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Fandom Angel Beats (Afterlife Stories) - First Episode Started



Out of Character Greetings:

Hello everybody,

Thank you for taking some time either to read or participate in this story.

The first episode has started, that means the participants can make their posts in this thread, interact with one another and make decisions along the events. The decisions you take will influence the story. I wish you have fun and let's try to enjoy the story all together.

During my posts I will describe the individual situations that the characters encounter (names ordered from A to Z) and those that all users can witness.

If you find interest in this story and would like to create a character feel free to post his/her information in this thread:


Once your Character Sheet is ready an intro post will appear for you in the tabs below; once that intro post/dream is ready you are good to start your story.

Have a nice day.

Kind regards,


Special thanks to Sushi Wolf for advising me to use tabs.

  • A new term is ready to start, there are students walking through the different facilities of the school and the chitchat is quite enjoyable; friends seem to reencounter while there are also new faces around.

    The school bell plays and soon a female voice would be heard through the speakers:


    “Good morning, all students must approach the theatre, we will begin the opening ceremony really soon, have a great day and a wonderful term.”

    The students are moving towards the theatre now; there are complains about having to study and the laughs that come along jokes and whisperings, usual day.

    Yet...the theatre is a massive facility and the seats don't seem to be arranged for the students, it must be a first come first serve situation.


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Hikaru frowned at what he thought was a nightmare, wondering why he was sleeping right in the middle of the hallway, maybe he was trying to make a joke. Whatever he was doing, it made him incredibly sleepy got some reason, he thought nothing of it as he got up and walked towards the door again, "Ello Misses and Misters" He said with a British accent, "Now who want's a cup of tea as we walk to the theater," Again with the British accent, giving a grin as he looks over at them, noticing the president and a few more students still playing games, noticing the game over screen on a few computers, before glancing at the increasingly more populated hallway. (No one posted *-*)
((Sorry, made my first post without fully realizing. This one should fit better. Sorry about all the confusions!!! ))

She blinked a couple of times until the ceiling came into focus. She discovered herself lying flat on her back, her arms spread out to both sides, and the large headphones hanging halfway off of her head. She sat up slowly. The television screen in front of her had gone fuzzy. The controller for the game counsel she had been playing rested in her lap.

She couldn’t recall what her dream had been about, if it was even a dream at all, or what had happened before to cause her to fall unconscious. In fact, she didn’t have a single memory of anything before the event. But, her heart was pounding against her chest and a cold sweat spattered her forehead.

Fiona, or Fi as she was typically referred to by the gaming community and whatever close friends she managed to keep, didn’t have time to dwell on these things. The school bell tolled and an announcement came across the loudspeaker, calling everyone to the theatre for opening ceremonies. It broke her out of her reverie, and she instantly stood, the gaming items clattering to the floor.

A voice from the doorway caught her attention. She paused a moment, blinking a couple of times, then grinned and waved.

“Well hello,” she greeted. “I don’t know about the tea, but some company would be nice.”

Her smile fell when she heard the noise out in the hallway. She jogged to the open doorway and peered beyond Hikaru to the activity. Frowning, she pulled her head back into the club room.

“Perhaps we should get going,” she suggested.
He heard a large clattering on the floor, wincing a little because of the noise noticing that they were her gaming controllers, and of the sort. Hikaru waved at the girl, realizing that she was the president of the club, for a moment he did not remember her. "That's fine with me, I'll just drink the rest of the tea by myself." He said losing his British accent half-way through. He dropped the British accent, "Yeah, suppose we should now before we end up like roadkill." Hikaru referring to be trampled or run over by the other students here in the hallway, walking on the door.

  • Fiona and Hikaru would find the corridors getting indeed more and more crowded; the students were on their way, coming out from other club rooms; some even waved their hands at both. Familiar faces?...maybe…even when the dream had gotten you a bit drowsy before this moment you somehow feel that those faces must be of a friend, must be some school friends indeed...what are we saying of course they are!..no other reason they would wave their hands at you both ...right???...

    "Hurry up!! we aren't saving you a spot you slow pokes!" said one of the girls waving her hand at both. Yet as the people keep walking…and as they keep moving…there would be one figure that doesn't move from his place...



