And So It Shall Be. (Exalted 2.5 Chat)

My Shieldbearer concept would simply be a master strategist. Leo was born in the hundred kingdoms and had witnessed his father the King lead his soldiers into battle against neighboring kingdoms. From an early age, his father essentially taught him how to choose his battles and the importance of being responsible for many men. His father had been bed ridden and Leo ended up having to come up with a military plan instead of his father and helped win the war. Around this time, he was taken for his training in Yu Shan. Leo joined the gold faction, mostly thinking that the solars would have the most potential to protect soldiers on the battlefield. Beside being a reliable Strategist, Leo sleeps very often and doesn't have the patience to learn martial arts from his sifu, Silver Swallow.
Hmmm, I almost think an Abyssal could be fun. One of the strange ones that sees no need to murder pointlessly. In fact he sees the reverence of ancestors to be very important, just as it is to respect the assorted spirits. After all, the Underworld wouldn't exist if it wasn't meant to. In addition, the original design of Stygia was a great model for what civilization could be. So, that means that there are some odds and ends of assorted people, like barbarians, bandits, and such that are not good for society as a whole and would need to be eliminated, and given a second chance in the afterlife to contribute to society as a whole.
To elaborate a bit: I'd be playing a Sidereal of Secrets, who was one of those who kind of... Slip through the cracks. Yu Shan's collection of new Sidereals isn't as quick as it used to be after all, some not being found until months or years after exalting. The return of the Solar exalted only made it worse, and my character would have been exalted for 5-6 years without being found by the time the Mask was repaired.

Which is particularly bad for someone in his situation - a Guildsman in his prime, granted amazing powers... At the cost of people constantly forgetting who he is. The longer the mask wears at records, the harder it is to keep a position of any power, and he was forced to resort to greater and greater amounts to magic just to hang on to his position. A strong believer in justice and the proper execution of the law, (Rather rare among the guild's higher ranks, making the Mask an even worse problem) he'd normally be completely behind the punishing of the Sidereal exalted - especially since it coincided with the end of his years of frantic effort to control his territory. But the punishment was given not to the souls who committed the crime, but the shards that empowered them, and so instead he is left punished for a crime he'd never even heard of, in what was likely a desperate attempt by a corrupt bureaucracy to save face. The only solution: Gather power, influence, and allies, until he could challenge the incarnae themselves to repeal the sentence.
I have another concept that I have been mulling around that people might be interested in. Playing a vengeful Chosen of Journeys. He is extremely upset by the gods handling of the usurpation trial and the resulting banishment of a hundred loyal agents who committed no crime (Kejack is the only one left from the first age so everyone else is innocent). He is utterly dedicated to ending the exile, and if that isn't possible spreading as much misery to the gods as possible. He would be perfectly polite to the party, but would spend most of his free time committing acts of terrorism in Heaven. He seems really fun to play, and plays into your setting nicely, but I'm not sure if you want a character this dark in your game.

Caste: No Moon

Spirit Shape: Egret

Tell: Crest of white feathers atop head

Motivation: Prove she doesn't need the Silver Pact by forming a perfect society without the Thousand Streams River Project or their help.

Intimacies: <Her city>, Grand Ambitions, -Mayasara (former lunar mentor), Marine delicacies

Myra struggled against the ropes desperately searching for anything that could help her. The villagers were walking away in the distance not at all worried about her escaping. This was how it was done. A bit of ritual, rope, blood and the cowardly walk back so they didn't have to face the deed. Well this was one sacrificial virgin who was not giving up yet. The river dragons had taken notice and watched her in an almost lazy fashion. Their way of toying with their food perhaps? She stuck her tongue out at the nearest one and yanked on the ropes. As they came she saw a vision so completely incomprehensible she though they must have drugged her. Yet she understood it to mean life, survival, struggles in darkness. She opened her eyes and one of the water birds had approached too close to her. It pecked her in the forehead and she flew away.

A nice fairy tale perhaps. But the story wasn't over. She didn't get to live out her days in peace. She was confronted by a group of Lunars who took her to the edge of the world to teach her. Eventually she passed their trials and accepted the painful tattooing. She slowly had felt out a new home with new friends. But she could feel the tugs of manipulation. No more so than when she was sent to meet her mentor. A crone of a woman who was bent on teaching her sorcery. Myra learned as she was instructed, but she also learned more about her mentor than she was meant to. Eventually she ran away and refused to return. She had seen enough of the practices and theories of her new kind and she wasn't really a fan. She would make her own way without them.




Strength ?

Dexterity ????

?Stamina ???

?Charisma ?????

Manipulation ??

Appearance ???

?Perception ?????

?Intelligence ????

Wits ???


Martial Arts ???

Integrity ?

Performance ???

Presence ??

?Survival ??

?Investigation ??

Lore ?

Occult ??

Athletics ?

Awareness ???

Dodge ??

Stealth ??

Linguistics ? (Native: Flametongue, Learned: Old Realm)

Socialize ???


Listening (Awareness) ?

