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"No, If I died trying to save them, I couldn't let you be there as well..." I say, trailing off.
"Alright." I pull down the covers and motion for you to get in bed."I'll be back soon. You can have the bed tonight, I'll sleep on the floor."
He laughs softly. "Yeah... maybe." Z opens the door to begin his trek to the girls, hoping they are still alive. 
Z makes it to the camp, seeing that the girls are alive and safe. Thank the lord. He runs down to the girls and sees the rock stuck in the one that jabbed me's abdomen. "Are you ok?"
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"Listen. I have medical skills, I can help her." Z says, trying to get past her.
Era nodded. "Okay... I'll walk you through it. Pull out the rock first." She said, glancing at the boy and then back to Kale. "We might not have to cauterize it, if the bleeding isn't too serious. But if it is... For now, put the arrowhead back in the fire."

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Z Looks at Era. "I brought my kit, afraid something like this would happen... Just let me help..."
Kale nodded, and put the arrow head back in the fire, and walked over to Era. She quickly put a hand on the large rock, and another on Era's collarbone. Quickly, she pressed her left hand against her collar bone for stability, and with the other she pulled the rock out.
"You forgot something." I say, worried. "I may not me a professional, but I know enough to tell that it could get infected."
Era took a sharp breath, but didn't yell. "I k-know. But there's nothing we can do about it right now, other than try and s-stop the bleeding." She stuttered, ripping a piece of cloth off the end of her shirt and pressing hard on the wound. "If it doesn't s-stop within 5 - 10 minutes, we cauterize it, then clean it as best we can." She said, relaxing slightly as the major pain was gone.

"Is there any kind of body of water around here?" She asked Kale.
"I saw the entrance to the gulf around that corner." I blurt out, pointing to the ledge at the left.
Era nodded. "Okay, good. We'll need water, so could you go fill this up?" She reached into her backpack and handed Z a water bottle. As much as Era hated being helped, she knew it was a 'be helped or die' situation. She doubted she could have pulled the rock out by herself.
Kale blinked, she had yet again spaced off. That was weird. Maybe she was having problems that she didnt know.

"Water? YOU'RE LOOKING FOR WATER?!?!?" She calmed herself down, and said quietly, "Guys, I think you may be blind. Are you aware that there is water ALL AROUND US?!?"

She gestured at the stream right in front of her home.

(I don't know if you guys actually have never been in a ravine or not, but I happen to live right next to one, and i go exploring practically every day. There is not a single spot in a ravine that is dry.)
Era flushed. "Dude, I'm bleeding to death. Don't expect me to be at my most perceptive." She said quietly.

Taking the cloth off of the wound to check on the bleeding, she was relieved to see that the bleeding was slowing down. "Oh thank god. We won't need the arrow, so you can pull it out of the fire." She said, putting the cloth back on.

(Sorry, I figured it was dry since Kale was living at the bottom XP)
(I forgot you lived in a ravine!)

Z gets water and rushes back to give it to Era. "Here you go." He says, holding out the bottle.
Era nods to Z. "Thanks..." She blinks a few times, suddenly dizzy, then quickly looks up to Kale. "I'm gonna pass out." She manages to say, before doing so. The bleeding had stopped, and the wound wasn't as deep as she thought. It would be a simple matter to clean and dress the wound, but the shirt would either have to come off or part of it cut away to get at the actual cut.

((Sorry, had to find a way to write myself out of the scene, so I'll leave you with that. Gotta go! I'll be back later tonight or tomorrow!))
(aaaaaaaah. I see. Also, the bottom of the ravine would be the wettest.)

Kale set the arrow down and quickly caught the girl, and picked her up. She carefully rested her on the ground, and turned to face Z.

She narrowed her eyes. "Where is girl 2?"
"Sleeping at my place... and her name is Rosie." Z says. "I'm sick of you calling her that."
Cyrano was slowly going mad, sure this apocalypse had kept him busy for a while, but everyone in his old group was dead and he was getting tired of talking to himself.

"Where am I going? I don't know I've been strolling around for days and haven't the slightest clue of where to go. Well why am I walking then? Because I have nothing to do and waiting there was getting boring without people to talk to."

At that point he heard a gunshot in the distance and thought it might prove for a bit of excitement, running towards it he was disappointed to find almost nothing had come for it so far so he decided to climb a building and see what he could see. When he got up there he saw that the noise had probably come from a ravine close by with a light inside making it very obvious to any walking close by.

"Well that looks like people, let's go see shall I? I shall!"

He promptly ran towards the ravine, climbed down it's surface and began walking towards the fire.

Z jumps up, pointing his gun at Cyrano. "Who are you? You'd better tell me, because I'm not afraid to blow your brains out!"
Cyrano sighed, why would telling the person who he was in any way confirm he was trustworthy? He had already said he was human and that was as far as one could reasonably trust a stranger now. Maybe this wasn't a good idea if they all thought like that.

"Cyrano Charon, 20 years old, ex military, Male, human, bored."

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