Amongst the Embers [Crucible: Dark Age of Imeria]


Dialectical Hermeticist
Alara is gone.

Gone, gone, gone. This was the square, you think, as you walk over the ashen ground.

There was the school - now ruins, looking like a crooked jaw in the cold light of morning.

The forges, torn to wreckage and looted.

The homes, burnt to cinders.

Here and there, the torn and charred corpses of friends and neighbours - by the Paragons, there's poor Elric, what little remains at least. And there, Gwenda's spear with the ridiculous tassels, ruined. The other half of the haft is buried in what used to be Gwenda herself.

Damn their eyes, damn them a thousand times, to take all of this from you and from them.

There is nothing left here - where now can you go?
He stood there for a long time, just staring at what was. Stone building cast asunder as if they were towers of cards....they lay in rubble at his feet. Once magnificant spires that were the home of mages had been l laid low by boulder fire (Ogres/giants? I really don t know what they have) The undead took countless causualties, thousands died before they even reached the walls. Archers would have rained down on the countless horde, fire bursting though the ground through burning pitch trenches. The charred corpses of the thralls gave little comfort to Uriel. This was a swift campaign that would not repeat it for at least a generation but the damage was already done. H Kar would survive as a whole but Alara would never recover. this was the cost of war. (Are there any survivers?)

if there were no obvious survivers, he will return further into friendly territory. It was day time at the moment and he wanted to be as far away from here when darkness fell again.
There are no survivors, and here & there you find the immense, twisted bodies of Abominations, the strange monsters created by the Vampires as living siege weapons.

Turning southeast, you recall the nearest garrison is Longsleap. No doubt scouting parties will reach you part of the way.

It occurs to you that the research at Alara was kept secret - hopefully the scouts will not mistake you for some new monster of the Tower.

Indeed, as you travel further, avoiding the myriad traps and deadfalls, you can see a scout patrol - three men, armed with bows and spears, approaching across the blasted plain.
He pulled his cowl further up over his head and approached. He had not washed the gore from last nights events off his face perhaps through shock or some misplaced badge of dishonour. He had failed the ones he cared about. Never again. Making sure he covered every bit of available skin with grime or armour he walked head low. "Friends I bare terrible news of Alara i must speak with your commander."
One scout raises his bow, the other his spear.

"Protocol, soldier - Need your rank and regiment before we can trust you."
"My appologies, it has been a trying night." He takes up a less threatening position. "My name is Uriel Suranden, lieutenent of the Alarian Blades of the Tenth Legion." He does a H Kaerian military salute and prays they don t shoot him.
"Quill, then," one of the scouts notes, saluting back. They lower their weapons.

"Come then, we'll take you to the captain."

They lead you back, into the access trenches, through one of the postern gates to the garrison.

The scouts salute the guards on the inside.

"Survivor from Alara, to see the captain."

"Thank the Paragons, reports are just coming back from the Sweepers now."

They take you up through the lower tunnels of the complex - you're used to towns built into the ground, fortified and full of choke points. Finally, you come to the Captain's office - but this is a big garrison, he's neither the highest ranking officer nor the only captain.

The captain is a giant of a man, wearing half-plate and a sword at his side. His features are hard and scarred, and he has thick black hair and beard.

"Lieutenant Suranden, welcome to Longsleap, I am captain Velothis. I realise you must be tired, but I need to know everything that happened at Alara."
(Is quill a name or a salute)

"Alara is gone, lost to a tide of brute force and corrupted steel." He said bluntly, the weight of his words only really hitting him now. "It is a great loss, both to our great nation and myself. There were no survivers. I know you have questions but please i emplore you, I must speak with the highest ranking official, I have words only for his ears." There was a sense of urgency in his voice. There was a chance that this program was known by the high command of the H'Kaerian.

It was a risk revealing his nature but it was now or never. If he waited too long and his "condition" discovered he would never gain their trust.
*Headdesk* The fluff, Eclipse - did you read it? The Order of the Quill is the research arm of the H'kaerian military.
The Captain looks at you for a long moment, his gaze hard.