    He was looking at both…how long was that guy standing there?...he just holds his bag with great interest and his attention is definitely fixed upon both...he is just some steps away …letting the crowd move on like the current of a river around a rock…his look carried a calm yet slightly misleading expression...clear brown orbs that land upon Fiona’s turquoises in exchange... and slowly a smile grew bigger on his lips when he spots Hikaru's hair.

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“Come along then!” Fiona insisted, grabbing hold of Hikaru’s shirt and pulling him along into the stream of students.

Despite not being able to place names with any of the faces she saw, she didn’t feel uncomfortable or threatened. Instead, she felt among friends, somehow. She watched as if someone she should recognize waved and continued down the hallway. But, there was one person in particular that caught her eye. As the rest of the hallway was much like a current, fast and determined, heading in the same direction, this one male appeared to as a stone in the middle of a river.

Fiona was instantly curious why he seemed to stand out amongst everyone else, her eyes meeting his. As their gaze locked, a blush broke out across her cheeks, burning her skin. A small gasp of air escaped her lips. Not paying attention to where she was going, and being the clumsy individual that she was, she managed to walk headlong into a student in front of her, tripped on her own feet, and toppled to the floor with a small cry.

The crowds seemed to part and just move around her.

“Well, it seems some things don’t change,” she muttered to herself, climbing back up to her feet and dusting off her skirt.
Tayla got up from her seat at the hard chair. She looked around, watching the swarm of Orchestra students in one big room. The Violins were in the back of the room, exchanging techniques and giving tips. Violas were mostly in the middle, but Violas have a twisted personality. The Cello players gathered in small groups of about five and planted themselves on all possible corners. The Basses, oh how Tayla loved to play her Bass. It was a 3/4 size, but a 1 full when it came to its beauty. The Bass was Dark brown and red, with black linings. The scrolls where golden and the end-pin had a strong grip twist. Basses are always the least in an orchestra - usually ranging between 1 to 4 students. Tayla rubbed her eyes and looked around. Her Bass was set on the floor, sideways. Probably she fell asleep when she was done practicing? Who knows... "I better get to that ceremony..." She murmured.

Tayla packed her instrument and put it away in the 'Chamber' rack
. She then got her back-pack and set out with the rest of the Orchestra students. She was shy, yet attracted much attention within the Orchestra levels because of her importance. The mob of players got Tayla talking. She was always fine with that, but nothing above treating her like human.
"H - hey." He said as he gets dragged around by Fiona, walking and speed walking, when he heard them call for them, he frowned since he almost forgot about them, then he paused as he noticed the man who was standing there. He saw Fiona staring at the man too, noticing her blush, he smirked at the sight, as he was about to sing in a tree song, when he realized that he didn't know his name. When Fiona fell down, he was standing where she was, the gap where the students needed to turn around from. When she got up he asked "Are you fine? Well other than falling down of course." He said looking at her and then at the man, he started to take his turn as to dragging her, moving with the current of people at a diagonal, getting closer to the male.

  • As the students decided to stop and spot the “stranger”, Fiona would probably get a catch of his eyes; she had the sudden feeling in that instant that his face was familiar; she had seen that face before, the expression was different that is for sure that pretentious smirk is new, embarrassing? Annoying? It is difficult to tell yet but that face gave her without a doubt the feeling of seeing someone she knew.

    Hikaru even took the initiative and tried to approach the stranger; the crowd in the corridors is by now a flood; yet as both members of the Gamer Club noticed, no student bump upon them and if they do the apologies would rain in the friendliest way. The stranger was not expecting that and for a second there was a deeper sigh in the stranger’s chest when he saw the white haired student closer, his lips bent down slightly and he simply uttered.

    “Yo…”there was a pause in his words…

    “Hi…..ka…..ru…” his lips stopped there in the last syllable with a strange expression in his lips a blend of a smile and some more distasteful feeling.

    The stranger’s eyes then slid towards the red haired one and saw once more the turquoise in hers “You gotta be careful …” his hands hold firm of the bag until now. “Alright let’s go to the Theater shall we? …” uttered the young man ready to depart.

Note: Remember, each choice and interaction will influence the following events.

