
He said he was glad that the colours in my eyes meant I was happy and I smiled, "How could I not be happy with you?" I asked, I was always happy when I was around him except for those times when I had upset him, then I was simply upset that I had made him angry or whatever emotion it happened to be at the time. But for the most part I was happy when I was around him, he just had something about him that negative emotions seemed banned or they simply vanished, never to be heard from again and I loved that about him, he always made things better and that's was probably another reason why I wanted to be around him all the time. We had fun, we joked and teased each other but we could also have a serious discussion if something was bothering either of us, which was mainly me, he always seemed to never have much that bothered him and at first it seemed odd but over time I had just put it down to the fact that he was thousands of years old and was used to the things of this world.

He told me he wasn't much good at holding his breath or goats so he wasn't a good swimmer or a goat keeper and I laughed softly,
"Where on earth did that come from?" I asked, "I was talking about every day things, which I suppose swimming is but goat keeping?" I asked as I raised an eyebrow in a playful teasing way before I saw him pout and hold his hand out, perfectly how a child would and I rolled my eyes as I gently reached for his hand, lifting it up as I leaned down to kiss him the back of it. I looked up at him as I let his hand go, "Better now, sweetheart?" I asked talking to him as if he was a child, though I stopped a smirk from entering my expression, for a little while at least before it broke through the barriers and plastered my lips twisted in a smirking face. I knew it had only been a tease but I didn't mind the action, it was simple and innocent enough and I knew he wouldn't care.

But he sighed when I mentioned my father and I watched as his hand through his hair and I took my gaze away briefly, only for the reason that he looked even more attractive somehow when he did that and I wasn't allowed to have thoughts about in that way so looking away just helped keep them away. However I looked back when he spoke again and I rolled my eyes but smiled when he mentioned that I would have to move in with him,
"Well, I would you know, but I'm not sure how big your apartment is," I replied sounding perfectly serious and I would have if I was confident in not having feelings for him or if I knew that I wouldn't be selfish enough to be jealous when he brought girls back to the apartment. Even if it was his I wasn't sure I could handle seeing some woman in his arms, sure I wouldn't day anything I would probably just disappear into my room for that time but I knew that it would send me over the edge knowing that just outside a strange woman was being allowed to do things I wasn't.


I grinned when she asked where my comment had come from and I couldn't help the quiet laughter, knowing that the information that I'd presented her with had been ridiculous, but entertaining; at least I'd gotten a grin out of her. "Well you asked what I couldn't do and well... those are two things that I cannot do." I replied to her with a grin, "I can't die either if you'd like to add that to a negative. Babies are a no, so I think it all balances out quite well." I told her simply. I didn't want to even put the possibility of me having a child into her head. It was possible yes, but the mother would die and the child would be hunted down and killed by others who believed that nephilim were an abomination unless I managed to get a pardon and would need to have the child receive a vasectomy or have its tubes tied if it was female. If you were powerful enough, they would allow your child to survive. But your child would be forbidden to breed with any other nephilim and therefore it wasn't going to be allowed to reproduce at all in fear of the power they could have in creating their own half-breed race entirely. It eliminated the risk of that happening again, for it wouldn't be the first time that a nephilim breed existed, but by the bounty on their heads and the handful that had survived, you could imagine what had happened to them. It was just easier for her to assume that I wasn't capable of conceiving children.

She kissed the back of my hand before I pulled it back, resting it on the table. I pushed my eyebrows together and up in a kind of expression of pain as I nodded, giving a fake little sniffle,
"Thank you, Mommy." I said sweetly and eventually we couldn't hold it in any longer as our expressions cracked and I grinned as she smirked, giving a soft chuckle at our ridiculous tease. It was fun and stupid at the same time, but that was the entire point of doing such a thing. Just to entertain us for the few moments that we allowed it to occur for.

