Alternate Locations for the empress.


Ten Thousand Club
It says in several places, that the ST should feel free to modify the setting ESPECIALY the parts that are OOC info (like the sideral hand behind the great curse, or the death lords, being the returned ghosts of 13 solars, etc.

So... if I want to dismiss with the default hinting that the empress is in the ebon dragon's hands... where are other valid places for her to be.

heres some ideas.

1: she actualy IS in a period of seclusion praying to the dragons for the peace of the realm.

2: She ACTUALY IS (and has in the past) Disguised as a peasant girl, seeing the suffering of the lower classes.

3: Shes been assasinated by one of the anathema and they left no body.

Shes hiding... maybe in some hidden manse, to see what upstart might be too ambitious for their own good so she may destroy them.
I am now usually using number two, with a twist, the Mice of the Sun are with her, watching her penance for the sins of her people.
She was exploring the caverns of the Imperial Mountain when the Things Below snatched her and now they are twisting her into something more vile than even the Yozis could envision.
She found a mysterious portal that transported her into the real world.  She's currently working at a Chevy's in San Jose.
Creatures of the Wyld book, mice that are servants of the Sun, humble, most write em off, but in the First Age, they were used to punish those whom worked against the Sun. It was almost impossible for penance, they unleashed a plague similar to the Contagion that affected only the guilty.
I saw a reference to them in the players guide but have no copy of "creatures of the wyld"

Number 1 has a problem... if shes in a period of seclusion praying... we'd have to change some other background material... since in the canon setting I'm QUITE Certain she knows theirs know immaculate dragons to pray to.
Hence the Mice of the SUN and there are the Dragons to pray to, she merely knows they mean little to nothing in the ways of the world. Period. She knows the Sun will be smiting her ass if she doesn't own up to 1800 years of Terrestrial decadence and purview.
Actually... there was a commando action taken by a ninja faerie... and she's now secluded in the Wyld, a plaything of one of the major Raksha rulers instead of meditating to increase her essence even higher as she was planning.
Well it's even more important that she pay penance; she's not the only one the plague will killinate, and she'd know it. The empress isn't exactly evil, she's just self-obsessed. She saved creation and kept things together, and I think she thinks she's being altruistic, albiet in a ruthless fashion.

However, for the sins of her people, the Sun may have them decimated by a plague, and she's taking the burden of their sins in the hope that they will learn of their error and repent before their grace period is up. She's trying to save her children, but to do so she must watch them fight and enter civil war, painfully aware that she cannot interfere if she is to save them.

And all the while, a little unassuming white mouse sits atop her shoulder as she watches battlefield after battlefield..

Nice, CW.
She refused to give Kejak his cut of the money, so he was forced to choke the bitch and dump her body in a ditch
Maybe she finally kicked the bucket and died of old age. Everything following this has just been a big cover up by the bronze faction, knowing that with their influence waining, they wouldnt be able to salvage the realm should it fall into civil war.
She is actually just one of Kejak's resplendant destinies, with the help of a Seed of Other Lives. Now that he is approaching the end of his lifespan, he's done some prophesy work to see how he will be succeeded, and didn't like what he saw. He has disappeared to devote time to shaping fate to make the succession work the way he wants.
She is actually just one of Kejak's resplendant destinies
That's an awesome idea, and would also explain how the empress managed to make it to the controls for the defense grid without getting fried or squished.
Battousai said:
That's an awesome idea, and would also explain how the empress managed to make it to the controls for the defense grid without getting fried or squished.
Is anyone else bothered by the fact that you can either A) go through the practically impregnible death trap that is the imperial manse to access the defense grid or B) hike up a mountain to the old deliberative senate room and hack into it from one of the terminals there.

I keep thinking of the Simpsons where Mr Burns goes down into the deepest bowels of the nuclear power plant, past guard stations, huge metal doors and every defense known to man, only to get to the final room, which is a small control room with a ricketty screen door out to the parking lot.
Stefan, dont read this.

She struck a deal with a Deathlord and was made into a failed Terrestrial Abyssal, now in between oblivion and creation ;p
It amuses me  :twisted:

And should 2e lunars disappoint me... well... I shall make a 2nd ed lunar avatar that is just as bad. ^_^

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