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Realistic or Modern America's Got Talent

kawaii senpai

One Thousand Club
kawaii senpai submitted a new role play:

America's Got Talent - You finally get your big moment. Will you make it or break it?

I'm only accepting one person because I get lost with much more than that. Anyways, this is the plot. You can choose any talent you want (singing, dancing, etc.). You haven't been discovered yet, so that's why you are auditioning. You do have an emotional background, that is what drives you to become successful. Our characters meet in the waiting area, and things just happen from there! Otherwise, just have fun!
My character:




Background-As a small child, her...
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I'm only accepting one person because I get lost with much more than that. Anyways, this is the plot. You can choose any talent you want (singing, dancing, etc.). You haven't been discovered yet, so that's why you are auditioning. You do have an emotional background, that is what drives you to become successful. Our characters meet in the waiting area, and things just happen from there! Otherwise, just have fun!

My character:




Background-As a small child, her mother left. From there, she has grown up with only her father and brother. Her father is very pessimistic towards her dreams, always saying it's impossible to become successful in todays world.

Personality-Nikii is always fun loving and energetic, but is very passionate about certain things. She is quick to tears, even though she is unwilling to admit it. Small insults secretly hurt her and mess her up for weeks, but she tries to conceal it for fear of looking weak.
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