+++And Then Everything Stopped+++

Jordan had realized that the games in the arcade were no fun. So she got up, and walked out. She looked at the park, an then at her watch. It was around 3 o'clock, and she had no plans whatsoever. She yanwed a little and hopped on to her skateboard and went across the street, then she got to the park, and she continued to ride around on her long board.
Tammy woke up extremely late, she fumbled around until she opened her window, and then walked to her closet. She picks out a tanktop, and blue jean shorts. She threw them on, then she walked down the stairs with Fern by her side. She got herself breakfast, and looked outside. The sun was shining beautifully, this made her grab Fern's leash, and hook the leash to her collar. She went outside, walked to the park, then she sat down on a bench, and let Fern play around on the cement.

Dylan woke up when he heard the front door close. He got up and threw on a tshirt and basketball shorts. He went down the stairs and got himself breakfast. He watched carefully as Tammy took a seat on a bench. He ate, then he grabbe his sunglasses then went outside. He yawned and looked back at the house, he walked through the park and then sat, leaning against a tree.
Melody looked over, seeing that someone had sat down under the same tree as her. The boy didn't even seem to realize that she was there too. She didn't want to stare, but she was an awkward person like that.

Dylan felt weird for a reason, he felt like someone was watching or looking at him. He turned around and then jumped a little. He had realized that he was sitting under the same tree as Melody. "Oh!! I'm so sorry!!" He said as he began to stand up. He looked at her and blushed a little, he felt like the most awkard person in the world at that same moment.

Melody's cheeks turned a vibrant pink. "I... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you," she said. She pushed a strand of hair behind her ear absentmindedly, but then untucked it in an attempt to hide her blush. "You... Don't have to leave. I don't mind..."
Dylan sat back down, "Ok." He said as he looked over at Melody. He looked down at the ground, then he could really feel the blush in his cheeks. "I'm Dylan. You are?" He asked her as he forced himself not to be so socially awkward. He leaned against the tree And glanced over at his sister, then back at Melody. It had been a while since he had been outside, he had always stayed inside after his parent died; even if Tammy had forced him to be more social.
She gave him a shy smile. "I'm Melody." She said. She held her book to her chest, a nervous habit of hers around new people. "Nice to meet you, Dylan." She leaned back against the tree like she had been before he came over, finally relaxing a little even with his presence.
Dylan couldn't help but feel the corners of his mouth lift. A small smile came over his lips. "Nice meeting you too, Melody." He responded, scratching the top of his head. He hoped he hadn't scared her too much, he looked over at her once again but looked down on the ground. Such a pretty name. Dylan thought to himself, as he moved his gaze away from her face.
Tammy looked over at Austyn and Cassie as they walked around. She yawned a little bit, then looked down at Fern. She was sniffing Cassie; then she got up. "I am so sorry." She said to he as she grabbed Fern's leash.
Tammy smiled, she stuck her hand out and then held Fern's leash tightly. "I'm Tammy, nice to meet you Austyn." She replied. The sun hitting her back, as she looked down at her dog with a smile on her face.
She felt awkward sharing a space with someone else and not speaking to them. She didn't want to feel rude. "So, do you live around here ?" She asked, hoping it wasn't too personal. "Well. I mean, that's not what I meant. I just... I haven't seen you here before, is all." Melody stammered a little.
Dylan pulled one of his knees up to his chest, he then layed his arm over the top of his knee. He looked over at Melody with a smile on his face. "Yeah, I live down the street." He said to her, pointing to the small, brown house half a mile down the road. "It's no problem. I know what you meant." He reassured her, "What about you?" He asked curiously.
Melody smiled back, glad that she hadn't freaked him out with her little slip-up. "Yeah, I live about a mile that way," she said, pointing to the edge of town. "I walk down here once a week to read and just get out of the house."
Dylan nodded as he looked down the street. "Yeah; this is a good place to get out of the house as relax." He agreed, as he softly yawned. He looked over to her and then at the ground. "So I was wondering if you'd want to go catch a movie later?" He asked nervously. It had been forever since he had hung out with anyone but his sister.
As Sam got out of bed, he realized it was his first summer with no school. He smiled as he walked over to his window and flew open the curtains, the bright sun hitting his face and torso. He stretched out and saw it was a beautiful morning to go out for a run. He threw on a random shirt that was laying on the floor, it had the Nike sign on it that read Every Damn Day Just Do It. He changed into some basketball black basketball shoes to match his white and black shirt. He looked at himself in the mirror, he was pleased with what he was wearing, he walked into the bathroom and fixed his hair with some water. He walked out grabbing his running shoes, keys, head phones, iphone pocket that attached to his arm and out the door he went. He put his phone in the pocket that was attached to his arm with a Velcro strip, and plugged in his head phones. Immediately Sleeping with Sirens, Do It Now Remember It Later started playing. He smiled as he walked up to the side walk, laced up his red and white shoes, and started running down the street towards the park.

