An Alternate Ending

(Honestly, I have no idea. I'm a part of the White Knights myself so I left the other Cerberus members in charge. Though right now we are at an inn, the rooms have already been paid for and the keys handed out, Song's character left to do something, and Kevin is eating mountains of meat in the dining hall.)
(i can fix that)

The dinning hall had a plain feel to it, the only areas that could be called "decorated" where the thin purple table coverings employed in an attempt to bring life to the place.

Just a table to the right of the meat loving White Knight where two male guards in identical clothing and weaponry to the ones they encountered at the gates, one with red hair and one with light brown hair who where both sitting opposite of a balding man with a stressed expression on his face. The two guards looked as if they where having a causal conversation but the man`s body language and almost pleading tone of voice would be a dead giveaway to any onlooker that something was astray.

"But you told me just yesterday that i still had three months to pay it off!" the man said in a high whisper . the red head gave an equally quiet reply; "I don`t give a dragons @$$ what we told you yesterday the Don is getting impatient, he says that he wants the money by twelve tonight and that's when he`s gonna get it." he said calmly tapping his finger against his rifle that was propped against his chair, watching as the man pulled at his white hair with both hands; "you, me and the Don all know that i don`t have that kind of money."

the guard smiled ; "then sell this place to the Don and your debt will be considered to be payed in full" the man let go of his head in favor of letting one arm rest on the table as his other fist shook at red head as he raised his voice ; "we`ve already been through this one hundred times, i cant do that. I have a family to support!" The guard lost his smile and pulled a wavy bladed knife from his boot sinking it into the table with a thud "your going to pay the Don in one or all of three ways: coin, this inn, or blood, whichever one you choose dose not matter to us"

for the duration of the exchange the other guard was glaring at the only one close enough to hear what was being said, his eyes borrowed into Kevin's form, daring the knight to interfere...

Hanna walked back to the dining hall, feeling hungry after today's walk. Iris was safely tucked in her back in her locked locked room. As she grabbed a turkey leg from a platter she saw Kevin stuffing his face at a nearby table. "Hey, mind if I join?" She asked as she sat by him. Not feeling very lady-like, Hanna began to work on her turkey leg.
Kevin, unable to speak due to his full mouth, nodded to Hanna and then continued to eat the meat in front of him. He ate like an animal but then again, he was practically an animal. Werewolves weren't exactly known for their manners. And he was a bit glad that Hanna wasn't scolding him for eating this way like most girls back home did. Still, it wouldn't kill him to swallow before taking another bite.

As he ate, he couldn't help but overhear the conversation between the guard and the innkeeper. He looked over while still chewing. This was very good meat. He caught the other guard glaring at him. Why was he looking at Kevin that way?

Dear lord, the guard was in love with Kevin. (Yes he is that stupid.) Curse this handsome face of his. It only seemed to bring trouble wherever he went. And he had a muscular body to match, giving him the appearance of a prince charming. He'd have to figure out a way to let this guard down easily. Kevin was flattered by his feelings but he liked girls. Plus he was a White Knight, destined to die for the sake of Amia. He had no time for a relationship.

His thoughts were interrupted by the first guard telling the innkeeper to sell the inn. Oh no! The old man couldn't sell the inn. That meant . . . no more meat. Kevin knew nothing about business nor did he know this old man, but this was tasty meat and he had to protect it at all costs. Besides, he was a Knight and that meant he was to be a hero to the people. Kevin took the last bite of meat off of the bone he was holding and threw it at the first guard's head. Mouth still full, he held up his fist and smiled.

"Leaff de baw ban awown." (Leave the bald man alone.) "Wu shooda peek off somfun yo owf fize." (You should pick on someone you're own size.)
The red headed Guard catches the bone and snaps it in two; "Listen kid" he said prying the knife from the table "Iv`e killed people for less than what you just did there but right now i have loose ends to tie down and quotas to keep so i advise you to take your little girlfriend and move to another table before you p**s me off" the guard took a step forwards every other word so that he could have the knight within stabbing range. The brown headed guard aimed his rifles sights in on Hanna in case either one caused trouble, his voice sounding deeper but equally uncivil ; " this man owes a debt to the great town of Mapplegrove and we`ll "pick on him" as much as we please kiddos. " he spat his last word out as if it where a curse, The Fire Brands had no time to play nice with disrespectful youths
((I'm in love with Kevin. Just saying.))

