All right, let's talk about this thing

This seems like a good time to bring this up. I've been thinking for a while now that I derive much more enjoyment from reading KoC than I get from most things that I pay money for. I wake up every Monday and Friday looking forward to seeing what's happening next. There are portions like the Alchemical town that I've read through several times. It's just really good storytelling and it is a ton of fun.

Jukashi, I want to give you some money. I don't mean I want to buy a t-shirt, I mean I would be really happy if I could just donate money to you. I know a lot of other sites have paypal 'donate' buttons on them, that'd be nice. I'm a poor college student, but I think I'm not alone in saying that I could afford $10 on a regular basis since I spend more than that on burgers, which I enjoy much less.

The reason I didn't bring this up sooner is because I'm concerned that if people start giving you money that that might make it feel like a job. I don't know really. It depends on how you process responsibility and fun and all that. If it'd sweeten the deal for you, I'm happy to help, if it'd be bad for you then I'll keep my mouth shut. Basically, I'm for anything that helps keep Keychain running. Changing art style is fine too, since it's your storytelling that's really spectacular. The other comic I read is XKCD and it's not winning any art awards.
Jukashi: your freehand drawing is absolutely, unquestionably good enough, and it's something that will only get better with time. Make the switch with no regrets: your fans are all behind you!

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