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Realistic or Modern And We All Looked Up [Main Thread] {Closed}


Baddest Bitch in Herstory



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And We All Looked Up

Keegan Stillman

Keegan laid curled into the couch, a heavy blanket draping over his shoulders. His hands held a book-- Beloved by Toni Morrison. He was only half listening to the t.v drone on in front of him. On the screen, an anchorman with a receding gray hairline talked about a comet; everyone had been talking about this comet. If you looked up at the sky, you could see it gleaming against the clouds. No one really know how it had gotten there or what is was doing. He was in the process of flipping the page, the thin paper in between his fingers, when the t.v caught his attention. "Experts are saying chances are one out of three." Keegan jerked his head up, his brown eyes training on the screen in front of him. The anchorman twirled a pen in his fingers. Beads of sweat gleamed against his forehead. What had he said?

The new station shifted to a talk between four adults. "If we have calculated correctly, ARBOR's path aligns with Earth's."
"Is there anyway we can change that?" A woman pressed.
"We're trying. Right now, there's a 66% of ARBOR hitting us. If it does, I-"
"Earth will be completely destroyed."
Keegan shook the blanket off. What? His heart pounded in his ears, choking off the sound of the t.v. Maybe this was some sick joke. One time a news station pranked a town for Aprils Fools and said that their water was tainted. He looked down. His fingers were white from gripping Beloved. The boy shakily let go of the book and grabbed his sticker-covered laptop. He pulled up google. His hands trembled, his fingers missing the right keys that he needed to type in the five-letter word.
A R B O R.
The results lined up on the screen. His body swayed against his will. Fear, disbelief, anger, and alarm filled his throat and choked him, cut off his air, threatened to rise up and spill out of his lips. 66% of hitting Earth. Two months until the estimated collision. That was two months to live. "Mom, come here," he croaked, his voice unrecognizable. '"Something is wrong."

Bella Decha

The girl's hands rested on the steering wheel and her head bopped to a song by Nicki Minaj. It was a Saturday, which meant Bella had free-time. The schedule for the day would probably include shopping at the local mall, hanging out with her boyfriend, and going to a party if they were lucky. First stop: the mall. She was about to pull out of the driveway when her phone buzzed against her leg insistently. The girl sighed with annoyance, dropping her hands from the steering wheel and halting the car to pick up her phone. a text message from her dad lit up the screen-- Have u seen the news? I'm coming home from work rn. Bella rolled her eyes. Whatever was on the news must have been pretty big if, gasp, her dad was actually willing to leave work. He practically lived there. He should probably say goodbye to 97 Angela St and just move into his office.

Despite her annoyance with her dad, she unlocked her phone and tapped on google, anyways. She quickly typed in recent news, her manicured nails clicking against the screen. The results slid before her eyes.
"Experts Give Humanity Two Months To Live"
"Comet Named ARBOR Is Coming"
"Cities Are Shutting Down After Startling News"
"Will ARBOR Actually Hit Us"
After investigating a few of the links, the information was embedded in her mind. A comet named ARBOR had a 66% chance of hitting Earth in approximately two months. She tapped back to the conversation with her dad. Is this real? she typed back. Her body shook with convulsions, the bracelets on her wrists gently clanging together. What? Two months to live? Her breaths came rapidly, as if they too, were trying to run away from their impending doom. She quickly texted her mom, asking what they should do, and then pulled up her conversation with Mason. Babe, where are u? She sent the text with a quick swipe of her finger. She didn't know what else to say.

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat
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Juliet Painton
16-F-The Creator

"Look into my eyes and see my pain
Emotions running over like Novocain
Watch the earth...fa-a-a-ade away
And when I open my eyes I see the stars passing by."

In the local pizza joint, Esposito's Pizzaria, a girl sat in a corner, lightly strumming her guitar. Tucked behind her ear was a pen and a notebook lay in front of her, an ice cold Pepsi in front of her as well that she occassionally sipped from. The waiter brought over her order, a medium cheese and mushroom pizza, setting it in the center of the table as the girl pondered her next verse. The weekend was her mom's days off from work at one of the small locally owned restaurants in town but the sixteen-year-old Painton girl, a junior in high school, liked hanging out at the local pizza joint. It was a bit quieter here than at home and sometimes she could get inspiration by watching the comings and goings of the other patrons for her writing...whether it be songs, poetry or stories.

"...comet was seen..."

The sudden hush of all talk within the pizza joint brought the Painton girl's head up and Juliet placed her guitar back ints case that lay on the corner booth she was in. The television had been turned up and, like the other patrons who were glued to the words of the news anchorman, Juliet turned as well to face the television. Even the owner, Roberto Esposito, had stopped his work of removing an empty glass from a customer who'd just walked out the door and turned to the television. Picking up the remote from one of the shelves under the counter, the middle aged man turned the volume up so everyone could hear what was being said. Switching to another channel, it revealed a group of newsmakers and a couple scientists on screen.

"Unknown dimsensions of the comet, however it is expected to hit earth in two months. Estimates from scientists say the comet might be as big as the one that hit the dinosaurs."

"Is there any way to divert the comet?" asked an anchorwoman to the scientists who had been brought in.

"We are looking into it but I'm afraid we just don't have the technology to divert it from earth. Nor do we have the technology to flee to another planet. I'm afraid that the end is near and you should all prepare for the inevitable."

Dead silence filled the air, the program switching to other news but you could hear a pin drop, that was how quiet everything was. Not even forks or glasses clinked as everyone stared silently at the television...until mumurs broke out all around her. For her part, Juliet was stunned. Death? They were going to die in two months? The girl felt numb, shock evident on her features, just as it was revealed on the faces of everyone else. Her stomach grumbled but she felt sick and pulled her iPhone 7 as it suddenly vibrated against her leg. Putting in her passcode, she saw a text from her mom.

Honey where are you? Did you see the news?

Knowing she had to reassure her mom that she was fine, she sent a message back, expecting her mother had forgotten that she would be at Esposito's with the revelation of the comet, Juliet began texting a reply to her mother.

Honey where are you? Did you see the news?
I'm fine mom. @ Esporito's and yes, I saw the message. It's...I'm in shock but I'll be home soon.

Pressing the send button, she stared back at the television, some customers getting up, tossing bills down and walking out without waiting for change. A couple left without paying anything but Roberto didn't go after them like he normally would. What was money when there was the fact that they had just had their lives turned upside down and that they were going to die in two months? Considering her actions, she then wrote out a new message.

Hey Vic. Check the news if you are in a place with a television.

Pressing send, she locked the phone and put it on the table beside her, replaced her notebook and pen into her black backpack and took a slice of the pizza, placing it on the provided plate. I can't believe this is happening, she thought to herself as she took a bite of the pizza. Who would have thought a comet would strike in my lifetime? She didn't realize her hands were shaking until she bit on air and chese and sauce got on her face.
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