Dean thought that he had died. So waking up slightly cold but intact was a surprise to him. He had felt his soul leaving him and the crushing agony that entailed until eventually he simply could not withstand the feeling anymore and he had felt his consciousness ebb away.

He groggily opened his eyes and he felt elation sweep through him as he felt the pain in his body. That would be gone once his body healed, but the fact that it hurt meant that he was still intact. Or at the very least he felt the same. Which probably wouldn't have happened if Dei had taken his soul.

He tried to let out a cheer of triumph and instead he just let out a miserable croak. That would suffice. He immediately felt a stab of panic when he remembered about Cerberus and Dean tried to glance around and he had difficulty moving due to feelings of pain. He wasn't able to figure out how Cerberus was doing, but he figured out that his armour had been crushed significantly.... if he wasn't in a state of continuous accelerated healing the crushed armour could have done serious damage.

Dean wriggled out of the armour and to his relief he felt better, but he had also discovered that Dei had broken his wrist... that would take a week to heal. He swore to himself and finally feeling well enough to scramble to his feet he glanced around relieved to find Cerberus intact although Mar was still unconscious and Anna looked terrible and had blood smeared around her mouth and down her chin.

"Anna." he called relieved to have gained control of his voice, "You did this didn't you? I saw you use Suzaku though.... you know that you shouldn't use your spirits so quickly... what if you had clocked out like Mar?" he pointed to the boy's crumpled form.
Sunfire snorted, looking at the inn. "Yes I know, I hear them." Verjouhi said, standing from the haybale. "I'll be back by dawn, Sun; stay out of sight." The stallion snorted as though he was asking Verjouhi if he really thought the horse was stupid enough to be out in the open in a place like this. "I know, but still."

Verjouhi walked I through the back door, looking through a crack in the kitchen door at the scene in the dinning room. Kevin as definalty a fighter, picking wrong fights. Though Verjouhi did feel sorry for the inn keeper. He probably would have picked a fight too.

He pushed the door open lightly, fingerin his long saxe dagger on hi hip while looking at the guard. Distract with one hand, prepare with another. "I have to agree with my companion, sir; pick on someone who can actually fight back or take your business elsewhere. We're staying at this establishment tonight; best make sure you stay clear." Okay, so Verjouhi wasn't your average small village kid. He was educated to an extent. But what's more, he'd been hired more than once for delicate jobs. Killing people, for instance. He refused to kill those like the inn keeper, but the guard? He'd killed plenty.
The only thing Hanna could do with a rifle pointed at her head was yell "Hey! I'm not his girlfriend!" at the guard and spit at him. Even though her bag was in her room, she kept her dagger in her pocket. Hope you like fireworks she chuckled in her head, as she grabbed her dagger in her pocket. Ready to lightning-sword the guard's stupid rifle.

(Sad face, I'm probably gonna miss another awesome fight scene. :/ but I won't be back until around 5-ish east coast time, sorry everybody.)
(Dreams Im still confused am I like a white knight now or does someone need to do something In-character

Aran scratched his head and pushed open the doors to the dinning room to get some food but it was clear he probably wont be getting any by the looks of things. He looked around there was the girl with the cat he had followed early that morning a white knight that went by the name of Kevin aswell and the one who'd paid for their rooms and then a man presumably the owner of the inn and finally the two guards one pointing a gun at the female and the other one more nearer towards Kevin. He didn't know these White knights well but they seemed to have accepted him so it only felt right to help them. "May I ask what's going on here?" He said in a clear bold voice
Hanna heard Aran's voice ask what was going on, not daring to turn away from the gun aimed at her she answered "Well dumb and dumber here are holding up the owner of the inn because he owes them money. Dumb's pulled a knife at Kevin, and Dumber's pointing a rifle at me. Caught up?" she smirked.
The brown haired guard who still had his weapon aimed at Hanna looked at each person in turn, noticing they where out numbered made him almost suggest to his cohort that it would be wise to split and come back later but he soon regained confidence when he saw a figure sneak up behind Verjouhi

This figure in question was dressed significantly different then its counterparts the person wore all black leather armor that covered most of the body and bore an almost featureless matching black mask with only two small pea sized holes for the eyes and one for the mouth. it was a member of the Fire Brand Tracker Division who had been tailing Verjouhi after a report had been made that he had enough money to pay for his whole groups gate tolls

the figure held two curved daggers to Verjouhi`s neck before whispering to him, the voice was lightly distorted by the mask but you could clearly tell that it was female; "you have two choices: you and you`r friends leave, or you and you`r friends die" the Tracker was not making an empty threat, unlike the guards they where all professionally trained killers.

