An Introductory


Hello internet! I came across this site at midnight so bare with me for the shortness of this post.

I love to read, write, hang with friends and play with my dog (german shepherd), you know, the usual stuff. Of course I wouldn't be on this site without an interest for roleplaying! I am open to most genres but I do prefer myself some 1x1. I don't know why I do, but I guess it might be because it feels more personal.

There is also watching television. I love watching tv and anime. Some of my favourites are Gotham, Madoka Magica, Game of Thrones, Being Human, and Higurashi no naku koro ni (When They Cry).

So to all of you who read this: Is there any anime or tv shows you can recommend me? I'm running on dry over here.
Welcome to RP Nation!

I watch a lot of Netflix so my suggestions for TV shows/anime are Magi, Doctor Who, Sword Art Online, The Devil is a Part-Timer and House is always fun.
Hey Mesia! You can call me Glasses, and I welcome you to one of, if not the, best Roleplaying website you can ever possibly find! No matter what you are interested in terms of Roleplay, may it be 1x1 or group, you will know that you are cared for here. We have a great staff and an awesome community that really welcomes new people in and makes them feel like one of the family. I, myself, am more of a group roleplay kind of guy, but I completely understand the value of 1x1. It is much easier to plan things while in a 1x1 and make things more controllable due to the lack of as many variables a bigger group does.

I watch a good bit of anime myself, and a great one is Gatchaman Crowds! It is a bit Power Ranger-esque, but the characters, you will love, and the plot, you will love even more. Well, I hope you have a great time here, as well as watching Crowds, and I wish you the best of luck on all of your future endeavors, may they be roleplay related or otherwise!

Also, is your profile picture a picture of your dog? If so, incredibly adorable! If not, still incredibly adorable!
No my profile picture is not my dog. I wished I had a good enough camera to take a stunning picture of him. Sadly though, my dog is all black so he doesn't turn up the best in pictures.
Hey Mesia, welcome to RPnation! I don't really watch much anime anymore, but some of my favorites are still Samurai Champloo, Cowboy Bebop, Nana, and even though it's considered a shitty shoujo crapfest (oh god all the shoujo manga I read during my preteen years is coming back to me), Skip Beat.
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[QUOTE="Elle Joyner]Welcome to RPN, Mesia :)

Thank you! So far I am really enjoying myself here :)

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