Amalgam, when the creator dies


Junior Member

What happens to an amalgam when its creator dies? I havent read anything regarding this.

Probably absolutely nothing, aside from its compelled loyalty either ending, or at least not having any new orders to obey. Sorcery in Exalted doesn't just go away because the caster died.
That's a good question.  I personally have no idea, but what LK just said makes sense.

Hmm... Maybe if the amalgam's last order was to defend something until told otherwise, like a location, it does that indefinitely?  Other orders of similar nature could also work in that way.  As far as with anything else, like a specific one-time task (such as delivery a message to someone or killing something).... The compelled loyalty just ends upon the creator's death?  

Just some thoughts.  >.>
They probably do complete any remaining commands...and may still feel some loyalty to the memory of their master, but beyond that, you likely just have an overpowered freak trying to exist in Creation. Odds are many areas are less than hospitable to them, knowledgeable Immaculates might have issue with them beyond that as former servants of Anathema of one form or another. On the other hand, a compassionate Immaculate might feel sorry for them if they recognize the compulsion included in such magics. After all, while a Dragonblooded might be expected to resist the power of the Anathema, a mortal is just that, mortal, and has little ability to defend themself from their foul magics.

Most likely, the Amalgam has a hard life ahead of them. Many may seek to use their power to their advantage. Other may seek to enslave them. Still others might kill such things on sight. Rare will be those who easilly accept such a being in a world as insular as much of Creation. Their best luck is likely to be somewhere like Nexus where just about anything goes, or the edges of Creation, somewhere that they are far from civilization. Still, they may be accepted among other former servants of their master as well, or someone might feel compassion for them. While Creation holds many villains and many are afraid of the strange, it is also a land of heroes...and sometimes heroism can be as simple as befriending a being who is unloved undeservingly.
Okay, I'll ask the stupid question: What's an amalgam? I've never come across this term in relation to Exalted before.
It's a being modified by the Imbue Amalgam sorcery spell (B&W Treatise, p. 74). Celestial spell that lets you take a mortal and warp them into a super servant of doom...don't like the spell, myself, so I don't know a lot of the details. I tend to play compassionate people who aren't likely to take someone and then mutate them into a slavishly loyal monster of doom. Not that it's the nastiest thing in existence, sorcery wise...but it isn't necessarily nice, either. *shrugs*
The spell is awesome, and a slightly modified version is on my list of spells to get whenever I get around to taking Sapphire Circle, right next to God-Forged Champion Of War and Raise The Auspicious Manse. The modification bit of course, being taking out the mind-control element and replacing it with the ability to take away the benefits as a Refelxive action, as I also have a tendancy to play high Compassion characters.

Yay for uber-minions!
Does the spell say it extends their life?  If not, then it's the normal mortal lifespan of, I believe, 50 years then make a Stamina + Resistance roll every year at a difficulty equal to (decades old -5).  If that's not the precise theory of mortal age, it's close enough.

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