Always looking for partners!


New Member
So it's been a looong time since I last had a 1x1 partner on this site, and it's nearly been just as long since I've had a steady RP going on so I certainly hope this piques someone's interest! I'm going to list some of the ideas I've been wanting to do lately, but keep in mind that I'm interested in lots of genres and ideas so feel free to suggest your own ideas or pairings as well if you want!

Ideas I've been wanting to do:

-Call of Duty RP OR some sort of Military-based RP: An RP based on one of the Call of Duty games, preferably either the Ghosts storyline or Modern Warfare universe.

-Fallout New Vegas: An RP based in the universe of Fallout. Could follow the general storyline and quests of the game while coming up with our own ideas!

-Sword Art Online RP: Probably the hardest RP to get into for my partners for some reason. Preferably we'd start a couple months after the game has started and follow it until the end when the world is cleared (or maybe even further if we make it that far.)

-Post-apocalyptic RP: Preferably a zombie-based post apocalyptic RP, we can go over details on this one however.

Well those are some of the ideas I've had for RPs, again, if you have any other ideas, feel free to PM them to me and maybe we can work something out! Now that you have my ideas handy, I suppose it'd be good to go over what I look for in a partner:

-Must be literate (A grammar mistake or misspelling is okay every once in a while, but when it's rampant it gets extremely annoying.)

-Willing to collaborate OOC (We don't have to talk about our days or dreams or anything, but please communicate with me and run ideas by me! You never know when you've struck gold with an idea!)

-Able to write more than two paragraphs (Three is my minimum.)

-A sample of writing? (This is optional but it'd certainly give me peace of mind!)

Well, that's about it for all that, if I haven't scared you away and are still interested, please feel free to write me a PM!
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If only your call of duty request wasn't CoD. I would have done a military type roleplay. Free bump though, happy hunting.
Lol That's kind of strange, but I mean, like I said, I'm open to other ideas. It didn't have to be strictly CoD but oh well.
Quick question. Are you interested in a certain gender for the character you will be roleplaying with?
Do you mind if the character that is playing with you is female? I am open at trying male, but since I never have (and I do not know how to male mind works) it could be a little iffy.
I wouldn't mind one bit, both our characters could be female! Which idea would you be interested in? Or do you have one of your own in mind?
You seem like a gamer haha. I was thinking possibly a Bioshock roleplay (I have one written up I could send you)

If you don't want to do that, I really like the Fallout New Vegas Idea too :)


"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

'No,' says the man in Washington, 'it belongs to the poor.'

'No,' says the man in the Vatican, 'it belongs to God.'

'No,' says the man in Moscow, 'it belongs to everyone.'

I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose...”



Welcome to Rapture. A city where the artist can roam freely, the scientist can create with the sky as the limit, and the power is with the people. Such a place could never exist on land therefore it was literally built on the bottom of the ocean, as far away from the governing powers as possible. Out of every jurisdiction. The extreme of extremes. It is a massive place with buildings that tower over head and long walkways that link different areas of the city together.

Everything you could ever want you can find in Rapture. There are stores, restaurants, hotels, spas, housing units, art galleries, markets, sports centers and for those who enjoy a little bit of nighttime excitement there are bars and love-houses. Everyone is welcome in Rapture! There are no minorities. Everyone is equal. Everyone gets a fair share.

All of this is thanks to to the hard work and dedication of our founder Andrew Ryan!

At least..that's how things used to be. Before the revolution. On New Year's Eve, at 12:00 on the dot, just as the clocks were ticking down and the champagne bottles were about to be popped, explosions rang through the entire city. The whole foundation of Rapture was shaken to its very core. Those explosions marked the beginning of what would be a long battle throughout the streets between those who supported Andrew Ryan and those who supported a man named Frank Fontaine. Soon blood coated every wall on every corner of the city. The year 1959 was off to a great start.

Hundreds died and those that didn't die..were left to slowly go insane. Driven only further to insanity by their addiction to Adam; the genetical stimulant that once kept the wheels of Rapture turning.

The side-effect of this drug was both an overwhelming addiction to it and a range of horrible disfigurations due to the way the drug affected the human body. Those addicted where named Splicers and those Splicers are all that are left in this city. They do whatever they can to get their hands on Adam..even if it means killing each other. Many have banded together in order to overpower those who are weak, making them even more dangerous.

The revolution was two years ago. There are now those who are merely trying to get by and those who are trying to escape. But to escape means going through hell and back again...straight through the center of the city. Can you make it out?

Let's see, shall we?

((It's not a huge massive setting, but it's Bioshock :) ))
Do you think we could discuss this idea over PM? I'd rather not overload this thread with our conversation if you don't mind haha
I love SAO, and I'm familiar with the story-line beyond just the SAO arc, into alfheim and beyond :)

The only thing is of course that I prefer playing a female character, if that would be all right with you?
I'm familiar mostly with the anime and most of the GGO arc, but not much after that, and also I'd prefer to write a female character but if need be, I suppose I can play a male character!
:) I'm sure we can work something out. We could double up, one boy one girl each?

Did you want to start up a PM?
I have been looking for a New Vegas RP for a while, interested in playing with an NCR supporting mercenary sniper?
[QUOTE="Reaper Six]I have been looking for a New Vegas RP for a while, interested in playing with an NCR supporting mercenary sniper?

Definitely! Feel free to drop me a PM!
I've never tried a post-apocalyptic zombie RP before, but I've always been mildly interested. What's the appeal, in your opinion?
I'm sorry I'm just looking for a suitable RP partner; I'm not particularly interested in having a discussion on the appeal of post-apocalyptic RPs.

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