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Multiple Settings [Always looking, ignore post count] RP Partner Search 2: Electric Boogaloo.


Ace Defective
Hello. Uni's the name and I'm dead inside looking for roleplayer partnerS. And, to help you make the decision of whether or not you should message me, here's some information you might find helpful.

About me:

  • Turned 17 a while ago. If that's a turn away for you it's fine, I myself don't particularly care about age as long as you're not 3+ years older than me.

  • I am of the male homosapiens.

  • I have plenty of roleplaying experience - 3-4 years if my calculations are correct.

  • Pretty darn active. My reply schedule is next to non-existent, but you should see a reply from me in just an hour if I'm feeling extra funky, and it may take me a day at most to reply. However, when it comes to short OOC stuff I do reply quickly.

  • I have nothing against LGBT pairings, but I'm comfortable with only MxF. That's the only thing I feel comfortable roleplaying at, so sorry if that disappoints you.

  • Not a grammar nazi, and also not terrible at English. Be warned - English isn't my first language, so mistakes will pop up here and there, but it won't be major at all. I try to keep them as low as possible. What I want from you is to write comprehensible stuff and not gibberish.

  • Have no reply length limit. I usually dish out 3+ paragraphs, and I don't have a maximum amount. I just write as much as I want to, but don't expect an entire book from me. I try to match my partner's length.

  • Of course if something happens IRL I'll let you know. Y'now, life happens.

  • I absolutely love OOC chatter and making friends. We can talk about pretty much anything, honestly.

  • I can RP over on Discord, RPN and Emails. Discord is where I'm most active, but I also try to be as active as I can on RPN.

  • You may drop the roleplay any time you want, but do tell me. You don't even have to explain yourself. You can leave me to wonder for the rest of my life, and I won't curse you and your heritage for it.

Still reading? Gureto daze. Now that that's out of the way, let's get to the juicy bits. AKA,

the important thing:

  • I'm into fantasy (pretty much any kind of fantasy), sci-fi, futuristic settings, apocalyptic settings and whatever else may tickle my fancy. If I'm able to use a weird power or some sort of fancy tech for my character - count me in. But, it's best if we both discuss the plot and do world-building first, for I am much more comfortable when we do that. I bloody LOVE those.

  • Never done any romance roleplays in my entire life, but not because I hate 'em or something. It's just that the coin always landed on the exact same side and it never happened. I don't mind it, but I also would rather never have it be the driving point of a roleplay.

  • Dark themes, drama and whatever on Earth else is a yes go. Just uh, y'now, let's discuss that thing first.

  • Not looking for slice of life stuff. If I wanted to roleplay real life things I'd just go outside for once.

  • I will do OC's and OC's only, and I'd like if my partner also did just that. I can't roleplay canon characters out of the fear that I will ruin them.

  • Fandom RP's I might want to partake in are the following: Fallout, MHA, and Borderlands in no particular order.

  • When it comes to plot stuff, I'll be up for a lot of things. Pretty much anything. That might be a lie, but give me what you got anyway. I'm sure we'll come up with somethin'.
Thanks for spending time on this page, guys. Go ahead and smash that PM button and don't forget to subscribe. Still got questions? Just PM me and I'll answer them, simple as that. Or drop a friend request over on discord - Unicorn666#3234.
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Where do you prefer roleplaying? :)

Discord or pms?

If you like discord you can request me rrelbow90 #1077

I might have some ideas. Most of it would be platonic as I'm not huge with m x f, and play mostly guys ?
I would love to do something sci-fi or futuristic with you, if you're still interested! Do you have anything specific that you're particularly craving? I will go ahead and say that I'm starting college in two weeks along with a part-time job as a work study, so my posting schedule might be weird.
As of tonight I am new here, however, I am not new to roleplaying ^u^
I would love to RP with you!
We seem to have the same interests, so I ask, which ones are you craving currently? I think I'm leaning towards futuristic/drama/thriller ?
Hello, I'd be interested in RPing with you/brainstorming ideas! Here are some of my prompts if you're interested or we can do one of yours that you're interested in. Can't wait to hear from you. :D

Because my account is fairly new I can't PM you so I request for right now that you PM me first, thanks!
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I've got a post-apocalyptic/dystopian setting involving zombies if you'd be interested in anything involving that. (involves GM elements)

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