An Odd Question for the Players [Halcyon 2nd Ed]

Not that that

Seems tog get my fic out any faster.  I have dreams of DragonDictate swimming through my head, but for some reason, the MINIMUM processor is the one my machine has.  It's only two years old--how does that happen?  

And does it really matter?  Would I get graphics lag--like I sometimes do on my machine while playing CoV?
Thursdays are fine for me, but then again, other than Tuesdays, most nights are, I just need to know when we are/want to play . . .
Hey, Muad'Quin!

We are gaining on Thursday, are we not?

For the past couple game sessions, we have been hitting your stash of beverages fairly hard.  Do you need us -- well, me, because I'm asking -- to replenish any of this?

And if so, what would you like us to bring?

I ask this because you all been very supportive of me and my new job, and I got a pay increase -- I am a believer in spreading the wealth.

Also, any takers on food?
Count me out for "gaining" on Thursday, lord knows I'm more than big enough already, but gaming, that'd be greatness in my book
Stupid dictation program.  Ah, no.  Actually stupid slurring.  

Does this mean you are going to hold back on the boom-boom sauce?  Cause you know, that is heresy.  

And you know what happens to heretics...
No boom boom - ASSSS IF . . . it's actually not all that bad calorically and amazing gastronmically, just have to have fewer burgers, stop with the regular Dr. Pepper that's snuck back into my diet, etc
I'm all up for the gaming thing this week. We gots some banditos to Frito.

I's also broke 'cause the Bank fucked me over by holding my wife's paycheck for three fucking days, causing us to incur almost $400 in overdraft charges. So who wants to buy me dinner?

*starts researching a new bank*
I'll try and squeeze myself in...

I'll check my schedule.

*flips pages*

Death. Death.  Death.  Death.  Torture Kitty by Vacuuming.  Death.  Death.

Oh, there you are!  Yeah, I could squeeze time in.   :)

I mean, seriously.  Me, as a non-confirm in the summer?  Umless it's the "S" word, every other Thursday is yours.
Hey -

It's not like you don't have ample warning that we're going to game every other Thursday.

Schedule the 'S' word for Wednesday nights!

I am there it was kinda up in the air for a sec but they dont need me to work late. Jeremy Im sorry I havnt done the  XP sheet yet Work has been hellatious but I will try and find time to get it done.

And I was on my way to Sam's today.  

I was thinking...Dr. Pepper  (you can have it too, szalman!  Just come to workout with me...).

Do you want me to get the stuff, or you, Musd'Quinn?
I'm fine either way.

That's one order for DP. And at least one for Mt. Dew. Any others? (we've already got Diet Coke at the house in great store, if anyone's interested in that).
I'm good with Dew and Pepper.

Or, oh sweet goddess of clarity: Mountain Pepper! (Or Dr. Dew, if you prefer).
Put the ideas, down, artichoke man!

That's just the medication talking.  

Wife is either going dancing in a truly hot little number which I bought her, or working.  I wonder which one she will choose...

Yeah, right.
<snip previous post>

Pay no attention to that which you may have read - game's on for tonight at my place.

From a reply to a now-deleted post:

MikeOQuinn said:
You're right - fuck it. Game on. I'll be there. Seriously, you're right. Shouldn't do shit like this to you guys.
~~~koooooooooomba ya my lord

koomba ya

koooooooooomba ya my lord

koomba ya ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Deeeeeeep Breath  

and exhale and Deep Breath and

Count me in, I'll be there as close to 1900 as possible.
th real question is this:  are you prepared for tonight?  Balota and I have been talking on-fic, and I pretty sure everyone has read it.  That is the plan that Yng is going to propose, as modified by the rest of you guys.  

Muad'Quinn, you prepared for4 dice rolling today?

CAuse if not, a bug has been put in my wife's ear.  _She's_ going.  I'm going to game.  That's ok, though--she's at a conference when it hits the screnes in wide release.
Muad'Quinn or the soon-to-be-named-Elsworth have been able to see this. Either way, it's a point of discussion for the weekend.



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