Omg bloody my carpet is comfy moms isn't as comfy but I like to lay on the floor wherever!
Give five his hugsss
The site we use for clicking in and out is broken and I didn't know that until I tried to leave and omfg I had a whole breakdown I'm coming down from it right now. Gonna tell my therapist about this shit. I'm more like Alec than I thought. It's like I was worried I was losing my damn mind bc I already worry about things like memory loss or dementia but I struggle with feeling real nd I worried that I always did it another way and I just thought I did it one day and my boss thinks I'm insane bc my frantic email to her I'm insane dude
Give five his hugsss
The site we use for clicking in and out is broken and I didn't know that until I tried to leave and omfg I had a whole breakdown I'm coming down from it right now. Gonna tell my therapist about this shit. I'm more like Alec than I thought. It's like I was worried I was losing my damn mind bc I already worry about things like memory loss or dementia but I struggle with feeling real nd I worried that I always did it another way and I just thought I did it one day and my boss thinks I'm insane bc my frantic email to her I'm insane dude