"I don't know what you Blades were doing out there on the border, but I didn't realise you were so sloppy. Fine, wait outside, I'll send a runner to the Major."
I did, and bareing i did so in the middle of exams not everything went it. That said I still don t see how randomly exclaimng quill at the start makes any sense?
He stood there for a moment, anger tempered only by his resolve. He was tempted to take a swing at this captain. No one knew what was going to befall Alara and no amount of military might would have been able to save it. Uriel however, a military man for his entire life knew his place and wheither he wanted to or not he would not strike this man. He saluted the captain and removed himself from his office.
Exams being over, a second look wouldn't hurt. And I seem to recall this 'avoiding study like the plague' initiative... Anyway, the scout was noting that as an Alaran, you would probably in the Order of the Quill or connected thereto.
You're left waiting, briefly, in the hallway. Paragons, how you wish you could just sleep for a few hours...

Eventually another runner comes for you, and takes you to the Major in a briefing room.

"Strength and Duty, Lieutenant" the Major salutes. He's an older man, and in H'kaerian society, age is a rare and precious thing. Contrary to expectations, he's hardly scarred - a good soldier lives this long by not getting hit at all. He's wearing a pair of swords, but is otherwise in formal if not full combat garb.
"Strength and honour sir" He salutes the Major. "As you are possibly aware Alara is known only by the higher ranking officers for its activities with the Order of the Quill. It is in my opinion sir that Alara was decimated in an attempt to stop the Quill ultimate plan coming to pass." He sighs "In a sense they failed....I took this from the body of the General, I was his last act to ensure this project succeeded." He places a golden emblum on the desk and then walks to the furthest wall, removes his Purifier, sword and dagger. "The idea was to create a weapon against the vampires, to give us an edge against a faltering equilibrium. It was going to be a sacrafice by our best hunters, for the good of H Kaer" As he is saying this he walks over to the wash bowl. " I removed my weapons so that there could be trust between us, I mean you no harm and am as loyal to the cause now as i was since the day a sword was first put in my hand" He gets some water cupped in his hand. "I am no vampire brother" He washes the grime off of his face "But I am a weapon that they will learn to fear" He takes up the least threatening posture, not revealing the claws yet....One thing at a time eh...
"By the-" the Major seems taken aback, but his resolve is tempered by years of worse in these war-torn hills.

"What have they done to you, man? I had heard that Alara was experimenting with Magic, but this is... is... This is a crime, Lieutenant. I am ashamed that our nation would do this to you."
"It may be severe but on the borderlands things must be radical if they wish to survive. I have become part of the shadow, strengthened by a vampires essense but not corrupted by it. I am changed in the physical alone, my soul remains pure and my resolve become stronger than the finest H Kaerian steel. More than anything it has kept me alive, I am the sole surviver of several thousands but I swear by the Gods (not sure if they believe in the earth father too?) that I will pierce their darkness and make them pay for the attrocities they committed!"
H'kaerians have seen things no god could condone; if anyone of them believes in gods at all, they believe they've been abandoned.
"As you say, Lieutenant. I, at least, trust you for the moment bu it's not my place to decide what happens next. Your current orders are to rest in the infirmary until The Committee decides on a course of action."
"I thank you sir, I was unsure I would find such compassion. If I might suggest, my existance should be kept among the officers? My fate may lower the moral of the men. This cowl will do for the time being, only greater inspection reveals that.....I am not one of them, but I should be quaranteened. Say to your men that there is a case of Amarian fever perhaps. Also if it would be possible sir, a bath? The stench of abominations blood burns at my nostrils."
"Of course, the infirmary will see to your needs. Hurry, now."

The infirmary is like any other - clean, but clearly seeing heavy use. H'kaerian doctors are perhaps the best in all Imeria, and take their work very seriously.

You're offered a bath, a change of clothes, and given what you need to maintain your own equipment.

And a good pipe, too. How thoughtful. You're kept in a quarantine room and seen only by the Surgeons - in the Medical Corps, Surgeon is synonymous with Sergeant.

