Am I Human?


The Ultimate Enigma



Am I alive?

Am I dead?

Is there a reason... I still see.

I still feel.

I can't move.

I can't... calm myself.

What are they going to do?

Are they going to poison us?

The sharp pain in my head...

It hurts me.

I feel heavier...

Am I on Earth?

Why do I feel so alone.

So soulless.

So much...

...Like a beast.

Who are these people?

Are they even human?

Most importantly...

Am I Human?

May 21st, 2389.

They finally let us out. We walked so sleepily across the pavement to a street that headed somewhere. And we all decided to walk one way down the road. And the other half of our group went the other.

May 23rd, 2389

2 days passed without food or water. But for some reason... We weren't as hungry or thirsty.

May 26th, 2389

3 more days passed, and we walk past the mountains to find that there was a large city. It was... Futuristic. It didn't look right. Our group soon saw the other half of the people, and we ran to each other. After we were done greeting ourselves... We looked forward, and stared at the city.

It seemed that either way we took, we were both to end up in the same place. And soon, we all started to take our steps forward unto the big city... Only to find that there weren't just humans.

They Were Alien.

But for some reason... It seemed that the smallest things can be the biggest problems.

And I mean by that...

Is that humanity is in a rush to destroy the different species that live here.

How would they do that?

Taking in their own, and making them stronger.

-It is your job to find each other and form a team. Train using your abilities. And going on the mission to destroy those pesty aliens.






Appearance 2: (Optional)


History: (Optional)

Abilities: (Up to 3)

Theme Songs: (Optional)



Name: Cylia Terphus

Age: 23

Gender: Female



Appearance 2:


Personality: Harsh, Curious, Bubbly, Fun, Crazy, agile, deadly, Painful.


Abilities: Due to what they did before they let her go, they encrypted a robotic alien's gene codes in her body, allowing her to use the alien whenever she wanted. The alien has a plasma cannon, and agile movement. And for the last, it has an EMP.

Theme Songs: [media]



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Name: Ryan Roman

Age: 20

Gender: Male


Appearance 2:

Personality: Ryan is dangerously witty and plans schemes , often deceiving and thoughtless. Aside from this, he is normally placid and calm. He believes in righteous revenge, and if someone causes him harm in any way, he will take it upon himself to murder them, and leave no mercy even if the plead for their lives . He prefers not to engage in battle, only using it in extreme cases of dire emergency. When he does battle, he normally comes out the victor. Should he lose, he has his own means of coping with it.


Abilities: (Up to 3) Before letting him go, they wanted to see how much power they can put in to the body of the boy. The first with a serum , taken from an original alien that captured. This one posses the power of Telekinesis. Thinking the project was a failure, they tried to put him down with a injection. Before it could touch his skin, they were thrown back. The second thin they planted in him was the ability to teleport. But seeing how he still has the body of a human he can only teleport a total of three times.

Theme Songs: (Optional)

Name: David Tagawa

Age: 17

Gender: Male


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bdc7aa835_images(4).jpg.25809da30bb109fbd41fc9f30922f46f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2360" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bdc7aa835_images(4).jpg.25809da30bb109fbd41fc9f30922f46f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Appearance 2:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bdc7adc8c_images(3).jpg.c4a1f2a5f8416f86f838e8060af50ea4.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2361" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/57a8bdc7adc8c_images(3).jpg.c4a1f2a5f8416f86f838e8060af50ea4.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Personality: David is quiet and shy. Ever since he was young, he took it upon himself to defend the people he cared about. He is generally passive to strangers. Although he is against useless violence, he doesn't hesitate to kill.

Abilities (Up to 3): Before David was let go, his genes have been heavily modified with the DNA of an endangered parasitic alien species that was known for their supernatural abilities. By the time the experimentation phase was over, there were several notable changes to his body. His body was now able to heal supposedly lethal wounds and his skin refracted light on command making him practically invisible. The only drawback was that if enough natural light covers him, he loses his abilities.



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Name: Yuki Shitorine Hokoro

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Appearance: Black closed tench-coat with double breasted buttons all the way down, the bottom ones left unbuttoned in order to move legs freely. She wears a black gas-mask with dual filters, and it never seem to be removed, nor that it can, around the hood and her shoulders are chains, making her hood up and mask on for as long as anyone can remember. Behind her mask where her eyes should exist, is only a dim yellow glow, and as she breathes, steam comes out of her filters, no matter the climate. Her trench-coat is actually sleeveless with a high collar, which she has nothing under, but she has long finger-less gloves that covers all the way to her elbows, showing some of her pasty white skin. Shoe wise, she wears black combat boots that go up all the way to to her knees.