Tayla’s post will appear in the following 15 – 20 mins as another tab stay tuned!.


Tayla's post is above in a tab.
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“Are you fine? Well, other than falling down, of course.”

“Yes, thank you,” she breathed. “It happens often, actually. Or, at least I think so.”

Then, she felt herself being yanked back into the crowd, steadily nearing the strange male that had caught her attention. She didn’t put up any fight as Hikaru steered through the current. She reflected back on the student that had just distracted her. She couldn’t help mentally commenting on how familiar he looked. But, for whatever reason, she couldn’t pinpoint why. It was somewhat comforting believing that there was someone in this place that she actually knew. Yet, that smirk on his face was new and rather…disconcerting.

They ceased abruptly in front of that particular student, causing a small puff of air to escape her lips. She eyed the interaction thoughtfully and cautiously. She wondered if perhaps Hikaru recognized the individual, as well. Granted, she couldn’t claim to properly know Hikaru, but she had a strong sense of security standing partially behind him.

It was the stranger’s eyes sliding onto hers that woke her from her reverie. “You gotta be careful…”

She opened her mouth to say something in return, but then closed it again, doubting herself. Instead, her gaze wavered and her eyes fell to the ground, self-consciously.

“Alright, let’s go to the theater, shall we?”

Fiona bit her lower lip, gaining the courage to say something, anything. Finally, she managed to blurt out,
“Wh-Who are you?” Catching herself, she pulled back a little. “I mean…”

She glanced up at Hikaru as if looking for some sort of confirmation.
Reagan blinked, and shifted her eyes to watch the small group of students walk away. She stood leaning against the column for a few minutes more, trying to remember what that dream had been about. A student called out to her, something about not missing the ceremony, and she snapped out of her thoughts to smile and wave. "Go on ahead, I'll catch up!" She replied to them, then worked through the crowd to the Writer's club. She had to grab some items, before going to the ceremony.

Upon entering, her eyes came to rest on another student who was asleep. She sighed, and tapped the girl's shoulder, in an attempt to wake her. "Hey, time to wake up. There's a ceremony to go to." She said, then walked on. She stopped by the shelves, and pulled her bag from where she had left it on the counter. slipping the bag onto her shoulder, she turned to leave. "I'd hurry, don''t want to be late." She said, as she paused in the door, to the other girl. She then slipped into the hallway, and joined the mass of students headed to the theater.
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  • [media]

    As Reagan walks out of the Writer’s Club and she joins the crowd, she would notice that names started to bloom in her mind; soon those friendly faces of the students that walk with her were familiar, they were like childhood friends to her. What a strange dream it had been; specially for a school student, her classmates rely upon Reagan constantly, asking questions about the writer’s club, how to join; what other activities they had in mind, telling her rumours of student romances and simple gossips.

    Reagan was the closest to the Teather as they walked and she could probably see the lights on already, how the students were filling the massive building; yet on her way she would spot a girl with glasses (Tayla) coming out of the Orchestra Club…wait she is not alone…someone else walked out of the Orchestra club after Tayla left …and seems to be following her.

    If Reagan continues on her route she will soon lose Tayla out of sight, but in exchange could be the first to arrive to the Theatre. There was a strange feeling though when she spotted Tayla; one simple image came back into her mind…it was the cage and that figure standing in the middle…how far it was …how difficult it was for Reagan to reach her in that shackling dream.

"Hey there." Hikaru said a slight wave, he gave a very slight frown as he detected the distasteful tone in his voice, feeling a need to say sorry, but couldn't figure out why he needed to say sorry. However most of the frown was because he didn't know him, however he knew his name and he only had seen him this one time. Or did he thinking about when he could know his name, maybe he is a classmate of mine that I just don't remember, he thought. As he noticed that Fi was behind him, as the stranger said for them to go to the theater. He gave a nod as he heard Fiona speaking behind him, moving to the side. "What's your name?" He put simply, as if this was a normal encounter which in normal circumstances would be. Except that the part where he knew his name, when Hikaru didn't even see him before.
Semito stood up and looked around the Orchestra room. Was it a dream? Of course it was a dream. But it seemed so real. She then turned to her back. The first thing she wanted to do was find Renito. She quickly picked up her violin and placed it in it's case. As she stood and walked to the door, she stopped. She turned and looked out the window at the sky. She then breathed in and thought for a moment. Renito would be at soccer practice about now. She left the room and walked down the hall toward the field.

