An Alternate Ending

(sorry for being gone so long)

Pandora was a little impressed at the speed Ciara used to get to her ally but she was`nt distracted enough to not see the dagger coming her way.

The Tracker caused a wall of air to emanate in front of the throwing dagger and change it`s projectory so that it just skimmed her shoulder,tearing her leather armor a bit rather than hitting any of her vitals before she slightly cocked her head to the side and spoke with a hint of laughter in her voice; "Magic is cheating eh?, you sound just like a kid. the assailant was`nt about to let up because some ignorant horseman called her a cheat and as if to prove that point she used wind magic to lift and fling a long table at Verjouh from his left , scattering assorted utensils and breaking plates in the process.
Verjouhi only grunted in response. He hated magic, simple as that, kidding or not. He lost a twin to the dragon. What did one expect? He saw the table and dove forward into a roll, standing a few feet away with a knife from the table in his shoulder. Ah the irony. He yanked it free and tossed it aside, twisting his blades in his hands absently and waiting for the Tracker to make her next move. Patience, he had learned, was a virtue that he could handle.
Ciara saw the table and quickly took Aran and used her speed to get him to his room. She may not trust him completely but she didn't want him to get hurt anymore than what he was, especially because too much blood would just drive her insane. She set him on his bed and went back down checking on the others.
Pandora didn`t like this horseman at all, while she was watching him just a few hours ago she had gotten the impression that Verjouhi would provide a fun, somewhat difficult drawn out battle, but recently he`s only proven that he was quick on his feet, only attacking in retaliation to whatever was thrown at him . maby he just bored her fellow Trackers to death.

Instead of inquiring about his close combat experience Pandora would let Verjouhi`s actions tell her if her target had any fight in him , the Tracker`s seemed to blur as she bum-rushed the horseman with both of her knives poised to sink their teeth into a kidney apiece
Verjouhi smirked behind the face mask, twisting his blades in his hands. He waited, then twisted left, the hand bearing the smaller dagger striking, knocking the daggers aside in order to protect himself. His half sword lashed out, aiming across her shoulder blade and mid back. He didn't strike till his opponent struck. Then after that, he didn't stop easily.
Verjouhi`s dagger strike managed to knock both of Pandora`s knives to the ground before she could get to her target, noticing that she was effectively disarmed she wisely abandoned her offensive front and attempted to dodge Verjouhi`s counter attack... and failed.

She had attempted a sidestep to get out of the horseman`s striking range but only succeeded to avert damage to her mid-section, when she received the attack from the short sword the leather armor on the Trackers right shoulder was torn clean off and with it came a portion of flesh and blood, Pandora gritted her teeth under her mask in pain and placed her left hand over her new "l" shaped cut before pressing her right hand which she infused with a heavily compacted wind current capable of lifting a full grown bear off it`s feet upon contact , against Verjouhi`s chest.
A blade came up behind Pandora pointed directly at her as the dark voice spoke with the creepy red eyes.

"I have been looking for you..."

She did not know the voice, but it knew her. The demon Dei had managed to slip into town and into the building without being noticed thanks to all the fighting and each person focusing on their opponent and in his line of work he knew how to sneak up on an opponent. He was luck this tracker hadn't noticed him, if it weren't for her trouble with her opponent he never would have been so easily able to get behind her without her easily noticing him.

A slight smile drew across Dei's face as he looked directly at Pandora's back.
Verjouhi didn't bother dodging her attack. No point in it because he would have felt it either way. His body hit the counter hard with thus and he slid down, head hanging a few moments before he stood. He shook his throbbing head, twisting his blades in his hands with hardly a pause. He never let much faze him, and ignoring the pain shooting up his spine was one way to do it. Hurt like h*ll but still.

He looked back at Pandora shaking his head again. He looked from her to the demon then leaned back against the counter to breath a moment.
(Change of plans; Pandoras soul is yours to take Dei:lick:)

(Hello fellow RP Nation inhabitants, I am copying and pasting this message to all of the RPs i`m currently engaged in because i have both good and bad news to share with you)

The Bad News: Due to time constraints related to both; school and the need to find a part-time job I will no longer be able to stay as active in RP Nation as i need to be in order to keep a high post density, therefore i must drop any RPs I am involved in, i really am sorry about that fact.

The Good News:
Just because i cant RP at the moment does not mean that I wont still read some of your posts and pay a visit to the shout box whenever i find the time. I will be able to return in ernest no sooner than the middle of May (when school ends) or sooner if i can help it.

Once again I truly apologize if i screwed up anything in the story by just leaving like this : -_- :

I hope to write with all of you again real soon!

Ciara looked over at Verjouhi worried and appeared next to him. "Are you alright?" she asks as she watches the demon and Pandora out of the corner of her eye.

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