She gave me a response that almost sounded like a challenge as she asked about how big it was and I raised my chin slightly, almost proud in this instance to have extra space for her to occupy in my apartment.
"You would have your own separate bedroom and bathroom. We'd share the kitchen and living room." I told her lightly, though of course I wasn't expecting her to move in. That would be a somewhat intimate experience of having her in the next room if I had women over or... if she had a guy staying. We'd be able to hang out more and she could trust me to behave and such, but the whole idea of having partners over was awkward. "And if you pay half the rent, you get a say in the rules." Some girls were pretty anal about rules; of leaving the toilet seat down, washing the clothes properly, washing my dishes, not leaving food out to get moldy, not using their undergarments to dust or whatever. Of course I wasn't that rude, but I lived on my own and I liked the freedom. Having her around would be a new experience and of course I'd allow her to make some rules even if she didn't pay; I wasn't going to hold that over her, but since this was only a friendship and nothing romantic, I wasn't going to make everything super easy for her.


He told me that they were two things he couldn't do and I nodded, "Yes I know that but their such weird things, and how do you know whether or not you're good with goats?" I asked, sure anybody could guess how the were with certain animals but my question was really how had he come to the conclusion and whether or not there was a good goat story somewhere in between the lines. His stories were always funny and interesting and the thought of him being head butted by a goats horns was hilarious, mainly just because it seemed odd that it would ever happen to Azza. But he told me he couldn't die either and I nodded, he had told me that already however I wondered at something else, "Could you be killed by another fallen angel or demon?" I asked, of course I wasn't hoping he would die, quite the opposite, I didn't know how I would handle it if he die pass away, but it was pure curiosity that had pushed the question. However he went on to say that he couldn't have babies either and I frowned, not really understanding why. I knew that nephilim were the result but that didn't mean he couldn't have children, "Why no children?" I asked, yet again just pure curiosity, I liked knowing things and especially when they were the truth about things.

He said 'thank you, Mommy' and I nodded reaching over the table to pat his head,
"That's alright, little one," I replied as he told me about the apartment and I nodded, it seemed like a large enough place and comfortable but I wasn't just about to accept his offer, if he was indeed serious. I would love to be able to see him more often but the thought of coking his meals, doing his washing and cleaning the place was something that a couple would do and I didn't want to risk making any feelings like that increase and doing those activities and living with him risked that, and the whole girls being over thing. I wouldn't dare take guys back, at least not ones I wasn't serious about anyway, but I wasn't under the assumption Azza would be like that it would probably be normal for him to bring girls home often and I didn't want to have to deal with that, of course I would leave for that time but that wasn't the problem it was my jealousy that would be the problem, I pursed my lips at the thought and shook my head slightly, in my own day dream until I heard him speak again and nodded. "It sounds very tempting but I have to say no, sadly," I replied lightly, "And thank you,"I added with a small smile.


I heard her question and I smirked, “Well, a few years back I got bored and decided to go to a petting zoo and of course they had baby goats that you could feed crackers or baby bottles and… I guess I wasn’t feeding them fast enough because they kept ramming into my knees. One eventually tackled me and wrestled the bottle away and so no more goats for me. They’re dirty little thieves and they really, really don’t like me.” I replied with a grin. She then asked about being killed by other demons and such and I shrugged, “It’s happened to others, but I just like to think I’m awesome enough to come out on top every time.” It was a cocky answer, but eventually I broke down with a soft chuckle, shaking my head, “I’ve seen others disappear-just disintegrate, but I don’t know what happened to their soul. We aren’t allowed in Heaven or in the Underworld and I don’t believe that we just cease to exist altogether. At least… I hope we don’t. But otherwise it’s incredibly hard to kill me. You’d have to put at least ten bullets in this body to get me to bleed out even nearly enough. And I don’t think that I’m being hunted as of this moment and so no one’s coming to kill me and I don’t think any of the humans aside from you know enough to even begin to hold a grudge. I mean, humans return to be a part of Him and if they are refused Heaven, they go to Lucifer. I’ll just.. be nothing.”