Renito stood up and walked to his friends. They started to leave for the Theatre and some even waved to him to follow. He waved, showing he would be there soon. He walked over to the net and kicked a ball in right near the corner. He smiled and looked over at the school. There he saw Semito come out of the door and run to him. He walked over to meet up with her and asked, "Did you hear the announcements? You should be at the Theater."

Semito breathed heavily and replied, "I just- *gasp* wanted to see you before we go." She stood up, now with a normal breathing tone. "Can we head over together?" Renito smiled and nodded. Semito smiled and turned to head back inside. As Semito led, Renito turned and kicked one last ball in the net. He then turned and followed Semito inside.
Spacen, confused by his horrible yet grand dream, stood up, taking in his surroundings. The writers club was quite an interesting place, a place for creativity to bloom. A small smile appeared on his face and he walked out the door of the writers club room. He had this odd impulse to go... Somewhere. But where was that somewhere? He was in a school... And he had to go... To the theatre for the first day of school? How had he pieced that together? He shook his head and followed his instincts, reaching a crowd. A huge body of students. The small smile on his face disappeared and turned into a look of confusion. Where were they going? Suddenly, he remembered, he was going to the... Theatre? Or was it a stadium? Being forgetful is difficult, he realized. He decided that they were going nowhere and that another route would be ideal. But was there another route? He sighed, deciding that just following behind the students might be the best option. Considering the students were unrecognizable to him... Following behind meant no social interaction... Right? He noticed a few people that stood out, but he couldn't quite place who they were. Were they familiar? Possibly, it was difficult to tell... Hmm. Maybe he could write down a description of them? For future references, obviously, but would he meet them in the future? It was at that moment that he realized a new thing about himself: he thought too much about a LOT of things.
Reagan watched the girl as she walked, until the feeling overpowered her, and she had the urge to move towards her. She wasn't able to do that in that weird as hell dream, and so here, she would. She worked her way through the crowd, until she ended even with the girl. "Hey. Good morning." She said. She felt she knew her from somewhere, though she didn't know where. She continued to stay with the girl, even though she was supposed to go to the theatre. Her eyes scanned the crowd, looking for the one who had been seemingly following her, though she kept a friendly face, for the sake of it.
Lazarus said:
Everything is dark....so dark you can't even see your own hands...it is then that a light appears in front of you....it is a screen....a blue coloured screen...it is almost like an old television...and once it turns on all you see on the other side of the glass is your own reflection. There you are...and you seem so .....exhausted...like if you hadn't sleep for days.
The light is weaker each time ...soon the darkness will eat you once more ...your hands try to smack the screen...for some reason you really struggle to keep the light up...you scream ...you curse and you can almost feel your knuckles break when they hit the reflection. It was then that the light faded...and when it did...you felt the chill run on your spine...something covered your eyes...they were human hands....that embrace woke you up...

You are in the Computers Lab ...you are on your own...seems there was a videogame playing and the words "Game Over" tilt on the screen. Soon you hear the announcement...the opening ceremony will begin soon.
(didn't realize it started, sorry lol. Can someone please find or interact with Kion? Need some help actually getting started.)

Kion looks around the dark room and notices he was the only one in it. He hardly asked questions at the moment, only got up and turned of the monitor, then left. He walked around what seemed to be a school campus and he looked at his hands, feeling weird. "Opening ceremonies? ...No thanks, too many people.."He says to himsel before adjusting his glasses and walking through the shadows around the campus.

He notices all of the other students walking around, most of them headed to the ceremony. He sighed as he still had a weird feeling, but shook it off. "Something is wrong..some thing very very wrong! I know what it is! I don't have any tech with me! How am I supposed to do what I do best without any tech?! Maybe I can buy a computer or something here...Hopefully somebody knows where I can get something. A phone, an Ipad, a laptop! Anything that I can hack on..." He says and begins walking, looking for people who seem like they aren't headed to the ceremony.