Dance (Performance) ?

Southern Spirit Courts (Occult) ?

<her city> (Socialize) ?



1st Dexterity Excellency


Ox-Body x4 free


1st Charisma Excellency

Cobra Hypnotic Method

Culling the Pride


2nd Perception Excellency

Blood-Kin Sense


Terrestrial Circle Sorcery


Prey's Skin Disguise

Internal Form Mastery

Deadly Beastman Transformation


Summon Elemental


Artifact ??? (Moonsilver Essence Lash)

Heart's Blood ??

Resources ???

Solar Bond ?


Compassion ???

Conviction ??

Temperance ??? (Curse of the Humble Sloth)

Valor ??

Willpower ????? ??

Essence ????

Personal 16/16

Peripheral 40/40

DBT: Wings, Retractable Claws, Feathers

Heart's Blood Library

Young Woman



Eight-tailed mole hound

Cat (sleek and beautiful)




BP 18/18

Essence 2->4, 14

WP 5->6, 1

Temp 2->3, 1

Backgrounds 2
I'm taking Captain, ehmygirl, Lord of Chaos, TWIF, Kaji, Xaan.

If any of them leave the game I will take some one else, etc.
Waitlisting is now open!

Sorry guys, did not think my game would explode so fast.
Myllinnia said:
Well if you still want peeps, you can put me down somewhere on the listie list.
Of course :) .

As with all chat games, people always leave due to unforseen circumstances, and if all goes to plan, this will be a long game so I assume people will have chances to join.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]Wait...a societal level game? Any chance I could play either an eclipse caste or an Infernal?

What ever you want, you'd have to be waitlisted though, the game is full, but since its a chat game, one never knows what might happen, so you could have the chance to play soon.
I would love to be wait listed, please :) .

I was thinking an Infernal who inherits her exaltation from a former Infernal who was on the path of the Devil-Tiger. The former exaltation had achieved Swallowing the Scorpion, but no other charms along the path (This way she is a renegade, that never had a Yozi direct the exaltation to a new host).

The inheritor would be from the Dwelling of the Serpents who Walk Like Men. Probably a Fiend, but I'm open to other options.
I would also love to be wait listed.

My initial concept is a Snake themed Lunar, but I am willing to play whatever.
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]Guessing the Szoreny Infernal is taken.

I might allow the second one, but the game is waitlisted

[QUOTE="Tribute of a Dark Heart]I would love to be wait listed, please :) .
I was thinking an Infernal who inherits her exaltation from a former Infernal who was on the path of the Devil-Tiger. The former exaltation had achieved Swallowing the Scorpion, but no other charms along the path (This way she is a renegade, that never had a Yozi direct the exaltation to a new host).

The inheritor would be from the Dwelling of the Serpents who Walk Like Men. Probably a Fiend, but I'm open to other options.

navar said:
I would also love to be wait listed.
My initial concept is a Snake themed Lunar, but I am willing to play whatever.
Welcome to the wait list guys!

Thanks for taking an interest in my game :) !
[QUOTE="The Dark Wizard]I might allow the second one, but the game is waitlisted
Welcome to the wait list guys!

Thanks for taking an interest in my game :) !

Sure thing. And if a spot for an Isidoros Infernal opens up, let me know. :)
So ended up with this city:

  • At the point where the Yellow and Sandy rivers merge lay the twin cities of Hun and Po. Hun is a shining city of grand domes and sparkling waters, framed against a majestic waterfall that forms a minor third river before joining with the others. On this river live the upper class and the "clean" lower class of the cities. Merchants, priests, noblemen all make their home in dreamy luxury. Prayer powers a series of advanced artifacts that make life in Hun idyllic, a callback to a forgotten age of decadence. Certain lower class individuals are carefully chosen and ritually cleansed to carry out the few manual tasks still required.

    Below Hun lies Po, the city of base urges and darkness. Here live the pitiful, resentful masses who make Po possible. Their mandated prayers power those above, and they are banned from viewing the light of day. The dark god of this city draws power from their misery, yet feels a form of abusive love for his subjects. While he is bound to serve his shining brother above, deep within his mind he is planning a way to reverse the current situation, so that the masses may rule the elite.

    Hun is characterized by high domes, elaborate arches and architecture and structures built atop floating platforms on the river. Its citizens are scholars, philosophers and thaumaturges. They never pray in person, instead commanding a servant to do so for them. They consider actual prayer to be crass and low status. Hun is overseen by the god Arcoi, a shining figure in white robes who walks among his chosen people, discussing lofty ideas with them.

    Po is build on the top of a massive lava chamber, reaching deep under the ground. The buildings hang from the top of the chamber like enormous stalactites, and people cross between buildings on narrow, treacherous stone paths. The citizens of Po are kept subjugated by the dangerous Lartore, the dark brother of Arcoi.

    Level of Realm’s Involvement: 2 (1-5) A non-official ambassador or fairly renowned politician is currently working to guide the city toward the realm’s interest.

