APPEARANCE -- Nora as she currently is at 23 stands slightly tall for a woman, 5' 9", and weighs approximately 140 pounds. She's got a lean, muscled build but is still soft to hold. Her hair used to be long and blonde, but since the asylum she cut it to her shoulder blades and often ties it up out of her piercing blue eyes. Her figure is soft & curvacious, often she dresses herself in jeans and a t-shirt of one kind or another. She carries a worn leather shoulder bag with her at almost all times that has assorted items, but most notably her sketchbook and drawing supplies.

SEXUALITY -- Due to the brutality she faced in the asylum, Nora is not a particularly sexual person. Although she is attracted to both men and women.

PERSONALITY -- Her history makes her strong, but also weak. Strong in the sense that she doesn't let others walk all over her and that she is recovering from her time in the asylum there is hope that one day she will be a whole person again. With that in mind her two most crippling weaknesses are: her epic loneliness due to her family being dead & her bouncing around until she landed in the asylum Nora doesn't particularly trust anyone or especially anything; this brings me to her second biggest weakness-demons.

While in the asylum, the demons controlling the facility knew Nora was a half angel child & knew that if they could get her to become twisted in her heart just enough to make her do their will, but not lose her angelic light, they'd have a great power at their hands. Attempting to unlock what they needed from her the demons spent her years in the asylum torturing the poor girl, in mind, body, & soul. Therefore, whenever she does spot a demon in a crowd or brush against one's aura, Nora remains as calm as possible on the outside, but inside often become a panicked, fear-riddled adolescent.

Her perosnality outside those aspects is generally a quiet, keep to herself kind of girl. She's a kind heart and often can be found helping the students in the university she works at find what they need. She enjoys reading & drawing & listening to music as they all soothe her soul.

HISTORY -- I do ont expect your character to know her history, unless knowing a part or the entirety makes sense. I simply put her history up so you know what shapes her as a character & so you've an idea of how their stories may or may not intertwine. Do. Not. Godmod. My. Character. Thank you.

Born Candidus to a mortal mother & fallen angelic father--Nora has lived a troubled and difficult life, at only the age of 23.

Her father fell in love with a mortal woman. As any secret affair in history teaches us, her father would sneak away to spend time with her mother. In due time, her mother became pregnant. Angry with Candidus' father's disobedience and the shame he caused the angels they clipped his wings, casting him from the heavens, & demanded the baby aborted before it could become an independent soul.

Fearful of their wrath, mother & father fled. Where do you go when you're trying to run from the light? Into the dark.

Candidus; father had been previously disgusted by his fellow angels and had found a friend on the other side, a demon who verged on the side of good who was also disgusted by his race. Together, they devised plans to protect mortals from the various plots & plans angels & demons had for the mortal race.

Seeking this good demon's assistance, he provided Candidus' mother with a silver bracelet that was enchanted. The enchantment would hide her mother from the gaze of the angels, allowing her to go full term in her pregnancy without heavenly interference. After the birth of her daughter, Candidus, mother & father attempted to live a live together as best they could. The angels couldn't harm the child or mother due to their own laws, and the father was already cast out, wings clipped, abilties dimmed.

Candidus spent her younger years with the demon family--father & half demon son--often playing with the little halfbreed boy. As a gift to the girl and her family, the demon gave Candidus the bracelet that had been used to protect her mother during her pregnancy.

An angel was sent to collect the child, the heavens desiring her to be raised above. Refusing to submit his sweet girl to the confusing ways of angels, the father sent Candidus and her mother away to hide. At the same time as the angel was hunting for the daughter, a few demons had caught wind of the half angel child and desired her to use for their own purposes. A battle broke out as the forces of the universe came together. The angel found the father and demaned information pertaining to the whereabouts of Candidus.

Refusing to give up his daughter, a fight broke out between Candidus' fallen angel father and the angel sent to take her away. Whilst her father was fighting for her safety, Candidus' mother was hiding away at the good demon's home. The plan backfired though, as the demons thirsting for the halfbreed Candidus found them. A battle of demons broke out as Candidus' father fought the angel. Candidu's mother & father perished in their battles, dying to protect her. The good demon managed to whisk the young girl away, back into the mysteries of the universe she went.

