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Multiple Settings All Your Powers (CONCLUDED & READABLE: For more info, PM! This may make a comeback!)

1. We kinda really need the money. We are not doing anything illegal.

(Huh, I like the update. You can really see the improvements over what we saw when we were looking up Coldskin. It's nice that you included a "last updated" too, so we know that the information has not changed recently.)
I can of agree with Shammy that 2 sounds more fun, but then again, since the only difference is a slightly skimpier outfit, and the character hasn't been shown to be the type to worry about appearances like that at all... It would make more sense to go with 1


Meh, the character isn't so well established yet we can't mess around with it a bit, so I'll support Shammy's decision and vote 2
I'll have to pick number 2. Knowing the author's style, I have a strange feeling something is going to happen related to uniforms.
Tiebreaker… ooh…

I pick… 2. The job seems just better overall, and I wouldn’t want people taking pictures with me. And if customers are likely to tip, then she’ll be earning more tips than at the other place.
Time passed, and it soon became pitch black outside. Mia had gotten up, walked around a bit, grabbed another sandwich, and lay back down on the bed. And that's when she finally decided that she was going to get the job at Four Worlds. "The uniform doesn't look so bad. There are four of them, one for each world! Even though I'll get paid less, at least I'll keep my dignity intact." Mia smiled and began filling out the application. Of course, it would've been a little embarrassing to take the job at Q-Tea. Mia didn't work out or anything, and often got told by her mom that she was pudgy. But who could help it if she was lazy?

Mia finished up the last few questions for the applications as she also finished her second sandwich. She closed her laptop, put it on her chair, and lay back in bed, stretching out and closing her eyes. New job starting on Monday! That's two days from now! Won't be broke for long. Told you mom, I can adapt to Keptro!

Mia took off her socks and kicked them to the side before bundling up in the blankets, not bothering to change into PJs. The lights were already off, so there was no need for her to leave bed. Before Mia knew it, she had fallen asleep.


3:14 AM


The annoying sound of her cell phone vibrating cut Mia's sleep short. Her eyes snapped open and she grabbed the phone, squinting at the screen in the dark. It was a phone call, from Elora?

"Elora, why are you calling me at 3 AM?"
"E-Elora? Elora! Answer, dammit!"
"It's 3:14 exactly on Sunday. That means they're making their rounds."
"W-What?! What are you talking about?! Who's they?!" Mia jumped out of bed and looked out the window. Outside was the same type of van that she saw earlier, with the radar dish on top and the red Q painted on the side. Her eyes widened as she saw it park outside of the building.

"Q-gang groups. Stay on the line."

Mia looked at her phone with disbelief. Q-gang? Was this the thing she heard on the news two days ago? QIERA? Is that what a red bandana meant? That was a gang, the ones responsible for putting the superheroes in the hospital? It was all making sense now. The van stayed in place for a couple of seconds, and the man in the van stepped out and started lifting his finger up a couple of times. Mia immediately knew what he was doing.

The man was counting floors.




"Hey, Elora, I'm gonna call you ba-"


A loud, sharp sound pierced the air, and a blinding flash of light bathed the apartment in a terribly bright indigo light for just a split second. Mia's phone fell from her hand onto the floor as she reacted, turning away from the window. The imprint of the bright flash remained in Mia's mind, and everything around her was in a nauseating orange tint. Everything was silent afterwards, except for the voice coming from Mia's phone.

"Mia? What was that sound?"
"I...ugh...Elora, there was this flash of blue light and...everything is orange."
"Oh my god. Mia, hide! It's a raid! They found a superhuman in your apartment building!"

Upon hearing these words, Mia froze up. She could barely hear anything, seeing was a bit of a challenge, and she wasn't sure if anyone would bust in through her front door. Shakily, she bent down and picked up her cell phone. Elora was still on the line. Elora would never leave her. Mia walked over to her closet and stepped in. Her quivering hand could barely close the door without having it rattle loudly.

"Mia, listen! You didn't register, even when I told you to. QIERA is free to do to you as they please if they find you. Stay hidden, and stay on the line. If you feel sick, don't vomit."

Mia couldn't respond. Her hands, knees, legs, entire body was shaking. Her breathing was shallow and rushed, and cold sweat beaded up on her forehead. Her fingers gripped her phone as she listened around the apartment. While her vision was still tinted orange, her hearing was coming back. She could hear footsteps in the apartment under hers.

"Mr. Rylan Davis. The superhero known as Trust. You're under arrest."

"Haha, fuck! Really? You bastards in red bandanas think you can really take me on? Bring it!"
"Come quietly and you will not be harmed."

