~Alone~ (sighn ups and info)

Name: Mark Williams

Age (17-19): 18



personality: Tries to be kind to people, Hates being alone and can be very defensive of friends who need it.

Pet?:http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_ahbbkOEBQhQ/TCxJ5O_v2RI/AAAAAAAABco/imFrAjFowdE/s1600/cute-kitten.jpg Cat named Scrapes,

what weapon are you good with?:Knife of any kind, Hand to hand combat to the extent of beating an average person.

Weakness: Blood and or Death

Other:Is Shy when Sensing Hostility.
Name: Aria Cyri (S-eye-ree)


Gender: female

Looks: average height for a girl(shorter then most guys) redish brown hair, unusual amythest eyes, normal build and nimble.

Personality: gentle with people who she is familiar with, but some what defensive towards those she is not. she is somewhat protective. she easy to reason with and is a peace keeper. very practical.

pet: small cat with silver flecks in the fur named Moondance

Weapon:Bow and arrow

other: she is easy to get along with and gets lonely very easy.

weakness: guns or loud bangs, they remind her of how Chase died. (he was her closest friend and she was in love with him. untold love to be precise)
Name: Autumn

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Looks: Auburn hair, blue eyes, white teeth

Personality: Quiet, dosen't talk much, an out-cast, but very outgoing once you get to know her.

Pet?: A wolf named "Paws"

WWAYGW?: A bow, knives, daggers.

Weakness: Animals getting hurt

Other: None
(Can I still join?)

Name: Victoria

Age (17-19):18

gender: female

looks: long auburn hair, green eyes. She wares black torn jeans with knee high soft leather lace up boots. A white jt top and a leather jacket.

personality: with a badass look she tries to match it with her personality. Her dark demeanour makes her a great hunter and fighter, but doesn't open her up to befriending the few people she does meet though she desires a friend more than any thing.

Pet?: a raven called Crow.

what weapon are you good

with?: anything ranged. Like a bow or throwing knives. Good with knives in close combat too.

Weakness: she's quiet and deadly. In that way that make it hard to make friends.
Name: Toa Auwanu



Looks:6"8' 240 pounds tan with dark brown hair and hawaiin tattoos on his arms very muscular and flexible

Personality: Will do any thing to survive and does with a very shaka attitude he is usually very sleepy and hungry

Pet:Makes friends easily with sharks and has a pet water python

Weapons: He uses guards on his shins and arms that have shark teeth sticking out of them. He also uses brass knuckels with embedded shark teeth and is a master of hand to hand combat. Also as part of his culture uses native maori weapons.

Weakness:Hot girls

other: he loves to swim with the sharks and surf. He also likes to play the violin ukelele and flute. Toa enjoys to play with chemical often finding medical uses. One of his favorites being Chloroform
Name: Skylara Anaidan

Age (17-19): 18

gender: Female

looks: she has shoulder length red hair, with bright green eyes

personality: very shy, but can be brave when needed

Pet?: black panther, with blue eyes

what weapon are you good with?: Chakrams

Weakness: long ranged weapons (bows and arrows) and stong people

Other: Hey Kitsune, its me MQ

View attachment 5643

Name: Sienna Rose

Age (17-19): 18.

Gender: Female.

Personality: Ever since the War started, she was never the same. Her used-to-be sweet, kind, and caring personality, turned into a stubborn, aggressive, heartless, and cruel one. She thinks that others would just get in the way if she let them help her. So I guess you could say she was afraid. But she can't quite figure out why she changed, and why all of a suddenly she's forgotten who she really was.

Pet?: Working at the Zoo in the past, she befriended a male Jaguar named Zahra, who she worked with everyday in the afternoon. When the War broke out, Sienna had no choice but to take Zahra with her, since he was the only family she had left. (Zahra: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_Zk41rnZDdvU/TIOA_2VfwyI/AAAAAAAAACc/2W97LQgiicg/s1600/jaguar_.jpg )

What weapon are you good with?: Sienna is good with the Bow and Arrows she carries around with her at all times. She is also good at shooting guns and fighting.

Weakness: Her number one weakness is guns. Even though she knows how to use them, she despises them in every way possible.

Other: Nothing really..
Name: Allysa

Age (17-19): 17

gender: female

looks: light brown hair with natural golden highlights, about 5', dark brown eyes, wears comfortable jeans and t-shirts.

personality: childish, sweet, kind, tough in a fight and can hold her own but you would never guess it if you just met her, energetic, hates killing/death of anything

Pet?: a cobra name Deborah (Debbie for short)

what weapon are you good with?: hand gun

Weakness: kids, animals

Other: Despite her seemingly open personality she actually hates talking about herself and will only speak of her past if forced to.

Name: Jackie

Age (17-19): 17

gender: Female

looks: View attachment 5700

personality: Let's just say, right now, she's depressed.

Pet?: No pets...

what weapon are you good with?: Knives...Ohyes..

Weakness: Her past. (And she HATES anything unbelievably stupid)

Other: Learn more about her in the RP..
Name:Damian Rockwell




personality:Is serious and thinkative:Quiet but will have fun and loosen up as you get to know him.

A black raven named Shadow.

what weapon are you good with?:Blood or any type of gun.

Weakness: Lightning.

Other:He is quiet and literal.He is never satisfied and is always bored.
Name: Brady Harris

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Looks: He has tan skin and Black hair,green eyes. He is about 6'2" and 220 pounds but very compact. He usually wears a white fuzzy jacket open and jeans. He wears steel shoes that look like normal tennis shoes.

Personality: Appears to be very calm but has violent tendencies. After he knows you he will not allow you to.die.

Pet: None currently

Weapons: He usually only uses his martial arts(wearing his steel shoes) He can use his variety of greaves.

Weakness: His anger can usually set him off track.

Other: During fights he loves to play games.

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