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Fantasy Alone is Not an Answer


Just a Man
So hey everybody. You guys should check out this RP created by @Sayuri Tokage . We are looking for some people still and have a few spots. I will leave a brief summary as well as open spots, she is looking for three girls and two more guys. Whether or not she accepts more than that is obviously up to her not me. Hopefully I will be role-playing with you soon ;)

The link: http://www.rpnation.com/threads/alone-is-not-an-answer.64246/

  • A long tine ago, the world was peaceful. People and nature were in perfect sync and the different species/races all got along well. Those who could use magic helped those who needed it and watched over every kingdom. Each Kingdom thrived and every person had a place to call home. However, one day, that all changed. (Side comment: I had the urge to say "It all changed when the Fire Nation attacked. //shot)
    From a place unknown, monsters appeared all around the world, causing everyone to go into panic. These monsters, named "Xaes"(Singular: Xae. Pronounced "Shay"), attacked ruling kingdoms and killed the innocent with no goal in mind. Since they had never had a war, the world found itself helpless against their attacks, even the magicians were no good, but there was one last hope.
    To counter the Xaes, a special team was assembled. This team consisted of 11 magicians and qualified soldiers who specialized or could adapt to a powerful type of magic, Fusion Magic. This magic only worked if a group of more than one person were compatible in terms of physical and mental strength, but it was the only thing that could kill the Xaes. If one had a compatible partner, then their minds would connect during battle, allowing them to talk to one another with out actually speaking. This also enhanced their abilities greatly. If their bond together grew stronger, so did they. However, this also made them physically connected as well. If one partner got hurt, the other would feel the pain.
    Out of these 11, there was a single group of triplets, 2 boys named R and K and a girl named Z. These three were the only known people so far to be able to use Fusion Magic with more than 2 people, since finding 2 compatible people was hard enough. The triplets were the strongest group out of the others because of the way they fought, but the pain from one another that they felt was more intense. Their name: Team Sword
    The second strongest were Leon and Mary. From childhood friends to lovers, they were always with each other. Their bond was as solid as steel, giving them strength when they needed it most. Their name: Team Arrow
    The next group were strangers to begin with. They only met when they were recruited, but the 2 men, Harold and Chris, hit it off immediately. After only a few months of living together, they were close enough to be called brothers. Their name : Team Wolf
    Sisters May and Alexandria, who were 7 years apart, were the most advanced in magic. Neither had experience on the field, yet they managed to pull through and protect many of the kingdoms from the Xaes. Their name : Team Shield
    Lastly, the twins. The girl, Tina, and the boy, Titus, had mastered enhancement magic. This type of magic added on to Fusion Magic, making the user more powerful. However, they often bickered and fought, leading to terrible teamwork in some cases. Their name : Team Blood
    These groups put together were known as the Guardians. They were enough to fight back the Xaes. After years and years of protecting the world, the strongest group died tragically. While trying to protect the largest Kingdom, Dridas, R lost his right arm. The pain left Z and K unable to use theirs as well. Soon, they were overpowered by the Xaes. The three died long before help could arrive. This lost was a big hit for the world. Under their death, many kingdoms fell.
    The remaining teams worked even harder, hard enough to push back the Xaes. When the Xaes numbers finally decreased, the original team had become weak and old. Fearing the return of the Xaes, then originals searched for their inheritors.

  • You have been chosen as an inheritor of one the 8 Guardians who lived long enough to choose you. In order to prepare you for the future, you will undergo training at the underground facility of the Guardians. During this time, you will be monitored and paired with another inheritor. Once you pass training, you will then be given your team name and then sent out to eliminate all Xaes. We are fighting for good this time.

Open Spots:

Team Arrow - Leon : Taken by @@Sharpness

Team Arrow - Mary : Taken by @@Sayuri Tokage

Team Wolf - Harold : Open

Team Wolf - Chris : Open

Team Shield - May : Open

Team Shield - Alexandria : Open

Team Blood - Tina : Open

Team Blood - Titus : @@Kawashima Thunder​

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