Angel vs Demon (Starling x Yullen Chan x Ineffectivd)


New Member
Wars in the heavens have occurred for hundreds of centuries, and it isn't a battle of flesh and blood, but of spiritual warfare. Angels are demons fight for dominion over the human they've been assigned to, the angels sent by God, and the devils by Satan himself. Millions of these battles occur daily.

Now, focus on one insignificant human female among the billions in the world. The angel and demon must fight with each other, in order to get to her first. The one who prevails is the one who can get to her. Sometimes, they can co-exist and try to reason her to their side.

Other times, when the human makes a dumb decision,she can get possessed by the demon, and will only be freed if the angel can convince her to pray or refrain from his addictions. She often falls back into his life of sin of deep feelings of depression or suicide because of her powerful demon, but she has an equally powerful angel.

However, she isn't even aware that her demon or angel are real. They can only leave impressions and fleeting thoughts in her that she thinks are her own.

So the battle begins....
Nichole the kindest of all the angels. she looked down on the world and was saddened by what was happening. she was scared for all life there humans were ruining the world but the one girl whom she saved before is kind and trying to stop the others.
Zecchiah floated above her female human, watching her intently. He was demon of brawn, white muscles rivetting the skin of his abdomen. His skin was as pale as snow, and he had haunting black eyes with blue pupils that matched his jet black hair. His face was handsome and well-sculpted, with a devilish look to his features. He turned to the angel that he saw looking down at the world, knowing that she was also assigned to the same human and grinned at her.

"You'll never get to her," he boasted, his thunderous voice boomed. "She already belongs to me." The female was always extremely negative because of his influence, and that wasn't going to change.
Nichole glared at him her chocolate brown hair held back by a golden headband. her hazel eyes narrowed at him."she belongs to the Lord not Satan..."
"Oh yeah?" the demon scoffed, watching the glaring angel. "Prove it." He came up to the human and whispered thoughts of suicide into her ear, making a shiver resonate through the girl's nervous system. "Worship Satan," he continued to whisper, "Do drugs, fornicate, kill someone...." The thoughts raced through her head, overwealmingly evil thoughts.

Zecchiah stepped back, laughing wickedly. "You can't stop me!" he yelled at Nichole.
Zecchiah had little weapons of his own, as he was not great in rank in the demonic world. He only had a mid-sized sword that he brandished at his side. He glared at her, feeling sure that he had great speed and would not get hit from that distance. "YEAH?" he cried out, "Just try it!"
Franziska felt a chill run down her back and shivered as the air began to exude a tension that a knife could cut through. She drew her windbreaker closer to herself. A voice no louder than the wind itself whispered in her ear. Instinctively, Franz whirled around, her eyes scanning the empty street. She held her wary pose for a moment longer, before realizing how stupid she looked if she were to be seen in public, hands held up as if to bat away some threat. She straightened back up, and laughed nervously. Her paranoia must be acting up again.


The word echoed in her mind. Franz scratched her head in confusion, suddenly disoriented by the new information. Where did that come from? Whatever the case, Franz figured that the voice was right. She did need some medicine for her growing anxiety. That would have to wait, though. Her tuition was of utmost priority now. She can't possibly afford to fail another test. Gripping the straps of her backpack, she hurriedly made her way to the general direction of her tutor's house.
Zecchiah squinted his black and blue eyes at the angel's weak response, not the least perturbed. In fact, he was annoyed. "Come down here and stop me," the demon taunted coyly, drawing near to the girl and wrapping his muscular arms around her seductively. She did not notice any physical sensation, but he was sure that the moment he touched her that she could feel a spiritual shiver run through her. Hoping that the angel was watching him, he pressed his white lips against the back of her head, sucking in deeply to drain small bits of life force from her.

This was a method he had used with other humans before, and because of his high rank in the demonic world, the victim would begin to feel dizzy or slightly light-headed. Sometimes they would get a a migraine. Some reacted little at all at first, but would begin to feel slight nausea later. It was all fun and games for the demon.

He shivered in ecstasy to feel the warm body next to him. "Mmm," he moaned, loving the sensation of her chakra points. He loved the feeling of her fear that gripped her as she moved down the empty street. "Someone's after you," he whispered encouragingly, "Someone's behind you."
Nichole pulled back her arrow and let it fly at the demon she made sure it wouldnt hit the girl. the arrow was surround by a golden light. "HOLY ARROW!"
The demon withdrew from the girl, moving away from the arrow just in time. He stared up at Nichole, the angel, his eyes like blue fire, his sapphire irises burning against his coal black eyes. "Psh," he muttered, "Long-range weapons....

"Come down here and fight me, you coward!" he growled, once again beckoning her with a wave of his sinewy arms. "Or, you can simply enjoy my presence," he added, coolly brushing back his wild, disheveled hair with a suggestive stroke of his hand, preening himself. He grinned a set of white teeth that were like a canine's.
nichole said"did you just say coward?"her eye twitching. she flew down in front of him and said"listen here buddy i will and have not fell for a demon so you have no power over me...for i have faith in God!"
"Pfft, faith!" he cried out angrily, "What can faith do for you?" He continued to caress the girl seductively, gazing up at Nichole expectantly. "She belongs to me, and no one else," he said, leaning in to kiss the back of her head with his white lips. "All miiiinee..."
nichole had this expression (----> -.-) she shook her head and hit him with her bible. Nichole said"faith gives hope and hope courage..she will not give into you..AND STOP TOUCHING HER LIKE THAT!" kicking him.
"Ow!" cried out the demon, annoyed. The demon took advantage of the close distance the angel was away from him, and with a quick motion, pulled the dagger from a sheath by his side and lunged towards her, intent on harming her. Neither angels nor demons could die, but it would take her a while to recover from any wounds. He knew that God would heal her instantly, as Satan would with him, but he wanted to inflict as much damage as possible, as this was his passion.
nichole flew back dodging and said"idiot..." she then flew up and jumped on his head smiling leaving foot prints then kicked him in the back.

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