An Odd Question for the Players [Halcyon 2nd Ed]


I didn't know if it was an entirely different expansion, or just a level adder.  That sounds reasonable.  We'll want the original then, I think, as $20 plus a month free is a better trial than $60 with none.  CoV is really good, but my lady is a social creature, and prefers playing with people she knows irl than just online.  And since most play WoW...

I'm placing the line of Balota/Frei at 5 rounds.
On the topic of WoW:

To play the game, all you need is a legal copy of the first version (now selling for something akin to $30, iirc). That will let you install the game and play everything before Burning Crusade (albeit with lots of updates).

To play BC, you have to purchase that, as well.

Yes, to play BC, you must have a legal first ed CD key and a legal BC CD key.

You and your lady, however, are welcome to try the game out on my account for a while, as I'll not be playing until after faire sometime. About this we can chat tonight.
As long as you have an account you can convert the free trial to a full version without paying for it and then add on the cd key from BC.

or at least that is how I understand it.
Yes, but to 'convert' it, you have to purchase a 'full' version CD key, then Burning Crusade.

They're not going to let you upgrade from a trial of the original straight to BC without charging you at least part of what the original box would cost.

Though he does bring up a good point - I have several trial discs at my place that you're welcome to.

We still set for next week, the 31st?  Or are we gaming tonight?  

The 31st is actually up in the air right now.  That is the end of the year bash for my work.  If I don't get the job, then I don't mind skipping it.  But if I get the new job, it's pretty important for me to go and say goodbye.  Eight years is a long time at one place.

What are the chances of playing some other day that week?
I'm only available on Tuesday and Wednesday of that week for certain.

I may be available on Friday, depending upon what day my Eye-Zapping is on.
Sounds good.

Yeah, I thought tonight would be a pipe dream.   :cry:

I thought your eye-zappoing thing was on Thursday, which is one of the reasons I brought this up.  Not to worry, cause my concern is at the moment groundless.  There is no other job on the table at the moment.
Actually, my eye-zapping was not yet scheduled. It was tentative. The actual date has now been set as Thursday, 06/07 - in two weeks instead of One.

We on for tomorrow?  Hasn't been much in the way of word.  I've decided that I'd rather game than attend a party that will be bittersweet at best.  No, there is nothing to report, just...

Besides, my wife wants to be introduced to WoW.
I spoke with Mu'Ad'OQuinn on Monday and as of then, we were on for tomorrow. Since I haven't heard anything to the contrary, I'm assuming we is still on.
Bastile Day Conflict

As all of you are aware, Bastile Day is next Thursday (the 14th).  That just so happens to be movie day.  Paul's movie day--Sev and Balota (at least) know what I am talking about.  

So I am not going to be there for Balota's Bastile Day.  Instead, I'm going to see Ocean's Thirteen (never mind the fact that we haven't seen the remake of Eleven or Twelve).  

So this little note is a question: can we either reschedule or should we just postpone until AFTER DDay preperations?  (Is Balota the only one going to that?)

I was going to just not go to Movie Night this time.

But I forgot you and Balota would also be invited.

Hey, Quaven or Muad'Quinn - either one of you want a free movie and Dinner? The Movie is Ocean's Thirteen. The Location is 'The Movie Tavern' in Bedford, which is a cheap copy of Studio Movie Grill. Movie and Dinner a paid for. All you have to do is fill out a form and turn it in so our Financial Advisor can document this is, in fact, a business-related expense. If you don't want to be contacted afterard, you can indicate this on the form, but if you're at all interested in getting a Financial Advisor, I highly recommend our guy :)
Oh, and I'm for Rescheduling.

How does Friday the 15th or Wednesday the 13th sound? (I prefer Friday, but don't know what anyone else's plans or availability for that night are).
right now my rescheduled sleep test is the 13th so I can't say yes to that and probably shouldn't commit to Paul's dinner, but I'm tempted and if I don't this time, I'm sure I will for the next one.  So Friday the 14th is fine by me
Friday the 14th

Is good with me.  Checking on Mrs. Yng, but should be ok (I _love_ saying that word!)

Just as long as I get the chance of getting to picnic early.  For the last few years, I arrive late, and there isn't any food that is safe to eat (warm coleslaw, anyone?)

Figures.  Ther first time in twelve years and I can eat meat, and they are serving chicken.

Picnic is this weekend - 06/09/2007.

We aren't talking about Gaming until Friday 06/15.

So, if you're late to Picnic, it won't be due to gaming :)

As we haven't made a full rollcall, can we game on Wednesday rather than Friday?  One of the things that has made my life more difficult is that I will have to take this little test on Saturday, and I will be wigging on Friday.
unless it gets moved I have a dr's appointment at 815 on the 13th so I won't be able to game on this Wed.

Trust me.  Do not put off Dr's appointments.  I will most likely want a break after studying this stuff for a week--oh, how mad I must have been to get my Master's in this--so Friday is good.  

Can we start early, though?  My test is at eight in the morning, and I need be fresher than a pot of coffee can make me.
Not sure how feasible Friday would be, as I've been reminded that we're having a housewarming party on Saturday (to which you all should have received evites - should that not be the case, let me know), and Friday will be prime wig-out time for MrsOQuinn and myself.

Alright, sounds good.  I prefer Wednesday--and if we can actually stick on target (hardest of all for me to do) we can game and get done in a short session.  

Either session will e cut short, as Quaven will have a Dr's appointment on Thursday at around the same time as my test would start on Saturday.

But I just wanted applaud Muad'OQuinn for being on--now, if he could just update the experience charts....(insert evil laugh here)
Just to clarify, my appointment is on Wednesday, not Thursday.  Thursday is the mass financial meeting with the Guru Paul.

Ah.  A PM DR appointment?  Good luck.  See what happens when your brain is too full of supply and demand conditions?

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