Alloying the 5 Magical Materials


New Member
I have been wondering about this for a while, but i didnt know if anyone had ever heard of combing all or some of the MM into one material, and if they had heard of such a substance what kind of properties the alloy had? Or is it a big waste of time that could never happen?
That's a new one to me. I've seen examples of Artifacts using all 5MMs, but not actually alloying them. I don't think I've seen canonical examples of even two of them being alloyed, let alone 5.
All the artifacts with the 5 MMs in them don't alloy them, just 'utilize' them in different ways.  I think if they COULD be theoretically alloyed, we might see artifacts with that.  As is, I think alloying the metals would be it's own story-arc.
I have heard of an instance when orichalcum and red jade were alloyed in warstrider flight systems from the book WONDERS OF THE LOST AGE but that is the only place ive seen it
Don't think I've seen two MMs being alloyed before... Though, I personally would think that doing so would mess up Essential configurations of the materials, diluting their powers. :|
I think the authors were a bit confused about the meaning 'alloy' when they describe an artifact.  They say "alloy", but they mean that multiple types were used to make different pieces of the artifact, not that they were blended to make a new type of martial.  They use the same type of misinterpretation when they say round up or down for fractions, but the mathematical term is floor or ceiling.

What is Adamant anyway, is it an allow of all 5, or is it something else?
Adamant is a type of magical glass from the 1st Age (think magical diamond). Depending on which source you read, it's either very brittle, or nearly indestructible.

In the Autochthonians book it is elevated to the status of pseudo-MM, but that's an "optional" rule.
The Slayer Khatar is made with steel alloyed with the ubiquitous yellow jade, and orichalcum.

Lightning Torment Hatchets utilize teak, Moonsilver and White Jade, but there is no mention of alloying.

Fivefold Harmonic Adapters utilize Adamant and another magical material, but are not alloyed.

Hearthstone Compasses utilize jade (of unstated color) andadamant, but is unstated whether their is alloying.

Resplendant Personal Assistants utilize all five magical materials. It says nothing about alloying one way or the other.

First Age Bracelets of Shared Life utilized Green jade and Starmetal, but it does not sound like they were alloyed. Later ones use only Green Jade and work just fine.

Prayer Transiever Modules utilize Starmetal and Orichalcum, but are not alloyed. They're also amusing...pager, anyone? Not too useful unless someone else also has one.

The Rod of Cleansing the Body utilizes all but Soul Steel. It may be alloyed.

The Torc of Unified Action utilizes all five materials woven in strands together, but not alloyed.

The Slave Collar uses all five magical materials. It may involve alloying.

Omiscient Literary Advisors utilize blue jade, orichalcum and starmetal, but are not alloyed.

The Pectoral of Resplendant Speeches utilize Orichalcum and Blue Jade. No mention is made of alloying, one way or the other.

Wound Mending Needles utilize all material except soulsteel, but without any alloying. Each pair of needles is made with a seperate material.

The Essence Wall Projector utilizes all five materials. It is unstated whether any alloying is involved.

Forge Hand Gauntlets use Orichalcum and Red Jade, but without alloying them together.

The Resplendant Satchel of Healing involves all 4 materials other than soulsteel, but only involves alloying if the Rod of Cleansing the Body does.

The Torc of Personal Projection utilizes orichalcum, moonsilver, starmetal and blue jade. It does not sound as if they are alloyed.

The Woundrous Globe of Precious Stability ustilizes all five magical materials, but involves inlaying and not alloying.

The Arms of Multiple Manipulation include jade and moonsilver, and likely involve alloying.

Any artifact I've found which has involved alloying has given no material bonus and has been usable by any exalt equally. The same with items that involve more than one material and don't involve alloying. Additionally a number of artifacts invlude only one stated magical material and still grant no material benefit, such as the Shock Pike, Fire Lance and so forth...though generally such items also involve 'First Age Alloys', whatever those include material wise. Many suits of powered armor also mention a composite of magical materials, usually then ending in no material benefit. The primary strength of alloying items is that they allow durable gear that can be used by anyone, or effects which would involve multiple materials to even work. Such does not appear to give any special multiple materials bonus.
Like i mention before red jade was alloyed with orichalcum in warstriders to create essence thrusters. But could you apply the same idea to more pratical thing like alloying blue jade and orichalcum to increase the speed value of a Daiklave?  Of course some things could not mix like red and black jade.
I cannot remember where it was stated, may in Bo3C or S&S, but I recall that it stated that mixing materials was unusual, and that you lose all MM bonuses. however the bonuses of the mixed item were usually superior to anything that a MM bonus would give you. there may have been more on mixing the metals in that section of that book, but alas I cannot even remember which book it was.

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