And Then Everything Stopped


You live a peaceful, beautiful town outside of a huge, hustling city. Which is known as Kellogg. Everything was relatively calm, and it had a homey feeling. That is... until the fateful day when the crash happened. A helicopter had crashed onto the main highway. This killed dozens, if not hundreds of people.

That was a yer ago, and damage is still relevant. Families still morn the loss of loved ones, and helicopter scraps can still be found around the city.

It now the first week of summer, everyone is off of school. Kellogg is still as beautiful as ever, and summer is the perfect time to enjoy the beauty. Hopefully nothing catastrophic will happen this year.



Real people, no anime.

The days will be a decent amount of time, not three posts and its on to the next day.

Keep the ratio (amount) of guys and girls relatively the same.


Romance is allowed, but keep it PG-13 please.

No perfect characters or god-modding.


Character Sheets::











My Characters::

Name:: Jordan

Age:: 17

Gender:: Female

Personality:: Sweet, athletic, bubbly, kind, meet me.


Pet(s):: Pre

Siblings:: Harry, but he was killed by the Helicopter

Relationships:: N/A

Crush:: N/A

Name:: Corey

Age:: 18

Gender:: Male

Personality:: Nice, athletic, flirty, funny, stubborn, meet me.


Pet(s):: Dodge

Siblings:: °°°

Relationships:: °°°

Crush:: °°°

Name:: Tammy

Age:: 17

Gender:: Female

Personality:: Fun loving, relaxed, stubborn at times. Meet me


Pet(s):: Fern

Siblings:: Dylan

Relationships:: Nope

Crush:: Samuel Anthony (Sam)

Name:: Dylan

Age:: 18

Gender:: Male

Personality:: Jokester, total athlete, and flirty. Meet me


Pet(s):: Rock

Siblings:: Tammy

Relationships:: Not Now

Crush:: Possibly??
I am interested in joining. Is it ok if I just make one female or is it required to have one of each?

Name:: Claire Barton

Age:: Seventeen

Gender:: Female

Personality:: She's smart, sometimes antisocial around people she has never met before, but usually she's bubbly and tries to be funny, but she isn't good at that, more rather she is serious about things, but she has a silly side and it shows when she feels nervous around someone she likes, more or less guys. While she tries to pick nice guys to fall for she has a streak which makes her go for bad boys or sometimes guys who don't necessarily like her.



Siblings:: A younger sister who is four and her brother who is seven.

Relationships:: None as of now

Crush:: No one yet, but she's hoping to find one this summer ... possibly Logan

Name:: Alex Taylor

Age:: Eighteen and a half

Gender:: Male

Personality:: He's a total guys guy, he loves catch but doesn't enjoy playing football as much as he likes to play soccer, but when he's not playing sports he's out with his mates being a usual teenager; causing chaos and being mischievous. But he doesn't easily give his affections to girls and he is a bit of a player, but he would never cheat on a girl or treat them bad, he just isn't known for sticking around for a long time.



Siblings:: None

Relationships:: Not right now

Crush:: Eh, maybe

Name: Melody Snow

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Melody is a sweet, bubbly girl. She is quiet and mostly keeps to herself. She is a big bookworm, never going anywhere without something to read. She is artistic and musical as well. She is terribly shy at first and takes a while to open up, especially to boys. Melody has a soft spot for cats.

Appearance: ((and no, the link name doesn't have anything in relation to the photo so don't worry lol.))

Pet(s): Her kitten, Poogle-->

Siblings: None

Relationships: None

Crush: None
I'd like to join, may I post in ten minutes? My friend told me about the thread while I was in the shower, and I still need to get dressed. [MENTION=2801]Coedy[/MENTION]
[MENTION=2801]Coedy[/MENTION] Oh my god! I'm so so soooo sorry, I started and then ended up having to clean, and then fell asleep. I am wayyy sorry, I'll be done in a little bit. Again, really sorry :o

Name:: August "Auggie" Brown

Age:: 17

Gender:: Female

Personality:: Auggie is very quiet. She'd much rather sit her room and blog on Friday nights than hang out with friends, though she remains social and happy just the same. She's very easy-going, naive, and gullible, child-like, in a way. Though overall she's mild and sweet, if you crack her hard enough you will find the angry, emotional, competitive girl she was in junior high.

Appearance:: View attachment 12975

Pet(s):: Her two teacup Pomeranians, Jackson and Amelia(Amelia is pregnant with puppies, so she's in for quite the ride.)