Of course she had to question my statement on having children. Of course she had to know about that. I bit my lip, looking down at my hands for a moment before I looked over at her,
“Angels weren’t meant to breed. There were a fixed amount of us in Heaven, but once we gained the ability to reproduce with our new bodies, we were more than happy to breed with those we loved; human or angel. The angelic children were given the ability to pass through realms and they were happily accepted by the Creator. Breeding with a human created an entirely different outcome. Nephilim are half angel and therefore the life force is too great to bring into this life that it kills the mother- even if she is angel and the father is human. It’s just something about their mix that makes them such a force. But it didn’t stop our kind from reproducing because we loved our children. And they began having babies and their babies had babies until we had an entirely new race. But they were stronger than us; more deeply rooted to the earth and they had our powers as well. Many took it as a threat and their kind were quickly wiped out both by angels and demons. Now if you’re found to have conceived with a human, the child is killed immediately unless you agree to have the child made infertile so that they won’t be able to ever reproduce and I’m not going to sentence any child of mine to that fate as well as kill the woman I love enough to create a child with.” I sighed, leaning back in my chair a bit as I ran both of my hands through my hair, “And in a way, I’m proud to say that I’ve never fathered a child.”

I smirked when she refused my offer and I shrugged,
“I understand.” I told her lightly. I wasn’t upset with her at all. It was her call of whether or not she wanted to live with me and I wasn’t going to freak out either way. I was fine with her not coming to live with me and I was fine if she wanted to. The decision had been up to her and since she decided against it, I’d just find a new roommate elsewhere.


I listened to his story and I couldn't help but grinning at what he told me, I could imagine him being attacked by little kids with their little horns butting at him. But I didn't laugh, no, I didn't want to upset him or anything like that but it was pretty funny. "I doubt it was that you weren't feeding them fast enough more that you tried to keep feeding them all and they got jealous because they didn't have your attention," I told him and laughed when he called them dirty little thieves, "Yeah, that's probably true too," I replied, I'd never seen a real life goat but a few animated ones were enough, I didn't dare to face one, they were all evil creatures who were stubborn and had sharp horns and I didn't really feel like being hurt by the furry things with hooves. But he explained the situations with the demons and things and I nodded, of course I didn't really mind hi cockiness but I worried that it could be bad for him if he ever was put in a situation like that, however I said nothing as he continued talking and I listened, my eye brows drawing together at what he said. I didn't like thinking of him just disappearing, it was horrible and heart breaking. If he was to leave, even if he didn't say good bye in person a small note telling me he had left was enough, I had no right to question what he though was best and I would respect that boundary. "Just please try and safe, don't draw attention to yourself, I couldn't bare losing you," I told him honestly, I didn't have any need or interest in lying to him and I really didn't want to lose him, not now and not ever, that's why I wouldn't live with him because I knew he only wanted me as a friend and I didn't want to lose him because I felt something more.

But he bit his lip when i mentioned children and I frowned as he looked down at his hands, I hadn't meant to poke a touchy subject and I didn't want him to answer it if he didn't want to but he went on speaking anyway and I listened, both shock and a little more fearful in the way that I was gaining knowledge of just how powerful angels were. But it was sad also, sad that angels couldn't reproduce without losing their lives or their mates because the children were too strong to be able to bear. It was a side to that sort of story that I had never heard before and it had given me a lot of insight but also made me realize how lucky I was to have the chance to be able to be a mother one day. And it was sad that Azza would never have children, everyone deserved a chance a parenthood and he would never have that chance, of course he had inflicted that on himself but it was a selfless act that he was giving up the chance to be a father one day. I gently reached out to place a hand on his, "I'm sorry that you won't get to have that chance but put it this way, at least you won't have to be waking up every two hours or so and changing smelly diapers." I told him with a slight smile, that fate still awaited me sometime in the future and I wondered if the father would stick around or take of, a lot of men did because after a few weeks they decided they didn't want the commitment or responsibility. I hoped not but who knew what would happen in the future

