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Fandom an elevator ride. ooc chat/plotting.

LFMAO I'm sorry! Alec was scared! The second was open but it can spray away from Eliot if you want or if you want him to get wet he can lmao it's open ended I don'tr wanna cause drama sksksk
Nahhh it's fine lol. I'm probably gonna have the milk splash on him lmao. Elliot comes back downstairs and is just covered in milk everyone's hella confused about what happened in the 5 minutes Elliot left
I bet being splashed with water doesn't feel as bad now, Five.

And yes. Someone give Alec some tissues. He needs them fidhnsd
ajzbagagsg water is better than being covered in milk or tears lmaoo

someone slap alec to his senses 😭😭
SKJSFKLDSFJSD alec gonna be double dead </3

sorry i went awol i took a shower lmao
sdfjldsfdsl yesss i haven't fully decided on one yet tbh lmao but i am looking <3
sksksksk awwww ;w;
i feel you tho lmao i started looking for new pfps bc im bored skfjsdkflsd
It be like that. I kept sleeping cause I was bored. But it's already almost 2pm. I can't keep sleeping ;;;;
sdfdsfdskds ooof </3
sleeping is a good cure.. until you cant go to sleep sklfjdsfklsdf

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