Carmela blinked, pulling herself free from the remnants of that dream. She looked around, and quickly dismissed the other girls, promising a cheer practice later in the day. She then hurried across the field, following after the twins. She entered the school building a few steps behind them, and slowed up a bit, walking normally now. She still wasn't sure of their names, though she had a feeling she should know them. A few students waved to her, and she waved back with a smile. She caught up to the twins, and walked with them. "Hello, good morning." She said, looking towards them, a light smile on her features.



Kyan watched the trio, then shrugged it off, not interested in conversation. He wandered away, in the ooposite direction of the soon to be crowded theatre, ignoring calls from students to go with them. He caught sight of a head of hair he sightly recognized, and caught up with the boy whose body belong to side hair. A name popped into his head, though he didn't know he had ever forgotten it. "Hi Kion." He said, not bothering to say more than that. He stayed nearby, in case the other decided to respond to him. Normally he would have avoided conversation completely, but the other seemed to be quite lost, for some reason.​
Semito turned to the voice that had introduced their self. She stepped back and smiled lightly. She slowly went behind her brother and started to pretend she was busy with her case. She then silently said, "H-Hello." Maybe even too silent for the girl to hear.

Renito frowned at Semito's reaction and slightly pushed her away. He then turned to the girl and gave a big grin. He did a small bow and said, "Good morning Miss. Who would this young lady be?"

Carmela watched the girl, who hid behind her brother. She heard something like a hello from the girl, and waved in response. She'd have to remember to talk to her later. For now, though, she'd concentrate on her brother. She smiled at his bow, and the overall tone of his words. "I'm Carmela." She answered his question. "It's nice to meet you." She said, and held her hand out to him. She smiled lightly through the whole thing, though it wouldn't make much of a difference as she was almost always smiling.

@Andrea Logan
Soren's eyes fluttered open, the last images from his bizarre dream fading from his memories as he looked up into the clear, cloudless sky above him. He was wearing a dark grey tracksuit and running shoes, a pair of earbuds laying next to him, the wire running into his pocket where it connected with his phone. He sat up and looked around, rubbing his eyes, only then realizing that he'd been crying in his sleep. How had he gotten here? Why couldn't he remember anything? He quickly wiped them away and stood, the sound of the bell snapping him out of his daze and back into reality.

“Good morning, all students must approach the theatre, we will begin the opening ceremony really soon, have a great day and a wonderful term.”

Opening ceremony...? Where am I?
He thought, looking over at the other students, all of whom were heading to the same, large building.

Soren leaned down and tightened the laces of his shoes before jogging over in the direction of the Theatre. The trickle of students quickly became much more, the crowd of hundreds of unfamiliar faces all around him. Keeping his head down, he made his way into the room and took a seat towards the back left wall, unsure of what to make of the situation. Sure he couldn't remember anything but, looking around at all of the students, he seemed to be the only one. Everyone else seemed to be smiling and laughing with friends as if it were any other first day of school. Maybe it was just him...

He paused, spotting two students who were just entering the room who had a slight look of confusion on both of their faces. They were talking to each other but they didn't seem to know each other very well. He decided to ignore the strange feeling and just watch the Ceremony, hoping that maybe it would provide some answers.

  • The students that don't want to enter the Theatre would be able to listen the ceremony through the speakers:

    They would hear a female voice:

    “Good morning everyone, welcome to a new term; we will begin the ceremony with some words from the principal”

    After this they would hear applauses and the sound of a microphone having some feedback noise; then a clearing cough before a mature male would speak.

    “Good morning everyone…let’s…see…I had my speech around here … here we go…alright then…Good morning students…it is a pleasure to have you all here in this new term…we expect you to achieve the best in your academic performance and …”

    The speech would prolong and it would be rather dull if not annoying, just some old man speaking and telling some anecdotes of his past and how the school had changed since he was a kid.

    If you try to remain outside, the student committee will probably approach you and start asking you questions; probably even try to drag you into the Theatre if necessary or take you to the Detention Room if you try to remain outside; if you try to run away from them they will surely try to follow you.

    The students that decide to enter the Theatre or are already inside would notice the following:

    The Theatre has seats going all the way to the scenario; to the sides there are balconies and on the second floor right above the doors is the control room, where the lights, microphone and curtains are controlled.