But he told me he understood that I had rejected his offer and I nodded, but inside shook my head, he had only an assumed reason he didn't know the real truth. I didn't care what my parents would say, they couldn't control me now, so that didn't matter I just didn't want to ruin things between us. However, I almost regretted the decision, I had wanted to move out and it would have been helpful to move in with Azza, the house hunting taken out of the picture and I was sure I could get a better job some where to cover my half of the bills and so on, but I didn't exactly want to go back on my word and intrude on his hospitality. I would be fine finding my own apartment, though it wouldn't be big, just one room, it would be enough for me, since I didn't know exactly what I was going to do with my life, while other teens had been planning this for a while I had only just started because I had broken out of my parents ruling life.


She mentioned that she didn't want me to make myself stand out; to be noticed and potentially put in danger. I shrugged, knowing that I wasn't afraid, but then again I was touched that she was so caring and that she really was worried that I would get hurt and she didn't want to be without me. That was sweet, but I didn't want her worrying about me; I'd be fine. "Well I'm not going anywhere anytime soon, alright, Angie? And you don't need to think about that. I'm not going to die." I told her quietly, reaching across the table to take her hand, wanting to comfort her. I loved my human friend and I didn't want to lose her either, but then again I had no right to lay a claim to her and she didn't have the right to do so to me, though I wouldn't complain. She was just a friend and it was normal for us to enjoy our time together, but demanding that that time was only to be spent with each other, or that we insisted on more time than was necessary; no, these weren't our rights as friends. We needed to behave and well... be friends. Be kind to each other and cut the possessiveness business. She wasn't mine and I wasn't hers. I wasn't sure why my mind had wandered here, but it seemed to push back my feelings for Angie. I was trying to go farther than what I was supposed to be and of course Evangeline wasn't mine to feel such things with. Actually, no girl would be deserving of those feelings.

She reached out to place her hand on mine and I gave a small smile at what she said. If only she knew that those things wouldn't be a problem for me at all; that it would be worth having a little baby. I'd never had that option and then we'd begun seeing humans; how they found attraction for each other and then created offspring, how their instincts took over and they had a natural bond to each other as a family. It was a beautiful thing and I'd finally gotten a chance for that when I gained my body, but at that point I was just enjoying the amazing things I could do with females and I hadn't taken the time to worry about a family until it was too late and the nephilim race had been wiped out and forbidden. I wasn't dying for a child; I wasn't begging for one and I'd had a very long time to come to terms with this fact and I was no longer upset about it. It was a sadder portion of my life, but I wouldn't go into it now and I wouldn't waste my time on it.
"It's fine, Ang." I said quietly as I raised my head to look at her, "I'm happy with my decision because I wouldn't be able to live with myself any other way. I chose the lesser of the evils and you don't need to worry about me." I knew that she didn't deserve me to ever feel more than friendship because... it would be a death sentence and if it wasn't, then it would be a life of misery. Human girls were too good for me. I'd fall in love and they'd feel the same for me eventually and when we finally conceived, it would mean that she would be destined to die. If we were careful... she'd want to eventually have a child of her own and I'd have to endure raising a baby that wasn't mine by adoption. And of course I'd have to be patient and accepting with that. Besides, He would want us to care for one of the world's abandoned children, right? Or unless we chose to have her impregnated with another man's child. It would make her happier and I'd understand of course. I just wasn't sure how I'd be able to adjust to that; how I'd react to having to care for a child that didn't look like me and created with my lover and another man. It wasn't preferable, but it was what my options were. A stranger altogether or a child that would belong to my lover. I'd always choose the latter of the two if it came down to it, but I knew that most girls would want to be able to conceive with their man and accidents always happened, yet I didn't believe in abortion; killing a child just because it was inconvenient. I couldn't handle that kind of patience and concentration of keeping everything in order and safe and trying to find someone to love at the moment. I just wasn't capable of doing that at the moment when I'd rather focus on my human, Angie.