Grace tossed and turned as the sun hit her face and alarm went off. Even during the summer she couldn't really sleep late or else she would get a headache. She pulled off the sheets that kept her in bed, and put on her slippers. She found a hair tie around her wrist and put her hair into a messy bun as she trotted down the stairs. As usual, her brother had left for his morning run, it only being around eight in the morning, so she was home alone. She pulled out her phone wanting to call her best friend, but remembering that she had gone on a vacation with her family to the Bahamas all summer. "Time to make new friends," Grace thought to herself as she opened the fridge door. "Nothing to eat," she thought and sighed. Running back up the stairs, skipping one step each time, she walked into the bathroom and started at herself in the mirror. She did her daily routine that consisted of taking a shower, washing her face, brushing her teeth and doing her make up. After she was done, about 45 minutes later, she walked to her room to pick an outfit and make her bed. She was dressed in a turquoise button down blouse with a white bandeau and jean shorts. She wore a a gold triangle necklace, and her hair was in waves ending the middle of her back. She decided that she was going to go to the coffee shop and get a croissant and a vanilla late to eat. She grabbed her keys and pulled on her white vans and she was out the door.
Tammy had been sitting on the bench after talking with Austyn. She picked up Fern in the crook of her arm. She could feel a massive headache comming on; she stood up and set Fern down. Tammy walked on to the side walk, and pushed her way through the huge sea of people that surrounded her. She looked over and saw Sam, she quickly moved her gaze to the bus stop. She walked passed the bus stop, and to the brown house that was almost hidden by the enormous buildings by it. She maneuvered her way through the crowd until she reached the curb. Then she crossed over the street, she opened the old door of Dylan and her home. She set Fern down, and then changed out of her jean shorts. She decided to throw on basketball shorts, just incase she would go anywhere. She put her Nike FreeRuns on, then stepped out of the door. She locked the door as then made her way to the sidewalk. She entered the sea of people again, but didn't go back to the park. She decided on going to the small little cafe down the street. She entered, and looked at the menu until she fingered out that she would have a pastry and a iced, non fat mocha.
Sam had almost reached the park when he saw Tammy walking into the cafe and slowed down a bit, still running though. He kept running though, he had said to himself that he would run around the park at least once today, and he was going to do it. He kept running as Bulls in the Bronx by Pierce The Veil came on. He reached the water fountain that was by the little kids play structure, and took a drink. He smiled as he saw two little girls on the swings laughing and smiling. He finished his water and started running on the path again, he passed the big field of grass were people started gather more and more by the minute, summer was always that time of the year were the park would be filled with kids and people. Sam kept running until he reached the cafe that was a couple yards away, his breath was coming in short pants, so he stayed out side for a bit until his heart rate went down and his breath went back to normal.

"Thank you!" Grace said as they handed her late to her. So looked around to find a empty seat, there was many people in the little cafe, but she managed to get a table for two in the corner. She sat down placing her late on the table along with her croissant as she pulled out her phone. She opened her Nook app and picked the book she had been reading for the past couple of days. She smiled as she placed the cup to her lips and drank some of her late.
Grace took a sip of her late as her eyes wandered threw the crowd of people in the cafe. She didn't recognize anyone immediately but she did see a cute guy sitting alone. She smiled to herself as she got up and threw away the bag her croissant came in and made her way over to the cute guy.

"Mind if I sit here with you?" she asked as she stood leaning on the chair that she was going to sit in if he said yes.
"Thanks," Grace smiled as she took a seat, "I'm Grace by the way." She smiled as she took him in, this eyes, his hair, his perfect skin, it was like he was made perfectly.

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