    Deathlord Involvement: 3 (1-5) The Walker In Darkness is just beginning an initiative to spread a Void cult in Po, using the appeal of an end to the suffering to draw the subjugated slaves to his cause.

    Population of the Region: ? (1-5)

    Hun & Po: 1000+ Elites | 3000+ Cleansed Servants | 30000+ Slaves

    Surrounded by dense farms and fishing villages, mostly in settlements of 200-500 people each. There are 100,000 people in the region not attached to a major city, spread out over more than a hundred miles.

    Nathir: 25,000

    Cliff-Cities: 50,000/12+ Cities

    Supernatural Activity: 4.5 (1-5)

    Gods and Elementals walk the streets of Hun, speaking with mortals and seeking interesting conversation, although they are forbidden from staying more than two days and nights in a given week. Strangely, no couplings of spirit and gods produce God-Blooded offspring within the city. Every farming village in the surrounding region has a minor God who ensures a good harvest and fair weather. They often compete with each other, not for actual land and resources but rather for prestige. The God of Po is stealing the souls of any born god-blooded children, for his own nefarious ends. Outside of Hun, God-Blooded are a common sight, acting as both temple-priests and wandering holy men to interact with the spirits of the region on behalf of the mortals.

    There is a Gate to Yushan above the city, the source for the large multitude of Gods and God-Blooded.

    Level of Mortal Power: 3 (1-5)

    Hun is in a state of near-constant threat from river pirates. One band, the Black Bloods, have staged raids against the regions often and have never been openly defeated. The gods protect the city, but cannot or will not guard the rest of the region. On land, roving bands of bandits steal food and pillage farming villages on a weekly basis, targetting those whose gods and soldiers are weak or absent.

    Local Geomancy: ??? (1-5)

    Strangely for a region so far East, the region has an abundance of Water manses, mostly of weak power. The geomancy is disrupted and shattered by the fusing of the rivers, resulting in many tiny shards of power pooling around the region. Nearly one in ten villages has a weak manse as the center, and Hun and Po have a dozen such manses.

    Local Exalts: ??? (1-5)

    The Red King, a ronin sidereal of Battles, has established a powerful phantom force in the region. Twisting soldiers into life out of Fate itself using lost, forbidden astrology, he attacks the powerful and flees from the weak in patterns that drive the wisest savants mad with confusion. None know how or why he does what he does, only that his actions have some purpose that is not in Mars's plan...

    Regional Economy: 3 (1-5)

    Hun's reliance on theotech wonders has made it largely independent, but it has few exports and resources other than the gold mines beneath the city, most of which goes to art for Po. Nathir is the de facto economic power of the region, hosting a former Guild Factor as their prince. It controls the flow of food and goods in the region with a masterful mix of economic incentives and military intervention.

    City Panopoly: 4 (1-5)

    Large central Manses, shard manses, artifacts, theotech.

    Favorability of Exalted: ??? (1-5)

    The scholars of Hun view the Exalted as intellectual curiosities to be debated endlessly, rather than any practical concern. The slaves of Po view the Exalted with a combination of hope and resentment. Resentment at seeing one lifted by grace to be forever above them, hope that someone may join their cause and give them strength.

Feantari said:
Interested in a Lunar. Time wise this mostly works but is a bit early for me. I can probably reliably do 7:30est.
Myllinnia said:
That's fair. I haven't decided on a chara. An Infernal certainly, but I might change it up later. But I will wait to see who you kidnap for your cruel experiments first before heavily aligning any concept. xD
Dragnar said:
Ooh, very interesting setting stuff there! I've got a Sidereal of Secrets concept bouncing around, a guild bureaucrat who will be very quick to take issue with the fate of the Sidereal exalts.
Hmm, if the Mask has been repaired, is Arcane Fate gone entirely, or does that contraption apply to all Sidereals, not just the ones who own it?
[QUOTE="Thief of Words]Wait...a societal level game? Any chance I could play either an eclipse caste or an Infernal?

[QUOTE="Tribute of a Dark Heart]I would love to be wait listed, please :) .
I was thinking an Infernal who inherits her exaltation from a former Infernal who was on the path of the Devil-Tiger. The former exaltation had achieved Swallowing the Scorpion, but no other charms along the path (This way she is a renegade, that never had a Yozi direct the exaltation to a new host).

The inheritor would be from the Dwelling of the Serpents who Walk Like Men. Probably a Fiend, but I'm open to other options.

navar said:
I would also love to be wait listed.
My initial concept is a Snake themed Lunar, but I am willing to play whatever.
Hey ladies and gents. Just to make sure I have my waitlist up to date, are you all still interested in being waitlisted?

Also anyone interested in watching tomorrow's can come in at 7 pm eastern.

Lady Octavia one of the last of her house with help of her other exalted comrades has merged 100 legions into the first great hunt(Holy Crusade style) to go invade thorns and capture the city before moving unto the underworld to prevent the Mask of Winter's ritual that involves completing the scarlet empress deathlord's form.

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