You're kept in for a good two days, and as a man used to action, it's beginning to get to you.
Uriel lied in bed for two nights tormented by the events that had lead to this point. The fall of Alara, the death of his father and friends, his transformation. In his dreams he was plagued by the thought of his own shadow, though there was something about it. It was his shape but he couldn t quite put a finger on it. During the day time hours he inspected his newfound weapons, his hands. They looked like normal fingers from above, more muscular but passable as normal, the underside however was a different story. From the second digit onwards the fingers narrowed out to points where his nails, now claws. Razor sharp, they contained tiny vesicles (tiny holes to the non biologists) along the blade. It had been a slow process but uriel thought he had refined the process of the liquids release. He had even provided the surgeons with a vial of the purplish liquid. He was used to being around scientists and though he did not like the idea of being a lab rat he was more than willing when the experiments were done on his own terms. They had injected a sample of the poison into a rat and it having stopped moving for several minutes they thought it dead. The rat however hadn t been killed by the poison it had over been paralizied (spelling?). Such a large dose had simply overwhelmed the rat. perhaps it would have a lesser but importantly similar effect on his enemies? When he wasn t finding his new abilities, he polished his armaments. He wanted to bring the fight to the enemy, to test his new found strength. He felt stronger and faster than he ever had fighting with the Blades. Bruises that should have taken several days to heal had already lightened and smaller cuts had begun to close (dosn t have to have a mechanical effect). Sunlight now seemed to effect him however, while he did not burn like the vampires or fear it like their thralls he did however feel weaker.

He spent the rest of his time in his thoughts awaiting the judgement of the Committee.
After all the waiting and study, finally, you are taken back to the Major's office. But he is not present, instead you are left with a a man and woman - the woman is a Captain of the Quill, and the man from the Olive Branch.

"Lieutenant Uriel, a pleasure to finally meet you." says the man, saluting. The woman, however, appears too immediately interested in studying you - walking around you in circles, taking your hand and examining it, all the while muttering to herself.

"Erm, pardon Magister Reyn, she does get very enthused about her work. I am Visage Dell, from the Morale Office."
Uriel smiled at the womans curiousity. She reminded him of his father, ever thirsty for knowledge. He let out a silent laugh before raising his head and saluting the man. "Lieutenant Uriel at your service" He used his spare hand to push back a mane of silver sheen hair, the other was currently being poked and prodded by the invasive Magister Reyn.
"Good man. Your new orders are simple, Lieutenant. You're being transferred to the Exploratory Corps and sent to Kelen. I'm afraid you're terrible for morale and image, no offense. You understand. But you'll be undercover - as far as the foreigners know, you were dishonourably discharged. Fortunately we have a safe place for you. We have an ally in Kelen, Count Kain, who privately researches Vampires. We feel you can do more by assisting him, and it's dangerous work."
Uriel's heart sank, he had hoped to be part of the counter offensive; to strike deep into Kromian territory. To make them pay. And now he was being abbandoned by his people? The people he had sacraficed everything for. He was reminded of the old proverb "Nought's had all's spent when your desire is got with out intent" He was now the weapon they required to campaign against the Kromian horde and he wasn t even going to see the action! It was several seconds before he looked up.

"What would you have me do?"
"I realise you must be disappointed, Uriel." says Magister Reyn, suddenly, stepping away from you.

"But I'm afraid your garrison didn't follow protocol. Your... rebirth, wasn't sanctioned. In fact, we had expressly forbidden it until more research had been completed. Magister Nardine had even been hiding notes from us. And now all the research is gone. We can't risk you against the Kromsians, Lieutenant. We have no idea what power they may hold over you now, and there's no keeping you from scaring the troops."

The Visage cuts in; "What we ask of you, Lieutenant, is to use your new abilities to serve the Corps. Lord Kain has given us vital information in fighting the Kromsians based on his studies, but he does so at great risk. With your assistance... You may not be on the frontlines, Uriel, but you may still be instrumental in winning the war."

"When you're ready, there's an armoured carriage leaving from the main gate. It's delivering a weapon shipment to Illim, but we've organised further transit to get you to Kain."
"Understood." He does a formal salute, gathers his gear fastens his cowl waits for the guards to escort him down to the gate.

He had never been in Kelen, the battlefield that was Alara was all he had ever known, he was told by his father he had family there. They had not known him and with his transformation he more than likely never would....
Kelen is a strange place, you note, as you leave the battlegrounds of H'kaer. Watching the countryside pass outside the carriage, it seems so peaceful. The trees and grass still live, everywhere. People are actually walking around outside unarmed.

You understand you're approaching your destination one night - a garrison called Illim, apparently - along a lonely stretch of road, when something rocks the carriage. An attack? Abominations?! You're almost thrown from your seat on a crate of spearheads by the impact, and you can hear the driver and guard shouting in alarm.

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