Burdened with the task of choosing the best path for the young, orphaned girl the demon chose to place her with family. Candidus had a distint aunt, the sister of her mother, whom thought her mother was quite the odd ball. Placing the half angel-half mortal child with her aunt, the demon gifted her again with a more...mortal...name, Candi.Things went...decent...for Candi. She was a strange child growing up in a human home with her estranged aunt, but normal enough given the brutal murder of both her parents.

A love of drawing flourished in the girl, an outlet for the emotions she felt & things she saw around her.

When Candi hit puberty, she began to unravel at the edges...or so her aunt thought. Being half angel, Candi had the capability to see those that were supernatural for who they really were, amongst other odd things, this caused problems with her aunt to the point where for Candi's own health her aunt had her put in an insane asylum.

Little did Candi's naive aunt know, but the asylum she put Candi in was an under-the-radar operation ran by demons who got their kicks torturing the tortured minds. When the half angel teen fell into their hands...well...let's just say they had their share of fun.

Years later, at the age of 21, Candi was rescued from the asylum by another fallen angel, an old friend of her father's who had finally found the girl by accident. For two years he nurtured her mind, body, & soul trying to heal the wounds the past & asylum had caused her. After two years in his care, Candi was still struggling with what was real and what was not. A lifetime of brutality & being called crazy had done it's damage, but at the same time she knew what she saw.

Changing her name to a more...simple....name to escape her complicated past, Nora struck out on her own. At the age of 23 she left the care of the fallen angel,, heading for the big city. With a name change, a new job as a librarian, and a dream to take her artistic skills at drawing the things she truly saw, she went out to try to establish a new, fresh life.

((End information from website))

Alright, if you read my character description then some of this might make a little more sense, if not don't worry! If you didn't want to spoil it, just ask for clarification and I'll try my best!!

1. Play out any stage of my toon's life, or at least start the story there. She's got a life riddled with horror and terror and abuse and weirdness. That's easy.

2. Start at her rescue.

3. Start after rescue (I have that written in my head, or at least a brief part) and a few years after where she's trying to function as a normal person.

4. Some other idea you have! (I'm flexible!)

Being as I've opened this to a group rather than just 1x1 anymore, there's more flexibility for toon development. There's several options I see, let alone others you may spot on your own!

1. Demon!

2. Angel!

3. Other Weirdly Human

4. Other Normal Human

5. Any main character in her life (depending on where we start the story). Yes. I'll even allow that and the freedom that provides. Examples would be -- Her aunt, her primary 'doctor', her rescuer, her healer, a friend, a tormentor, etc.

6. An Archangel or Fallen (leaders of the demons/angels. This comes with great responsibility.)

7. An Angel/Demon Hunter

See? Lots of options!

I think I fairly well covered everything in the above tabs. This fleshes itself out more and more in my head and when the official thread would go up, I'd ensure the information is more organized and detailed. I'm open to ideas (always!) or suggestions but this is the gist of what my idea is. PM me or comment with your own! If I get a bit more fleshed out I'll roll with the roleplay and then let others join as we go (since it's got plenty of fluidity).
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Also! Thank you so much for your interest! And this is new to me (forum RP and the proper tools to do so), so please bear with me as I learn the curve!
Well if you have any questions just let me know. I would also be interested in helping you iron out the details for the plot.
Vizriel said:
Well if you have any questions just let me know. I would also be interested in helping you iron out the details for the plot.
Could you send me a PM? I can't PM people yet, haha!
Also interested. Are Heaven/Hell also going to be separate locations in the RP or are we mainly sticking to Earth?
Mainly sticking to Earth. If there's a needed moment for a scene to be played out in their home location, that can be done but I'll denote a way to ensure it's obvious when I set up the thread.
Alright, so I'm hoping to get the actual RP thread going within the next few days. I'd like to write up some basics about the RP and the world it'd be played in to put in the initial thread. I am relatively new to the site and it's ways so I'll take some time to read through some guides and stuff on here and figure it out.

I'll make sure to post here when it's up and running! Feel free to continue to PM me or respond to this thread with questions or ideas and I'll be sure to respond/possibly incorporate them.

Thanks so much for all the love on the idea! It's pretty awesome!
For those that are watching this thread for information, I have created the official RP thread for this little idea! I'm working on the pages in my personal workshop and will be posting them, as they're done, to the official thread.

First up to be posted will be :


Character Sheet guidelines

Please wait to post anything (except OOC because...well...that's fine...) until the first two main posts (detailed above) are up. Thank you!

Detailed - A Study of Angelology & Demonology (Under Construction)

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