(Sorry I didn't have a picture, I recently made her and have been trying to get my artist friends to draw her, and my descriptions are always bad and not fluent...sorry again =_='')

History: She's been tested on so much she doesn't even consider her the same species as the rest of people, she doesn't know why she was chosen or what to do anymore, what she was meant to do after what they did to her.

Personality: She's been voided much of her emotion, but she knows how to get sh*t done and done well, something you'd see with training in an experienced soldier, or just anyone that's been living on their own rebelling against something long enough...

Abilities: She can stand still and focus power into her right hand, making the area around her dense and any movement she makes as heavy, heavy enough to shake the immediate area around her. After focusing her power long enough she can release a large beam out of her hand that pierces buildings like butter, and burns biotic beings to ash. The downfall of this is while firing she can't move, and its very slow to aim her arm somewhere else because of the pressure of the beam. As well as the sound it makes, during the half minute or so charging phase, it gets from low to a high pitched screeching sound thats as loud as if a loaded freeway of cars all honked their horns at the same time. If she's alone she's useless, someones bound to stop her before she can do anything, she's purely support, as she need people to protect her as she does mass damage to terrain and slow moving targets. When she's not being supported, well, she has a normal Walther P99 pistol she keeps on the inside of her trench-coat.

Other: (Some people find her a bit overpowered, some find her completely fine because of the cons of her ability, I understand either way)

Name: Sena Tomas

Age: 17

Gender: Female



Appearance 2:

Personality: Sena is confident, energetic and dutiful, sometimes too much so, and tends to get carried away easily or have trouble thinking for herself. She also appears to be something of a geek, making references to popular culture and having knowledge of advanced scientific concepts. In battle, Sena is fast moving and wants to get things over with.


  • Buredo- Her sword can be summoned and materialized from her own powerful energy and thin air. Her sword has two forms: Buredo, and Buredo Advanced. Though Buredo Advanced takes more energy to wield, it is a bit more powerful, lighter and faster.
  • Flight: In her true form, She has two large plates in the back of her suit, looking a lot like airplane wings when turned to a certain angle, that allow her to levitate for a certain length of time {10-20 minutes when she has a good amount of energy}
  • Judgement: Her arm cannon only appears in drastic measures, and is able to decide whether to kill, paralyze or not shoot some one, based on their level, and size of crimes committed.

Theme Songs:[media]


Name: Shintaro Takane

Age: 24

Gender: Male


Appearance 2:


Appearance 2:


Personality: Shin is a rather unsocial person with the unusual hobby to start rumors for his own amusement, where he does not consider the feelings of the affected person. The purpose behind this is giving his usually boring life an exciting twist, as he greatly dislikes his life as it currently is and seeks for the thrill of fear and comedy, caused by a person's personal drama.

Abilities: Ignorance- With this ability, in Shin's true form, Aya, he is able to withstand almost any type of pain. Shin's body can eventually get completely demolished because of this ability, and Shin won't even be able to feel death and his life will be ended. With this ability, Shin only uses it last second, and when he is in his true form it is always on, because Shin can barely ever control himself in his true form, which is why he tries to fight, "with his own power."

Creatures of Mind: Aya is able to form horrible illusions and summon shadow like creatures that he keeps in his soul, most of them based off of basic parts of the human body, like Hands, Feet, Eyes, or Ears.

Theme Songs: [media]

Ene Kagerou Before I can accept you, I need to see your appearance. D: It isn't showing up well, and I've tried to open the photo in a new tab..
Name: Dustin

Age: 17

Gender: male



Appearance 2:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/thumb-54258.jpg.18fb7fca4c7a8db478f91aaf9cc35a1a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2686" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_07/thumb-54258.jpg.18fb7fca4c7a8db478f91aaf9cc35a1a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality:He is a very quiet teen always thinking before he does anything very cautious and will only talk when spoken to or if he is used to that person he also has a case of ADHD and will lose focus from time to time. he also does not like his alien form because he had developed another case of MPD (Multiple Personality Disorder). so if he transformed he was scared of what would happen.

Second personality: the very opposite of Dustin he goes by a different name, Neo he is very violent and will back-stab any of Dustin's friends if he gets the chance he isn't able to do much though since he also has ADHD.

Abilities: Before he was let go he had obtained two Different DNA strands from entirely different species because of this he developed the ability to shape-shift himself and the world around him but only if he is touching the object and is in complete focus sadly the second DNA strand allowed him with Super speed and strength capabilities but for some reason these two strands morphed and gave him a third power he could breathe flames of different elements.

Theme Songs: [media][/media][h2][/h2]
MPD theme song [media]




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