Am I Human?


The Ultimate Enigma
Am I alive?

Am I dead?

Is there a reason... I still see.

I still feel.

I can't move.

I can't... calm myself.

What are they going to do?

Are they going to poison us?

The sharp pain in my head...

It hurts me.

I feel heavier...

Am I on Earth?

Why do I feel so alone.

So soulless.

So much...

...Like a beast.

Who are these people?

Are they even human?

Most importantly...

Am I Human?

May 21st, 2389.

They finally let us out. We walked so sleepily across the pavement to a street that headed somewhere. And we all decided to walk one way down the road. And the other half of our group went the other.

May 23rd, 2389

2 days passed without food or water. But for some reason... We weren't as hungry or thirsty.

May 26th, 2389

3 more days passed, and we walk past the mountains to find that there was a large city. It was... Futuristic. It didn't look right. Our group soon saw the other half of the people, and we ran to each other. After we were done greeting ourselves... We looked forward, and stared at the city.

It seemed that either way we took, we were both to end up in the same place. And soon, we all started to take our steps forward unto the big city... Only to find that there weren't just humans.

They Were Alien.

But for some reason... It seemed that the smallest things can be the biggest problems.

And I mean by that...

Is that humanity is in a rush to destroy the different species that live here.

How would they do that?

Taking in their own, and making them stronger.

-It is your job to find each other and form a team. Train using your abilities. And going on the mission to destroy those pesty aliens. 
Locations: Okay, so we're in the city, maybe in a prison, or maybe in an asylum, living free, etc.

Cylia acted fast as she bursted through several walls, and as she jumped through one, Cylia caught herself in mid-air, panicking to grab something before falling to her death. Cylia quickly grabbed onto a cord from the wall. She dangled against the building, looking down to find several civilians rushing to look what was happening. Hovercraft were flying around pointed lights at her. "Eugh! Bad day!" She yelled out to no one, looking down once more. Her body began to take this massive shape of the mechanical beast, and scraped it's fingers to the wall, slowing itself, and roughly landing on the metallic sidewalk, and quickly running away to an unoccupied alley, making her body in a more 'Humanoid' like shape. "That was close... They're coming...."
"That would be four dollars and fifty cents." David handed over the money. "Here you go Ms. Kagari." A small smile grew on her face. "Thank you and have a nice day." He took his bags and headed out of the grocery store. Although the government didn't give him much money after he left, David was happy with what he had. Its already been a few weeks since he was released thanks to a heated debate in Congress over experimentation of minors. However it also meant that most of his memory had to be wiped to keep the confidentiality of the government. Still, he believed that freedom weighed more than memories. He took a right turn into an alley that he used as a shortcut between the grocery store and his house.
"Wow.... I had to blow it. Freaking Ber'Alti Is going to kill me!" She muttered, swinging her fist at the metallic building wall. She heard heavy footsteps toward the other direction of the alley. "All we heard was a big 'Crash' and then looked up to find Cy-li-a." A deep voice sounded from the corner, and out came Ber-Alti. An alien with the species named Xuit. They looked pretty mean.

(If this is from some sort of video game or show... Then... Whatever.... xD )

Ber'Alti's English was okay at some point, and pretty bad at the other. He walked up closer to Cylia. "It was simple mission, and you fail. And now-" He was cut off by Cylia. "And now I don't get the money. Uhh yeah, screw you, the deal is off, and now go to your little Xuit women. Have a great night.." Cylia scoffed, and stopped, sighing at the sight of Ber'Alti's two 'friends' in front of her. "You will not disrespect me." Ber'Alti sneered, the two quickly grabbing ahold of her arms. And felt the heaviest punch in her stomach, knocking the air right out, as Cylia gasped for air.
David cloaked himself to hide from the Xuits. All he knew about them was that they were violent and merciless. Evan stared at the girl getting beat up. He knew that if he didn't do anything, they would probably kill her. I have to help. He snuck behind one of the guys holding her arms and took his gun. He aimed it at the head of the Xuit who just kicked the girl and pulled the trigger. Blue blood flooded from the back of his head. "What the hell?" The Xuits stared at the lifeless body of their leader. However, they still didn't let go off the girl. David then pointed the gun at one of the Xuits who were holding her. "If you want to live, leave now." He placed the barrel of the gun on his head. "Let him go or the girl dies." The other Xuit pointed his gun at the girls head.
Mizuki was annoyed about how little rain they got here. She watched from a top a building as a triangle was formed. The boy would shoot the alien man if they didn't let the girl go, and the Xuit would shoot the girl if the boy shot his leader. Ah, how interesting of a show this was beginning to be. She was confident in them, but it was getting a little to slow, she threw her sword through the head of the guy who had the girl in his arms, watching as his headless body fell to the ground.
Cylia fixed her eyes on the the man who killed Ber'Alti. "Dude, you just killed Ber'Alti." She looked around. "And I'm okay with that!" Cylia fixed her eyes on the two who were holding her. "Don't make me rip your faces to shreds!" She scoffed, and the two let go, and ran around the corner. "Thanks. And I would like to smash that gun.... Or you can. But it would be easier for me...-Okay I'm going to far." She looked at him for awhile, and made a goofy grin.
"Well, at least that's over." David sighed in relief. He hurled the gun on the ground and stomped on it. "Oh yea, thanks for the save. It would've been a lot worse if you didn't come." He stared at the girl's sword. It looked roughly twice her size. "Could you give me a hand?" He started dragging one of the corpses towards a nearby dumpster.
(I don't have a sword.... xD )

"Yeah...." Cylia reached for Ber'Alti's body, and dragged it slowly to the dumpster. "Ugh! What do these guys EAT?" She muttered, stuffing his legs inside, and closing the top. "Uhh.... If I didn't come?" She asked, confused. Cylia thought she was supposed to be her who was to say that.
(I do... I think I'm gonna leave this rp though... Sorry, Just forget about my other post)
David heard the sound of hovercrafts hovering nearby. "Time to go." He waved and ran towards his home nearby to avoid fighting against those things. By the time he got home, he found out the place was ransacked. A note was posted on the other side of the door. The note was written in xuit. You brought this upon yourself for killing our leader. Now we'll make your life a living hell. David took whatever was left of his house and left. He knew that if he stayed, he could get killed. There no point of calling the police either since they don't help aliens. "Another town I have to leave." He sighed.

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