An Auspicious Introduction


New Member
Greetings! I am new to this site although not to RPing in general. I initially started as a young preteen who would RP almost exclusively RP with people I knew until I was introduced to websites such as Roleplayer Guild and Valucre. I usually don't like talking about myself, but to make things short: I am currently a college student attending a fine University with aspirations of "earning" a Physics Major though I have yet to decide if I am to attend grad school since I am a 17 year old Sophomore (I accidentally put my birthday at '96 when it should be '98). My hobbies typically include: playing the piano, listening to music (Bach and Schoenberg are currently my favorite artists although I am open to almost about everything) doing maths/science-based activities, reading space articles, reading (in general actually) and writing although I don't pride myself in it since English is not my first (or even second) language. According to people I RP with however, I'm a "decent" writer and I hope to write with all of you fellow enthusiastic pretenders sometime eventually in the future. My sincerest greetings to all of you fine people of this site. :D
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Hello there. Welcome to RPNation. Most people here are understanding of something like not having English as a first or second language. What would your other languages be?

I myself tend not to mock people who speak English as a second or more language, because learning languages is hard work. I've always been interested, but never had the patience or focus.
Hello! I'm a senior aspiring to go to vet school. I'm still pretty new to RPing. Hope to see you around.
Fezzes said:
What would your other languages be?
I myself tend not to mock people who speak English as a second or more language, because learning languages is hard work. I've always been interested, but never had the patience or focus.
My first language is Spanish followed by Latin (because I was raised a deeply devout Roman Catholic), English would be my third language to make things simple. I really would also like to learn a foreign one such as Turkish or Mandarin Chinese or something along those lines. You said it, my accent is still a little thick and people typically think I'm a Argentine or Spaniard because of my light skin despite the fact that I'm actually a Mexican with German lineage. It all takes practice I assume.

Kestrel said:
Hello! I'm a senior aspiring to go to vet school. I'm still pretty new to RPing. Hope to see you around.
Catch you on the flip side.

*Puts on sunglasses*
[QUOTE="Lilah Tunth]What maked you pick the name Blubaron?

Good question! A portion of my ancestors of whom I am directly descended from were born into nobility, they used to be apart of what was once the Holy Roman Empire (first Reich) and mainly inherited the title of "Barons" (one of them was actually a Duke) before traveling to Mexico sometime after they lost everything so I guess that's one reason. Most people think I am Argentine or something instead because of my pale skin but are thrown off when I speak in my Mexican dialect. The title was also the code name of a shipwreck during WW2 which was thought to contain treasure.

Plus it sounds catchy.
Lilah is the first half of my name translated into english and then into Dovahzul (dragon speak) and Tunth is a made up deity, of art, madness and expression.
Oh, okay! I tend to like casual and detailed roleplays more then simple ones, also I like realistic and fandom, with some fantasy here and there!
I highly recommend the game, amazing story line. Quite possibly one of my favorite RPGs of all time.

As for rps, I usually enjoy anything fantasy, steam-punk, or sci fi that's high casual/advanced with a sense of realism. I don't like fandom rps or fanfictions that are too tightly centered around the original story. They're pretty unoriginal and usually lame to me.
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