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So, I am an absolute train wreck right now. There's crazy, crazy things happening in my life at this point in time. I have no role-plays going on that are especially active right now, I hate joining group role-plays for more than a few reasons, and I need something nice to ease my screwed-up head.

I am looking for two partners. Again - two. No more than that. I am at my limit with keeping track of shit right now. If something screws up and I have more space, or if something gets better and I have more space, I will update this to let anyone know.

I have three simple things that I expect you to have down.

Post length. At least two paragraphs {6+ sentences}. I will occasionally give leniency on this rule, since I do understand that muses can be lazy sometimes. But I'm telling you now, you can get the fuck off of this thread if you think you can convince me to do one-liners.

Grammar. Good God, please have decent grammar. Typos are always a thing and forever will be a thing, so there's no point in going all 'hardcore Grammar Nazi' on your ass, but I want it to be understandable. I mean, come on, man.

Activity. There needs to be something understood here - I am dealing with more than enough crap to be a big part of my schedule. I do not have time to do daily replies. I may try to do that at some points, and very occasionally, I will get maybe two or three replies in on a single day. But the reason that I am saying this is because two replies on one day can suddenly switch to going silent for an entire week. Be patient. I still want to role-play with you, even if I take a while. Two weeks, there might be something happening and I will gladly accept a poke {I might have forgotten or gotten caught up in other things}. Please leave now if you think daily poking will be of any help to my posting speed.

Alright. We're past that.

Now for the pairings. But before I get into that, let me get a couple of things clear.

At this moment in time, I am looking for something very, very relaxed. I do not physically have the tolerance to handle some stress-filled adventure of death and mystery and action-packed bullshit. These pairings are meant to have very little to no fighting-and-lasers action in them, so if a bunch of battles and adventurous writing is what you're looking for, this isn't the place to find it. Go somewhere else.

Additionally, I am an absolute huge sucker for romance. I love that tooth-rotting fluff and mushy romantic fuckery. But this does not mean that I like smut, and I will not do smut. Under any circumstances. I do not want the uncomfortable, awkward burden of having to describe kinky sex to my partner. This goes in tandem with the site rules anyways. Don't be a dick by trying to swerve me into writing it with you.

For gender pairings - M/F only. I simply don't have enough experience with M/M and F/F to role-play it comfortably. Please respect this.

For genders, I can play both males and females fluidly. I have grown a bit of a tendency to play males in my time of role-playing, but note that I will have certain position preferences in these ideas/pairings, which means certain gender preferences. If I have a set preference, it'll take a good, well-thought-out explanation to swerve me into choosing the other.

Okay, now these ideas. Finally, right?

One bolded position means that's the one that I want.

Neither bolded means I'm cool with being either one.


Neko [M] / Neko [F] - Modern setting. Because fuck it, why not. It'll be cute. Just trust me.

Demon [M] / Human [F] - Another modern setting. I have an idea for this one. Can't beat it.

Giant [M] / Human [F] - Okay, this one sounds weird. Yes, I like G/T a little. Not expecting a lot of interest on this one, but eh, might as well put it in there. Fantasy setting.

Harpy [M] / Satyr [F] - Fantasy setting. I have an idea for this one. Yay.

Harpy [M] / Human [F] - Modern, more futuristic setting. I have an idea for it. It's cool.

Coffee Shop Worker [M] / Coffee Shop Worker [F] - Realistic, and modern. I have a very general setting for this one that we can expand on. I plan for it to be heart-melting with it's fluff. Prepare yourself.


Okay, done.

If you're interested, comment below. Don't message me. I'll message you when I see your interest. But don't message me first, I don't like those surprises.

Oh, and congrats on making it through this. You deserve a medal or something.
The demon/human pairing sounds like it could be a good time. I'd love to know what plot/idea you have going.
ouroborosmedusa & mikublvd -

I have already gotten in touch with the first two members to reply to this thread about role-plays. If anything happens to come up and I am open for another partner or two, I will make sure to contact you. Thank you for your interest nonetheless.
NekoxNeko is something I haven't done because it usually sounds to me as quite cliché, but tell you what, fuck it, I'm up for that. PM me if you're interested and we'll discuss plots.

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