"So... About that book. Let's go find one for you." I said as I referred to the book she said that she was going to come and pick out before she saw me. I got to my feet, took both of her hands and pulled her up to a stand before I led her out of the back room and into the rest of the library, wanting to end the awkward conversations between us; I needed to get her focused on and distracted by something else so that she wouldn't be thinking about such things with me; so she wouldn't be concerned about my reproducing abilities or the vacancy of my apartment or my death and such.


He tried to reassure me by saying he wasn't going anywhere soon and he wasn't going to die, but he also said I didn't need to think of that. I knew that and he was right, I didn't need to but it was human nature to worry for people that we cared about, and I hadn't ever really loved anyone enough to be upset if they died or even think about that, but I loved Azza and I would care if he died. However he took my hand in a comforting gesture and I gave a quiet sigh but didn't say anything, there wasn't anything left to say, any of my words wouldn't be helpful they would simply make me worry more about his safety and I knew that wouldn't do either of us any good and he had told me not to worry about him, so I wouldn't voice my worries. I couldn't simply stop worrying, but I didn't have to tell him my fears and besides, if he was right, he would come out on top if he ever needed to, which I dearly hoped he didn't and if he ever did get into trouble what was there I could do about it? I didn't know who to trust of his kind or who were other fallen angels. The most I could do was pray and I wasn't sure how God felt about Liam at the moment or how he had felt so that had mixed results, whether He saw Azza as a good enough person to help or if He didn't. I didn't like thinking about it and I knew if I did all that would happen would be that I would become suspicious of everyone and end up not wanting to leave because something might happen to him, not that I could help in any way, they were much, much stronger then I was.

However I saw his little smile when I spoke but he didn't say anything for a while and when he did he was quiet when he spoke and I rolled my eyes and shook my head,
"Oh shut up," I told him, not in an angry tone just a friendly one, "You know telling me not to worry isn't going to change anything, worrying is what humans do and you're my friend so I'm only going to worry more and besides I was the one who brought up this subject and it's upset you, again. And I'm sorry," I told him honestly as I gave his hand a light squeeze to tell him I meant it, everything bad today had happened because of me and it was ridiculous that my curiosity saw no boundary and that I simple hadn't thought about how different questions would effect him, but now it was time to shut up. However he mentioned the book and I nodded happily following him out of the coffee room and back into the larger room of the actual library. However once we were in I took a left turn as I started towards the section in which my current favorite author was in, though not letting go of his hand, I liked the small amount of warmth that came from it and the contact, it was nothing special but I liked it all the same. I just hoped they had a book of hers that I hadn't read already. I had just finished reading The Promise and now I was in search of it's prequel called Belle. Though another author had proved to be good enough for my interest, her name was Belinda Alexandra and I had read her book called White Gardenia. It was quite interesting and I had been wrapped up in the story with all of the different plots and so on within the story, it was really quite good.

Once we had reached the section I started looking for the books containing her last name, Pearse, and followed the row of books along until I came to hers. They had Gypsy and something else but no Belle. It was no big deal however I picked up Gypsy and read through the plot on the back, it seemed interesting enough and it was Lesley Pearse so it was bound to be at least half interesting. I looked back at Liam and showed him the book, "
This is the one," I told him with a bright smile, "Are you going to get one out?" I asked, of course this talk was merely a distraction from our previous conversation and I knew that but I wasn't going to argue with him, if he didn't want to talk about it then that was fine I had no right to push him for more, nor would I ever want to. He was my friend and I wanted to keep him happy not upset.


