Angel Romance (preferably MxM)


Magic Eight Ball
I need rp partners :)

I love yaoi and MxM pairings

My favorite ship is....~

*drums opening*

~~Michael x Lucifer (before and after the fall)

They're like my OTP~

I will seriously love you to death if you rp with me on this pairing~

But if you have other pairings (eg. Gaberiel x Lucifer) you want to rp about, I'm still up for it :D

Message me or comment below if you are interested~
*sigh* As much as I want to jump up and down and hug you for this, I'm not really good with playing males in general... You made my day with this pairing though. For a little while, I thought I was nuts for liking them together...
I would love to play Dean, if anyone is interested to create a Castiel Dean RP;) Please mail me!

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