

One Thousand Club
How to Play - Guide for First Timers!-Revamp

**The City of Alvere deems all homes to be sold or rented will be given a very good deal on to those interested. For more information visit the counsel in the center of town**

Counsel Member: "Welcome one and all, My name is Ripley, I am the caretaker of the homes here in the city of Alvere. Please enjoy your stay here as we make ready for the monthly Wolf festival."

Current Population:

  • Riddle78
  • Marira
  • Nivrad00
  • AGProject7347
  • Kagura
  • KT~
  • Legendless
  • Evangeline
  • Zipperbear2
  • Darksoul90

Quick Info:
on the first day starting at 7-8 AM Central the voting will start it will end around 2-3 PM. In the evening between 4-5 PM Central Werewolf & Seer Votes get PM'd to me.
At risk of sounding repetitive and possibly stealing the phrase of whoever was going to join next, I'm in.
Sir, I would like to buy a house here in this odd and peculiar town. :'D Add meh to that list!
Counsel Member: "Welcome to Alvere, enjoy your stay here :) "

(if you have any other questions either PM me on the shoutbox if you see me or send me a forum PM
You're a smidge late on this one,sir. However,the current one that's going to launch soon is in the Other section,so...Huzzah! Also,be sure to chat on the shoutbox! You can access it by clicking on the RPNation logo up top.

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