Evangeline spoke just a little more, but she was willing -even eager- to leave the room with me and she led me to a certain place within the shelves to an author that she enjoyed; Lesley Pearse by the looks of the books that she was currently viewing, but then she finally decided on one and I decided that they might be interesting to read based on how pretty the covers were. I found that that was an entertaining fact in choosing books. If it had an entertaining cover, it might lessen the boredom of the repetitive story just a bit. But these books pleased her and I was happy. She would never find herself completely and utterly bored to the point of hating what she read and never wanting to pick up another book. I was similarly detached from reading these days on anything other than straight fact, but even the histories were a bit repetitive. And she was happy to have this book; a bright smile on her face as she asked me if I was going to get one and I thought for a moment before leading her more towards the 'B's to Ricardo Bacchelli. There I found the title Il Mulino Del Po, an Italian romance novel. I was capable of reading the language of course; I had been present when it was developed. I had read this novel before and it was a good story, though it was over two thousand pages long, but it never took me long to go through that. I pulled it off of the shelf with a small smile, "Alright, I'm good now." I told her as I began walking with her to the checkout counter.

I was grateful that my friend was willing to back off of the conversation and give me a break rather than continuing to question me about the past. She had dropped the subject and allowed us to move on to books and I really, truly appreciated that. It was one of the things that I loved about her incredible personality; she cared about others. She didn't want to upset me by continuing and she was willing to go along with my change of subject and therefore I loved her even more. She was the one human I could truly endure being in the presence of at the moment for long periods of time because she was truly so lovely and... pure. She was the one human who still actually and honestly cared about others and wanted to make them happy. She wasn't out to hurt others, to gossip, or backstab or lie, no she was sweet and honest and I knew that it was an extreme rarity these days.


He took a while to decide whether or not he was going to get a book out or not, or was it that he was deciding which one? I didn't know and it didn't really make much difference to me anyway, but he decided 'yes' apparently and began leading me towards the section of authors with their last names starting with 'B'. I watched as he moved along to a more specific author before selecting a book Il Mulino Del Po from the cover and I raised an eye brow when he said he was good and I narrowed my eyes, "Show off," I growled playfully, in reality I thought it was amazing he could read a book like that but I didn't understand much Italian so I was simply making another joke. I followed him to the check out counter and took out my card as I waited for the person in front of us to finish up. However the screen of my phone was bright and I pulled it out, I didn't have a smart phone, while it had been offered to me I hadn't taken it, I thought that was taking the charity of the snobby, rich church goers money. Instead I had a small slide screen phone and it was fine with me. I could call, text and set alarms and notes easily enough and it hadn't broken while I had had it, so it fit the bill. I pressed the button to open the text and read through it, it was nothing all that special just the local pound wondering if I could go in tomorrow. They had rescued a litter of kittens and they needed worming, vaccinating and chipping. I immediately replied saying I would be there before putting my phone away and looking up at Azza, "Sorry, I know it's rude, but it was the pound," I told him, he knew I volunteered there and worked as much as I could, but that didn't excuse my being rude and ignoring him for that time, hence the apology. If I had had the choice I would have gone to college to study to be a vet nurse, the job paid well enough and I loved animals, rehabilitating them, making them sociable, it was a great job and very rewarding.

But the best part were the cats, of course I loved all sorts of animals but cats had to top being my favorite, well, them tied with bunnies. I loved them both. They were just so soft and cuddly, but some cats had spectacular personalities and some special ones were just like dogs. Bunny rabbits were cute with soft ears and they loved cuddles which I loved giving to them and hand feeding. However, the thought of going in to look after four six week old kittens was thrilling, I couldn't wait to get there. First we would just sit for a while as they became accustomed to me and my scent, I would be there carer for the next few weeks while they regained their health. I didn't know what exactly was wrong but I didn't want to worry now, whatever it was, I would fix them up and make them happy and lovable. I stepped up to check out my book and waited while the librarian scanned my card and book and I smiled and thanked them before stepping out of the way and towards Liam as I put my card in my purse and book in my bag before retuning my gaze and attention to him,
"So what are you up to for the rest of the day?" I asked, our association never really lasted for more then a couple of hours, if it went for that duration any way. It was never that I got bored of his company or anything but I didn't want to impose on him and besides I could never really spare that much time, however, thank fully my parents would be busy today so they wouldn't notice if I was gone for the afternoon, and I didn't plan on going home either. Where I was going to go or what I was going to do was something else entirely. I wasn't used to this amount of time and I felt sort of lost by not knowing, it was just new. I would love to spend more time with him but I didn't want to push anything, or make him feel uncomfortable.