Mia held her breath as the noise died down. It almost looked as though nothing had ever happened. The sound of four footsteps, followed by a faint whirring noise rang from below.



The sounds of fighting were very clear. Mia had never heard of Trust and was incredibly curious as to what his power was. Maybe she'd pay him a visit after the fight.

"AARGH!" The hero let out a shout, followed by a loud thud.

Shock crossed Mia's face as she realized the weight of the situation. These people were trying to murder heroes. And this was going on right under her apartment.

Mia is faced with a tough decision! What should she do?

1. Grab a kitchen knife, run downstairs, and attempt to fight off the intruders. The hero might be in trouble.
2. Take pictures of the van and contact the police department about it. They'll handle the Q-gang, and Mia will be safe.

Either option seems like it will get us in trouble with these Q peeps, so ight as well go with 1 and hope to make an ally (or pawn) of this Trust guy
The situation can go both ways. Either she gets out of it unscathed or a large consequence comes from this. A knife will do little against a gang that can harm a hero but perhaps using a certain tough hero's power can help. The other option can probably help track the Q-gang via police and dispatch other heroes. However the question is if she can make it out safe before they get there.

Psychologically, she'll most likely make a rash decision. Fear-stricken, number 2 would be ny choice.
Not sure why 1 is the morally corrupt choice, but based off our current predicament, it would be wise to just let the professionals take care of it. If Mia was willing to act earlier, then I would take the chance to help the hero while he is still alive and fighting, but it is foolish to try and take on the gang with only a kitchen knife. Therefore, I choose 2.

(Argh these choices are all so hard. I was a bit tempted to help him due to his name, but we can't afford to take risks.That's how you know you have a good quest log! :D)
1. This guy is definitely in danger, and Mia won’t lose anything by making an ally. With two heroes, they may be able to fend off Q-Gang.

Plus, it’s more action packed! :)
Heard there was a tie. I'm here to break it.

Yeah, I forgot about the superpower copying part. It would instantly make more sense to choose 1 because of that. Whatever the power is it'll make a load more difference than a knife will.

I feel like the option that would be most sensible is 2. I know, I know, action is fun at all, but think about it:

- Mia is totally shook right now. It's not going to be fun for her at all.
- What can a shook girl and a shakier kitchen knife do to help a superhero fight a bunch of gangbangers who are here specifically to kill said superhero? (admittedly I'm curious about the power and it could help but Trust is a little vague on the details here)
- Not all heroes need capes or powers. Sometimes they come in the form of flashing sirens and police uniforms.
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ot all heroes need capes or powers. Sometimes they come in the form of flashing sirens and police uniforms.
2 hours late cause they got stuck in traffic and needed to wait for the call, aknowledge it as a threat, stop whatever they are doing, get in the car... oh wait the hero already died? Oops...

- What can a shook girl and a shakier kitchen knife do to help a superhero fight a bunch of gangbangers who are here specifically to kill said superhero? (admittedly I'm curious about the power and it could help but Trust is a little vague on the details here)

which is more useful than some of these superpowers are implied to be

Mia is totally shook right now. It's not going to be fun for her at all.
all the more reason to act harshly
Aw, shit, I literally forgot she could copy powers! No wonder she's so terribly curious. Perhaps so curious she can't resist the first option after all. Yeah, I'm gonna change my choice. Gimme a second.
Steak Knife Attack / OwO What's this
Steak Knife Attack! / What is this power?

Mia's eyes focused on the floor as it hit her. The hero downstairs was being attacked. It was an opportunity for Mia to see what these guys were up to. How many people ganged up on that hero? Didn't matter. "Mia?! Where did you-"

Mia ended the call and put her phone back in her pocket.

She ran into the kitchen, grabbed a knife, and bolted towards the door. As she tore open the door and headed towards the stairs, another shout rang out from below. "MOTHERF*CKERS, I AIN'T AFRAID TO KILL YOU!"

The sound of the hero's ability that Mia had just gotten acquainted with was now louder than ever. A bone cracking sound followed by a grunt and a thud came soon after. Mia ran down the stairs, ran in through the open door with the knife, and set her sights on one of the men. Her eyes flashed silver once again as she charged towards one of the red bandana men and slashed the top part of their shoulder, between his shirt and the bandana. It was difficult for Mia to get the knife to even go through, as a serrated weapon was not ideal. Nonetheless, it was enough to put the assailant down.

"HUZZAH! NEW GIRL! HELL YEAH!" The hero grinned as he pulled himself to his feet, elbowing one of the other assailants in the stomach. The dark crimson glint of his eyes illuminated the face of his attacker in a hellish red. Trust slammed his forehead into theirs. The sheer force of the attack was more than enough to send the attacker into the wall, knocking him out.