    -If the students enter, they would be able to notice Soren, who is sitting on the back left of the Theatre.

    -The students sitting at the back will have a complete view of the place; if you sit here you will be able to see the other students entering after you, you will also notice someone sitting by the balconies, it is too far to notice its face but you can definitely see there seems to be someone looking down at the students; you will suddenly hear the slamming of a door, it seems to be coming from the second floor in the control room.

    -The middle seats barely seem available, to get these seats you will need to walk between the crowds and wiggle your way in, the students in this position will spot someone sitting on the balconies and seems to be preparing something, they will have a bad feeling of this situation; although it is quite crowded here and moving seems a bit problematic. From here you can also spot that there is someone slamming at the control’s room in the second floor.

    -The front seats can’t be seen from the entrance the student would need to walk towards the front and will be caught by the attention of the whole crowd, the students doing this would find some available spots right in front of the scenario. From this position the student won’t be able to spot people sitting on the balconies; although if you were to speak loud from here the whole theatre would hear you. The scenario is almost in your reach as well and so is the microphone.

    -If you try to aim for the balconies you will see a student entering holding a bag jealously; the sight from the balconies allows you both to spot the scenario, the crowd and the control room on the Theatre’s second floor.

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Spacen, still following the surge of people, heard a voice and a boring speech. He stopped to listen for a bit, then hurried to catch up to the group. Teachers were on the trail, and Spacen slipped into the crowd with difficulty, being shoved a bit before finally reaching his own place. Everyone else seemed to hurry up, though, making his cover small and ineffective. Should he go in? Should he stay out? He could hear the announcement anyway. Why did he even need to go in? As he pondered this, someone came by and made him tumble to the floor. His clothes were slightly dirty, and he was quite annoyed, although he would be given a talk to if he stuck around. He quickened his pace, entering the Theatre and seating himself as quickly as possible, sitting in the very back. He silently fumed to himself before noticing someone else sitting near him. He stared at them, trying to figure out what they were doing. Or, rather, what they weren't doing. He zoned out, ignoring the announcement and focusing on the person who he laid his eyes upon.
InsaneEntry said:
Kyan watched the trio, then shrugged it off, not interested in conversation. He wandered away, in the ooposite direction of the soon to be crowded theatre, ignoring calls from students to go with them. He caught sight of a head of hair he sightly recognized, and caught up with the boy whose body belong to side hair. A name popped into his head, though he didn't know he had ever forgotten it. "Hi Kion." He said, not bothering to say more than that. He stayed nearby, in case the other decided to respond to him. Normally he would have avoided conversation completely, but the other seemed to be quite lost, for some reason.
Lazarus said:
Since they were outside of the Theatre, both would be able to hear new announcements through the speakers, they were transmitting the whole ceremony through the speakers it seemed, it sounded quite boring. Although if both remained outside in that place; soon they would be spotted by some teachers.
The teachers would approach in a friendly way in the beginning “Oi kids..didn’t you hear the announcement?...the ceremony already started” would utter the teacher and then surely he would try to drag you into the Theatre, although you would have the opportunity to run away if you wished, although the teacher seemed in a bit of a bad mood.

The sudden urge of Kion for technology was rather answered as there would be a mobile phone in his pocket; did Kion notice?...Kyan surely would. The mobile phone seemed quite modern and had an attached keyboard to it, the mobile was a bit bulky because of this.
Kion looked over to the boy and remembered his name...how could he forget it? "Oh, Sup Kyan?" He replied, looking for others who decided to stay away from the ceremony. He figured teaches were gonna come soon and put his hands in his pocket, wondering what to do. In his pocket, he felt his phone with a keyboard attached. He smiled brightly. "Technology! Sweet sweet technology!!" He yelled out, then looked around for others. "I don't know about you, but I kinda don't wanna go to the ceremonies..but we have too....but I kinda wanna know more about this place...I don't know why, but I have a bit of memory loss..I need to find information. What to do, what to do. Hack my way to info...or play along....ugh, I hate this choice. Let's go into the ceremonies. Afterwards, we can probably ditch or something." He suggested.

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