View attachment 12976

Siblings:: Logan Brown

Relationships:: n/a

Crush:: n/a

Other:: She lives by herself in an apartment, despite her being a bit young. She works at a local pastry shoppe on a busy road with arrogant people she cant stand.

Name:: Logan Brown

Age:: 18

Gender:: Male

Personality:: Logan is very serious, and though he's a jokester, he has a very protective and serious side. He's very flirtatious, and doesn't believe in having enemies. Unlike his sister, he parties and has fun while she'd stay at home, yet he still ensures her safety after their parents moved to Los Vegas last year.

Appearance:: View attachment 12977

Pet(s):: His new kitten (which he struggles to raise) Channel

View attachment 12979

Siblings:: August "Auggie" Brown

Relationships:: His girlfriend died 3 years ago, and he's slowly trying to move on.

Crush:: n/a

Other:: He lives in a new apartment complex by the school, and works as a waiter at several resturants around town in order to earn funds for both him and Auggie.

Name: Coko Otnyz

Age: 18

gender: male (Calls himself an "it" due to being teased.)

Personality: Usually laid back and is very artistic. Altbough, Coko isn't afraid to be serious if needed. Coko is also a good cook.

Looks:View attachment 13011

pets: none

sibling: all close distanced kin died at the crash.

Crush: none yet

other: Coko is at an unstable state of mind. If provoked, he will attack without mercy.
Name: Charlotte Irene James

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Personality: Sweet, Lad-Back, Tomboyish, Sporty, Crazy, Silly, Funny.

Pet's: Milye, The Calico Kitten

View attachment 13014

Siblings: Died near the Crash

Crush: Yep! Not telling though

Other: Charlotte had Short term Memory lose, from being to close to the crash site

Appearence: Hers-

View attachment 13013
[MENTION=4524]Coko_Bacon[/MENTION] : I'm sorry, but I cannot accept your characters. In the rules, I listed that I did not ant anime

[MENTION=4406]Nikki Rodgers[/MENTION] : Accepted :) Thank you
Name:: Austyn Atwell

Age:: 17

Gender:: Female

Personality:: Before the accident, she was a sweet girl who seemed to never have a anxious feeling in her life. She was funny and could bright someone's day with a smile. But when her brother died in the accident, her personality turned the opposite. She steers away from people. She's always afraid when the next bad thing will happen.

Appearance:: View attachment 13029

Pet(s):: Cassie

View attachment 13030

Siblings:: N/A

Relationships:: N/A

Name:: Ezra Marks

Age:: 18

Gender:: Male

Personality:: Ezra is a laid back guy, he seems to never have a care in the world. But, if you hit a nerve, he has temper. Like his father and himself were in the accident, Ezra survived, his father didn't. Now he's convinced himself that it should've been him.

Appearance:: View attachment 13031

Pet(s):: N/A

Siblings:: N.A


Name:: Samuel Anthony

Age:: 18

Gender:: Male

Personality:: Sam is a skater boy, hes cute and out going. He likes going out in the mornings for runs to clear his head. He likes to party, but he's a good kid in school. He's graduated high school, and its the first summer with out homework, and he wants to have fun.

Appearance:: View attachment 13276

Pet(s):: Kitty (Grace's)


Relationships:: N/A

Crush:: None yet

Name:: Grace Anthony

Age:: 17

Gender:: Female

Personality:: Grace is a quiet yet fun girl who loves to hang out with friends. She likes to meet new people, but she's also very shy. She likes to dance and listen to music a lot. She has a good eye for fashion, and she doesn't judge people. She's going to be a Senior in the fall, and she wants this to be the best summer ever.

Appearance:: View attachment 13050

Pet(s):: Kitty (Grey with white marks)

Siblings:: Samuel

Relationships:: N/A

Crush:: None Yet

Name:: Crimson Hedrick

Age:: 17

Gender:: Female

Personality:: Crimson is a fiesty young woman, with a real taste for fights. She loves to fight, loves it. But, she is also a real nice girl when she wants to be. She can always make someone laugh, well, not always, but most of the time. Either from her jokes, or from the words she tells people. It's just the way she is, and the way she intends to stay. Crimson has a bad, bad home life. Her parents are always yelling at her and calling her names, like a failure, and a shame to the family, so that's where she gets her sometimes bad attitude. From the terrible life of her own home.


Pet(s):: She has two horses. Arabians(Strawberry Roans). Nick, and Nate.

Siblings:: She has a younger brother, and two older sisters.

Relationships:: She has no relationships at the moment.

Crush:: None right now.

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