Mia looked out the window only to see the van driving off. She tapped Rylan's hand. "Hey! They came in that van! They're driving off!"

Before Mia could say anything else, Trust tore open the window and leapt down. A crimson silhouette of his body was all that was left. Mia ran up to the window to see a dark trail on the ground. This was simply too amazing for Mia to ignore. No way...he's so fast! I touched him too, so that means...

Mia closed her eyes. Upon opening them once again, her vision turned a tint of red. She could hear her heartbeat in her ears, the rush of blood through her body, and the tension of her muscles. With one swift movement, Mia bounded out the window, crashing down onto the concrete. Surprisingly, the landing was completely painless. The downward motion of her fall quickly translated into forward momentum with her first step. It was a step that pushed Mia forwards at tremendous speed.

Mia sprinted down the street, following the dark trail of Trust's motion. She could feel the wind on her face and the struggle of the taxing operation that was breathing at these speeds. A voice called out to her.

"Hey, nice going kid! Didn't know we had the same ability!" The hero called out as he reached out to grab the back of the van. As soon as his hand contacted the metal, the back door handle crumpled. Rylan ripped it open and leapt into the van, which was forced to swerve into a parking lot.

Unbelievable. He must be blessed to be gifted with that kind of power. I think, that's his power doing it for him?

"HAHA! Take that, fat-ass!"

Mia jumped as the last of the Q members fell from the van, hitting the asphalt. She landed on the other side and leapt forwards, jumping into the van. The simple action of her moving into the back tilted the van backwards. "What the f-"

It hit her right then and there. Rylan's ability made them heavier. At least a thousand pounds heavier. She had a realization too late. The driver swerved again, sending Mia and Trust against the wall of the van. The combined weight of the two forced the van to topple sideways, skidding on the parking lot until it finally stopped, hitting one of the lamp posts. Everything was blurry, and everything was red. It was impossible for Mia to see correctly, lying on her back inside the van.

A weird sensation came over Mia. It was an odd heaviness, as though her weight had gone up at least a hundred times. The metal bent under the weight of her body. The hero stepped out, his eyes no longer glowing. He was about to go to the front to get the driver when Mia called out.

"Mr. Davis! Trust! Whatever I should call you. I can't get up!" Mia looked at him. His body looked unnaturally scary through the red filter.

"Deactivate the ability. You can't-...."

Everything went silent. Mia shut her eyes as tightly as she possibly could, but the only sound was tinnitus.

. . .

She had closed her eyes longer than she had hoped. It was 3 AM, and she was tired. The use of Trust's ability took a toll on her body, more than she realized. As she opened her eyes, she saw the faint figure of the hero from before. The van was right there, as before, though Trust was just outside, crouched down and looking angry.

"I just realized that you can copy powers. It should've been obvious by the different colors you had earlier. That's really strange, that type of thing shouldn't exist."

A low, sharp hiss rang through the empty parking lot. A dart planted itself in Trust's neck, causing him to fall forwards, unconscious.


Mia jumped and looked around. It was only a matter of time before she would get hit by a dart, if whoever was using them was targeting the two of them.

The hero was knocked out just in front of her! What should Mia do?
1. Turn on "Shockshield" (Coldskin's ability) to prevent a dart from penetrating, and run away. Can't associate with Trust now that he was targeted.
2. Activate "Revitalize" (Elora's ability) and try to get Trust back on his feet so he can get you two out of there. Mia has never successfully used this ability before.
3. Activate Trust's ability and use the apparent increase in speed and strength to carry Trust to a safe place. Remember, this fatigued Mia earlier so use at your own risk.

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While 1. seems to be the safest option, it completely goes against what has been Mia's modus operandi thus far. Plus it is illogical as it just makes us the Q gang's next target. 3. is a decent choice but if both 3 and 2 carry an element of risk, I would much rather have two heroes in a fight. It also seems that Trust is an experienced super, so we should rely on him.

So, my choice is 2. Strength in numbers! ;)

(I'm really curious as to why his super name is Truth, seeing that every other super's name has so far reflected their powers/personality to some extent. i.e. Coldskin with tough exterior and icy attitude, Kale with super strength, Zippity Zap with paralysis-causing electricity, Crackshot with good aim, etc. Can't wait to find out!)
I'll pick three. My reasoning being that in option 2 we're too exposed in a location which (because Trust was hit already) we already know someone has a clear shot on us. The only way to escape, I think, is to outrun them and hide in a safe place. Option 1 will make us betray what has proven to be a powerful, if careless, ally.

So I'm gonna go with option 3

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