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(Always looking! Ignore number of posts...) Romance partners apply within...

I love all the pairing ideas you have here! I can do both male and female but I do prefer to do female. I wouldn't mind doubling an MxF pairing! Pm me if you're craving something. College gets in the way for me, so sometimes I can't reply in a few days/weeks--however! I am on summer vacation now so I'll be better/faster with replies.Specially if I get super in to it :)
Wowie I would love to PM you seeing as I am very interested, but I currently am so new I cannot PM??

༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ

How about I come back here in
23 hours and send you a message, eh?
[QUOTE="Alex Jay Fox]
Wowie I would love to PM you seeing as I am very interested, but I currently am so new I cannot PM??
༼ つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ

How about I come back here in
23 hours and send you a message, eh?

I can send you a PM! I'll get on that right now :)
Hello! I'm interested in poor x rich, as well as bestfriend x bestfriend ( bc im a sucker for those, ngl ) bUt even better, we could maybe combine those two things
RaineeDaze said:
Hello! I'm interested in poor x rich, as well as bestfriend x bestfriend ( bc im a sucker for those, ngl ) bUt even better, we could maybe combine those two things
I'll contact you soon!
Woohoooo said:
Professor x Student
Good x Bad

Poor x Rich

Roomate x Roomate
I am willing to do any of these, or use multiple (Poor/Good x Rich/Bad etc..)

However, guess it'll be MxM or MxF
Not sure if your still looking, but if your willing to give a male role a shot I have a plot in mind for a Childhood friend x Childhood friend both 18 years old. Let me know.
AugustineVampire said:
I'd love to Role play with you ! :D
Student x Professor or Roommate x Roommate or whatever you prefer sounds awesome :) I'm new at this too, so no worries.
I will message you! :)

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