Seeing the tracker made almost all of the others in the dinning hall start leaving, some fled outside and some went to their guest rooms,including the staff, the inn keeper would have followed suit if red head haden`t tripped him as soon as he tried to stand; "your not going anywhere" he told the poor man with a snarl
Aran looked at the masked most likely female assailant holding knives to the throat of the one who paid for their entry. He closed his eyes and a weird glow formed around the figure making her slower for a short amount of time. He grabbed her and threw her at the nearest wall closing his eyes again and the aura dis-appeared sending her flying into the wall. He pulled out katana and stood in a defensive stance. He looked over at Verjouhi. "You alright?" He asked before turning and facing at the man with the gun. He pulled out a throwing knife and threw it and purposely making it land just in front of the man's foot drawing the man's attention over to Aran. "Why don't you start learning some manners?"
immediately after being thrown the Tracker landed hard with her feet on the wall with a thud and a grunt before using the wall as a point to push off from, propelling her strait at Aran`s back "And why don`t you pay better attention!" she declared as she brought a dagger in a horizontal slashing motion ment to lightly cut Aran close to his spine.

Aran`s actions set off the guards as well, brown hair charged in close for a gun butt to the girls liver whilst the other one attempted to rupture Kevin`s stomach
Ciara using her vampire speed she practically appeared in grabbed the innkeeper "I'll be taking this now" she smirked and used her vampire speed again to disappear from the room with the innkeeper. She hide the innkeeper telling him to stay then walked back to the room leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed and watching everyones reactions.
Aran tried to avoid the woman and her knife but to get sliced just under the shoulders. He sliced at the woman completely missing before dropping to one knee and his katana falling to the floor. The cut had gone a lot more deeper than he thought. He looked up at the assailant. He pulled out one of his knives and threw it at her knee. He picked up his katana with his right arm and held it up in a defensive position to try block any on-coming assaults towards him.
Hanna's eyes widened as the man hit her in the gut with the butt of the gun, "Oof!" She grunted, as it hit her in the liver. "That. Was a mistake." She stood up, and pulled out her dagger which then changed into the lighting sword. "Gonna try that again?" Hanna taunted the guard, little zaps of electricity trickling up and down the swords edge.
"Fine." Verjouhi said, stepping between Aran and the tracker. He'd delt with her kind before and with Aran injured he felt somewhat responsible. He hadn't flinched when the tracker came up behind him, hadn't really been surprised really, but the knowledge that he was no longer on his own, he had others who looked out for him just as he did them, helped him in this instant.

Slowly, he pulled his half-sword and a normal dagger from his hip, twisting the blades expertly between his fingers. "Come along, Tracker; I've faced your breed before." Every tracker was different, but he didn't doubt himself in this instance. Though he may have seemed cocky, he was just sure of himself. "Aran, tend your wound." He added, not takin his eyes from the Tracker before him.
Kevin took the hit to the stomach as he was trying to swallow the last bit of meat in his mouth. He was on all fours as he choked for a while but was able to swallow it all down after about a minute. After catching his breath, he jumped up and smiled. Again, the adrenaline was rushing to his head and he couldn't stop laughing.

"To attack while someone is eating is a cheap trick. Are you issuing a challenge?!" He then picked up a chair and swung it at the guard. "Yolo! B*tches! It's a rumble now."

After swinging and breaking the chair, Kevin took out his metal claws and got ready for a fight. After the one ended short at the capital and the one that didn't happen with the demon man, Kevin was craving a good brawl.

(Normally, I hate the term "Yolo" but it seems the sort of thing Kevin would say.)

. . . .

Anna struggled to sit up as she clutched at her chest. Her hood had fall and there was obviously pain etched on her face. She looked up at Dean, revealing both eyes, one red and one blue. The very eyes she was ashamed to have. But she had no energy to try and hide them now. And through gasping breaths she began to speak.