I grinned over at my friend when I heard her comment about my reading choice. But of course I knew that she was merely joking; that she was truly appreciative of my decision in material. But then she took out her phone, looking at a text and I patiently waited for her to finish with what she was doing. Once she put the phone away she gave me an apologetic look as she said that she was sorry and acknowledged what she had been doing was rude, but I could tell that she was excited about something and she mentioned that it was the pound who had messaged her. Of course I assumed she meant the one she volunteered at; the animal shelter. And of course she was excused for her behavior; I could never hold that against her. It was good that she had an interest in animals; I appreciated that about her. "So what is going on over at the pound that's got you so smiley?" I teased her with a crooked smile, knowing that there had to be something special happening.

She finished checking out her book and I followed suit as I handed over my book to be scanned as I pulled my wallet out of my pocket along with my library card. Once the book was assigned to my account, I heard my friend speak up and I looked over at Angie as I tucked my card back into my wallet.
"I haven't planned out anything further than this. I'm going with the flow today." I replied to her simply, knowing that she was probably feeling a bit lost at the moment as to what we would do with our time; whether or not we would continue it for the moment or break it off and go our separate ways. "I would be happy to spend the day with you if you wouldn't mind my company." I spoke up after a few moments, wanting to assure her that her company was welcomed warmly, though of course it wasn't required by any means.


I grinned when he asked me what was happening at the pound that made me so smiley, "There's a new litter of kitten's they've rescued and were wondering if could go in tomorrow. There's a lot of work, they need worming, vaccinating, chipping and probably fattening and check ups, but it's going to be worth it. They're going to cute and cuddly and fluffy." I told him happily, of course I wasn't sure what they would like look when I saw them but I knew with some time and care and love they would become adorable and would be adopted before long. The sad part was I knew if I was with them for too long I wouldn't want them to go. But that was the price I paid, my heart being broken by little mewling, four legged creatures, I just couldn't help it, they just had a way of charming me and making me fall in love with them all. But it was always fixed when the next one came through and then it would all start again. But it was fun and good knowing I had helped the shelter in some way.

I heard what he said and nodded, I could guess why he hadn't planned anything today, because first thing he had done this morning was fight with my father in the church and that was an unpredictable event, what happened and what could have happened were two different things. But I was glad that nothing more dramatic had occurred this morning otherwise it would have been worse at home right now. However for now everything was as peaceful as it could get so I couldn't complain, besides I would give anything to see that happen again, there isn't anything better then seeing my dad showed up by someone else and it made it even better that it was Azza who had shown him up. But he said that he didn't mind spending the say with me and I smiled and nodded,
"That'd be nice," I replied, though I had no idea what we would do, shopping was out of the question because he would hate it, the park was for dogs, I suppose it was alright for walks but it just depended on what he wanted to do. "Any preferences?" I asked before looking him up and down, "I don't really mind, but can I suggest you get changed? You look like you've just stepped out of some wedding movie as the best man," I told him with a cheeky grin.

She finished checking out her book and I followed suit as I handed over my book to be scanned as I pulled my wallet out of my pocket along with my library card. Once the book was assigned to my account, I heard my friend speak up and I looked over at Angie as I tucked my card back into my wallet. "I haven't planned out anything further than this. I'm going with the flow today." I replied to her simply, knowing that she was probably feeling a bit lost at the moment as to what we would do with our time; whether or not we would continue it for the moment or break it off and go our separate ways. "I would be happy to spend the day with you if you wouldn't mind my company." I spoke up after a few moments, wanting to assure her that her company was welcomed warmly, though of course it wasn't required by any means.

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