"But you would've been gone. I think that man was trying to steal your soul, a fate worse than death itself. We can't lose our leader like that. People will think we're weak. And we need all the men we need to stop the Knights or anyone from reaching the Dragon ever again." She forced a smile and patted Dean's arm. "Don't worry about me." She showed off the gem on her hand. "These guys won't let me die so easily."
The red haired guard stumbles and drops to his knees as the chair breaks against his head sending splinters of wood everywhere , the force that Kevin used hit him made his head turn in time to see Ciara take the bartender, in reaction he forces himself to recover and grabs his rifle allowing him to take a pot shot at the vampire that misses. "D***m it" he muttered after re-arming the rifles bolt and fixing his wavy dagger onto its bayonet slot. "Pandora!" he called out, addressing the Tracker "Our target escaped should we go after him?" immediately after speaking he turned his attention back to Kevin, ready to attempt to parry any incoming attack

The brown haired guard was not very impressed by Hanna`s light show, he just remained calm and pressed the end of his rifles muzzle against her forehead "No... next im gonna try blowing a hole in your ugly little skull" he said trying to intimidate her into forgetting that she could have stabbed him already.

Pandora shakes her head at the guard who spoke to her "no, not yet at least. we can chase after the wretch when we`r done with this lot" the Tracker watched as Verjouhi stepped up to the plate, she was a tad bit surprised that the horseman claimed to have fought her kind and lived but it did`int show ; "oh have you now?... tell me, how many Trackers have you killed?"


vision was the first thing to return to Mar, he saw Anna up clutching her chest, when his hearing and other senses had made a recovery he sat up as well;"so..... are we all dead? he said as he attempted to stand and catch his bearings and was greeted by pain in his left foot making him sit again, wincing the boy said; "no, i guess not" while wating for a reply he took his shoe off and assessed the damage to his foot, felling no bones out of place he concluded that it was just a bone bruise. (caused when the cortex of a bone is damaged but not severe enough to cause a fracture or a break, it still hurts like a broken bone but heals moderately quicker)
Verjouhi rolled his shoulder, eyes narrowed beneath the hood and mask. He hadn't bother to push either back and crackly he didn't care. "Killed two, fought five. Though I'm surprised to find you in this city, there's hardly anything here worth your time..." He shrugged however, not caring really for her reasons. Though he didn't think his payment for all of their entry and even their stay here at the inn didn't help but attract her attention.

He wasn't about to let anything happening here trouble his overly so; he'd learned over the years that things happen for a reason and those reasons, however fleeting, we're always worth his time. He flicked his half-sword, eyes studying her and waiting till she made the first move.
As the man raised the rifles muzzle to her head, Hanna raised her sword the slightest bit. In it's reflection, she could see they were under a skylight Perfect. Before the guard could realize it, a lighting bolt shot down through the skylight and she raised the tip of her sword to touch the rifle. Aaaand ZAP!!!! Electricity shot through the gun and Hanna jumped back.
The brown haired guard tried to drop his weapon before the electricity got to him but he was to late, as the electrical current traveled through his rifle to his body he convulsed madly while yelling out in agony through gritted teeth like he was having a seizure for a good thirty seconds before the bulk of the electricity grounded itself, leaving the guards hands pink from electrocution and his hair standing strait up and spiky like some over glorified RPG protagonist.

At least he was still standing.

The guard was NOT happy about his make over, not sure if his facial muscles where having spasms due to the lingering presence of the lightning, like the small sparks still crackling between his shoulders, or if it was just plain rage but he quickly fired an inaccurate round in Hanna`s direction nonetheless

The Tracker would waste no more time on idle conversation, if the horseman had killed 2 of her comrades than he was a serious threat to her, she punched her fist that was still holding a dagger out towards Verjouhi and the sound of a gushing wind current ment to knock the horse man into his ally was created.
Verjouhi waited then moved in mere seconds, shoving Aran clear of the blast while going the opposite way. He threw one of his throwing daggers at the Tracker, cracking his knuckles around his two blades. "Magic is a cheats game, and a weakness of your kind." He said, voice dripping with old venom. He didn't like Trackers, had issues, but they were old hates. "So try again."
Dei had made it through the forest and was now a step closer to his goal, however it was still a long path ahead and he had many side missions to take care of. One was just ahead and now was the time to deal with it. He licked his lips, but not out of anticipation, but rather out of habit.

He didn't care too much, it was just another mission. He adjusted his sword as Viper began to speak to him.

"Master do not forget, this soul is specifically wanted by Beelze, he specifically asked for it and doing him a favour would aid us in the long run later."

Dei nodded, understanding the soul's point, however unnecessary. It didn't matter who asked the mission or the soul, he would always accomplish his goals!
Ciara watch as everyone began fighting, except Aran who she was watching the most. She didn't want to admit it but she was actually worried about him. She gave up on just standing there and used her vampire speed to get to Aran, "Come on, you have to get out of here." She held out her hand to him. "I'll take you upstairs to tend your wound."

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